I started with organic ACV from the grocery store. It was $5.00. I mixed 1/2 cup ACV with 1/2 cup water, grabbed a paper towel and dabbed it all over my body. It stung badly, but my rash was pretty itchy at the time. In literally TWO MINUTES, the swelling of my bumps decreased dramatically, so much so that I started taking pictures to send my mom.
I went to bed, woke up in the middle of the night itchy again, so I dabbed myself liberally again (it still stung), and the itching stopped again after about 2 minutes of hopping around and swearing. Thye next morning I woke up to a very diminished rash! Over the next three days, the big bumps flattened and dried. Then they started peeling and fading to nothing. The second day, I stopped dabbing with paper towels, and started taking 15 minute luke warm baths, morning and night, with about 4-5 cups of the good apple cider vinegar. I also got a spray bottle for any itching emergencies that came up during the day. After the third day, there haven't been any! The transformation has been so rapid and so remarkable that I went back to my doctor. She confessed she has pretty severe eczema, has been on steroid reams for a long time to very little use, and will now try ACV!
Thank you, so much, all the people who contributed their stories! If there hadn't been so many people who told of their success, I'd never have tried it myself. I'm a changed woman! And now, I'm curious -- what other home remedies are there that I never knew about?
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
I found a recipe for a long hot bath with 2 cups Borax and 2 cups Hydrogen Peroxide in it.
The rash disappeared immediately but the bonus was I'm old and have a lot of chronic pain in the body and the bath seemed to have alleviated that so I looked it up on some Science site and sure enough, Boron is a bit of a miracle in regards to many ailments. Also read some Amazon reviews and people said Boron was reducing or healing their Arthritis.....it used to be in our soil...but no more!
Apple Cider Vinegar
NOPE! It only made my skin worse and the rash spread from the back of my neck to the front. Now I looked terrible and the rash was painful. So I figure if ACV is the cause then the opposite must be the cure.
I took some coconut oil and baking soda and made a paste. Put that all over the rash and let it set for about five minutes. It stung and burned but I was already suffering from the ACV treatments which were worse.
Well I took a shower, washed away all residue of the paste and gently dried my skin. Once it dried it was very DRY. The rash was already healing from drying out. That night it crusted over with scabs and today my skin is still dry and by tomorrow I should be able to peel the scabs away. Hope so because the scabs are stiff and look horrible.
Thank goodness I didn't keep up with the vinegar thinking it will work eventually. Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. I just want people to know that if you have a bad reaction to something STOP and rethink the situation. Don't just keep going because other people said it works for them.
Anyway, the type of skin irritation I had didn't take to ACV, but ACV still works for other ailments for me.
Well. I thought that perhaps I am immune to nettle. Or perhaps it wasn't nettle. I came home and checked pictures and am pretty sure it was nettle. It had the little thorny things and the right shaped leaves and flowers....
Then I remembered that I have been drinking nettle tea. I had a couple of cups yesterday and at least once cup so far today. Nettle tea is an antidote for the nettle rash. Maybe drinking it ahead prevented the rash. It is a natural anti-histamine. You do take anti-histamines to prevent reactions.
We have seen nettle help with seasonal allergies and hives. And now I think you can prevent a nettle rash by drinking it ahead of time.
~Mama to Many~
Butt Paste
Apple Cider Vinegar
Arnica Gel +
My dog injured his leg, came in the house limping, and someone on EC said they had used Traumeel on their dog and it had healed. Looked up Traumeel and found out that it was now called T-Relief. Bought some of the cream and put some on my dog. It healed him right away so while I was putting the cream on my dog, I thought to myself that I should try it on my face. The ingredients listed were wonderful healing herbs so maybe it would work on me even though it wasn't meant to heal a rash. Put some on my rash and it didn't sting so I knew I could use it but didn't know if it would heal the rash. Several hours later I could tell it was working. I put it on again that day and 2 more times the next day just to be sure it healed completely. It's all healed.
Sea Salt
Back to bed for me! Thank you earth clinic and the many people who have posted of your experiences. ACV is definitely a need to have, not only in your kitchen, but also in your bathroom cabinet.
Activated Charcoal
I took that for about 5 days.
Make sure you drink enough water and follow directions on bottle (if you take medicine and supplements take them 2 hours before or after).
We tried a low histamine diet along with about $1000 of supplements and creams, even a trip to the beach in February! A week at the beach helped a lot, but we couldn't stay there forever, and I was praying for a miracle.
Fast forward six months...Our miracle came in the form of colostrum. We ordered the expensive stuff off amazon and it started working very quickly. Within a week all the sores and rashes were starting to heal. She also got her energy back and I got my little girl back!
She can now survive off the cheaper colostrum, but for ease of use, we order a spray version and she takes it every morning. We went on vacation and forgot the colostrum. After three days, she started getting tired again, so for now, it's part of her life indefinitely.
Part of the long version of her story is how this reaction started.
She has fought eczema since birth (elbows, knees), but after discovering fresh, grass fed cow milk, it all went away. She gained weight and her skin was so smooth. Years later, however, in my overmothering efforts, I started making fermented foods: sourdough bread, kefir, pickles, probiotics, and feeding the kids lots of grass fed beef gelatin. It's suppose to be really good for you right?! Well, it was great, for me and the rest of the kids! But it sent my eleven year old into histamine shock! The short list of what we tried involved most of the remedies here on earth clinic.
I didn't realize what was going on at first, but when I (out of desperation) gave her a Benadryl, she cleared up quickly. Researching further, I found histamine intolerance information and light bulbs started going off. Life is better now. And the colostrum has allowed her to enjoy her childhood again!
I pray this review truly helps another as this website has helped our family so much!
Nettle Tincture for Contact Rash
I gave him 1/4 teaspoon nettle tincture in a little water. I had him hold it in his mouth for several seconds before swallowing. The relief came very quickly.
I don't know if it was nettle that he touched or something else. But Nettle tincture should work for its own sting, plus allergic reactions to all kinds of other plants and irritants. One son used nettles daily for a year for allergies. After that time his reactions to poison ivy were much less.
Hmm..I don't think I have used nettle tincture for poison ivy before. I will have to try it out. I am sure one of my children will get into some soon; they seem to be good at finding it even though I am the poison ivy police around here.
To make nettle tincture, I put the dry nettle leaf in a jar and cover with vodka. Let it sit for 2 weeks. Strain out the leaves with a coffee filter. The resulting tincture will last for years. It is wonderful to have on hand.
~Mama to Many~
Neem Oil