Natural Remedies

Rash Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Don (Lakeland, Fl) on 08/15/2011


I have been combating an underarm rash for many years, especially during the sweltering humid summers here in Florida. I try to stay in the ac to avoid excessive sweating. During the winter I can control this rash with several under arm washings with a neutral soap and foot powder. This summer my rash got out of hand and it was about the size of an apple in my armpit with huge ridges and valleys. I was using various creams, ie. Hydrocortizone, zinc, but it wasn't helping.

After visiting this site I applied apple cider vinegar after washing my arm pits 3 times a day and let it stay for about 1/2 hour and then dry. It stung like hell for the first couple of days and took about a week to clear up, but the rash is about gone after two weeks of this treatment. I still put the Apple Cider Vinegar on two times a week followed by drying & foot powder. I'm using a bottle with screw top and home-made dabber with handle that fits inside the bottle. This way I can use it daily with little prep by keeping a little Apple Cider Vinegar in the bottle at all times. My wife says I smell like Italian dressing, but who cares when your in your 70s. Not much else matters but feeling good! Thanks for your website. I use it often and recommend it to everyone I know.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ellen (Dundee, United Kingdom) on 01/15/2011

I developed a skin rash whilst on holiday in Tenerife and was relieved to get home believing that something I was eating had caused it. However the rash just got worse and had spread all over my sides and back. After visiting my GP I was given 2 kinds of anti-histimine tablets and a base cream which didn't make any improvement so after 2 weeks went back and seen another GP. She gave me more creams and rinitadin to take in conjuction with the anti-histimin, again no change. I was desparate by this time and decided to "surf the net" and found this site.

I took the advice given for ACV and dabbed it neat on the rash, left it for 15 mins. Then put 1 cupfull in my bathwater nightly, also I drank a solution of 2 tablespoons in water twice a day. I cant beleive that after 4 days only the rash has gone completely. I am going back to Tenerife in 4 weeks time and will definately be armed with my ACV just in case. Thank you to everyone who posted their wonderful advice.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Beezee (San Jose, Ca) on 02/17/2010

After struggling with a rash on my rump for a month (in the crack) I was EXHAUSTING ALL MY OPTIONS. I had tried anti-fungal, yeast infection lotion, baby powder, diaper rash cream, neosporin, and lotion... nothing could get rid of the itch, the burning and the embarrassment! Thank goodness I found this site! After two treatments my itching is GONE and my rash is calming down. I am SO HAPPY! My first treatment was watered down 50% water, 50% ACV. Second treatment was pure ACV. In two treatments (6 hours) I've noticed a drastic improvement!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (St. Louis, MO, USA ) on 02/02/2009

My lady friend developed a severe case of some type of yeast or fungus overgrowth. It began as a red area under one breast, and soon spread to both breasts, upper chest, stomach and groin area. I suspect a recent injection of steroids (to relieve poison ivy) to be the cause, but that is only speculation. This rash was severe. She was Dr. prescribed a cream and then a powder-- with little effect. I recommended the Apple Cider Vinegar Cure, along with making sure the affected area stayed clean and dry. We applied (again, use only), organic, unfiltered, non-pasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar. She applied the ACV directly to the affected area. It is important to note that applying the ACV to a severe rash is Very Painful! I suggest that if you cannot tolerate the pain, you might start with a diluted (50%?) mixture until some of the "rawness" disappears. RESULTS: 100 Percent CURE! Absolutely amazing. She continued the application for about two weeks, with results beginning immediately. Her skin dried completely, the rash and finally the redness disappeared. Thank You Earthclinic, Thank You Ted!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 06/05/2008 495 posts

If you are/were using baby wipes, have you considered that the rash on your little fellow's tush might be from the chemicals in the wipes? If it continues, I always loved the healing of A & D ointment, also I would stop the wipes, using only a clean wet wash cloth instead of wipes and see if it stops the rash from returning!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gill (Warrington, UK) on 03/13/2008

Hi I'd just like to say a big thanks for the ACV treatment for skin rashes/ perioral dermatitis. I developed a strange red bubbling rash on one side of my chin, every time I woke up I had more and more bumps. The dcotor prescribed a steriod cream which made the rash go away but when I stopped using it it came back worse. They then prescribed an antibotic solution which gave me a huge burn mark. I was so upset that I spent all weekend in my room and couldn't even let my boyfriend look at me. In desperation I tried the ACV remedy. I started slowly and initially had 1teaspoon in water 3 x a day and now have worked up to 1 tablespoon 3 x a day, I also soaked a cotton wool pad in ACV and applied it to my chin twice a day. Within 1/2 a day of applying this to my skin the rash had started to become less red and raised. It's now day 5 and apart from a small pink mark where the worse of the burn was, the rash has gone without a trace. Can't tell you how happy I am! My boyfriend thinks I'm mad though - been trying to get him to take ACV to help with his cold / flu but he won't touch the stuff. I will be passing on your site to all my freinds and family in the UK. Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Don (Missoula, Montana) on 02/20/2008

