10 Natural Remedies for Spider Bites

Turmeric and Olive Oil
Posted by Naeriyah Jo An (Atlanta, USA) on 01/11/2008

I do know of two remedies that work if you've been biten by a spider or insect and its caused swelling and redness and pain mix some tumeric and olive oil into a paste and apply it on the infected area and it will draw out the venom and reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. This has to be done several times over 7 days. You leave it on and repeat it 2-3 times throughout 7 days and it will be an improvement.

Baking Soda
Posted by Mare (Auckland, New Zealand) on 02/21/2008

My daughters were playing outside in the garden and one after the other, they both started screaming, crying and running toward the house. I couldn't understand what had happened but they both had similar red marks on their skin. I assumed they had been bitten by spiders as there was no obvious sting. I quickly applied a thick paste of Baking Soda and water and within minutes both girls were calm and happy. Praise God for Baking Soda!

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Elizabeth (Woodbury, TN) on 09/29/2006

We've used activated charcoal many times in our family and friends for the brown recluse spider bite. Even a couple of doctors here were amazed at what it did! We would make up a paste and change the first day about every 2 hours and then the next day just a few times and would keep watching it. Usually the bite was shrunk and just a little scab after a few days. Usually we would also drink some so that we would have any poison from the bite eliminated from our system.

EC: Read more charcoal cures here.

Baking Soda
Posted by MISTI (Killeen, TX) on 09/17/2007

My boyfriend recently got bitten by a spider which caused his hand to swell approx. 3 inches where the bite was at. After almost a week we decided to look into home remedies to heal it. One of his co-workers suggested using a baking soda paste: 3 parts baking soda 1 part water. A little while after he applied it the sore opened up and started oozing. I had read about the salt and garlic cure on this website so as soon as he came home we poured the salt on the wound, left it for about 20 minutes, rinsed and applied a fresh garlic clove overnight; kept this up for about a week and the bite has almost completely healed. All that is left is a small scab where the bite had once been an open wound about the size of a dime. Thanks for the home remedies!

Dried Basil
Posted by Kat (New Brighton, PA) on 12/28/2007

If a spider bite itches, take a pinch, or more of Basil (McCormick, crushed basil) rub it on the bite until the basil is fine as sand, or until the itch is gone. Repeat if necessary. This will also keep the bitten area from swelling. This does work. I have used basil on bitten areas; and I have also used on my mother's arm. thank you.

Baking Soda or Butter
Posted by Wooly (Joshua Tree, CA) on 01/29/2008

Use Baking Soda/butter as a Poultice/remedy for Brown Spider Bite. I was a teenager riding my horse and a spider got in my long hair, when i went to take a shower, I was bit by a brown recluse spider. For two weeks my father put this poultice (size of a large patch) on me and it was the only relief I had. Who knows what would have happened without the baking soda. I hope this saves someone else's life. God Bless

EC: We emailed Wooly for more details

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