Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Parasite Treatment and Prevention

Cysticercosis Remedies
Posted by J. (Wisconsin) on 12/24/2013

I'm hoping Ted or who ever else has advice would be so kind to give their input....

Our highly functioning autistic child had what we thought may have been an aura hemiplegic migraine. His left side seemed somewhat paralyzed and he had splitting headache. He recovered in 2 days. At the hospital his EEG showed slowing on the right side of his brain. Three weeks later a repeat EEG is now also showing 'spiking'. Any idea what it could be? Might it be cysticercosis?

Coconut, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nancy (Manitoba) on 04/27/2017

Black walnut supplements kill parasites and wormwood kills off the eggs. No use killing only parasites. They constantly multiply.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Tg (Summit) on 01/23/2014

I would think that any raw, unpasturized, natural vinegar with the mother would be fine and interchangable with apple cider vinegar. The point is to have it raw and unpasturized.

Posted by Clare (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/05/2013

I have contracted cyclospora parasites from eating raw vegetables that were not properly cleaned (my fault! ). Does Ted know any nice simple drug-free cures? Thank you!!

Posted by Fred (Toronto) on 08/07/2013

I was really hoping to see some responses for this question. I'm sorry to say that I don't have any remedies to offer, but I can tell you something that has not worked for me. I tried grapefruit seed extract in water (7 drops, three times a day). I tried this routine twice, each for about a week at a time, and I did not see any difference.

Posted by Clare (California) on 08/09/2013

Does anyone have any cures for cyclospora? It is a parasite contracted from raw vegetables.

EC: Hi Clare, please see the 2 responses to your post from 8/5/13.

Posted by Clare (Los Angeles) on 08/10/2013

Thanks so much for recommending DE. Now if I can only find it!!

Posted by Katrina (North Vancouver, Bc) on 08/10/2013

Try natural pet food stores. That's where I get mine.

Posted by Shonni (Stans, Switzerland) on 03/20/2021

Hello Oregano, what would then kill of the parasites protozoans, blastocystis hominis if DE doesn't work?

Posted by Mrs. Hill (Fayetteville, Ar) on 08/13/2013

Oregano, do you think DE helps with internal parasites? I recently read that it won't work when it is wet (therefore won't work for internal worms) but have read so many places that it DOES work for internal worms. Thanks! Mrs. Hill

Posted by Clare (Los Angeles) on 08/13/2013

Thanks, "Oregano". Will try your recommendations... If I can find pomegranate peel. I suppose I just peel a pomegranate, right? After thoroughly scrubbing the bejesus out of it....... Can you tell me just how one ingests them? And how often? Thanks!

Posted by Kimbo (Cumbria ) on 05/14/2016

Hi, I've just seen your post I lost all hope of the doctors doing anything to help as I'm sure they think its all in my head. I've been suffering with these now for months I have no idea how they first entered my body but managed to rid them the last four times I had them I caught them this time of my ex partner and am unable to rid myself of them im a clean person as I suffer ocd I have no animals and I bath in bleach due to my ocd. I have thrown out my old sofa and bought a new one and purchased new mattress I have tried ovex many times no joy.

I am now 5 and a half months pregnant and am needing to rid myself of them completly before he is here. I also have a 7 year old. I'm petrified of infecting her with the dreaded things... is there anything you can suggest any help you could offer would be amazing. I don't have a bad diet but cannot fully cut out sugar as I am diabetic. I do consume coconut oil... any thing you could help with would be amazing.

Posted by Lisa (Illinois) on 09/28/2016

Hey, if you haven't found relief yet, try a homeopathic remedy called Cina 200. I suffered for quite awhile until I found a site that recommended it. Any good health food store should carry it, but if not, you can order on line. Best of luck.

Essential Oils
Posted by Olea Z. (Spain) on 02/14/2015

Hi, I am happy to hear your results on this protocol, I am curious as to how much EO you were taking and which herbs too if you don't mind sharing, thanks

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Mermaid (Netherlands) on 07/10/2013

Hi! I was diagnosed for dientamoeba and his friend blastcystes. I took als silverwater, but it did not work out. I took a spoon/ hour. Do u have any suggestions?

