Lichen Sclerosus
Natural Remedies

Lichen Sclerosus Remedies

Posted by Ada (Vancouver, Bc) on 07/31/2017

Borax for Lichen Sclersus and osteoarthritis

After reading many website on Borax I found Dr. Walter Last's website on 'The Borax Conspiracy' I followed his instructions to rid my LS condition of 3 years. I used 1/8 tsp Borax to 1 litre of distilled water for 10 days with a one day break after 5 days; then I mixed 1 heaping tsp Borax to 1 liter of water and took 1-2 tsp daily added to an additional glass of water. Also take 600-750mg Magnesium Citrate.

After 4 days of beginning this treatment, I noticed my energy increased and my knees, which have 'osteoarthritis', stopped aching. After 10 days, my LS inflammation began to subside, and the itching subdued greatly. For moisture I began to apply a combined solution made of 2 tbsp Castor Oil with a 5-6 drops of Lavendar Essential Oil and 3-4 drops of Lemon Grass Essential Oil and applied regularly on my labia/vulva area.

One month later, I feel much better and the healing is definitely happening! What a relief! I have stopped taking the 'steroids' prescribed by my Dermatologist, as it had only superficially contained the problem and the redness and itching hadn't ever stopped for long. I have never had a yeast problem ever before in my life, I'm a vegetarian since my teens, and 65 years old now. (PS. I do have a hypo thyroid condition since mid 30yrs, which I now take 5-6 drops of Nascent Iodine a day with '50mg Selenium', and discontinued taking my 'thyroxine' medication.)

I also take Nordic probiotics & Chromium; Vitamin D3 and Omega 3 to help my gut. I stopped drinking so much coffee and drink lots of water, modified glutens to very small amounts and walking more frequently.

Eliminating Wheat
Posted by Suzzie (Portland, Oregon) on 03/21/2013

Eating Wheat was what was causing my Lichen Sclerosus symptoms. The symptoms I had was shrinking labia minor, horrible drive me crazy itching of my clitoris and the area to the entrance to my vagina was not supple at all and was painfully tight. When I quit eating wheat, the itching completely stopped after about a week. (It may take longer for someone else to experience total relief, as the effects of wheat can stay in the body for 6 months) After a month off Wheat, the tissue in my labia minor has started to plump up again and the entrance to my vagina is now supple and stretches like it should. No more pain!!! Halleluiah!

I encourage everyone to read the book "Wheat Belly" by William Davis MD. Modern Wheat has an inflammatory effect on the body, whether you feel the symptoms or not. There is a myriad of diseases that disappear when wheat is eliminated from the diet. Modern Wheat has more in it than just the gluten that causes allergies and doctors do not test for these. Even whole wheat bread (thought to be healthier than white bread) will raise your blood sugar higher than eating a candy bar! There is an episode of Dr. Oz where they showed this is true. This is true even if the bread is made from organic wheat.

To add to the inflammatory effect on the body of Wheat, here in the United States, 90% of the wheat (including corn, soy and canola) produced is "RoundUp Ready". (Only a few years ago that number was 60%) It has roundup poison molecule inserted into the grain so the fields can be sprayed to kill only the weeds. Then the whole field is sprayed with RoundUp, which is absorbed into the crop adding more poison which is later ingested by animals and people. In the US they do not have to label any food that is GM. Every time it goes to vote the industry uses scare tactics about the cost of food going up as a result of new labeling laws. This is simply not true. Many grocery prices have doubled in the past 5 years regardless. You can't put a price on our health, because the alternative is costly for sure! * * * I believe we are already seeing the health consequences from these genetically modified foods, but we can't yet prove it is due to them. I think we are going to see more illnesses that used to be rare, and see new unexplained illnesses due to GM RoundUp ready foods.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dee (Utica, Mi) on 07/23/2011

