Sinus Congestion
Natural Remedies

Quick Sinus Relief: Natural Remedies for Congestion

Elderflower Juice
Posted by Idot13 (Co. Dublin) on 07/15/2020

In reply to Christine on the acupressure page under myopia:

Posted by Christine (Virginia Beach, Virgnia) on 02/01/2009: "Modern day Chinese people have overcome myopia through the usage of acupressure massage techniques. Some of them are listed in the eBook you have mentioned. Today I started doing them. While it is too early to tell whether they will overcome myopia or not, I can tell you that my eyes already feel more relaxed, and my sinuses are draining better. Perhaps these exercises will help sinus trouble in addition to the myopia that plagues our nation."

For cure of sinuses the best cure is elderflower juice.

How to make:

  • Take one lemon and put into a pint of boiling water and let it get soft. Then put in about forty heads of elder flower and let it simmer for about twenty minutes.
  • Then let it cool or strain anď squeeze all juice out.
  • Put back into saucepan and heat up with half a bag of sugar and leave it heating until it melts the sugar.
  • Let it cool and bottle it.
  • Take about two teaspoons of juice every day.

You should be fine for winter plus summer, but it must be taken every day.

Enjoy yourself. May God bless.
