Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Sciatica

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Tap Out Stress Mary Cassidy (MT) on 05/17/2022

Unbelievable--I slept well after eating the candied ginger last night. It wasn't completely gone but I'll report back after a week's use. Super excited.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Jitendra (India ) on 09/28/2021

Candied Ginger is doing wonders for sciatica nerve pain. Thank you all.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Sally W. (Ohio) on 05/16/2020

I have sciatica for 3 years and a weak right leg with electric shock going down it. It got to the point where I was pain all the time, even at rest. I was crying at the rest pain. So I ran and got the candied ginger and in one day the pain was gone. I'm shocked to say the least. I can't believe it. I still have the horrible back pain which I don't think is better after a week. My leg is weak still. And I have pain, but not that electric sharp sciatica pain and it's not constant. It has much more movement. I could not cross my leg or move without electric shocks. Amazing!!!

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Susan (Atlanta) on 06/27/2019

I have faithfully consulted EC for years for many different ailments and remedies, but have never posted until now. Thank you ALL for the recommendation on the candied ginger for sciatica.....after approximately 5 pieces I feel like a new person. The shooting and stabbing pain is gone, I still feel some tension in my back but am so grateful not to feel the continual ache and throb in my thigh and calf. I will continue with the ginger and again thank everyone for their posts!

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Diane Powers (United States) on 04/26/2019

Ok, so I am one of the last people to believe some of the fantastic posts on any page about remedies related to relief of pain. The other night, I couldn't sleep because of the pain from my sciatic nerve. I received an email from Earth Clinic in my inbox about the new & improved site. I decided to click on it & see what can be done about the recent pain I have been having in my right thigh. I kept reading about eating candied ginger & the wonderful healing benefits of eating it for sciatic pain. I was excited to go to the store in the morning to try the "cure". I bought the small quantity & ate a piece on my way home from the store. I ate another piece right after dinner. I am here to tell you that I have no pain from my sciatic nerve in my right leg! Can this be, that after 2 pieces of ginger, relief from the pain that keeps me up at night? Folks, I am as amazed as any one could be but I am a believer now. Try it for yourself, the package cost me about 5 bucks from Sprouts here in Texas. Thank you to all who posted about this remedy. I'm going back to bed now, not because I was awakened by pain but because I was so excited to write this post. Good night!

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Dena22 (Md) on 06/19/2018

Candied ginger completely cured my sciatica. I had pain down my left leg for a while and I came here looking for a remedy. I bought the candied ginger slices from the grocery store and ate a couple pieces everyday. After the first day the pain was gone. I kept eating it and the pain stayed away. Now I just eat it every once in awhile and still no pain. It might not work for everyone but it's worth the try.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 07/07/2017

A number of weeks ago I met a lady who was suffering with sciatica. I think she is about 80. We were at a reception after one of my children's music recitals and it wasn't super conducive for conversation as it was a bit loud. I know there are many wonderful remedies for sciatica, but tried to think of something do-able for her. I mentioned that candied ginger worked for some people with sciatica. She asked me about it a few times and said she would try it.

Yesterday I heard that she felt that the ginger was really helping her! I was thrilled to hear it. Something so simple for a miserable condition.

On the subject of sciatica, an extended family member mentioned that he was dealing with sciatica. I tried to think of something that he might be willing to do. I mentioned that sitting cross legged on the floor seems to bring relief to mine.

In general, I am making more notice of my posture when I am sitting and I think it is helping my chronic back issues.

When my back is hurting I tend to want to sit back in a squishy chair. I think that may be the worst thing ever for it. When I think about what the spine looks like (from pictures at the chiropractor) I think that leaning back and other postures cause more stress on my back. I am not letting the pelvis support the spine and do its job. When I sit so that the spine is above the pelvis, I let the pelvic bones do their job.

I have a large exercise ball that I sit on some. It helps me to get my pelvis and spine aligned and balanced. (Don't start sitting on an exercise ball for long periods of time at first! ) I think comfrey smoothies are helping my back, too, while I am on the subject.

