Cold Showers
I read about the cold showers here 3 days ago. I have experienced whole body pain for as long as I can remember. Recently it has become unbearable to try and sleep without double doses of over the counter pain killers. The legs throbbed, prickley needles in the soles of the feet, leg muscle pain, skin pain, hip pain, numbness in the shin area. It was building up for years. I was ready to check myself in somewhere but I do not go to doctors. Anyway to continue. After reading the messages, I went and took a cold shower. This was the afternoon. Just before retiring I took another. This one really affected my body. Gasping and panting but not painful I stayed in the shower. For the first time since I could remember I had a peaceful night sleep. No pain in the legs at all, no numbness, no prickleys. I took three the next day with the same good results at night but with one more added strangeness. My Bowel Movement turned green. Not a dark green a kackie green and I was not constipated as usual. I gathered my bile was flowing. I had come to think I had a gallblader problem years ago but never associated the whole body aches with it. There might be some siatic nerve situation involved also, but I don't know. All I do now is that this seems just short of a miracle for me. I certainly hope it continues, because I don't know if I ever want to take another hot bath again as long as I live. Oh, the energy and high spirits are there too as others reported. Bless you all.
Cold Showers
I'm having a hard time finding a beginning to describe what cold showers has done for me! first of all, this seems insane for me because i'm such a cold natured person. But since i've tried this i find that i'm not so cold anymore! I work out every day and play tennis twice a week, but first let me say i'm in my mid 40's, i have 4 children (two in their 20's and two are not yet school age) so keeping fit and appearance are very important to me! I've always been told i look half my age, but what i've noticed more than anything is my skin!! The improvement in tone is just amazing to me. The first few days (after showering in the cold) i just kept looking at my face in the mirror. Only after a few days of cold showers i noticed a difference in the way i felt, my energy, metabolism, skin, and my pain!!! i had a hip injury almost 8 months ago and i've been doing strengthening excersizes and therapy to help this slow healing process, but after taking the showers i've had almost NO pain!! that has been the most amazing part to me. I'm hooked. I'll never go back to warm showers (except when necessary) I only wish i had known about this years ago! But i can tell you, it's never too late!!!
Cold Showers
I am 28 and have been a vegetarian all my life. I have been taking cold showers for the last 12 years. I have a way of doing it. I start from my head and keep the water dripping on the head for a few seconds and I feel the rest of the body warming up. then i get into it. Talking about the advantages, Where can I start. Cold showers helped me get over the anxiety of the teen age, they have helped me concentrate in studies, feel confident when facing challenges and the list goes on. The recent example is when I had to undergo a knee reconstruction. It is a painful surgery and I was strongly advised by my surgeon to have pain killers for the next few months (I was told not to be brave and have a pill every time I was in pain). I had a better way out. It's been 6 months and not even 1 painkiller and no pain as well. I know there must be a number of factors but cold showers are the greatest. So keep the hot knob closed and keep the warmth coming out for good.
Collagen and Keratin Capsules
I have been taking Collagen/Keratin capsules for 2 weeks. I started taking these as a possible cure for neck pain which i have suffered from for years. I developed Sjogrens syndrome 2 years ago as a result of a nasty virus I had. I have had the dry mouth which has affected the linings of my mouth and caused bad breath. In the last year I also had dry gritty eyes, and dry vagina. After two weeks on the collagen/keratin capsules I now have saliva in my mouth! My eyes and vagina are improving with moisture too. And yes my Neck pain has practically dissappeared. Hope someone else might find this cure works for them too!!
Dietary Suggestions
Had crazy making lower back pain from age 14(!) to 25 when finally my new therapist told me to go off dairy and give it a chance for only 3 weeks.i gave it a chance although my "diet" up to then was probably made out of up to 60% dairy products. after 3 weeks my back pain was COMPLETELY GONE! dairy sucks!!