Posted by Breathe (Shefford, Beds, Uk) on 05/23/2013

Hello, found y'all by pure coincidence... Woke up this morning, around 0530 GMT (I live near London.), chest pain, similar to heartburn, but could not take in a full breath. Have been hit with Toxoplasmosis, one bout of continuous coughing(lasted three weeks), and numerous chest complaints since winter. Still have runny nose, swollen sinuses, pain in R ear, and down right hand side of neck. Wheezing and coughing, and feel constantly cold. Doc took temp a couple of weeks back, said it was 36.5c (less than 98.6, definitely... )Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 05/24/2013

Hi, Chest pain and the urge to take in deep breaths can be indicative of anemia. A blood test will tell you your red blood count and ferritin level. I would refer you to your Doctor as Chest pains always need looking at straight away.

Posted by Oregano (North York, On, Canada) on 05/24/2013

Hi, Sorry to hear that you re so sick. You should try Traveler shield. It is a product from Nepal I think. It is amazing for parasites and traveler diarrhea. It really works. Good luck.

Posted by Meliiiii (Oregon, United States) on 10/20/2017

So sorry you were going through this and hope you're doing better. I wanted to suggest including really common traditional herbs and foods if you can. Garlic, elderberry, nigella sativa, raw coconut, food grade diatomaceous earth and turmeric are good for most people, and if you tolerate them should have a protective effect longterm. Avoid sugars, dairy, meat, grains, fruits, honey, maple syrup in general, except combined with curative supplements and spices...this may suppress growth of microbes, fungi, and parasites and reduce scattering. Best wishes

General Feedback
Posted by KT (The Usa) on 05/18/2013

Dead Parasites? Maybe this should be posted under IBS and BV because of complaints about odor. Is it possible that dead parasites produce such a horrible odor that it is misunderstood where it is really coming from? Once in awhile I would get an odor like something crawled up inside me and died. Maybe something did! Sometimes I'd have such inflammation that I would have to use two ointments for two areas. Odor and inflammation not always at the same time. I have very limited income and have to try to make due with what I have here. I'm still experimenting but read that creating an uninhabitable environment is best and with the proliferation of GMO's it is becoming more difficult but not impossible.

Just trying to share as I learn.

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 05/19/2013 2063 posts

Kt: Have you done any type parasite cleansing ie medications??? If so, that would explain a "die off" odor from them. If not, you might need to do a colon cleanse as well as gallbladder cleanse. Increase fiber and maybe take some clay or activated charcoal to assist in removing the bad stuff.

Another possible culprit is tissue damage. Are you taking any type of high toxicity medications like acetaminophen or cholesterol lowering drugs (statins)??? Also, exposure to heavy metals can also cause necrosis. The main organ in the above situation would be the Liver. I have, upon several occasions, experienced liver necrosis after a chemical assault (as noted by that terrible odor).

General Feedback
Posted by KT (The Usa) on 05/19/2013

No, no type of cleansing. I haven't had a problem with odor for quite awhile but thought I'd mention it because of recently reading so many complaints about it here (EC). Just one of my brainstorms... wondering if decomposing creatures could be the cause.

General Feedback
Posted by KT (The Usa) on 05/19/2013

CORRECTION Timh... I used to take antibiotics for UTI prevention (after intimacy w/hubby) but since I had been taking dry mustard, turmeric, ginger, garlic and onions I seemed to have less flare-ups. I thought I had read that turmeric was a good liver cleanse. I was using it so much I tried to find out if there could be any toxic effects but did not.

Schistosomiasis Treatment
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/01/2016 2063 posts

Sharon: An herbal combination may prove effective and if not an added Zapping should. For more info read here:

Giardia Remedies
Posted by Alice (Solola, Guatemala) on 02/22/2013

Hi, Since several years, since I live in Guatemala, I have problems with Giardia. The first time I nearly died. I did a lot of research and know it has to do with the Candida I have since my childhood. In the last year I did a lot of detox, and I think my Candida is nearly gone. I changed my died, no more gluten, no sugar, no milk, meat, other animal products. The main problem I have now is, I am pregnant... And have Giardia again. I am doing garlic and MSM, ACV, and other things, it is helping but not really curing the Giardia. I still feel weak, sick and so on. I am in the 8th months now and I know I cannot take the really powerful herbs like wormwood. So I wanted to ask you, for recommendation. I would really appreciate it. Thanks a lot! Alice.

