Lichen Planus
Hi all,
I did read all the posts.And i was surprised to see so many people are facing the same problems like one i am. But feel little better cause i have someone to share the feeling, pain and information of something overtaking our lives called "Lichen Planus"..Some months back i was so sick i could not help myself out of bed i had fever and severe cough by the time i found relief not cure..i lost my father due to heart attack. It was as though something was waiting for the push down the cliff and there i started getting aggravated symptoms of lichen planus...which i thought was bronchitis or sore throat. When i read your information i feel we are so helpless to understand our own bodies with which we live 24x7. Understanding of Lichen Planus in chinese culture is stagnant heat and stagnant blood.. Anything stagnant starts causing to decaying effect. Cleansing becomes highly essential..Similarly yoga says it is cleaning of wind that moves through your body..which needs to be done via the appropriate breathing excersie and some hand gestures..
Please read this link and look for this moo-draa (this is how it is pronounced "mudra" or hand gesture saying " Varun Mudra " read it carefully and understand the same..it is natural body mosituriser...it helps relieve the lack of moisturein oral lichen planus. Also check "Prithvi mudra" for mental relaxation which is a must in this growing anxiety of growing lichen planus.Please try to take Vitamin C dosage i am currently taking aamalika (indian gooseberry capsules 2x a day)and neem capsules 2x a day (leaves which are blood purifiers and relieve the itch effect to decent extent...not too promising, yet helpful as of now...do take vitamin C in the afternoon as late evening will cause disturbed sleep.
I alternate bedtime routine with 1. Oil rinse ( i have infused olive oil with garlic and rinse just front portion of mouth with this 1 tsp oil) (do not follow this instructions if you have Olive oil or garlic allergies) and next day an tumeric poweder 1/2tsp in lukewarm water (if sores are bad reduce the water heat from lukewarm to little more manageable levels)and rinse in the front of the mouth and spit it out but do not wash your mouth, let the tumeric particles remain(do not follow this instructions if you have tumeric allergies)...try not to take it closer to throat...not harmful cause it is just spice but may leave unpleasant taste..but i sure did get quick relief from open sores and they are sealed all the time and do not oooze bloody taste in the mouth.
Check this website for some yoga techniques to cool off your internal self as i mentioned earlier...body is captured heat that does not convert into energy and flow out..instead stagnant and causes ailments...
2nd Posture is one which unwinds and cools off the body...but read the instructions carefully and consult a yoga practitioner for good results...slowly take this situation under control...but wisely..in haste we may do more harm then good..We should not bombard ourselves with tons of medications..
Do read these techniques : http://www.naturalworldhealing.com/thefetalcure.htm
Once you try them once a day chalkout the techniques that made you see the happy and soothing results (much needed now)...Put them in front of you or place you visit the most (for me it is the kitchen) paste it and write on the heading "If it is to be it is upto me" do check with your doctors everytime...period of 5days/10days/15days
These are just over and above your regular medicines...hope this helps...atleast ithelps me to know we are helping stranger who bought us togather for a cause..treat this group as your study group...and work...we will see reults and hope for any future cases..I hope doctors read these case studies...
I've had oral Lichen Planus for years now, some days are better than others.. I have notice that the summers are better and I agree with the Low carb diet. My exercising and eat are so much better in the summer than the winter. I also take B-complex which helps but doesn't clear it altogether. I do use a prescription mouthwash in the winter time that I get from my doctor. I am not sure of the ingredients. I am looking foreward to seeing some of the other peoples exact amounts of ingredients that they are using, like the vitamin k, vitamin d, borax, baking soda, salt solution, iodine ,Peroxide, grapfruit seed axtract. the numbers will really help. I also notice people with Lichen Planus also have other systoms of another type of fungus like nail fungus, ringworm, Maybe there is a simularity . Does anyone know what there blood type is? Mine is A positive. Very interesting study.
Eliminate Vitamin D
Is it possible the problem may not be just Vitamin D, but the inability of the liver/ kidney to metabolise the pro-vitamin (as ingested) into vitamin D2 and D that gets released into the blood stream? Have you tried taking liver supplements (such as Milk Thistle) that will promote detox and better liver enzyme function?
Hyaluronic Acid
Glad to hear you are getting positive effects using the Hyaluronic Acid topical!