I have had symptoms of LS for 2 years now and have finally found a way to keep it under control. The symptoms started after menopause with extreme vaginal dryness. Then the vulvar skin breaking, bruising and vaginal atrophy began. I work for a GYN doctor so I knew what was happening to me. I did try Perrins cream which helped a little in the beginning. I vas very reluctant to use any prescription medication, but after suffering for so long I finally tried a very small dose of Estrace cream vaginally once or twice a week which has helped alot. (I did not want to use Steroids). I also apply pure vitamin E oil (found at Target for $5.00) to the vaginal/rectal area everyday after bathing/soaking. I use only natural soap very gently in that area, no bleach on underwear, avoid any perfumes or strong dryer sheets that irritate, no underwear when at home and only lightly blot when using toilet paper. These things have helped me tremendously. Avoiding sugar and taking high potency probiotics do also help. I hope and pray that a natural cure can be found and that the cause of this awful condition will soon be discovered. I have been doing my own research and taking note of the similarities in women who have this condition. Hope this helps someone.

Vitamin E, Lavender Oil
Posted by Thankful (Trinidad) on 03/29/2016

I swear I used lavender oil vitamin e, witch hazel and castor oil and I am as free as a bird from lichen sclerosis after reading your remedies. I was suffering from it for a year and prayed for a solution and found it on your page. Thanks a million for everything I can live a better life without the itching. That was one of the Worst things ever Thanks😀

Eliminating Wheat
Posted by Effingham (USA) on 09/03/2013

Well, it is 2013... Just wanted to let everyone know, I have managed this disease very well with the "Curezone". After careful research and self experiments... I must agree with Suzzie from Oregon. I have read Wheat Belly, but realized this before the release of the book. Found out that eating GMO chips (corn) would send my LS through the roof. I also noticed other products - milk, breads.. They all have in common the GMO.. Round up toxified stuff. I made an honest effort to stop all these and my symptoms clear up. I rarely use the curezone, unless I eat these poisonous foods. Check out all the research on "hyperimmune" and "autoimmune" also "genetic transfer" of the altered DNA in GMO's.. Which could cause permanent changes in our DNA in turn which constantly triggers above responses. Stop the insanity of this food. Why is it that other countries outlaw it but not the USA. This has to be the culprit like the "immune" issues the Bee's are presenting with... Food for thought. Peace.

Castor Oil
Posted by Lolo (boston, ma) on 11/18/2023

lichen sclerosis relief with castor oil

thanks so much for these posts. My gynecologist insisted that I would need to use clobetesol twice a week for the REST of my LIFE!! Tried that for over a year, but still had flare-ups. And who wants to use steroids forever? -- I have started using castor oil twice daily, with occasional aloe vera for irritation or lavender oil for itch, and coconut oil once during the day for extra moisturizing. Symptoms calmed down quickly, and No symptoms for 1 week now.

Wonder if people are using the castor oil even when symptom-free as a preventative? Or just when needed. Would be helpful to know.

I notice that lots of people ask for follow-ups, to see if these remedies work long term -- so I will post again. Here's hoping...

Borax and Olive Oil
Posted by Trill (U.S. ) on 03/01/2020

Olive Oil + Borax = LS symptoms gone. Seriously. I can't remember where I first read about using that combination, but it works. Just plain olive oil (not EVOO) and borax applied to the vulva 2-3 x per day and every symptom is gone. And it worked fast. I continue to use the same remedy to avoid any return/flare-up, and I'm doing really well. Back to normal and feeling so grateful.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Cari (Ca) on 03/26/2016

I use colloidal silver gel for lichen sclerosis. Helps immediately.

Posted by Lynn (Seattle, Wa) on 02/07/2015

I'm wondering if anyone has explored the use of Monolaurin for lichen sclerosis? indicates it is helpful with yeast, infections, MRSA (even) as well as Herpes and more. Would you mind letting me know your thoughts? thank you

Castor Oil
Posted by Joyce Mor (Boston, Ma) on 10/09/2015

Thank you, I used the castor oil, lemongrass, & lavender, I added about 4 drops of Frankincense.

My niece has LS, after about 4 or 5 day putting it on liberally throughout the day, she called today and said everything is back to normal, her skin is back to normal, no more itching, bleeding and pain, hopefully it last, she is only 19, I hope this helps. Thanks again for your post giving me the original recipe.