Dietary Suggestions
Starting a few weeks ago I went on a diet ..eliminating sugars, cookies, candies, pop, breads...i noticed than my pains got alot less....for the last few days i have went off the diet and have been eating sugars and breads...MY PAIN IS BACK!!! worse than ever.... Tomorrow I'm going to cut out the sugars and carbs and start on the cider and baking soda...will let you know the results.
Dietary Suggestions
The dietary factors which most negatively impact Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis are coffee and caffeine, refined sugar and milk products. I've seen significant improvement in my patients who are willing to alter their diets alone. Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and JMT treatment can greatly help, even alleviate the symptoms.
DMSO: I know, I know, it's a solvent, used to clean aircraft and electrical parts. It has an odor, but what cure doesn't come with a drawback or 2?
This stuff literally can work in an instant, long term...I don't know the effects, but then, we all KNOW that Motrin affects the liver directly too.
So, I woke up this AM with shooting electrical pain in my left shoulder again, just wanted to go right back to sleep, couldn't hold it straight without weakness and shooting pains, feels like something is pinched or going wrong.
Swipe some of this DMSO clear liquid on my shoulder muscles, and poof! the sensations went away until right now and it is almost 18 hours later!
Now, what shall get rid of the pain in my hand and finger joints? I am awake tonight because of the intense pains in them, so I am on the internet here reading more about ACV and honey to relieve this, I had a good friend tell me about it years ago, before I needed to use it. Good skin and no pain in the old guys I worked with who all tried it one month on a being young, stored the info away in my brain....for the future. And my auntie, she told me her momma had poured it in drinking water of the hired milkers who they had working in their dairy. Problem is that she thought her mother was being mean in fact her mother was helping them to produce more work/milk in their cows.
A follow up on my back muscle pain. I am using essential oils of Peppermint and then DMSO gel 99.9 pure on the lower back. The spasms are greatly reduced this morning. I worked yesterday and moved about. This morning I still had some discomfort but an application of those two things has worked wonderfully. The Scripture says< Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. It shall be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones. Noperscriptiondrugsforme
DMSO, Castor Oil
Bought dmso for my sore shoulder, I dont know why it was sore but I couldn't lift my arm above my head and it was starting to hurt even without movement, so earth clinic suggested dmso and castor oil.
1 application and after a rash, itch and a little discomfort the pain went from 9 out of 10 to like a 2.....i love herbs and old remedies and would definitely recommend this
Eliminate Artificial Sweeteners
In hopes of loosing some weight I started drinking diet pop. Before long I noticed that my hips hurt ALOT. I have been on celebrex for years to help with the hip pain, but when I started drinking diet pop the pain was so intense that I was doubling up on the meds as well as taking tylenal to help with the pain.Going to bed was horrible as it hurt so much. Once I stopped drinking pop all together my hip pain went away. I have stopped taking the celebrex and only need tylenal when I have over taxed myself.
Eliminate Artificial Sweeteners
I'm a forty year old man who feels like he's in his late fifties. For a long time I just figured it was from being overweight and I still am sure that this contributes. But the sheer level of aches and pains for someone so young seemed extraordinary. Every joint hurts constantly, especially on my left side (I'm a lefty so it figures).
Being overweight, there were two things I did to keep from becoming more so. First, I never liked sweet sodas, so started drinking lemon/lime seltzer. Second, I do like sweet coffee so used a single packet of aspartame in each cup I drink.
One weekend I ran out of seltzer, and being too lazy to get more I just started drinking up my wife's diet orange sodas. By the following Tuesday my aches and pains had worsened so much I considered going to the doctor. Visions of wheelchairs and leukemia were swimming in my head.
I put two and two together and went cold turkey as far as artificial sweeteners go, and about three days later and ever since I have been 100% pain free.
I'm convinced.