Giardia Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/23/2013

Alice, you can start with a handful of pumpkin seeds daily.

Giardia Remedies
Posted by Jane (Alexandria, VA) on 01/06/2023

Eat pumpkin seeds.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Heavenlychoirs88 (London) on 02/05/2013

H2O2 for parasites - is it effective enough?

Hi, my symptoms are: massive bloating, soft yellow stools and gas. Please can someone help me. I recently did a metametrix test which only showed up I have the pin worm parasite but since then I have found a flat thing in my stool 2cm long and a roundworm about 3 cm long. I have started the H2O2 therapy but am wondering how long does it take to see results and is there any other effective, all round parasite killer. I want to kill of any protozoal type of parasites too - apparently H2O2 kills them as well. I just cannot live looking like I am 10 months pregnant after I eat any food. Please help me.

General Feedback
Posted by Donna (Pleasant Shade, Tennessee, USA) on 01/29/2013

My husband is a vietnam vet who we have taken to a VA Dermatologist. His official medical exam papers list bilateral epididymitis. I am taking this document to ask for the appropriate World Health Organization drugs listed in this article medication for this particular filarial affliction. We will see what they say. The official US gov health officers vs the W. H. O. who have cleansed Sri Lanka of this affliction in 5 years. It is cured and clean.

Here is the link to the documentation. Http://

I have been appropriating many herbs since 1976 for my family. We were using Black Walnut Leaf tea in our coffee before the Derm stopped all uses of anything but water on his skin. So be it. She precribed a double dose of prednisone to cut the rampant inflammation which it did but the strands of fibers are driving him crazy, coming out of his head and face and nose. He has put olive oil on his head. The Eucerin lotion she allowed him did nothing. Today will be the acid test on who will win for truth and justice; The W. H. O. Procedure or the 'lobsters crawling out of your ears' treatment of the american medical community. Forget the CDC. They are funded by the same people who gave us the World Trade insects. Take heart southern states, the book of Revelation says "the earth helped the woman" meaning, all believers, and the bible belt believers where the brunt of the now tropical environments for these world trade insects are trying to take us. We must enjoy the plants of the Creator it seems, and reckon them as "help". Love and prayers to you all who are in affliction and those who are to help us.

General Feedback
Posted by Jenna (Florida) on 10/05/2014

I have been studying EC for a couple of years now and although I've found relief from several issues by using suggestions found on the site I have never felt compelled to post a comment until now. Donna from TN. What in the world are you talking about " World Trade Bugs"? and WHO vs VA vs CDC, Southern women live a sub tropic zone infected by world trade bugs. I'm curious as to what zone you live in?

Roundworm Infection
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/22/2013

Anon from Dallas, read up on Black Walnut Hull and Wormwood. Munching on pumpkin seeds is also supposed to do the trick. Read up on it.

Roundworm Infection
Posted by Om (Hope, B.c. Canada) on 01/22/2013

This problem can be cured with chemical medicine but it is very poisonous. May be once a year but not more. The best idea would probably be powdered fresh cloves. Just the bud, not the stalk and use a pestle to crush the buds. Keep doing it, using your judgement. The very smell of fresh cloves kill the eggs. However, adding wormwood tea tree times a day in a jigger or using wormwood/black walnut tincture for some time would be a good regimen.

Colloidal silver water works very well. It needs to be used for a month or more; the worms will be killed in the eggs. Use all and create a protocoll. Parasites are vicious creatures that take the joy out of life and can kill pets easily and cause many symptoms in people. A miserable affliction. My feeling over the years is that most people have parasites but are in denial. Parasites are everywhere. After the treatment take one teasp. turmeric and a teasp. whey powder in six oz. water to repair the damage done internally. Do for a little while as this treatment has many benefits.