Witch Hazel
Posted by Georgina (Tolmie, Victoria, Australia) on 03/04/2013

I don't know about the Essiac Tea but I recently read on a Lichen Sclerosa Forum about Witch Hazel. The writer had felt that in someway her urine was to blame for her symptoms. I had had some similar thoughts so decided to follow her advice.

For the past week I have been drying myself, after having a pee, with a tissue, and then wiping myself with a tissue with some Witch Hazel on it. The effect has been quite dramatic. No more itching or soreness at all.

Is it possible, I wonder, that there is some toxic reason for the urine to affect the vulva so badly. All one gets from the medical profession is that Lichen Sclerosa is believed to be an auto-immune system breakdown. That seems to be their answer for anything they don't have an answer for.

In closing I should say that I don't believe my Lichen Sclerosa to be a really bad version of the complaint although I have had it for the past ten years. If I can stop using the Diprosone Ointment by using Witch Hazel I shall be well pleased.

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Janet (Anglesey, Uk) on 10/29/2012

After months of suffering and using steroid creams to no effect I used zinc oxide and within 24 hrs the soreness, redness and discomfort had gone. I have only applied the cream 4 times but the affected area seems to be almost back to normal. Miraculous result

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Kim (Effingham, Usa) on 07/22/2011

I have LS , never did have a yeast infection or bladder infection. Mine started after I had my hysterectomy. Then dx with hypothyroid. I have found a relief in my own concoction - through many trials... and think I might have gotten rid of it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jill (Dallas, Tx) on 12/27/2010

Lichen Sclerosus is a condition that I self-diagnosed myself with a few years ago, after much internet research and no help from my doctor. This is still such a mysterious condition, with little concrete medical data out there to refer to, but here are some of my observations and some things that have helped me quite a bit.

First, I believe that it is caused by hormone imbalance and/or auto-immune issues. Most people notice their symptoms begin with hormone shifts. For me, it was at the beginning of peri-menopause, and came along with other, more common symptoms of that. Along those same lines, the symptoms are always worse at the end of my cycle (pre-menstrually) and better towards the beginning of the cycle. Also, I notice my symptoms flare up (and have heard others report the same) when my immune system is run down or strained, especially if I'm fighting a virus (cold, etc... ). Interestingly, as several others here have mentioned, I also have a history of adrenal fatigue/chronic fatigue. So seeking natural hormone balance and a healthy, balanced immune system are, in my opinion, key to going into permanent remission.

Topically, I have found the most success with a cream called Perrin's Cream Complete, found on the Perrin's website (you'll find it if you google it). It immediately relieves discomfort and seems to help quite a bit overall with other symptoms. It is a soothing antioxidant cream that is very healing as well. It was originally developed to help prevent and reverse skin cancer, so for a condition with an increased cancer risk associated with it, this cream is a good one to have on hand. Also evening primrose oil has been helpful topically.

I have tried to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet to help with the auto-immune aspect: no sugar (very inflammatory and noticeably worsens LS), fried foods, junk foods, processed foods/fast foods, margarine or shortening. About a month ago I also eliminated gluten (mostly found in wheat) and either it's a coincidence, or that was truly helpful because it's better now than it's been in years. A whole foods diet that is loaded with vegetables and healthy fats and protein (which includes SATURATED fats: coconut oil, eggs, butter and meat from healthy, pastured cows, etc... ), fish, krill, or cod-liver oil, and low on grains (especially wheat). Try to eat more like your great-grandparents ate and you'll be doing much better than if you follow the USDA food pyramid! The Weston A. Price Foundation has great info on healthy traditional diets and how our modern, western diet and food preparation has damaged our health ( Learning about food sensitivities/allergies would also be essential for reducing systematic inflammation. If you can't afford allergy testing, try checking your pulse before and after eating suspected foods. If you notice a marked rise in your pulse after eating a particular food, you are probably sensitive if not allergic to it.

