Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Rosacea

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Just Me (Vancouver, B.c Canada) on 04/04/2011

I am so glad I found this site!! .. After suffering with rosacea or rosacea like sysmptoms for the last couple of years. I tried a borax with ho2o mix and in just one night, I look the best I have in a long time! it's not "cured" but much better as it seemed to be only getting worst, I'll just say it's half gone!!! But still... Only one night! I will post back again as I go along with this... IT'S WORKING!!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ger (Dublin, Dublin, Ireland) on 04/28/2010

hi all,

following your advice on trying to clear a red face i have been useing borax mixed with hydrogen peroxide. i think its working, after a week my face is still red but it does seem calmer but only a bit. i will keep going untill i run out of borax but i guess even a slight improvement is better than nothing.any other suggestions greatly welcome for couperose skin cures. thanks

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by John (Toledo, Ohio) on 03/23/2010

I've had rosacea for at least the last 15 years - I'm 59 years old. I have used Cleocin-T, Sulfacetamide ointment, and Metrogel at various times but didn't get any consistent relief from the pustules that would regularly break out on my nose. At times these red pustules were bad enough to make me self-conscious. It always bothered me that they would come and go, as I could never figure out what the triggers were?? So I looked at this site and began using the saturated borax solution mixed with 1% hydrogen peroxide solution and approx 5% tea tree oil. I make up an over saturated borax solution in a separate dropper bottle. I shake this solution each time I decant from it in an effort to get as much borax into solution as possible. I decant the borax into a separate mixture bottle, then I decant from another dropper bottle filled with 3% hydrogen peroxide roughly half the amount that I decanted from the borax solution bottle. I then add enough tea tree oil with a dropper to make up roughly 5% of the whole amount. Think 12 drops borax solution, 6 drops 3% hydrogen peroxide, and 1 drop tea tree oil (or any multiple of that). This will yield a somewhat diluted borax solution and you may want to add back a bit of powdered borax to resaturate the whole solution - I've used the solution just as I've described and also after adding back a bit of borax, but if you do add a bit of borax be prepared to have the solution crystalize on your face - you will have to brush off the crystals as they will be somewhat visible. By adding 1/2 the amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide as borax solution, you effectively turn it into a 1% hydrogen peroxide, but I'm not sure that being exact makes that much of a difference, just as long as you're close. I've played around with a little more hydrogen peroxide and a little extra tea tree oil. In any event, I use a q-tip and daub this solution on my nose area including inside my nostrils and on my eyebrows twice daily. I also take 1/2 tsp of baking soda in water every other day to get my system more alkaline. It has made a definite difference in the pustule break outs - down about 80-90%. I still experience some redness but nothing I can't live with. I also go to a tanning salon during the Winter before I go to Florida. I'm not sure whether this has been a factor, but I don't think so. I have completely stopped using all the drugs that the dermatologist prescribed as the borax/peroxide/TT oil has worked better than any of those! I have been doing this for approx. 8 weeks so I am feeling confident that the results are for real.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kate (Pasadena, CA) on 06/25/2008

TED..Thank you very much for your advice. You provide a great service to many people.

I am a 49 year old menopausal female. I have had rosacea for about 9 years, but mostly just had redness and ruddy skin with broken capillaries. But about 3 months ago I started breaking out with this little bumps on my chin and upper lip. I avoid direct sun, but it gets much worse after any sun exposure. It looks terrible, like acne, but its not. I started your remedy 25 days ago. It has been like a roller coaster, seems to be getting better, then not, but overall I think it is slowing working. Initially I had a hard time alkalizing. I got some test strips and the lowest ph measure is 6.8, which was an orange color, and I couldn't even get close to that, so I must have been very acid. I tried the baking soda twice a day and it was barely helping. Finally after about 10 days, I was able to find the washing soda. Once I used the carbicarb formula, it went up to 8.0 in two days! So now I do that once a day to keep at about 7.4. Then I do 1/2 teaspoon of borax and 1/2 teaspoon of peroxide in a liter of water which I drink throughout the day. I also do the topical borax/peroxide every night. It makes my skin very dry and is peeling. What else can I use for moisturizer and exfoliation that won't interfere with treatment? My skin is definitely getting smoother, but still a lot of redness. Lavender oil does not help either. In fact, anything I put on my skins makes it immediately deep red in the rosacea area. Also, a peculiar thing is happening. In the morning with a 10x magnified mirror, I look at my skin very closely. These little white "pin heads" are surfacing. With a slanted tweezer I pull them out and they come out very easy. They are white with a fine root-like body, about 1/8 to 1/2 inch long. They are not normal white heads. Could they be these nanoinsects? Or just my pores clearing out? This is only happening is the areas of the rosacea.

I look forward to your advice.
Thank you, Kate