Colloidal silver has to be taken in larger amounts, say, three fluid ounces. Best to make your own. Os

Roundworm Infection
Posted by David (Dibden Purlieu, Uk) on 11/12/2018

You use Wormwood, is that Common Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium) or Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia Annua)?

Roundworm Infection
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 01/23/2013

The old time remedy is Wormwood, as a vermifuge it was always considered the best, but the most horrible to taste, the active ingredient is Absinth which is in the oil, (green fairy). They just made a tea of pontic wormwood and held there nose as it went down.

Roundworm Infection
Posted by Anonymous (Dallas, Tx) on 04/03/2013

UPDATE: Thanks, ya'll, for the advice. Just wanted to tell you your advice did help but then I added carrot seed oil and the Trio Kit (which has diatomaceous earth, enzymes, bentonite clay) by YL and now feel 99% healed... Cautiously optimistic. I'll give it a few more weeks. The total regimen included these two items, plus wormwood, silver, castor oil, pineapple enzymes, super garlic doses, and ghost peppers.

Roundworm Infection
Posted by Nadine (Union Grove, Wisconsin) on 07/29/2016 12 posts

Would you be able to tell me on what web site you can find a good colloidal silver maker..Thank you.

Posted by Elise (Victoria, Australia) on 06/19/2013

This stuff made me sicker than the giardia!!!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 08/15/2012 2063 posts

A couple months ago I nebulized some Colloidal Silver and got an immediate and strong ammonia odor off my body (for about 5 minutes). This did not occur approx. one yr prior w/ my first C.S. Nebulize. Day-before-yesterday I nebed again and got the ammonia odor but not as strong, and none yesterday or today. I am quite positive I have at least two types parasite infestation (fluke & tapeworm) that's been going on for over a decade and as of last 3 yrs progressively worsened. Could this ammonia odor be the killing of some stage of the parasite? Hulda Clark says they travel all over the body and especially the organs.

Any info or comments much appreciated in advance.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 08/16/2012

Excessive ammonia in the blood is a strong indicator of cirhossis liver damage. That is NOT an opinion of mine. You can learn about that here if you wish to at wikipedia:

This colloidal silver treatment was/is only approved as a topical treatment and not intended to be taken internally. Also, one of the websites promoting this treatment showed a toxicology report that indicated liver discoloration in the rats examined after only one week of these colloidal silver treatments....Oscar

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky) on 08/17/2012 2063 posts

Lisa, thanx for your reply and positive concern. I am resolved to nubulize once monthly and monitor results. As for now, i'm not coughing and hacking near as much as before treatment. H2O2 seems to be more abrasive compared to Colloidal Silver so i've just been keeping w/ C. S. , as I experience no obstruction or labor in breathing.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Darla (Ft Lauderdale, Fl) on 06/23/2015


There are people who have had things they ate at 3y/o come out of them 30 years later (i.e. crayons, plastic army men, etc) through cleansing/detox.

Blastosis Hominis
Posted by Jinny (Detroit, Mi) on 09/06/2016

Hi Angel,

I have been suffering with b h for past 7 months.

Can you please share which antibiotics worked for you? And how long did you had to take them for? Any information/feedback will be of great help. Thanks a lot in advance.

General Feedback
Posted by Singapore87 (Singapore, Singapore ) on 04/25/2012

HI I'm from singapore. I've order some things online from iherb. Anyone has tried parastroy before- any successful stories about it? I took it with meal and without meal it make me super bloated. I'm so full. I am also into my 2nd week of husk... But husk I didn't take anything. But if i'm taking parstroy. It says to take it with meals. :( so can husk consider a meal? with lots of water.. Hm. First time I took it make me heartburn and my urine seems to be lesser? and I have green discharge or should I say mucus plaque from the poop? I seriously dun know about the green discharge. I dun know.. But not with husk. Husk i've great improvment on it. Without side effects. ( if I take both pills separate I dun have much side effect. But still bloated! It make me poop poop alot. Most super long one. Should I tried colon cleansing for 2 weeks first den 3rd tried de parastroy again? or can do both together? but maybe I tried it again on the 3rd week without any meals den. Will see how it goes. :?)

