Posted by Viola (Perth, Australia) on 02/14/2009

I've been on MSM for 33 days now. I started off on low doses and now I'm taking a half a teaspoon two times a day. I guess that is 4 grams. I'm drinking 2 litres a day and that is about all I can take. I'm not a big person. I'm getting mild headaches, flushed flu like sweating, mild and painful bloating, not severe. I understand about toxic reactions as far as herxhimer reaction goes. I have rheumatoid arthritis, and a yet undiagnosed numbness in three fingers in my right hand. In the past, I have suffered from migraine and insomnia, and stomach problems, so I know the level of pain in these symptoms. My thoughts are, how toxic is your body when you have a chronic disease? I assume having RA I have levels of toxicity all the time. I am not experiencing any RA symptoms at the moment because it usually occurs in rainy weather. It is summer here, and I wanted to begin the MSM now in preparation for the colder weather when I experience the worst pain. I really need to find an anti-inflammatory as I don't have one. Either they are ineffective or have been taken off the market (Vioxx and Prexige). I am on methotrexate 7.5mg and do not want to take any more 'drugs'. Considering the toxic effects of RA, can anyone tell me how long I have to put up with the MSM side effects. It's been over 4 weeks now? Also is glucosamine and or chondriatin effective for RA?