Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Styes: Fast Relief and Healing

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Green Tea
Posted by Hessy (atlanta) on 06/15/2022 6 posts

I've had Styes before and had used the baby shampoo, but this time it seemed to make it worse, so I tried the Green Tea Bags - I felt the stye come on that day and by evening was fired up -

Got 3 Green tea bags, warmed them up in boiled water. Got my honey ready. I took the Honey, rubbed a small amount over my eye, where the stye was and also along the eyelashes, grabbed the hot Tea bag and got about 90% of the water out of it - placed it on eye and let it sit for about 3 minutes - repeated same process 3X - went to bed! In the morning about 80% gone, so did the same in the morning - by noon 100% gone!

I believe this was even quicker remedy than the baby shampoo in the past and a lot less toxic! When I take showers now, I always allow hot/warm running water to hit my eyes for 15-20 seconds minimum and wash them out - this has seemed to help limit my styes -also using tea tree oil based shampoo and rub on eyelashes too.

Posted by Granola Jess (Stuttgart, Germany ) on 11/07/2021

Cured in 4 days with breast milk.

Once again, earth clinic folks know best. I bet any milk would work but I am fortunately a nursing mother, so I was able to use a dropper with 4 drops or so three times a day.

time line:

monday, what's that itching in my eye.

tuesday, oh no, it's a style. First one ever; let google doctoring begin.

Wednesday, it looks like someone punched me. It was a double style: a small one on the bottom eye lash line and a biiigggg one on my eye lid on the inside. Bug white head. At first I tried coconut oil and some other things that did not help or hurt. But as soon as I dropped the milk in like eye saline, I felt a little relief. I was very consistent with it.

on Friday I was driving and at a stop light, when I decided to take a look at it, and it popped as I was looking at it. Pretty gross. But by the end of the day the pain and discomfort was gone and now on Sunday everything looks normal again.

Lavender Oil
Posted by Tawny (Us) on 01/10/2016

Lavender Oil for Sty

This the only thing that worked. I tried ACV, Gold, Puracel, Pomegranate, Triple Antibiotic ointment, Hot Compresses, Baby Shampoo and can't remember what else. This did it. I didn't put it on my eye ball but I did put it on the lower lid. One treatment about 40 percent better and draining. Nothing ever did that. I had it across both lower lids. You are awesome to share this!!!! Thank you.

Castor Oil
Posted by Elle (United States) on 12/25/2015

Castor oil works amazing for styes. Once you feel the stye coming on, apply cold pressed castor oil with a q-tip. Apply liberally. Apply it throughout the day and night. I usually apply it 3-4 times a day and then overnight. You want to keep the oil on it at all times. Takes a few days or so and then it's gone.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Julia (Gonzales, California) on 11/28/2012

Wow! This is an amazing home remedy. I had the worst sty on my lower lid inside corner of my eye. It was very swolen and red. The whole area under my eye was also swollen and red. I rubbed a gold earing as I did not have a gold ring, for about 5 minutes and an hour later the swelling and redness is about 50% gone! As I was rubbing it, I could actually see the clear liquid draining out of the sty! Thank you!!!

PS: I washed with Green Tea afterwards and felt even more instant relief.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Pf (Philly, Pa) on 03/26/2012

I thought this sounded just crazy enough to work. It did!!!! It was sore and hurt to blink. I rubbed one of my gold rings on the inside of my lower lid for a few minutes before bed. When I woke up it was almost gone! It didn't bother me much at all today, but is getting a little sore so I'm going to do it again for longer this evening.

Posted by Dwight (Pretoria, South Africa) on 10/05/2011

Tea Bag for sty

Realised I had a sty yesterday for the first time when my girlfriend pointed it out to me, subsequently she had one the day before and dissapeared really quick with the use of some regular old eye drops.

Anyway, read about using green tea teabags for treating a sty. I didnt have any green tea teabags, but used rooibos tea teabags instead, I applied it twice for about 5 minutes each time then rinsed my eye with hot water (mostly just to get the remaining tea stain off my face lol), and BAM the sty has pretty much disappeared.

Flippen amazing, I'm quite surprised at how well it worked and in such a short amount of time, I was actually going to stop by the pharmacy today to get sty ointment until I came across this site.

