Lichen Sclerosus
Natural Remedies

Lichen Sclerosus - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Lichen Sclerosus. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.


Posted by Bluebird (Chicago, Il) on 06/11/2020

Editor's Choice Research serrapeptase for lichen sclerosus! Serrapeptase is an enzyme produced by silkworms that dissolves scar tissue in the body. I was diagnosed with LS five years ago and have been searching endlessly for a cure. Clobetasol and other natural remedies didn't help at all. My condition was relatively moderate, and my primary symptoms were fusing and whiteness with occasional discomfort.

I recently started taking serrapeptase to help with adhesions related to abdominal surgeries, and I discovered the LS benefit by accident. Taking 1 or 2 pills per day had no effect on the LS. I achieved remission only by taking higher doses of 4-6 pills per day. After about a week at this dose, I noticed that almost 100% of the fusing and whiteness had disappeared. The skin is completely normal now!

**Serrapeptase is contraindicated in people who take blood thinners. Consult your doctor before taking them. I am not on blood thinners, but I did experience a nosebleed at the higher dose.

Niacin with Aspirin

Posted by Laura (Akron) on 11/25/2016

Editor's Choice Niacin for Lichen Sclerosus

Niacin caused burning so the pharmacy told me to take it with aspirin to remove the burning and it worked 100%.

Aloe Vera

Posted by Renee (Michigan, US) on 03/14/2015

Editor's Choice You can relieve the itch of Lichen Sclerosis in the genital area by applying 99% or 100% pure aloe vera gel. I also use a spray of witch hazel about 8 oz, with three drops of tea tree oil, 5 drops of vitamin E oil, 5 drops of lavender essential oil and a capful of castor oil. I spray that on...let it dry a little or lightly pat it dry if I'm in a rush...and then just apply about 1/8 teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Works very well for me. Heals me, keeps me healed and the aloe vera gel keeps the itch away.

Castor Oil

Posted by Aj (Charlotte, Nc) on 12/24/2014

Editor's Choice I was diagnosed with LS at the age of 27 by a dermatologist specialist. I am now 48. I am not sure what caused it as I have had no trauma that would warrant it that I can think of other than an episiotomy at age 18 when my daughter was born. I have always been able to keep it under control with steroid creams clobetasol and OTC 1% cortisone ointment. Been out of clobetasol for 4 years and OTS ointment has not really been helping. In the last 9 months my skin has turned more white and some tearing with sex and itching and burning with my monthly menstrual cycle.

I have been doing so much research on how to heal myself. I tried emu oil with little results, coconut oil mixed with lavender and lemongrass with pretty good results but last week I think I found the best thing ever. I researched and starting using a solution of organic castor oil (4tbsp mixed with 2 drops lavender oil and 1 drop lemongrass oil) I have used it for a little over a week now with wonderful results. It gives instant relief of itching and burning, my tears have healed and my skin is finally starting to turn back pink again. Castor oil is very thick and odorless so it stays with my skin well throughout the day while I am at work or in bed asleep at night.

Sex was great with no tearing or itching burning afterward. I will continue to use this and I hope it helps anyone who reads this suffering with this horrible affliction.