Posted by Brooke (Britt, Ia, Usa) on 03/15/2012

I have battled parasites for about 7 years now, ever since I had severe and reoccurring malaria. I travel into 3rd world countries several times a year. I appreciate all the input and have tried pretty much everything suggested. The one thing that I don't see addressed is the need for ongoing treatment. Parasites lay eggs and if you just deal with the initial infestation but stop before all the eggs are hatched and out, you will just end up reinfested. I finally figured out that a minimum of 90 days is required to get the best results. Unfortuantely, because I travel so much and have a severly weakened immune system, I am constantly reinfected, Oh well... The challenges of travel. Right now, I take ACV, coconut oil, pumpkin seeds, GSE, wormwood, cloves and colidal silver. The hardest part is being consitent. I also try to stay away from processed foods, eat lots of veggies and avoid white death products... sugar and flour.

Posted by Umika (Santa Fe, Nm) on 08/11/2012

Adding food grade diatomaceous earth to your maintenance regimen will keep destroying the parasites and parasite eggs. I found the information on

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Fiona (Essex) on 04/04/2018


I read that cloves are potentially hard on a cat's liver. Please can you tell me where your information regarding using cloves to treat worms in cats came from? Also, any update on the success of the treatment?

Kind regards,


General Feedback
Posted by Leigh (Washington, Dc/usa) on 11/14/2011

Hi.... I've Never done a Post. I'm not much of a computer person - my profession did not call for it. However, Now I am..... I am not 100% sure When this problem exactly started, or how it came about. I can tell you that it is very subtle to the person who isn't a Breeding Ground to Whatever is On/ & In My Skin, in my Ears, up My Nose - my crotch area shows some signs of this Thing or Things, but thank God is not itchy Like my *Scalp*, or we would have some Serious problems....! I Am a Hyper-Clean person, but it has also gone you know where. Once again, not even close to how ITCHY & ALIVE my scalp is. And, my arms/legs & BACK (especially) will go through periods of 'Being Attached' - random spots where I feel like they take a chunk out of my skin, Especially when I am in the bathroom, before/during/ & after a shower (Maybe it's some kind of Life Cycle of the Bug/Parasite?), Also when I don't have long pants, & if I don't do the 'Peg Leg' @ the bottom of my jeans or pants (Fold over, & roll up only the minimum amount necessary - 1 1/2 - 2 Times, in order to make a seal - so all of the above cannot fly up, crawl up, or jump up my pant legs). And, I have to Tuck my Shirts into my Pants, because if my lower back is exposed it seems to be the spot that the Parasite/s prefer..... Oh yes, & my hands - front & back & partially up my arm - it feels like I have two casts on my hands/forearm - Soooo dry & stiff - almost blistered. In some areas - little cuts with dried blood.

