Sinus Polyps
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Managing Sinus Polyps

Serrapeptase, Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Mikes Cullen (Ireland ) on 03/20/2017

Hi there,

Where do I start. This time last year I was put on symbicort for a cough, it is worst drug ever, once on it I got polpys and couldn't breathe through my nose after alot if searching alot of googling and spending a fortune on other meds I finally found Caitríona in Dublin's post who told me to try serrapeptase.

After buying sinus wars it's a scam beware did nothing for me like suger pills, after buying Salin Plus another scam didn't work for me, after eating loads of herbs and green tea still didn't work for me.

What did work was stop suger, up take vitiman C and start taking apple cider vinegar and honey and cayenne pepper and finally take tea tree oil and grape fruit extract with sterlised water in spray bottle and take serrapeptase.

After a while you will see benefit. I went to my ent and he was amazed how they were gone and what I was doing no surgery and have lost alot weight in process so hang in there you will get through it.

Thanks again catríona lifesaver.

So I hope I have helped somebody in same situation.

Many thanks, Mikes

Serrapeptase, Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Caitriona (Dublin) on 12/30/2016 4 posts

Husband cured and manages ongoing chronic sinusitis including sinus polyps with Serrapeptase am and pm, and Grapefruit Seed Extract nasal spray 3 times daily.