Epsom Salt
I have been taking epsom salts all year every morning a few spinkles in my 500m water bottle (room temp water) and my aches and pains have all but disappeared. I remember my grandmother always put epsom salts in her tea each morning just a few sprinkles and she said so she did not get arthritus. Well I have to say I think it works but what I want to know is too much bad for you internally anyone know thanks
Epsom Salt Soak, Hot and Cold Therapy
I injured my wrist. Couldn't say how, but it hurts. After 2 weeks, I went to the dr and had an xray, not broken. He said use a brace, hot/cold, and have to wait it out. Well, now it's 3 weeks later and it hurts worse than it did when I went to the Dr .I have been wearing a brace constantly except when washing, applying heat/cold periodically (can't while at work), soaking in epsom salts 2x/day and avoiding using it. What else can I do? Should I apply dmso? I have it on hand. I noticed overnight that now it has something rubbing in there if I flex my fingers (which are not held stationary by the brace). I think the dr didn't take it seriously since the first thing he asked was what was I taking for it. I don't take pain killers since I had an ulcer in the past and don't want to start that again.
(Somewhere, Europe)
Alex, rubbing castor oil into the painful areas a few times a day, did it for my wrist.
Hi Alex,
I wonder if you could make an appointment with an Orthopedist? You may have a fracture that an x-ray did not make clear. An Ortho would order an MRI to get a better look into the problem. If it is broken, it would not be unusual that you are sensing a difference in the sensation and it would not be all that unusual that you don't know how it happened.
I speak from the experience of having a similar-sounding problem several years ago when my ankle gave me trouble. Our small local hospital did not have an MRI machine, so the doctor simply told me it was not broken. Luckily, my husband advised me to see an Orthopedist, who ordered an MRI, diagnosed the fracture, and put me in the proper boot cast. It healed quickly after that. I hope you will soon find your answer.
Alex, doctors can sometimes miss fractures on x-rays, I would be applying comfrey (knitbone) salve, and making an infusion to take internally. When I have good supply I consume it daily. Read the comfrey page here on EC for more info on this amazing herb.
Foot Pain Remedies
I get a cramping feeling in my toes, last 3 on one foot, like they're gonna spasm. and I get pains on the sides of my feet, on the outsides. Don't know what to do, it hobbles me when I get up but gets better during the day.
(Battleground, Wash)
Could be you have a pinched nerve in the spine, I had three numb toes and outside of my foot was touchy, put a pillow under your thighs while sleeping and try to stay well hydrated with balanced minerals and bend backwards to open up your spine, try epsom salts bath.
(Las Vegas)
Try some rubbing some magnesium oil into your feet. Should reduce pain and cramping etc.
(Cambridge, Ma)
If you haven't already, try Magnesium oil. There are brands that come in a spray bottle. I only paid $8.99 for mine and it's lasted me months. Spray those areas right before you get into bed. I bet you will notice a huge difference.
Garlic in Honey
This is just my personal experience, I am not a health professional. I have right breast pain that runs up my neck, radiates in my shoulder and down my arm into my hand.
I chop four garlic cloves and let sit for about 10 minutes to activate the Allicin, I then mix in raw honey about a tablespoon.
I chew a couple of times before I swallow and this provides pain relief almost instantly. It only lasts a few hours though.
Dear Jenny,
You might try burdock root tea for your radiating breast pain. I have had some sort of painful breast congestion for over six months. I have tried different things and have found some temporary relief. (I have not had a mammogram and I am in my 50's. Honestly, I am afraid to get one and afraid of getting on the medical merry go round for this.) I started drinking burdock root tea (I don't even recall why) and realized that the pain/congestion in my breast has significantly reduced! I will keep drinking the tea. Burdock root tea is also good for nerve pain. Get good quality burdock root. Like Frontier Herbs organic burdock root. Put a tablespoon into a canning jar and pour 2 cups of boiling water over it. Let is steep for 2-3 hours. Strain and drink. It isn't bad tasting but you could add a bit of stevia or honey if you like. I drink it every day. It is an ingredient in essiac tea, which is a cancer/tumor/chronic illness remedy with many applications. Holly