*Treatments that I have tried: Before, when I thought that I just had Dry, Itchy Skin: 1. ) All kinds of Lotions/Creams/ & Ointments - & 1 Prescribed Solution (forget the name, but did nothing! ).... The Winner of That Category: the original NIVEA Creme (in a Blue Jar), I actually chose that creme because I was told, by my Homeopathic Doctor, that I needed to be religious about taking oral Magnesium *Glycinate* Supplements (As many as my stomach could tolerate), along with L-Theanine, & Tyrosine - Every Day - 2 X's per day.... ) Anyway, the Nivea Cream had (has) a good amount of Magnesium, which through a little accidental research, I learned that Topical Magnesium Applications (Oil, Baths, Lotions) are Better Absorbed by the Body, than taken orally. So, I spent 3 Hours in the Bathroom that evening: Shower, Shave, Exfoliate, and I used the entire container of the NIVEA CREAM - Everywhere on my Body & Face - During application, it sloffed off (spelling?) / Surfaced/& Extracted these tiny pimple like bumps that I had going up both sides of my torso - up to my shoulders - & slightly on my upper back. Once applied, my skin was SMILING (A Subtle type of Orgasmic) (Sorry if I offended anyone! ) - My skin felt pampered, for once, in a long time....! Anyway, I think I may have tried an Epsom Soak (Bath) - But could only lay there for 5-10 min! And, one of my fav's - another temporary fix - I Actually Shaved my ENTIRE BODY - Felt Great on my BACK! ..... Fast Forward to the past 3-4 Weeks or so, my scalp seemed to feel noticably itchier - My immune system was pretty low - 3 sinus infections in a row!! Treated, but never cured, with Antibiotics/ & a Steroid Pack - MethylPrednisolne. More and More Dust started appearing in my Home - I felt like I couldn't get anything 'Clean'. And, then one day, I cleaned out a brush of mine - used for Blowdrying my Hair, & there were a Ton of blackish FUZZBALLS - Freaked me Out! Also, I WAXED my Face, like I Always Do (Once, Every 4-7 weeks) - & after I pulled the wax off - I looked @ the strip of wax, to see how much hair came off, & I saw a noticable amount of black spots - IN The WAX! ?!! ? I'm going to continue in a little while, I HAVE TO RUN To WALMART to Purchase this BLUE OINTMENT (in a small box) - My SCALP is *A L I V E* & Even My HAIR (Which Feels like IT'S ATTACKING My EARS & FACE & NECK - I have hair that goes down my back - almost to my Bra Strap. But, it is UP off my neck& out of my Face - Except for a Few Fly Aways & Becoming More & More DISTRACTING!!!!!!!!!!!! I put a Paul Mitchell Essential Oil (Tea Tre & Lavendar) on my SCALP (massaged it in) & My SCALP is Having an AFTER-PARTY FIESTA, & 'THEY're Are Starting to RELOCATE (Or are WAKING UP Their 'NEIGHBORS' Down My UPPER BACK!!!!!! Alost UnBEARABLE!!!! This is the 2nd or 3rd Time that IT has Been THIS BAD (I think the Common Denominator is LATE Night - Early, EARLY A. M. , & TEA TREE Essential OIl - THEY LUV IT----NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! -------------------------I'll Be Back to FINISH My Description - Sorry So Lenghty & Boring - I'm EXHAUSTED! And, please excuse any Spelling Mistakes - Don't have it in me to proof read Right NOW!!!!! Coming Up: Doctors/ER Visits, Sleepless Nights/Break Downs, Boyfriend thinks I'm 'C r a z y', Until I have a LICE LADY/s Come to My Apartment, & CONFIRM LICE/Knits/ But, Mostly Babies - but EVERYWHERE! Ringworm? Scabies? An OverFlowing Toilet, X's 2 - Saturate Hallway/Bedroom Carpets - DRIED, *But* NOT SANATIZED!! Playing with ELVIS (my Dog / But, also my Dad's Dog) in a Large Field - Sometimes wearing Flip-Flops During Mudy/Wet Conditions! An, my Apartment Backs Up Into an OverGROWN CREAK, where during the Summer - Covered the Water! And, Finally (maybe ?) - this past Saturday Night - CLEANING With BLEACH & using Ointment on my SCALP an on my Legs (I Ran Out) - Gave my SCALP A LOT of RELIEF (*&* Most IMPORTANTLY - SEA-SALT LIKE Things WERE Coming OUT of my HAIR & *SCALP*! ????),

Until a few hours ago - & then a major Build-Up Of ITCHINESS - And, Ringworms swimming around in a still cup w/ room temp water???? NOW, I'm definitely noticing It ON ELVIS, I saw one, with-in a minute Almost Make It Through A Heavy uty Zip- Lock plastic FREEZER Bag (I wiped a few frow Elvis's Ear - I used a Paper Towel with Apple Cider Vinegar :-( !!!!! *Help US, Please - It Really feels like it Has/Is Taking Over MY LIFE & ELVIS'S LIFE - I AM Close to Being HOMELESS, & I WILL/WOULD Have TO GIVE ELVIS AWAY, & He's My *ONLY TRUE FRIEND*, Recently (The Past Year) - He Kept Me Going Through a Few Very DIFFICULT TIMES - I Call Him My ANGEL PUPPY..... I'll be back from the store in a bit.... THANKS FOR READING/HELPING.........!!!!!