Also avoiding chemicals as much as possible in your environment (cleaning products, unfiltered city water), and food (genetically modified and/or pesticide laden foods) is also important. I know there are lots of supplements that help with inflammation: turmeric, fish oil (or krill or cod liver), vitamin D3 (current recommendations are extremely low, so probably around 5, 000 mg. daily, or better yet, get your levels tested and aim for therapeutic levels--check out for more info on vit. D), and many more.

There are also supplements designed specifically for reducing inflammation. Chinese mushrooms and herbs have been used with incredible success for a variety of inflammatory conditions, so that would sure be worth checking out. Fungi Perfecti has a product line called Host Defense and a product in that line called My Community that looks very intriguing. It's a very reputable company and scores of people with serious immune and/or cancer issues swear by their products. seems to have the best prices. Searching out anti-inflammatory diet and supplements should provide lots of good ideas. Hopefully there's something of use in all that!

If I discover a magic pill, I will certainly share my discovery, but my guess is that it's really about getting your hormonal and immune systems balanced out, which involves a more holistic approach to diet and lifestyle than what one pill can provide.

Castor Oil
Posted by Ag (San Marcos, Texas) on 11/22/2017

I have been using organic castor oil on myself for a week for LS. It has softened the rough patches of skin. Also, it tends to soothe the irritation. My Gyno said 2 days ago that it hasn't disappeared, but it is not getting worse. So, I figure that is a step in the right direction.+.

Castor Oil
Posted by Trish (Ca) on 09/15/2016

Castor Oil is it! Finally got some relief. Slept through the night last night with no irritation. First time in years. Thank you!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Elisa (Utah) on 06/06/2016

For lichen sclerosis: I'm happy to see someone else on here trying colloidal silver gel. I have been using this also and it has helped a lot.

Dietary Changes, Essential Oils
Posted by Cindy (Newberry Fl) on 03/13/2016

I started with Lichen Sclerosis at 56 years old in 2014 with a spot on my breast and white patches starting on the underneath side. This diagnose came shortly after I fell and ended up with a par fracture and bulging disks in my back. I used whatever cream they had giving me along with eating 80/20 alkaline. I completely healed that area and it hasn't come back to this day and it's 2016.

Over the holidays I splurged eating too much of the good stuff and started with it in the vulva area. At first I thought I just scratched myself while wiping. I started getting worse in the next three weeks. Sleepless nights and the scratching and rubbing was getting out of control. I finally called the gyno. I couldn't get in until Monday so that meant go the whole weekend. I faithfully took me essential oils and immediately got off everything that had sugar in it. I was in and out of the tub with a few inches of water and baking soda at least 25 times or more to get relief.

I had called the doctor on call that Saturday morning she told me to use desitin. It helped a little along with the bath. I also took some Benedryl. I finally got a mirror out and looked down there. I knew right away the Lichen Sclerosis had got me. Saw the gyno next day. She wrote the script for a steroid. When I went to pick it up they wanted 250.00 I just about started crying. I have been out of work for almost two years from that fall.

Little did I know at the time this was in my favor. When I looked up the Lichen Sclerosis I read terrible things about what the steroid cream does to you. There was no way I would use that down there. That stuff shouldn't be allowed. What the doctors should do is hook up with a homeopathic doctor and get educated. I couldn't get it so I went home looked up lichen sclerosis vs alkaline and lichen sclerosis vs essential oils. I get them from a reputable company. Find yourself a health coach that knows how to use them.

I stopped all the sugar, flours, fruits and vegetables high in sugar. (No carrot-sweet potato-potato-rice etc.). When I cheat (like have a few organic gmo free chips) I know it because my lichen sclerosis acts up again. I also used a product called emu oil-then switch to emuaid. They helped a lot. I'm running out of emuaid so someone told me her oncologist told her to tell me to use bag balm.

I am using that now. I also got a squirt bottle and rinse every time I pee with water high in PH/alkaline water. Tap water makes it sting. I no longer have any splitting and cracking and my color is back. I barely have any scarring left. You must take care of leaky gut to get this to clear.