Thanks for all the useful info on here. Definitely going to be coming to this site more often for the weird and wonderful things that people recommend.

Eye Drops Containing Boric Acid
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 12/03/2024

Boric Acid – Stye.

“ To hasten the pointing of a stye apply hot compresses for fifteen minutes every two hours. As ill health may be the cause, a tonic may be needed; glasses properly fitted should be worn and a boric acid eye-wash used until long after the stye has disappeared." Applying hot compresses will relieve the congestion and gives much relief. I'll health produces a poor circulation of the blood and a good tonic will be found beneficial. Styes are frequently produced by need of glasses.

Treatment. Use gauze or cotton and dip in ice or cold water and apply to the eyelids . A wash of hot water can be used to cleanse the eye or ten to sixty grains ( one teaspoonful ) of boric acid to an ounce of water can be used as a wash also.

Treat the stomach and system if necessary. Ice or cold cloths against the stye may abort it. If it goes on, hot fomentations will hasten it. It should then be opened up and scraped out will soon heal then and will not leave a lump.

From the Book: Mother's Remedies - Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remedies from Mothers of the United States and Canada 1916 by Thomas Jefferson Ritte

Green Tea
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 08/12/2010

I had noticed last week that I had a sty forming on my left lower lid and after a couple of days it grew to the size of a pin head and under it it was all swollen. I had to go to a party around 3 pm on Saturday and it was Saturday morning when I woke up to this annoying sty!! I immediately cam to EC and looked up the remedies on here. I found that I had some Green Tea bags and decided I would give it a try. This is what I did: I put about a cup of water in the microwave and got it real hot and put in 5 Green Tea bags. I then got out my honey and dabbed honey on the area under my sty and tried to get it as close as possible to the sty - trying to get it in the sty. I then took one of the tea bags and put it on top of my whole eye. I left it there for approx 4-5 minutes - until it cooled off and then repeated the exact same thing for all the tea bags. First the honey, then the next tea bag, etc.. I then showered and went to my party. I did have a little drainage - so I just kept a cloth with me and dabbed my eye corner. After I got home around 7pm - I looked in the mirror and the swelling was gone and the sty was so small! After I woke up the next morning - there was no problem at all! I believe in the Green Tea bags - used with honey for stys!

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Erin (Tuttle, Ok, Usa) on 04/08/2010

My boyfriend had a pretty nasty sty pop up so I ran to earthclinic for the cure. I was floored when I saw that a popular cure was rubbing a gold wedding band on it! The only thing I had that was gold was a tiny 14k earring. I didn't think it was large enough to work, but he was desperate so we gave it a shot. We sanitized the earring with rubbing alcohol, he rubbed it on his sty, and we went to bed. In the morning we couldn't believe his eye (ha)! The sty was completely gone. Thanks again to earthclinic and all the fine folks that post here!

Posted by Emma (Melbourne, VIC Australia) on 01/14/2009

I know there's some stigma over using this-but quite a lot of skin creams contain urea-one of the major components of urine. I can tell you that getting a small amount of fresh urine on a cotton wool ball and applying it to styes, works a treat-your stye will be gone in a few hours-may need a couple of applications though.

Posted by Grace (London, UK) on 12/14/2008

Previously I have used a gold ring to cure my styes, usually it works right away and if not within a few hours but it does not always work sadly. I say sadly because I am often afflicted by these horrible things.

Recently I developed a large painful sty, it was causing me great discomfort and making me want to stay in the house so no one would see my inflamed eye! I hate that feeling.

Despite rubbing my gold ring on it and applying hot compresses and warm tea bags on it repeatedly plus putting castor oil on the stye at night, it was just getting worse to my horror, it was large, swollen and red.

The following day I washed my eye with a turmeric solution and also did a steam inhalation aimed to 'open' up the stye and decongest it from the pus. I did this by leaning over a bowl of freshly boiled water with a few drops of essential oils of tea tree, lavender, geranium and patchouli- these oils are used to fight staph- with a towel on my head.

The sty was still there, that horrible creature!

Finally I tried the salt remedy. This was my last resort as this is a very painful remedy.