General Feedback
Posted by Mary (San Francisco, California) on 12/27/2011

to Leigh from Washington, Dc.:

Search here on earthclinic for : Cure Demodectic and Sarcoptic Mange Read Ted's cure. this cure works to kill all kinds of parasites like mites, fleas, morgellons etc. (from your description, it sounds like you have mites. It worked to help me and my dog friends.

You can obtain quick acting relief (within a day) by taking a warm or hot bath in a full tub of water to which you have added 3 quarts of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1/3 box of 20 mule team borax and soaking for 30min. Also putting your scalp into the water to be thoroughly saturated. (plug your ears before submerging your head because this treatment can stop up your ears for awhile. (if you have dark hair, your hair may lighten a bit. )

There is a lot of information here on earthclinic in different places from Ted and others using his remedy. Read as much as you can and read it over because it can seem confusing at times, but essentially the solution recipe is 1 pint of 3% hydrogen peroxide added to 2 pints of hot water plus 3 heaping tablespoons of borax (20 muleteam borax is fine. ) 3 heaping tablespoons is about the same as 1/4 cup. Mix this up to dissolve the borax and them pour off the dissolved liquid into a container and discard the undisolved solid crystals. It is good to wash your dog first with his normal shampoo and after rinsing him, towel dry out most of the moisture leaving him damp. Then apply the borax solution to your dog with a sponge in the bathtub and let him dry naturally or with a blow dryer. You can swab his ears with q-tips dipped in the solution. (the solution may lighten his fur. )The solution will dry up and kill the parasites. If he isn't damp when you apply the solution, sometimes a dog will vomit from the stabilizers in the hydrogen peroxide. Also sometimes the solution is too drying for the dog's skin, in which case, vinegar instead of hydrogen peroxide can be used.The solution with vinegar and borax can be used around the house too.

For the laundry, I microwave the wet laundry in small amounts for 10 minutes in a microwave that I have downstairs, before drying it in the dryer. It seems to be effective and I don't have to wash everything in hot water. I roll up any metal parts of clothing so that they don't arc. Also stay away from the microwave when operating, it is a hazard and not good to use for heating food either. I only have this one for treating laundry.

Oil of oregano capsules and powdered clove capsules are also worth researching for killing parasites.


General Feedback
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 03/10/2012

Just to be sure--are you sure it isn't scabies??? Look up scabies cure on Earth Clinic.

General Feedback
Posted by Jen (London , Uk) on 02/20/2013

It sounds like Morgellons. Use MMS as directed. It's the only thing that really works - just be careful to use only as directed. There are some good videos on youtube that show how to mix it. Get informed about Morgellons. Eat fresh carica papaya (yellow flesh papaya) -the skin is especially good for killing parasites. Chinese medicine -they put the papaya skin into apple cider vinegar in the fridge for two days to pickle -and eat this to kill parasites. For your skin -use an organic sunflower oil on your skin. Do not use anything with petroleum in it (generally most body creams etc will have petroleum). You may find that you itch more when you wear cotton. If so wear synthetic and sleep on synthetic sheets.

General Feedback
Posted by Janet (San Diego Ca Usa) on 01/25/2016

Do you mean MSM? There is a big difference. I have found if you get rid of all sweets and carbs in your diet and use lots of hand sanitizer on your scalp and skin, when you itch it helps a great deal...see will find tons of info there that match your symptoms.

General Feedback
Posted by Telah (Brooklyn) on 05/17/2018

no MMS- its an actual protocol for hard to get infections.

General Feedback
Posted by Telah (Brooklyn, Ny) on 05/17/2018

yes sounds like morgellons- you have to treat it like a parasite- I've heard far infared sauna is great for it - diet change, and most especially not GMOs-

General Feedback
Posted by Twanna (Stafford, Va) on 10/19/2011

I am told by many "Vegans" that ALL meat give you parasites no matter what! It dose not matter if you cook it well done or freeze it for a long period of time the fact remains that meat have parasites. So, with this being said what part of this info is true or false? Does eating any type of meat leave parasites behind in your system regardless if it's cooked or not?