For your 30 gram tube of Orabase, it requires about 60 mg of hyaluronic acid powder to get to .2%, which is hard to measure accurately without a good electronic scale. I just weighed some HA powder and 60 mg is close to 1/16th teaspoon. One problem with hand mixing HA powder is that it is difficult to do and get an even dispersion. Anyone who has tried to mix HA will be aware of that problem. The fact that your red gums are now approaching normal color suggests that you are on the right track! Many topical HA products are set at 1% HA, which would contain about five times more HA than what was used in the study, so that study dose is relatively low and if you do not get it mixed well, it will likely be equivalent to an ever lower dose.
I would be very interested in knowing what consistency the Orabase product is? Can you think of a common product that would have a similar consistency? Is it sticky? Does the consistency change much once the HA is fully mixed in. Does the Orabase dry fast? Once you apply it inside your mouth, does it dry in place or does it stay wet?
Citronella Oil
I have Lichen Planus on skin. By chance I discovered that citronella oil has made the red purple marks almost diminish. I had a lemon scented lotion that did not smell very good. So I added about a dozen drops to a 8 ounce bottle of lotion. After using for only a week my skin condition really improved. Just wanted to put it out there for others to try.
Salt Water Baths
Sophie, thank you! We went to Mexico and while there my intuition told me to get in the ocean water for my lichen planus, which was all over my back and various other places. I did that, and it got lighter, and within a few weeks it disappeared!! Wooohooo!! :-) I heartily recommend getting your body in the ocean as a remedy for lichen planus!! :-)
Thank for the posting about borax healing sores from lichen planus!!! I've only used a few days and all the ulcers are gone and my tongue is pink again!! Haven't had any side effects either!! I've had this for over a year tried everything from purslane, vitamins, lymphatic drainage and nothing has gotten rid of it but borax!!!! I'm so grateful to have found the information!!!
Dietary Changes
I've had oral lichen planus for 8-10 years and latley light outbreaks on wrist/ankle. With me, my oral lichen planus will often clear up completely, and always get milder, if I stick to a lower carb diet. While I'm not overweight I confess to preferring to eat lots of carbs typically from sweets. When I ease off, my condition always improves - often to miraculous degree. Today on internet I searched 'lichen planus diet' and found a similar post from a dentist stating a patient of his experiences same. I'm convinced there is a link between proper body funtioning (caused by better diet) and ease of auto immune probs like lichen planus. Likewise my other auto immune issue of painful joints also worsens with poor diet, and goes away when less carbs consumed. Other posts on earth clinic have suggested links to vitamins, acidity, etc for treatment/cure. I think perhaps when your body functions properly when you eat right, burning fat as it should, that your body heals itself of some odd ills. And conversely, when you eat poorly, your body's systems are adversely affected, sometimes presenting in various ways such as lichen planus for some of us.
I'd love to know if others experience same. I hope this helps some others. I will try to stick to better diet. It's tough though. To remove my lichen planus completely I have to drastically reduce carbs, then I can have sugary desserts, pasta, etc. 2-3 times a week without recurrence of lichen planus. What's tough for me is falling off wagon and getting into bad cycle of too much sugar too often - if I don't break pattern my lichen planus remains and can worsen. But the good news for all is it CAN be done. I recall many times where I broken pattern, fixed my lichen planus, and ate well for MONTHS at a time without issue. The real trick is this: when you see even the smallest hint of lichen planus returning, you've been eating too many carbs and need to ease off.
Hyalauronic Acid (HA) / Orabase trial for Oral Lichen Planus - Observations
I tried the 0.2% HA/Orabase mixture on gums and mouth for 16 days. We estimated that for each 30g. tube of Orabase, adding food grade powdered HA that fit on the tip of a dinner knife would be an approximate 0.2% mixture. Each tube lasted about 8 days. It was applied 3 times/day for a minimum of 30 minutes each time to (a few days)used overnight. Because you cannot go out with this mixture on the mouth, I extended the 14 day trial to 16 days to make up for four missed applications.
This definitely stirred things up. The LP began moving to other areas of the mouth, with quite a bit of burning noticed in the AM. I am not sure if this was due to the HA or the Orabase. I had a very small filling on a bottom tooth (it was decades old from a minimally chipped tooth), which came out when this was left on at night. After that, I discontinued using the mixture overnight. I had a small amount of Orabase left over, so I mixed it with alcohol-free liquid tumeric extract and used that for two days. (The liquid mixed with the Orabase makes the Orabase less able to be spread around). No relief. So I chewed some watercress for a few days, then cilantro for a few days, and left it on my gums to chelate whatever was going on.
