The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Manuka Honey
Posted by Noofus (Phoenix, Az) on 09/06/2017
I tried every single other sty remedy listed here for over 3 weeks, and nothing made the slightest difference until I tried honey. I used manuka honey and DMSO on a q-tip. I applied the honey (which sticks to the spot nicely) morning and evening, and by the next morning, the sty had shrunk to almost nothing overnight. Using DMSO with the honey may not be necessary, but it worked for me.
Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Sarah (London, Uk) on 07/07/2016
I had a stye on my lower eyelid that came on very suddenly in the evening 3 days ago. After reading people's experiences at Earth Clinic, I decided to rub a gold ring on it, and bathe it in green tea. I did this a few times a day for 2 days. I rubbed it for a couple of minutes with the ring, and the bathed briefly with the tea afterwards. It is now completely better. Result! Thanks everyone who contributes to this site.
Posted by Write4cure (Denver, Colorado) on 07/18/2013
Milk for eye styes: I would have never believed it. I had a steye inside my lower lid that was excrutiating. I reviewed all of the recommendations and atecdotal stories about relief on this site. After deciding I wasn't about to try to anything gold inside my eye (LOL), I thought I would try both the green tea and milk poultices to see if I aould get some relief.
The warm green teabag poultice/compress felt good, but did nothing except just provide soothing heat for the time I applied it.
The milk, on the other hand, was a super relief to me. I heated regular homogenized cow milk in the microwave (about a 3/4 cup) for a minute. It was on the high side of warm and close to hot--(be careful it isn't too hot as to damage your tender skin around the eye). I soaked a clean compress pad in the milk, wrought out most of the excess, and applied to my eye and held it there for maybe 5-10 minutes max. Within that time, the stye had broken and began to exude its yuck, and my swelling and pain was alleviated. I continued this about every 4 hours for the next 16 hours. Amazing results/relief. Super results. Who would have thought? BTW, when I first read the accounts about milk as a relief, I thought "aww c'mon"-- but so interesting that it actually works! Wow. I recommend it, because for me, it worked beautifully.
Gold Wedding Band
Posted by St (Tokyo, Jp) on 11/22/2012
The gold wedding band cure works. I was developing a painful style where I could even feel the lump rubbing on my eye. My mother had one a while back and tried the baby shampoo and potato cures but neither worked so she had to go to the doctor and have it lanced as well as take antibotics and it took 2 months to fully heal. Therefore, I decided to try something different and went for the gold band method. I had my doubts but I since I had a ring on hand and it would be completely free to try, I thought I would try it. I cleaned my band, pulled up my eyelid (the sty was inside my eyelid), and I rubbed for about 1 minute. The sty had a puss filled yellow tip but the ring did not cause the puss to come out on my eye, thank goodness. The band felt really good and gave a lot of relief, but still I thought "this can`t work". I figured it was just the coolness of the ring that was giving relief. I had to go to a meeting so I stopped rubbing after 1 minute and left. About 2 1/2 hours later I returned home and suddenly realized my eye wasn`t hurting anymore so I checked it and it no longer had the puss tip and it had shrunk and was the color of my skin. That night I rubbed the sty a little more and woke up with no pain. A little of the sty was still there but no pain and no puss. 3 days later it was gone.
Posted by Uma B (London, Uk) on 10/20/2011
My dad told me this one. I had painful sty in my eye and it was pain like someone had punched me. Warm water to first clean the eye with cotton wool. Then put few drop of warm milk on the sty in the eye area. For good measure, I soak cotton wool pad and put on my eye until cotton pad has gone cold. In the morning, the sty had burst, I washed eye with water and... it was gone! Only slight reddness, maybe one more day, but all gone.
Glad you were brought up in a village, sorry you suffered thru poverty... But this helped my eye. love you dad.
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/24/2024
Tea Bag Stye Lid Remedy upon the Eye – Put a teaspoonful of black tea in a small bag; pour on it enough boiling water to moisten it; then put it on the eye pretty warm. Keep it on all night and in the morning the stye will most likely be gone; if not, a second application is certain to remove it.
Remarks.-The infusion or weak tea, made from black tea, has been for some time considered good as an eye-water, then why not the grounds good as a poultice? I believe it may be worthy of trial.
From the Book – Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everybody by A.W. Chase MD, page 84. 1927.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julie (Waialua, Hawaii) on 05/04/2018
I've been using ACV to treat sties for years. I put ACV in a large spoon, put it up to my closed eye. I hold it there for as long as I can. Then rinse my eyes with water thoroughly afterwards. Be careful not to get in the eye because it stings like the dickens, making you literally cry! But, as soon as you flush it out with water, the sting will be gone. But I'll tell you what, nothing over the counter will heal those sties that fast! Within the day, my eyes feel better. Since using this method, my sty has never gone beyond a day or grown larger! And yes, I learned to use ACV from Earth Clinic. Thank you Earth Clinic, I come to your site very often! You've been my faithful Dr. for years!!