Here is my 2 cents. I have had an ongoing rash on my cheeks on both sides of my nose for about a year off and on. I considered spices and alcohol as culprits but even stopping both completely did not solve the problem. I read about ACV here and had nothing to lose. 3 days of topical use and my face cleared right up. That was over a month ago. (I have added spice and alcohol back with no problems) And in case you are wondering about the drinking.. it is only maybe a bottle of vino per week. Also the ACV was not the mother" but regular store bought stuff that did leave a nice burn upon application. ONE MORE USE: 2 weeks ago bringing in wood for the fire. Something on the wood left an immediate skin rash on the left inner arm where I was carrying the wood. Red, bumps, itch..... ouch! I mixed up white vinegar with baking soda and applied and the itch left, the swelling went down and the rash was gone in 2 day.. 3 days later it reappeared and I reapplied just white vinegar and it is gone. Not sure what was on the wood.

Coconut Oil, Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Believer (Boston, Ma Usa) on 09/23/2009

Dave~ I've had a rash on my leg for about a month; about 4x7 inches. It literally appeared overnight was very itchy. I tried ACV and also tried Coconut oil with no luck. I finally went to the Doctor and he prescribed "nystatin - Triamcinolone Acetonide" ointment. That was two weeks ago and I just renewed the prescription. The itching is considerably better but the rash is still very red and ugly. I'm going on a cruise next week and I'd given up all hope of being able to wear shorts. Perhaps out of desperation, I tried your cayene pepper and coconut oil paste last night. I applied it to the rash and put a large gauze pad loosley over it. When I woke this morning, there is absolutely no itchng and the rash is about 50% GONE. I'll try another application today. THANK YOU

Coconut Oil
Posted by Donna (Tunnel Hill, GA) on 02/11/2007

The rash I had lasted for almost two years--tryed everything--natural--I do not like the medical field at all--so a friend of mine who is very much so into alternative medicine started researching about skin--well needless to say she came across and Idia site that said mix tomato juice(organic) and coconut oil(organic) to the rash--the rash was all over my body--I was in so much pain from the rash I was crying--so I mixed it in the blender--put towels down in my bathtub--so as not to make a mess--my husband bless his heart--took a big cooking spoon and pored it on me--as he was pouring I was rubbing it in--yes it had a very much so tingling effect--but we didn't stop--we did this for about 15 minutes--then I didn't wash it off we just kind off blotted it--put on some clothes I didn't mind messing up--the next morning the rash was almost gone--I did the treatment one more time--as of this day which has been about a year--I have seen no signs of the rash--hope this will help someone else--Donna

Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda
Posted by Chica (Chicongo) on 04/24/2023



Activated Charcoal
Posted by Dawn (Canada) on 03/29/2021

I had a reaction to antibiotics that was like a serve sunburn all over my body. It did not go away. I tried so many things. What relieved it finally, after 3 months of suffering, was charcoal capsules. I took 6 - 450 mg activated charcoal capsules in one dose and started feeling better the next day!

I took that for about 5 days.

Make sure you drink enough water and follow directions on bottle (if you take medicine and supplements take them 2 hours before or after).

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Anon (Us) on 08/20/2018

I developed a rash under my breasts when I had to wear the same nasty, sweaty bra 2 days in a row. Isopropyl alcohol made it worse. Lugol's 2% iodine didn't seem to do anything. Ted's mange remedy (peroxide and borax) has nearly cleared it in about four days. The very first application made a very noticeable difference. I just poured some in my hand, rubbed it in, and put a clean bra on before it dried to help disinfect the bras, too. Reapplied it occasionally throughout the day each day.

Posted by Diana (Ca) on 09/17/2016

I have been drinking borax, about 1/4 tsp in a glass of water in the morning for about a week. Haven't noticed much change yet.

Last night, I was in pain after two nights of a rash with welts and itching on my thigh. Maybe heat rash, but the weather has been cooler. I got up and took a hot shower and rubbed Borax on my skin and the rash on my leg and rinsed. I felt no more itching and pain afterwards and was able to sleep through the night and the welts have gone down to almost nothing. Today, there is no itching and minimal raised skin.

I will continue with a bit of borax in hand to scrub the skin if I feel the heat rash coming back.

I have dealt with heat rashes for the past 10 years and eliminating soap and skin products has had little effect. I bought the borax last week when I finally found a store that carried it.

I'll post updates if I have further problems.

