Sinus Polyps
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Managing Sinus Polyps

Treat for Low Thyroid
Posted by Yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 12/13/2018

I am astonished, flabbergasted, simply can't believe that apparently no one has left any feedback on this! Now two years after I first posted this, the huge nasal polyps that completely obstructed my nose, the endless sinus infections, are still 100% gone! After at most a few months, I no longer needed to take either the natural thyroid medicine, nor the tyrosine.

Once the polyps shrank away, the vicious cycle of inflammation/infection was done. If any of you want to breathe absolutely freely and normally again, please try this approach.

Treat for Low Thyroid
Posted by Yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 01/05/2017

An update: I've since found that rather than thyroid medication, simply taking one 750mg capsule of L-tyrosine each morning on an empty stomach keeps my nose in great shape. Can no longer see polyps in nostrils even using a flashlight and mirror. I am breathing through my nose right now as I type, my sense of smell is acute! Almost never need a tissue anymore, no longer bother with saline nasal spray with iodine, as I don't need it. Also I feel warm, more energetic, more motivated, better mood, so I believe all of this is due to giving the thyroid the support it needs.

Treat for Low Thyroid
Posted by Yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 12/17/2016

Have had polyps at least 13 years, my doctor laughed when he saw them, said "They're the worst I've ever seen! " Nostrils 100% blocked 24/7, swollen nose, chronic infections, etc. Tried prescription steroid sprays, every alternative remedy I came across... little benefit. Posted here not long ago how saline nasal spray with Lugol's iodine helped greatly.

Now it seems I've finally found the real cause and cure, for me, and I believe many, even most of you, my fellow sufferers.

Some years back I found a blog where a woman told how raising her low body temperature cured her nasal polyps (and much else). Look up "Janey Hood nasal polyps" if you want to read her story, she's not selling anything.

For years my wife and I have been taking Lugol's iodine. Now I wonder if we took too much? Or perhaps it is merely the onslaught of chlorine, fluorine, bromine etc in the modern world that has lowered our thyroid function, though we avoid them as best we can.

My wife has been on thyroid medication for some time now. She does best on one of the natural ones, derived from animal thyroid tissue. I recently saw a list of 300 low thyroid symptoms, conservatively I had 47 of them, although far from overweight (a common symptom).

A couple of weeks ago I began taking a half or a quarter of one of her pills each morning, 30 minutes before coffee or food. The effects felt subtle, but I felt better, livelier, with a more positive attitude. Soon I noticed I was no longer mopping at my nose all day.

Now I'm breathing through my nose as I type. Have not had to have a tissue beneath my nose to prevent it running onto the pillow at night. Haven't even bothered with the saline/iodine nasal spray for the last week. Believe I've found the cause, and cure. Do yourself a favor, find a sympathetic doctor to test your thyroid and get treatment. Keep in mind many docs treat the test results rather than the patient. If you test "normal" you may not be.

Do a search for "hypothyroidism and nasal polyps" if you want more evidence.
