Sinus Congestion
Natural Remedies

Quick Sinus Relief: Natural Remedies for Congestion

Posted by Jonathan (Franklin, MA) on 12/06/2020

Editor's Choice Lloyd's remedy below of steaming with equal parts ACV and water that has come to the initial simmer/boil with a towel over my head is now my go-to method for onset of colds; change of weather that affects sinuses; and seasonal allergic responses.

I had come to have a chronic sinusitis which was triggered often and predictably.

The ACV steaming not only has an immediate relieving effect but I believe it has rid me of the root chronic condition, removing old infected mucus. I am soo grateful to finding this method on EC and I tell everyone about it.

The other method I use is to put 3-5 drops of either ACV (any more will burn), 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, or Lugol's 2% Iodine into my neti pot or a refillable nasal mist sprayer combined with the warm saline solution. I'll rotate all of these methods during seasonal changes when my sinuses are more sensitive. Just fantastic!

Posted by Lauren (Austin, Texas) on 02/17/2011

To relieve sinus pressure temporarily I heat up a large bowl of water for about 2 minutes on high in the microwave then add a 4 drops of lavender oil and place my head over it with a towel draped over my head. Blow your nose when needed to get rid of some of the excess mucus. Repeat multiple times a day. I was sceptical at first but the lavender truly makes a huge difference.

Posted by Rosa (Orlando , FL) on 07/28/2007

I was miserable last thursday night, I could not breath through my nose, my throat was so irritated and swallen I could hardly breath, I tried the nasal sprays and did nothing at all. without sleep and desperate for an immediate solution, I jumped on the internet and here I found the perfect remedy, I drank the ACV and it felt like burning at first but it sure cleared up my throat. I heated some water in the microwave with at a bit more than a third of ACV and very carefully inhaled the vapors, I felt such relief right away, This is the best remedy ever!

Posted by Monique (Mansfield, OH) on 12/24/2006

Apple Cider Vinegar - Steam works like a charm! I've had sinus congestion and headaches for 4 months. Antibiotics didn't work - this works to clear the congestion. Jury still out on weather this will cure the problem, but I'm hopeful.

Posted by Millie (New York, NY) on 11/25/2006

i have been suffering from a cold/sinus infection this entire week. it put a damper on my 4-day thanksgiving weekend. i cannot take over the counter cold remedies because they make my heart race, so i've been overdosing on vitamin c and echinacea, but to no avail. finally today, after not being able to breathe and having a bowling ball headache for four days, i went online to seek out a natural remedy and found your site and talk about acv. i had forgotten about it and actually pulled out a book i have from years ago and started reading. i was feeling so awful today that i had no intentions of walking out the door, still in my pajamas and looking sick, so i called my local health food store and begged them to deliver me a bottle of acv. i drank an acv/water mixture and also tried boiling a mixture in a pot and breathing in the stream. i can't believe that i've been breathing now for over an hour (i sure hope it lasts). i had to write because this is really terrific. thanks for reminding me of the benefits of acv. now that i dusted off the book, it's staying out where i can keep on reading.

Posted by Hana (Bayonne) on 07/25/2005


Posted by Lisa (Plaistow) on 03/23/2005

I find that it works well to take a hot shower and let the bathroom steam up. Just relax and take deep breaths and be sure to blows your nose right away when down before everything hardens up again! also drink a warm cup of tee w/ some honey.

Posted by Ray (New York City)

When I get sinus pains and stuffiness in my nose I usually fill my sink halfway with hot tap water and i make sure its steaming. Then I drop a small towel in it for about a minute and then I put the towel on my face until it gets cool. I put it over my forehead, eyes, cheeks and mouth. I breathe in the hot vapors through the nose. I usually put the hot towel on my face around 5 or six times in one sitting. Usually twice a day, one in the morning and one at night. After about a day or 2 the pains are gone. All that disgusting stuff drips out.

Posted by Lloyd (Tulsa)

I have found that bringing an equal amount of Apple Cider Vinegar and water to boil, then inhaling the fumes as it starts to boil, quickly relieves sinus conjestion/infections. Just a warning though, close your eyes and mouth when doing this...the vapors are hard to deal with.

Posted by Angel (USA)

I found that just taking a HOT cup of coffee, tea, water, etc.. And puting a towel over your head and breathing the hot vapour in through your nose and out through your mouth. Relieves Breathing difficulties as well as a stuffy or runny nose