General Feedback
Posted by Lily (Corpus Christi, Tx) on 10/16/2011

I see them coming out when I lie down and when I'm on the pc I see them out of the corner of my eye. Again the drs say I don't see anything that's because parasites hide when u try to see them. I'm using bentonite clay food grade internally and green bentonite externally. I have been suffering 4 yrs now and I do hope this works. One tbls with water or lemonade koolaid with lemon juice added to it and sugar. I know the sugar is bad but it's what I like. It crawls down my body at night and it was terrifyiing at first but now I'm used to it , if u can be this is horrible to live with it consumes all my thoughts and time- it's like being in prison for 4 yrs. I've given up on so called Drs!

General Feedback
Posted by Pahlee (Phila, Pa) on 07/15/2012

Just a question, , if sugar is bad for parasites, what about the substitute for sugar such as equal or other non sugar products, are they just as bad? I have not gotten into the habit of drinking just black coffee, what do you suggest? desperate!!

General Feedback
Posted by Scooter (Revelstoke, Bc) on 11/14/2012

Refined sugar is bad, fake sugar is even worse. try whole grain sugar or pure maple syrop, a little pricey but they even have health benefits.

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan) on 06/26/2011

Hey Andrea: Do you know anyone who has tried this. Have u seen it work? Very interested.


Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Mary (Dallas) on 10/14/2018

hi :-) I am completely fascinated by your mother's remedy, secure in the fact that you said you knew of a couple of other people that had pinworms and tapeworms and got rid of them. Could you please help me understand about the pinworms?

So you starve for 7 days, only drink boiled water that's been cooled, and then sit on a BUCKET full of STEAMING HOT WATER??

And that's it? And then pinworms just come out of the rear end??!!??

I totally believe you, but do I have the right formula? Do you know why they come out of the butt sitting on the hot water bucket?

Thank you so much!

Toxoplasmosis Gondii
Posted by Andreea (Grimsby, On, Canada) on 06/17/2011


I have been told that I am infected with Toxoplasma gondii, which is a microscopical parasite. I have also been told that there is no cure for this. This parasite causes me much grief at times, when it flares up and I am convinced my digestive problems are related to it. I would also like to have another child, but being pregnant and having toxoplasmosis is not a good combination, as a toxoplasma activation during pregnancy can lead to pregnancy loss and severe fetal abnormalities. I was lucky once, during my first pregnancy, but I would prefer not to risk it again.

So, any suggestions on this? Thank you so much! Everyone here is simply wonderful!


Toxoplasmosis Gondii
Posted by Sheila (Brasilia, Brazil) on 06/18/2011

Check out, The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs, website. What about quinine.

Good Luck and God Bless, Sheila

Toxoplasmosis Gondii
Posted by Andreea (Grimsby, On, Canada) on 06/20/2011

I'm sorry, but I can't find this website. I can find references to a book, but not a website, so I'm not sure where I can look for the quinine suggestion.

Help.. :)


Toxoplasmosis Gondii
Posted by Sheila (Brasilia, Brazil) on 09/25/2011

Type in: The Healing Power Of Rainforest Herbs (By Leslie Taylor ) Scroll down the first page, click on plants, then conditions. You will get a list A-Z. Click on a condition and up will come a list of herbs. Click on a herb and detailed information will appear.

Good Luck

Sheila, Brazil

Toxoplasmosis Gondii
Posted by Andreea (Grimsby, On, Canada) on 10/05/2011

Hello Sheila. Thanks again for the reply, but it doesn't work. Do you have a link? Typing exactly as you have specified, I only get references to a book, but not a website with such a name.

Toxoplasmosis Gondii
Posted by Cate (Melbourne, Australia) on 09/21/2012

You could try a strict primal diet. Seems to work for nearly everything. The symptoms of this bugger seem eerily familiar to me but have fallen right back since I've been 'primal'. No diagnosis though. It certainly won't hurt and you'll probably find a whole host of other issues sorting themselves out too.

Best to you, and humanity too frankly. : )

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