I went to the health food store to look for dental products and ran into a woman who had major infected gum problems, and she told me she had read a book that said Goldenseal was needed to cure this. I looked this up when I got home and it seemed to be a good idea for sore gums, and I had liquid, alcohol-free Echinacea/Goldenseal with Burdock Root, Wood Betony and Cayenne Pepper, all recommended (along with Myrr, but I didn't have that). It seemed to help a lot, so I have ordered some more. The Cayenne did not burn, which was surprising.
I am so grateful to have this study posted from Art, because I was about at the end of the line in options. Even though it created some change in the status of the mouth, I think this may be a good thing to alert the body to try and heal itself. It also lead to other options I had not considered. I had a very red mark on my gum for months that is decidedly lessened in color. The results of the NIH study were excellent, so I may have mixed the dosage incorrectly, and I did mix it by hand, so it may not have been totally evenly distributed, although I mixed it for quite a while. I don't want to discourage anyone else from trying this. I have had LP for a long time, and my gums are very sensitive. All in all, I think some progress has been made because my gums looks less inflamed and a more natural color, although some burning remains, especially in the morning. I'm happy! Thank you.
Hi Art,
I would say the Orabase is the consistency of something between regular toothpaste, vasoline and icing right before you ice cookies or cake. It is very smooth and soft. After I mixed the powdered HA with the Orabase, it remained soft and spreadable, and I was able to store it in a glass bowl with a lid. It almost immediately dries upon contact with the mouth, and is not easily moved around. However, after being in the mouth saliva for a while, it softens up and starts to slide down onto teeth from the gums, (some sticks on the gums, too) which is why you need to stay inside. You have to use your finger to get it off, or a q-tip, and also brush your teeth. However, the second I added the liquid tumeric extract to the Orabase, it solidified somewhat, was spongy, and was much less spreadable and much harder to put on the gums. It must react with wetness, and changes from soft and speadable to much drier, and this reaction is almost immediate. Very interesting stuff! Hope this is understandable. After the small filling came out, I did have some concern about the effect the HA might be having on the tooth enamel, but my teeth seem fine now with no increased sensitivity. Thanks for posting the study, Art! I will be interested to see if my dentist thinks there is improvement in May. I am going to add myrrh and goldenseal in distilled water with celtic salt as a mouthwash and see how that goes, too. Will post if anything changes. Hope your psorisis is still gone and you continue to feel well. Thanks for all you do to help people find remedies that would otherwise not be apparent to most of us. Your research skills are top notch, and you are very generous with your time.
Hyaluronic Acid
I'll look for your updates, good luck!
Hyaluronic Acid
I can't thank you enough for posting this study. The amazing thing about the HA is that the LP does not come BACK! Thank you, thank you! This may be it! And I can always add the CS, if necessary. I haven't been this hopeful in a long time. All the research I have looked at, and I never came across that study. Thank you so much. I'll keep you posted on any results!
Dietary Changes
I gave up milk too. I got it very badly after Dental work and know it is an allergy to the metal put in to my mouth that I can't take out.
I am wondering did you give up dairy products like yoghurt as I eat a yoghurt each day. I have completely given up sugar and trying to give up Gluten in Breads and Grains. I find it very hard to give up bread but have 2 slices a day. Well done on helping your illness. All illness of course is from inflammation in the body and cheese is a big one here, also sugar and junk food. wishing you the best
Salt Water Baths
Sophie, I also discovered my own treatment for lichen planus. I started getting it on my lower legs and arms in my 30s, and it would appear mid-winter and disappear in the summer. This cycle repeated annually from my 30s into my 50s, but not every year. Then one year it didn't go away in the summer. I mentioned it to my doctor (an internist) who inspected it, looked it up on her version of webmd, and agreed with my self-diagnosis. She referred me to a dermatologist, who took a biopsy, prescribed a steroid cream and said come back in two weeks. Two weeks later, he seemed surprised that my legs looked so good so quickly after using the cream. I told him I had a free afternoon after business meetings in Ft Walton Beach FL so waded in the gulf for about a mile in each direction, and my legs looked better. He smiled knowingly and said “saltwater, and particularly sea water, is very therapeutic for people with skin conditions”. Five days in Playa del Carmen cleared it up completely and I've managed to get to the ocean once a year since then. With covid travel restrictions it has been more difficult to get to the beach but I've been taking regular Epsom salt baths and that seems to keep it at bay. Last year it showed up again on my gums so maybe it's time to return to the ocean.