So much to learn. So many interesting remedies!

Have a super day!

~Mama to Many~

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 05/12/2017

HI YA'LL,,,,,,, slept, so I may have reported this before. My pharmacist friend at church told me that she took ginger candy for her sciatica pain and it went away in a few days. I sent this to my troops and learned that it had worked for those that had this problem. My back problem is diminishing as I worked 8 hours at the farm the other day and survived. Wish I knew the answer, but I shoot with a shot gun and just hope something works. So far something is working and I have no clue. I 'm not after answers, I'm after relief. I got a feeling that our new PEMF device is a major factor in solving my pain problem, but then again, I do so many things. Think my FIR sauna is also a factor.

What definitely has gone away is my sciatica pain. My lower back still gives out with work. Maybe 80+ years is a factor. Ticks are bad this year with the mild winter. My Tractor Driver has to inspect Honey, our Rat Terrier, after a day at the farm. Last trip, she picked 9 ticks off her. Lyme is the latest rage and is a result of our Gov. messin with Bio stuff. Are we stupid or what? Lord, hep us to get right.

ATS ========ORH=======

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Moonchild (Texas ) on 04/07/2017

Editor's Choice

Instant relief with ginger:

I have a friend who was in severe pain for at least a week & a half. The sciatic nerve in his left leg was so bad when he finally managed to get out of bed in the morning one leg was an inch or two shorter than the other. Needless to say he was in terrible mood & not all that nice to those around him. He was in excruciating pain & had been to the chiropractor, & was taking anything he could get his hands on for after doing some research I bought some crystallized ginger & took it to him. This was around 6pm or so. He ate one piece & had a hard time swallowing it, going on & on about how bad it taste. A little later we were eating dinner & he said "you know I think my back was getting better anyway" I said "oh so the ginger did help?" "Instantly! " Was his response. So he continued eating it piece by piece every few hrs or so. By that night he was acting like his old self-THANK GOD!

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Nickie (London, Uk) on 10/06/2015

For sciatica,

Peel some ginger root, slice and place in a pan with some purified water. Bring to boil and simmer for 5 minutes. You can add some honey and keep in the fridge as required. Only add honey when liquid is tepid or the good enzymes are killed.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Rick (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 09/25/2015

Candied ginger worked for my sciatica as well! Been looking for a treatment for years, finally found one that works!

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Candy 0 (Riverdale, Ny) on 11/05/2013

Eat raw ginger or crystalized ginger candy to permanent cure your sciatica pain. I was in constant pain for a year and a half, I could not run or walk on my treadmill, I could not sit for long periods of time and I am in my thirties. I was out walking along the Henry Hudson Parkway one afternoon and after 5 hours on constant walking the pain was unbearable in my leg. I sat down and consulted Earthclinic on my Iphone. I read 14 reviews giving praises to candies ginger, I limped along to the near supermarket and brought a bag of gingered candy. This was mid July it is now November I have been cured of the ailment since the day after consuming ginger candy. I have since started a daily regime of eating a couple slices of raw ginger, which I believe the best remedy, without the sugar from the candied version.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Wellspruce (Juneau, Ak, Usa) on 03/11/2013

SUCCESS!! I'm pain free.

I pray all siatica sufferers read this. After trying several suggestions on earthclinic for siatica pain the two that healed me are: taking the ginger in both raw root (minced into tiny pieces and eaten throughout the day) and ground (about a teaspoon couple or three times a day) for only three or four days the hot and cold pain that was shooting down the siatic nerve path from back, over hip and to just below my right knee has stopped totally and I believe the numbness is improved. However I believe the recommended exercises that came with the sacral wedge I ordered from has done the most to heal me. I've never even used the sacral wedge as I was healed doing just the exercises. I'll try to describe the exercises, the one I do in chair and, and the two I do about three minutes on bed on waking and before I fall asleep at night.