I put a little salt in a shot glass with some warm water and bathed my eye. I opened my eye and boy did the pain kick in! I was worried in fact that I was hurting myself but I guessed if my eye can survive saltwater in the sea then it can survive this. After that I applied externally to the bump of the sty a salt and water paste which I left to dry.

Thank goodness for salt. The salt really seems to have dried up the worst of the stye and helped to purge the offending swellings....

Baking Soda
Posted by Teena (Melbourne) on 06/04/2020 233 posts

Sure, just baking soda in a lil bowl, add water and mix until paste consistency, dip gauze or face washer into mix and hold onto eye, while lying down. You'll find it's very soothing, also I did not let my boy wash the residue after, I think it definitely helped. The more frequent you can do is best, baking soda used to be called the universal medicine, and it was after reading it's many uses, ( I lost the article however) I decided to try it. It's worked better than tea and colloidal silver. And no stinging. Sorry I didn't see your question sooner

Posted by Jim (Chicago) on 02/12/2020

Had many styes as a kid. Used hot milk compresses all the time. Always worked great! Highly recommend it.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by JKB (Portland OR) on 05/16/2019

Colloidal Silver definitely worked for my daughter, who had the most stubborn sty that would not go away, but hardened and got worse. I used to get styes inside the lid when I was younger too, and had to have them surgically removed. But the silver sprays worked. The key is to spray it 4-5 times a day diligently until it goes away. And we had tried so many different things before this.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Teena (Australia) on 03/01/2019 233 posts

Deirdre, my son's last stye we treated with baking soda/Bicarb soda and water paste. Found very soothing. Just held on soaked cotton ball couple times. I would also suggest the castor oil over the entire eye area at night.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Janet (In) on 03/02/2019

Deirdre, As I was reading your post, I kept thinking copper, I immediately pictured you with bejeweled eyelids. Golden rings on copper chains Lol. A fb friend said a copper penny in water and apply water. Years ago. Yet copper pennies are not pure copper. But a pinch of copper sulfate or chlorophyll might soothe. Just dabbed on. Green stuff in the black container is soothing. Fabulous for swelling. You cannot draw it out. Because you do not want it to open or drain. Remember when folks took that A and D pill. Most D came that way, 25,000iu A plus 400iu D. A few years ago we used l carnosine. Under the premise of Can C the $75 eye treatment. Topically on Moms eye infection from eye surgery. Powdered or open capsule l carnosine, in a little water and applied topically. If the sty remedies are not working is it an ingrown eyelash or a tiny cinder? You have had 2 mysteries, hmmm. Both are looking like infection that do not cooperate. Now I am running down my Mom's list of questions. I cannot see a thing, mold, environment, pets, chemicals, scented products. When my tooth was infected I had no pain. It just was. But I had weird skin problems that I finally got figured out. Colloidal silver poultice on the skin with a charcoal poultice first thing in the am 3 sessions with CS through the day. 2 tbsp CS internally. Of course borax water with H2O2 on a soppy cloth applied with a little solution seeping in. Just some thoughts. Janet

Baby Shampoo
Posted by Ginny (Kent) on 12/10/2016

Try Johnsons baby shampoo. A Dr. told me this years ago, and when one started up on my lower lid 2 days ago I started using it.

I use a cotton bud to apply it and repeat as often as I can - it really works.

Redness reduced and swelling going down already - Thank goodness.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Lindsey (Sherwood, Ar) on 10/05/2016

I have a stye on my lower eyelid that popped up 4 days ago. The morning of the second day my eye started to swell and it was painful to blink. It got on earthclinic and saw castor oil as a remedy so I kept it oiled up all day. By the next morning it was much worse and extremely painful to blink. The castor oil also stuck to my eyelashes and made me want to itch my eyes. After some research I decided to try colloidal silver. I dropped 3 drops in my eye and I could immediately tell that this was the cure. I bought some bio active silver in a little spray bottle and sprayed my eyes every 2 or three hours. By the next day the swelling and redness had decreased over 50% and the pain by about 95%. I will continue treatment for a few days after it is gone and will always keep this remedy on hand in case this ever happens again.

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