I can tell you what has worked in oral LP of the mouth for several of us. It is probiotics that contain the BLIS K12 and BLIS M18 strains of probiotics. After brushing your teeth at night before bed, dissolve one tablet or lozenge in your mouth and don't drink any water for at least a half hour, longer if possible. I successfully used Jarrow brand lozenges, but they seem to be difficult to buy lately, so I switched to Carotec brand from Naples, Florida. These help heal the mouth but do not extend elsewhere in the body, unfortunately. One man found some healing by using 1 teaspoon of Black seed Oil daily. If you look under the ailments tab at the top of the page, Lichen Planus, you can see some suggestions from Ted and Bill that may be helpful for the LP on your skin. Best wishes.
Olive leaf actually helps your gut. It is Prebiotic and does not adversely affect your probiotics. I buy ground olive leaf in bulk 1 lbs bag from California. A teaspoon or 2 a day in Juice or under the tongue and sip liquid or salivate and swish cleared after a month.
Dietary Changes
Hi, my experience with Lichen Planus, firstly an oral specialist prescribed cortisone, not to take it but to rinse out the mouth 3 times a day to reduce the inflamation and help repair the damage. However I am quite drug sensitive and couldnt do any more than three days. I was informed that Lichen Planus is an auto immune system disorder, and there is no cure.
However I have been dealing with a naturopath in Qld, Mermaid beach, this wonderful lady does hair analysis, and has helped me enormously, she found I had a multitude of problems that stressed the immune system.
But Lichan Planus lives off sugars and yeast, so the first thing is to give up both these things in the diet, and I did if for nearly a year, I make my own sourdough, that was easy. What was really hard was sugar, the sugar in tea and coffee was a breeze, but the alcohol was not, not that I am a drinker but I do enjoy an occassional beer or wine or whisky, they were to me like treats, not daily and never a hangover even but just something nice at the end of the week.
And no chocolate, or desserts, no vegemite etc
But the Lichan Planus was gone for some months, but sneaking a bit of sweet stuff from time to time, and now stressful times with business being busy and Christmas coming I have tender gums again, so back to hard core diet, it's shit full, but if anyone out there has any better input that would be helpful, that would good great.
regards, JennyKK
I have had skin Lichen Planus for about 1-1yrs. I tried all the Dr's suggestion. But it always returned just as bad. Finally and herbalist for a health food store in Atlanta Georgia call (i think) the Garden of Eden, told me to take 2000-3000mg of L-Lysine & 50mg P5P (B6) 3x per day. And from the first 1000 mg that evening my itching & breakouts decrease about 99%!! I like the L-Lysine by Solaray that also contains vitamin C, Zinc and Vitamin B6. Hope this helps.
I've changed protocols slightly. I believe I have this thing in full reversal. However, 6 months going down doesn't mean two days going back up.
As I said, I am confident that I had a staph infection for 6 months that weakened my immune system, and brought on a candida problem. I cured the staph with mega c(sodium ascorbate)... now I'm dealing with the candida problem (which I believe fungus is the cause of lichen planus, candida or not).
The wart like things that come and go, are probably freindly bacteria eating the fungus. No more fungus, and the warts disappear(and you have crappy looking finger-tips).
With the fish oil, I can't say whether or not this produces friendly bacteria that kills the fungus. Perhaps it does. Perhaps this is just bad bacteria infecting fungally dammaged cells. Unclear.
I've been killing off fungus very quickly with Niacin and Garlic Pills(Selenium and Sulfur). Uninating several grams of Candida per day.
What comes along with this is that if you kill your fungus, this "friendly bacteria" looks for a new place to attach to. This is called a "dye-off-effect" by the iodine guys. You get a stuffy nose, and feel like you have a cold. During this time period, you can increase your vitamin c(Sodium Ascorbate) substantially without getting diarrhea. I am at 30,000 mg today.
Here is my new protocol:
Selenium Sulfate Head and shoulders with 2 teaspoons of borax (for the dandruff).
Colgate Total Toothpaste (triscolan plus Sodium Laurel Sulfate)
Sodium Ascorbate (6,000 - 30,000 mg)
Niacin (built up from 500mg to 1,500 mg)
Garlic (built up from 5,000mg to 15,000 mg)
Iodine drops (built up to 1,100 mcg per day)
I mix the iodine and vitamin c with milk, take a niacin pill, and 2 garlic oil pills. If I feel a runny nose, then I skip the next dose, and put vitamin c in milk(4000 mg), or orange juice(2000 mg).