Heated Spoon Method
Posted by Stuart (Kamsack, Saskatchewan) on 03/01/2016
A sty developed on a Friday and it was gone by the following Monday morning. I tried a few things: gold ring seemed to offer some relief, but temporary for me. I tried using a spoon, a remedy I found elsewhere, and it worked in combination with black tea bags.
Heat the spoon in a cup of tea and remove. Wave it around until it's not too hot to touch to your hand, then carefully cup over the affected eye, like half of a set of goggles so only the rim of the spoon is touching the skin. Once it cools, reheat in the cup of tea and repeat. Continue repeating until the tea cools and you can no longer heat the spoon to a warm enough temperature.
I guess if the sty is caused by a blockage of a pore or duct, then this therapy is like a mini-sauna for the eye and opens the pores, allowing the built up fluid to drain. I could tell when it was working because my vision became blurry in the affected eye - from the sty draining, I presume - and my vision cleared within 20 minutes or so.
Posted by Brittney (South Carolina) on 07/30/2015
2 days ago I got a stye on my upper right eye out of nowhere. I felt the pain a day before but there was nothing there this is the second stye I've ever had in my life. Someone at my job told me to use milk, she said that the bacteria kills the infection of the sty, I didn't think that it would work but I tried it and a day later the swelling was gone and the pain was gone and my eye is back to normal. I would recommend this to anyone that has a sty. I used one of my today medicine droppers that I cleaned out very well and I dropped warm milk into my eye a couple of drops at a time twice yesterday and I am all better today!! This is the best and safest way in my opinion.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Brisbane) on 04/09/2014
I noticed a red rash above my eye yesterday morning and as the morning went on it got puffier & puffier (suspecting it may turn into a sty) so I put 2 Tablespoons of ACV in a cup of water and each hour bathed my eye with cotton wool and the ACV solution. It was alot bettter by nighttime. My eye was still abit puffy when I awoke this morning, so kept bathing my eye every hour for the next 5 hours and its great. Cured. Fantastic site for solutions to problems.
Baby Shampoo
Posted by Sky (London, Uk) on 01/17/2013
I can't believe how this has worked so fast! I had one stye on lower lid that had kinda burst and was still quite big and painful. I also started feeling another one was growing on upper lid which was reaaally hurting. I came across this site at about 5:00pm, it is now 8:30pm and I can already blink again and the pain is pretty much nearly all gone. My eye is also looking pretty normal! I just can't believe it has worked so well! I have an interview soon and was really worried it wasnt going to clear up in time. I am so grateful for this site. Absolutely amazing!!
Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Brad (Kansas City, Mo) on 08/10/2012
When we were children, my grandmother would rub her gold ring on our stys. It was pretty amazing how quickly it seemed to work. After about 5 minutes of rubbing the ring on the sty, we were off playing again and never gave it a second thought. As an adult I've had a couple of stys in the past 30 years and I've always gone back to the gold ring remedy. Has never failed.
My partner woke up this morning with a sty. He's flying to Chicago today to speak at a conference. Needless to say he's not happy about the sty. After convincing him to rub my gold class ring (from the 1970's when they were still gold) on the sty, the pain immediately subsided. I'm confident by Saturday morning his sty will be gone and he can enjoy his conference.
Baby Shampoo
Posted by Olglory (Amado, Az) on 07/23/2012
Baby shampoo for styes. When I worked as an ophthalmic tech, I saw many styes successfully treated with the use of baby shampoo. The basic technique is to use very warm compresses on the affected eye first - to open the offending glands - and then gently scrub the lashline with a clean washcloth that has been wrung out in warm water and has only a drop or two of the shampoo applied. If you can manage to use the warm compresses at least two to three times a day, that actually seems to work at least as well as the shampoo.
Posted by Taylor (Columbia, S.C. USA) on 06/16/2010
The Urine does work. This is my 2nd sty. My Grandmother told my mother about this because i had never gotten one before.... this does work, by the next morninq the sty had shrunk so much...
Castor Oil
Posted by chd (PD) on 12/02/2007
STY - CASTER OIL REMEDY -I developed a big sty on my eye, it was in the evening and I did not have any sty medecine, I had read that caster oil would get rid of a sty so I decided to put it to the test, I put the caster oil on with a cue tip, within an hour my stye was half the size, I put some more on before I went to bed, and in the morning the sty had gone all the way down.
Baking Soda
Posted by Kerry (United Kingdom) on 06/23/2024
Baking Soda For Styes
I have used a baking soda wash rather than the paste. 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 250ml boiled water. Mix thoroughly and allow to cool. Pour into an amber bottle and shake before use. Wet a cotton swab with the mixture and swipe over the eyelid. Works incredibly well for styes as well as allergy induced issues. ( Dry weepy eyelids due to makeup allergy). I have used this since I was 15 after a pharmacist showed me how to make it for my allergy prone eyes. I am now 52 and nothing beats it.