Right now, I am doing no other detox for parasites except that I take 1 or 2 TBS. of organic coconut oil nearly every day (that I can remember to do it). The parasites hate that caprylic acid and they begin to vacate the premises!
I also give a tsp. or so to my 35 lb. dog and have done so since I got him 10 months ago. At his recent vet visit, he did not have worms. He loves coconut oil!
Coconut Oil
Shortly began with a stye in my eye. I applied Apple Cider Vinegar and c oil with a q tip. It was gone by the end of the day. I also saw infection was coming from my eye. So, I continued with c oil a day or so after. It pulled the infection little by little out of my eye along with parasites. I live in the Pacific and eat plenty of fish. I noticed lots of strings in my l eye 6 months ago and was never able to get them out. This did it. I am continuing to do C oil once or twice a day and I am still cleansing-amazing how it collects far behind the eye and is bringing out large particles of debris. I detox regularly, am fit, eat healthy, and still this stuff was lurking in me. There is not a lot out there on parasites in the eyes, but this finally made a huge difference. No more itchy eyes and the allergies are down. I am also doing vinegar twice daily as I noticed something wasn't right. Going to try the c oil in the mouth -oil pulling as well.
Coconut Oil
I grew up on an island in the South Pacific where coconut grows pretty much anywhere so I was used to eating the meat, drinking the water, cooking in the oil, my mom massaged it on our bodies and hair. Since we came to the States in the 70's until few years back we switched to EVOO and Canola for cooking and salad dressings, mostly eating American diet. Both my parents died young, one older sibling died of prostrate cancer, sister is dying of cancer so I began paying attention. My grandparents lived into the 90's and my parents younger siblings are still living in UK, Australia and NZ but the ones who lived here are all dead. Well found out several months ago that I have parasites so got back cooking with coconut oil, drinking milk/juice and massaging my head and body with it etc. At first I had violent reactions even diherrea, some cramping, fever like sysmptoms but now am doing better. Skin feels softer, hair is darker, no more headaches, gut is doing good so far. Scary things have been dropping out of my body. We also used to take Castor oil once a month to cleanse our guts, haven't tried that yet but am going to.
I am learning a lot from this site, Thanks everyone.
Coconut Oil
I have been taking coconut oil for the last 2 weeks 1 teaspoon every morning and also cooking with it. Today, (this may sound gross)I had a pain in my back just around the rectum and after using the toilet I looked and found a dead worm in the toilet. YUK! I can't believe that came from me. So it must be killing off the parasites I have. Hopefully it gets them all.