Since I've added the garlic, I had a sore live for 1 day, followed by a sore kidney for 2 days, followed by garlicy breath(hit my lungs), followed by the worst gas in my life and diarrhea(intestines).
With the mega-c, the die-off effect comes and goes, a couple hourse at a time (no big deal).
This new protocol is a modification of Linus Pauling's protocol for Multiple Sclerosis, plus Ted's. It has been postulated in the past that Candida overgrowth in the intestines could lead to MS. I don't know if that is true or not, but I've noticed substantial improvement in 2 weeks on it.
Other problems: you might get a sore back. This could be from the liver, kidney, or the intestines. Make sure you drink lots of extra water.
Additional Notes: don't go to fast, build up gradually at your own pace. The no-flush niacinamide and time-released, stay away from. You want the flush, that means you're actually killing something. Having a doctor actually monitor your blood and liver would probably be a good thing. If you go too fast, you can damage your liver.
Warning on Borax, which I've recommended in the past: Too much borax can explode blood vessels. I cured my blepharitis with it... but I've also seen some blood vessels turn red. Perhaps Borax cures atherosclerosis, however, if you see and signs of red blood vesels, especially next to your eyes, or on your genitals, you better stop using the stuff until those heal. As I've said in the past, ted has chosen wise doses for a reason. There are some studies on Borax that say you can explode blood vessel in the genitals if you go to high on this stuff. What is too high is hard to tell, but if you see red blood vessels then stop.
I've had success with both internal and external use of this substance, but caution should be used.
ps. Ted, your writing is brilliant. I needed alot of time to catch-up. Where should I send the check to? :)
I am A+ as well. It IS interesting-the blood type Theory. I get tick bites very easily and my husband gets none. We live in the woods. My sister told me of a study that states the ticks prefer A+ blood. It's a mystery at this point. Thanks for the info.
Eliminate Vitamin D
I have suffered with Lichen planus since I was 10 years old. I once had a severe outbreak that lasted almost 4 years. This included oral lesions and lesions on my legs, feet, ankles, arms, back, neck, scalp, and vaginal lesions. After unsuccessful topical cortisone treatment, the doctor placed me on prednisone. Because prednisone depletes Vitamin D stores, I was told to take a very large amount of Vitamin D supplements. I started the prednisone, but did not start the Vitamin D supplements for a couple weeks. I noticed a drastic improvement in my lichen planus. They began to shrink in size, and the itch began to fade. However, once I started my vitamin D supplement, I flared back up. Thats when I put 2 and 2 together. I told my doctor, and he dismissed it. I would not take his word for fact though since I was also told that lichen planus is not genetic...my father and his sister both suffer with lichen planus. I followed my gut and cut vitamin D completely out of my diet for a while. milk, eggs, fortified cereals, fish, less sunlight, etc. My lichen planus went away. My father did the diet with me, and his went away as well. Once they went away, I took, I ate normal again, and whenever I notice old scars turning pink and starting to itch, I watch my Vitamin D for a couple of weeks. I recently had another outbreak, and I think it is due to the fact that I have had 2 back to back pregnancies and have been on prenatal vitamins for 2 years, which have a significant amount of vitamin D. I think its finally caught up with me, so I started the diet that I did ten years ago once again, I have already noticed I am getting better. My father is currently getting another outbreak because he was supplementing his diet with Fish Oil, which has large amounts of vitamin D. Since he has cut it out of his diet again, he is also improving.