The three exercises:

1. Sitting in chair, cross ankle at knee, with both hands pull knee toward head while back is straight. Hold 20-30 seconds. Do other leg. I do this a couple times a day. You will feel the tug over your butt muscles and into your hip and down leg. This feels marvelous and I highly recommend for anyone who wants to remain or become more limber. In the deep reading I've been doing to understand siatica, I've learned that done daily this keeps the muscle relaxed over the siatic nerve.

2. Lay flat on back; I do have my head on a pillow. Maybe you could try with then without pillow. Draw knees up with feet flat on bed (the literature recommended floor or table, but my bed is hard). Tilt pelvic area toward your head, rock your pelvis like this intermittently for a minute or so, occasionally hold the tilt for a few seconds.

3. After the above, feet still flat on bed knees together, back remaining flat on bed, roll knees to the left until they lay on bed, then rock them to the right. Rock them back and forth for a minute or two.

I was waking many times during the night with severe pain radiating from back into right hip socket and down my leg to knee; and now I have none of that pain waking me nor none of the pain at any time.

I've had no waking pain the last six or seven nights. I've noticed that doing the exercises and taking the ginger also has my other joints limber now.

I do hope so much this helps other sufferers and that they read this.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Wellspruce (Juneau, Ak, Usa) on 03/02/2013

Thank you Namiyah from Westport, OR so much for the magnesium oil with vit E in rollon remmendation. I'm adding that to my list of remedies. I MUST TELL YOU ALL, I "tentatively" testify that I DO BELIEVE the ginger, both ground and raw, I've been taking since night before last is HELPING me. I have slept through most of the night the last two nights which is first for me in months, and though I did wake once or twice with horrific pain, that's usual, that first night I began the ginger I didn't wake with severe pain last night.

Last night before bed I spent about a half hour, 1. Rubbing my L's and lower S's and the entire siatic nerve path down leg to just below the knee where the pain ends, with cream methyl silicylate 17% with menthol USP 12% (probably 12-15 min. ),

2. Doing the exercises recommended on this site where you cross your ankle over knee then pull knee toward opposite shoulder and hold 20 or 30 seconds; doing both sides. This feels GREAT and I highly recommend for anyone not just siatic sufferers. I also did this as recommended every time I sat down yesterday and again today.

3. I also developed and performed other joint stretches in lower back and hip joints I thought would help, I did them GENTLY. Be careful.

4. I increased my B12 intake to 2000 mg morning, and an additional B12 2000 mb at evening (began the increase last night). B12 was reported on the Earthclinic under the siatica site to have cured someone's siatica.

5. The last thing I did was take about a half teaspoon of ground ginger in a finger of water before bed along with 800 mg ibuprophen. I had taken the ground or raw every three or four hrs during the day.

I don't like taking ibuporphen so will probably not take it tonight. Hoping for at least similar experience of last night.

Still awaiting the sacral wedge I ordered.

Will continue to report back. Thank you all so much for input.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Pumpkin (Garten, Sud Bayern, Germany) on 01/26/2013

Ginger has anti-inflamatory properties. Inflamation is the cause of sciatic or hip pain. However, the 'firey' taste of ginger is something that takes time for an aquired taste to build.

  • Fresh ginger will always be the best source for potassium, and pealed, thinly sliced ginger with a little lemon steeped in hot water for tea is good.
  • Herbal ginger teas are an easy alternative, and these teas do work; however, they do not deliver the full impact of fresh ginger and must be steeped longer for effectiveness.
  • The candied ginger is ideal and the sugar covers the firey taste but can present a problem for diabetics.

Tip: brew a full pot of ginger tea for the day. Use three to four slices, but use trial and error here for the strength that works for you. Place in a thermos and sip the tea throughtout the day. Let the tea cool and drink it like iced tea. Be sure to pitch any unfinished tea at the end of each day - no sense in dealing with a fungus later on.

Also helpful: Finding a massage therapist who knows how to release the sciatica is an ideal way to help the muscle relax and give the client the ability to walk, ride a bike, streach and keep the muscle toned. The key question to ask the therapist - does he or she know how to use strain counter strain in the glutes or hip muscles. This therapy along with the ginger to offset the inflamation will be the beginning of freedom. Blessings...

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