Calamine Lotion
Posted by Sammy68 (Cincinnati, Oh) on 04/14/2014

I recently started working out at a gym. When I work out, I get extremely hot and sweaty, especially the back of my neck where the hair is shorter and comes loose from my pony tail. I started noticing a itchy, prickly, stinging feeling during my workouts on the nape of my neck. Then I developed this raised, scaly, itchy, bright pink rash. It started to spread down my back. I tried ACV, coconut oil, anti-bacterial cream, tea tree oil. Nothing was helping with the itch and it continued to spread. This had been going on for about 3 weeks. Finally I bought some calamine lotion and a product that is cornstarch and calamine that you sprinkle on like baby powder. Voila! After about 3 days the rash is nearly gone! I've also been using the calamine lotion and powder around the folds of my ears, which have been itching me like crazy for years and it is really helping to control the itch there too.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Dude (Canada) on 08/21/2013

Coconut oil is awesome!! Painful rash between my legs went away less than 12 hours!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Boomchicka24 (Canada) on 03/16/2014

Hey listen! Quit chemotherapy! Please I have seen people's health deteriorating using that poison! Please use anoda/graviola juice. I would prefer fresh. Type anoda fruit on google. That's harmless obviously and a beautiful cure. I just want to help at least one person if I can't help the whole world :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teege (La) on 03/17/2014

I don't know why folks say stop the chemo. In my case, I'm not the one taking it but I am the one trying to fix the things I have control over. My loved one chose chemo. I just want to know how to relieve/ease his pain. Also, you can't undo a lifetime of bad influences just by starting today to take good care of yourself. My loved one was exposed to agent orange, asbestos, jet fuel, starvation as a pow--I'm just trying to make his last year(s) comfortable.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Coko Brown (Monroe, Louisiana) on 06/20/2012

ACV worked when nothing else would. I have a rash on my face from detoxing. I tried coconut oil, oil of oregano, and black castor oil. I then remembered Earth Clinic and came to the site to see what others have tried with success. The ACV has reduce the rash by 30-40% in 1 day. I will continue use it 2-3 time a day until it's gone. Thanks Earth Clinic! I've gotten great suggestions from this site.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tony Baloney (St. Clair Shores, Michigan) on 12/13/2015

Hi R. The sad truth of the matter is that the medical industry is just that. It has become an industry for SOME. Not ALL. The fact that they don't know the simple solutions and cures is of no surprise. MOST medical doctors do not know anything about nutrition because it is an elective while they are in school, so they don't bother. They only know what the so called nutritional guidelines (designed by lobbyists and lawyers a.k.a. the food pyramid), says to do. Not the destroying effects of the sugars and grains.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Cocoandrico (Kingston, Ny, Usa) on 10/17/2011

Aloe Vera is safe to use and can offer some relief from diaper rash. It's antibacterial, antifungal, and very soothing for many types of skin irritations. To make your own Aloe baby wipes (it's easy, not to mention cheap) check out: http://www.aloeplant.info/aloe-for-diaper-rash-2/

Posted by Sasha (Portland, US) on 04/11/2014

I was sick for over a year, had many tests and even a food allergy test scratch test and blood test and then my ND told me those tests were only 50% accurate, I had a rash off and on and just general itchy skin, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea weight loss, brain fog fatigue, weakness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and wheezing, I thought I was on my way out in fast order, The elimination diet was suggested and I did it, Elimination diet is just rice, chicken, turkey lamb, all vegetable except night shades, I was also allowed onions and garlic, of course water and olive oil blueberries and pear that is all I ate for two weeks then I reintroduce one food at a time wheat for 1/2 day and see how I feel then back on the diet for 3 1/2 days then soy 1/2 of day, then back on diet for 3 1/2 days then dairy, corn , sugar, citrus etc...this diet helped so much to figure out the cause of all my symptoms an it is best to stop all gluten for at least six months to really see a turn around . I also did a long term gentle parasite cleanse with colonics. These things all turned my life around . I would suggest elimination diet to anyone suffering with rashes.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kathie (Houston, United States) on 05/16/2011

I got a rash on my face after eating three grilled cheese sandwiches... What can I say, but I am gluten intolerant and when I cheat, I cheat big! The rash started on my right check (it looked like rosacea - red, bumpy and crusty) and it spread to my forehead, the left side of my nose and around both eyes. I disolved borax in peroxide and put that on my face. It worked everywhere except around my eyes (I did not use as much there because I did not want to use it so close to the eye and it was very drying). I followed up with castor oil around my eyes and in just one day I have seen a huge improvement! I have read here that many like castor oil to take care of there facial skin. I am tempted to use it as well. My question is, isn't castor oil a mineral oil and we should not use mineral oils on our skin? I thought that we are only suppose to use vegetable type oils on our skin.... I WOULD LOVE SOME FEEDBACK!

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