I agree with her 100% My daughter has had LS from the age of 2. We did everything her Dr. said nothing worked for years. Her LS had gotten so bad I had to take her out of school and started homeschooling. I would be up day and night reading on LS looking for anything to help her out calling LS Doctors sending out emails. One day I he had received a phone call from a Dr. in L.A. He had just finished reading my email. He told me change her diet cut out milk he said to try coconut, almond milk not milk from a cow or any animal. More white meat less red meat lots of green veggies. To buy gluten free foods. My daughter has had no LS problems for 5 years now. But this summer she was at her grandparents house. She came home in pain crying that she had burning again I took a look and her skin was right back. The only thing different my parent did was the milk they drink regular milk. My daughter loves regular milk but I never buy it, so when she was at my mom's she went overboard my mom said she had to buy milk everyday. Now that she is home her pain is less and less I too believe the milk has a lot to do with. Everyone is different but I believe changing her diet and giving her coconut milk or almond milk has helped her alot.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hi Art,
It's difficult for me to say, because I have trouble only doing one thing at a time, which I realize may distort the results. I had tried to take a break from LDN because a researcher I trust had suggested she had done this. This is the second year I have tried this, and both years, after being off the LDN for a month or more (I was shooting for six months), I picked up a nasty virus that lasted weeks and weeks, after never being ill at all in all the years I have taken it. So that has to be factored in. The HA study said to keep it on at least for half an hour which I may have interpreted incorrectly as more is better, even keeping it on overnight a day or two. My teeth seemed to be more sensitive and hopefully I didn't lose any enamel. I'm also not sure if I was able to thoroughly mix and distribute the HA in the Orabase by hand. I went into a LP flare from all this. I was able to reverse it after using a echinacea/goldenseal liquid swished in mouth and swallowed, and surprisingly, a toothpaste with Myrrh extract, Clove oil, folic acid, grapefruit extract, zinc and CoQ10. I thought the clove would be an immediate No-Go, but it worked surprisingly well. I think the zinc may have been the main help. Not totally, and I have had to back off to a lower usage, but enough to become tolerable again. My dentist felt that I had some improvement but still had inflammation in my front gums, which is interesting because the inflammation used to be all in the back gums and seems to have reversed position. It still is improved and my gums are not receeding as much. My most reliable indication of the status of the LP is that when I first wake up in the morning, the first thing I am aware of is my gums are burning, and this has definitely improved.
I am very grateful to you for showing me studies that I wasn't able to find myself, and showing me different possible remedies that may lead to a cure. This is a creepy, awful little autoimmune, like most are, and I continue to hope to find a complete cure one of these days. I don't think I will try a long term break from the LDN again, but take it less often and at a lower dose, which is sometimes advised. I sometimes think it's not doing much until I take a break! It is subtle, like borax. (It's NOT subtle for people with MS, Crohn's and many other diseases which it helps return the user to a normal life if taken regularly). Thank you, Art, for helping so many of us and always thinking outside the box, which is probably how we will discover a cure or complete remission. I keep returning to that list of LP, psoriasis, Sgogren's, etc into a group and how your supplements were listed for these autoimmunes. What is the link?
Dietary Changes, UV Light Therapy
Hi. Just wanted to write our experience treating lichen planus in child. We changed our son's diet and treated him with UVB phototherapy and his LP condition improved.
He is almost cured after 4 months and his condition was bad. He had many skin bumps, nail and oral form. He does not drink cow milk, only goat milk and joghurt, he is wheat free. I also give him omega oil, curcuma capsules, probiotic and multivitamin. His doctor prescribed corticosteroid creams and a series of UVB phototheraphy treatments ( more than 20 to be exact) and that helped a lot.
Now we are not sure how to improve condition of his nails. Please share.
Colloidal Silver
Hi Alison,
I have been searching for a cure for oral LP for over a decade, and the only study to show what could be termed a "cure" is this one:
Best wishes! Thanks for your post!
Aloe Vera
My oral lichen planus is getting worse and the burning too. I had some red rash under my breasts that was really itchy and didn't like the side effects of protopic so I tried aloe vera gel and after I put a cream that I made 50/50 coconut oil and cocoa butter. It took about 3-4 weeks for the itchiness to go away. Now, about 2-3 months later, the redness is almost all gone!
So then I decided to try to swish aloe vera juice in my mouth for the OLP. It burns but my gums turn light pink which is incredible to me since they are pretty much red. I also started swallowing about 1 oz because I have LP in the esophagus as well. It burned at first but now it does't anymore so I think it's working. Will try to take 2 oz now to see if it helps even more!
I had Lichen Planus for 10+ years. I started taking the probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei for arthritis I believed was caused by oral bacteria. Within 30 days my arthritis had improved but the lichen had almost disappeared!! After more research I found there is a link between the two so I added a women's probiotic and vitamin C. 60 days out and only a few white dots left and no itching!! Purchased both on Amazon.
I had Lichen Planus on my hands and forearms. But I used essential oils. It was a mixer of lavender, tea tree and coconut oils. Then I mixed all in organic plain cream. This I used sometimes twice a day after my bath. Also I took a bath every day with 1/4 cup baking soda poured in the tub. But you have to rinse private areas good after bath. Some people say you get a itch if you don't. It has taken it away totally. Good luck!