Oh by the way I've already been able to have sex again. I am on the road to recovery and feeling better than I have in many years and I've lost some weight and inches too. I also found stress can also add to this problem. From my experience so far I'm finding for me that changing my eating habits is the way to heal and get past this lichen sclerosis.

Vitamin E, Lavender Oil
Posted by Ajm (Alabama) on 12/22/2013

Lichen Sclerosus: Based on some of the suggestions on this site, I began using vitamin E oil and certified pure therapeutic grade Lavender oil on the affected area and all symptoms have stopped. Lavender oil has analgesic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, to name a few. I have had LS since puberty but was misdiagnosed until 3 years ago. No cure and steroids are a no-go for me so management is my focus. Symptoms vary based on diet, exercise, and hormones, though this combo seems to be working well so far. I may try the purple emu oil in the future or possibly make an essential oil combination using lavender, melaleuca (tea tree), and oregano. Thanks to the makers of this site! It helps a lot!

Essiac Tea, Homeopathy
Posted by Sher (Nj) on 01/23/2014

My condition was self diagnosed. I have had LS for several years now and non of the doctors could figure out what it was. Finally my condition got worse and started researching the symptoms and couple of months ago I figured what I had. I came across this site to find cure for this and I took Daisy's advice and ordered some Essiac Tea to cure it internally and used Perrin's blend for external use. It's been almost a month and I am feeling much better. The white patches have almost disappeared just 2 small areas to be treated. Also I've heard that this could be due to some emotional trauma and shame so I am sending myself some luv every morning and night. Essentially I am doing three prone healing - internal, external and emotional. I am optimistic that I am getting better and better everyday. I will keep you posted.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by 3unicoyds (L.a., Ca Usa) on 01/30/2011

In 8/2010 I was diagnosed with L.S. After a routine pap. I am 45, on a high dose estrogen birth control pill. So lack of estrogen, confuses me. 1/2 my clitoris is closed up and I had NO SYMPTOMS! Needless to say I am shocked. I have been battling body pain for 2 years maybe fibromyalgia, symptoms are similiar and on several medications. I did recently test for HPV, but they say no connection. I am using steroid, but no change. Yahoo has an excellent support group for this too. But has anyone found anything to reverse the skin closing? I do not want to have surgery, but seriously my clit. Please there are few things in life I am not willing to give up and that is one of them. HELP. Thanks

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Unknown (Ny, Ny) on 05/28/2018

I wanted to share some of the things I have found to greatly improve (don't want to say heal...yet) my LS. I read all these forums looking for things that help so wanted to share what has greatly helped me.

I use boric acid vaginal suppositories. I definitely think there is a candida link here. I had a yeast infection and my doctor prescribed it. You can just get it on amazon though. This is something I do fairly frequently and was a life changer.

Also I've done the O-shot three times. It is pretty expensive, but worth it. Find someone trained regarding LS. The link below lists providers. After the first one, my doctor said I improved by 30%. The third time I got it, there was almost no signs.

The other thing I think is helping is Borax.

Posted by Rita Jean (Texas) on 02/11/2018

Researched for over a year as to the cause of LS. Tried all of the noted protocols on the web. What helped was Perrin Naturals and also ozonated extra virgin olive oil. These worked for different phases of the out breaks. Ended up going back to my old faithful calendula ointment and witch hazel for immediate relief of the itching and burning. Breaks outs always appeared after eating acidic foods. When I researched the bottled water I was using, the test results also showed acidic. Changed to a much higher PH bottled water and continued my calendula and witch hazel protocol. Still searching for the cause is when I found MMS. Drank MMS for 8 days and also did the MMS sitz baths for 8 days. No more lesions, itching, cuts and burning. It took a long time to find this cure for me but thought I would share it as it may help others.

MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) - I started with one drop for a couple of days and moved up to 2 drops. With the sitz bath I used 5 drops MMS and soaked for 20 minutes in hot water. By the eight day I wasn't using and witch hazel for the itching and calendula ointment.

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