Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Effective Solutions

Posted by chickenpatti13 (U S) on 01/18/2024

I started taking Borax to remove the fluoride from my bones more than 10 years ago. At that time, I was having to get pain shots almost monthly so I could walk due to rheumatoid arthritis.After starting Borax, I didn't notice any changes right away but I quit taking it after a couple of months because I ran out of bottled water. Within 2 weeks in July, I woke up, could hardly move&was so sore&stiff&in pain. As a former nurse, I started looking at what changed&I kept coming back to the Borax. After a little more research, I learned Borax was an old time arthritis treatment.I started taking it again&went back to no pain or stiffness in my bones&continue to this day. I put 1/8th teaspoon in my coffee at least 5 times a week. People have seen me before&after Borax & I tell them what I do&I get crazy looks.No one else will try it but I digress. While I'm still chasing chickens&climbing into tree stands, they can barely get off their couch.The best part about Borax-relief from arthritis symptoms, no more pain shots & no side effects like many arthritis medications. My doctor is amazed because she thought I'd be in a wheelchair by now. I'm almost 60 y o&I'm not going to let arthritis ruin the rest of my life. My question is-is arthritis today a real disease or is it consequences of drinking fluoridated water?

Posted by KDMR (Ontario, Canada) on 10/30/2023

Seeing exciting improvements with Borax but days off are hard

I have been doing the borax protocol, 1/8 tsp per day in a litre of water, for almost 3 weeks (for RA). I am seeing gradual improvements that have me very excited and hopeful. However, I find that the days off (i.e., 5 on, 2 off) are quite difficult. It's like I go right back to pre-borax days... even if I just take one day off. Makes me want to do 7 days a week. Thoughts? I am wondering if I should increase dose? Or just do every day for awhile?? Fyi I am a woman, 59. I am in quite bad shape without the boron. I have lost faith in doctor's / drug company's treatments and so am not on any for the RA. I do also take CBD oil, which is helpful, too. Thank you.

Posted by David K. (Minnivale, Western Australia) on 09/02/2022

A friend had chronic rheumatoid arthritis for a long time before I met the family. I told him to try taking boron in the form of borax, but because of the label on the container, would not - even though I showed him that I take it every day as 'preventative' medicine. So essential as our soils are deficient in it - the reason why sheep and cattle suffer from arthritis.

I showed him the on line publication, "The Borax Conspiracy" which while remaining hesitant, decided to ask his specialist if it was OK to take it.

The reply was, "If it does not do you any good, it will certainly not do you any harm." So he took ¼ teaspoon for two weeks, after which he was pain free and off all his medication for which had to have blood tests every 3 months'.

When he said to the specialist, "I suppose you will recommend this to all your patients?" The reply was: "I am not allowed to." Of course, so many people make money as a result of the suffering of other people.

Posted by Veronica (Tilbury, Ontario, Canada) on 09/29/2017

Editor's Choice My husband and myself have started drinking one 500 ml of borax water a day. My husband uses 1/4 teaspoon mixed into 1 500 ml of bottled water. I take 1/8 teaspoon mixed into 1 500 ml of bottled water and have been doing so for a little over a week and the results already are amazing. We drank this for 5 days in a row and go off 2 days. I suffer from RA (autoimmune disease) OA, fibro and a small list of other ailments. To make a long story short we are both feeling amazing and not only the swelling but the pain has subsiding immensely. We will both continue on this regium for life!

Posted by Milton (Miami, Florida) on 04/26/2017

I cured my rheumatoid arthritis in 4 weeks with borax. It had no effect for 19 days then on day 20 I could feel it working. I put 1/4 tsp in glass luke warm water and drink it in morning. Borax, is low risk. Lot of people have taken it. Research it. To be on safe side just know what boron overdose symptoms are.