To Abeera, from Pakistan who wrote:
Hi, I am suffering from LP. It's all over my body, scalp and now oral, can u please suggest me how to use sulphur for oral lichen planus? I am so desperate by this LP. Please do inform me if there is any other remedy available easily in village side
I have Lichen Planus but not severe, I have an LP sore on my leg which has been there for about 5 years.
I have just started 1 week ago drinking Kefir made with cow's milk and also I have been rubbing a small amount into the sore. The change in a week is amazing. The underlying bumps have gone down and the redness is getting less. I am hoping this is a good cure. I have heard that kefir has cured eczema and crohn's disease, that is what gave me the idea to try kefir. Give it a go.
Best wishes, Neil
Light Therapy
I have had lichen planus for about 7 months now. I had a biopsy confirming the diagnosis. It has been very uncomfortable, and has caused my skin to become raw in some areas. I have tried numerous steroid creams as well as prednisone treatments without much relief. Finally, I tried going to the tanning bed a couple of times, and it is finally cleaing up miraculously fast. I know light therapy is one of the treatments used, but my dermatologist hasn't even talked about it yet. My skin condition was to the point of being debilitating.
Best of Wishes, Joe
It's an autoimmune response. Mine was caused by hypersensitivity to mercury.
Struggled for years had it on skin tongue scalp and genitals. I was misdiagnosed with psoriasis geographic tongue dandruff and jock itch.
Olive leaf extract helps.
Hopefully, they will clear after removing dental amalgam.
I found an ointment with comfrey at our big health food store (actually, they had several). It is comfrey in a base of olive oil and beeswax.
Sadly, I'd have to rate this "better but not cured." It does help to control the itch, but the underlying condition remains.
So, I will continue the search...
Olive Leaf
Please, anyone with mouth lichen planus, please try olive leaf you can swallow.
Borax…start there. And yes, I drink it! 20 Mule team dissolved in water. Sometimes I use just a pinch in my drinking water.
OMG... Happy to be reporting back. I am what I feel is LP FREE!! Iv'e been using Borax 1/8 tsp 2x daily, since May 1, 2012 it's now Oct 2, 2012 and my mouth is beautiful, my stomach doesn't burn, and my below the belt has not had any reactions since May. I am now begining to reintroduce some of the foods that I couldn't tolerate and I'm doing back flips over my progress with Borax.
Based upon my initial reaction to the Borax, I cut the medication Placquinel down by 1/2 and 2 weeks later cut it out completely (I've also had tremendous problems with my eyesite due to the Placquinel).
I take B-6, C, fats (fish oils, tonalin, blackcurrant, & occassional evening primrose), magnesium, zinc, and Ultra H-3, MSM and HMB for my muscles (I do classical ballet 5 days a week at 47 and my training is intense).
The only thing I'm still struggeling with is YEAST... Does anyone have any suggestions for YEAST? I don't do sugar, fruits, or carbs, so I eat really healthy. I do drink coffee (1x per day) and I like an occassional glass of wine. Other than that, no sodas, teas, or fancy carbonated beverages. Its gotten really bad and I've had it now for years. I realize YEAST can lead to a number of illnesses and this scares me. Lately I'm more irritable then ever before, more congested (post nasal drip, lungs, etc), and more stressed out than ever before.
Any other remedies like Borax for LP to cure systemic YEAST? Thank you to everyone who blogs here. In deep gratitude for all of you, TED, and EarthClinic!!
Live~n~well In Aptos, Ca
Borax…how I use it … dissolve it in water. The amount that doesn't dissolve (depending upon the temp of the water) will fall down to the bottom of a peri bottle (available on Amazon). A paste can be made and applied topically. I have even used borax to brush my teeth when oral is active.
Hi Siddeswari,
Sorry to read that you are suffering from LP for pretty long time. Aloe vera is good, you can continue taking it internally and application. Borax is very effective on LP which also should be used internally and for application. For internal use you can mix 1/8th tea spoon of Borax in one litter of filtered water and drink this water whole day, only precaution you have to take is that don't drink this immediately before and after the meal. I prefer that this be stored in a glass bottle.
Also you have to change the life style, meaning you have to avoid stress/strain situations, include some exercise ( you must sweat ) in your daily schedule and most important your diet. Your diet has to be more on the alkaline side, I will even suggest taking enema to clean the colon.
Good Luck