Posted by Brian (Sth Aus, Australia) on 03/09/2014
With every due respect to Tim's conviction and noting there is no follow up post for over 2 years, it was a dangerous can of worms anyway. About 740 million people in the world are infected with hookworm and not by choice, which is viewed as a disease and not a treatment, mostly through Asia, Africa and South America. Hookworm infections have virtually been eliminated in Australia, Europe and North America. I doubt that it follows that not one of those 740 million people don?t have nasal polyps too. Hookworms have a mouthful of teeth, which is scary enough, and mature into adults in the small intestine where they ingest blood, rupture the red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body and degrade haemoglobin. Diarrhoea, abdominal pain, intestinal cramps, loss of appetite, vomiting and anaemia are symptoms. Possibly it was a loss of appetite and a reduced food intake that gave Tim the results he claimed. As an off topic, cane toads were introduced into Qld sugar cane fields to control a beetle problem. The cane toads are now the bigger problem, impossible to eradicate and infest most of the northern half of Australia, and are killing off the smaller natural inhabitants ? there is a lesson in that. Cheers.