I have been ingesting drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in distilled water. It has cleared up my acne about 90% up till now. I will continue to take it, but so far, it has been the only thing that has worked and given me dramatic results fast. I've been taking it for about 3 weeks till now and am constantly improving. I suffer from facial and body acne.
Background: I've had acne on and off for 17 years. I was on topical medications for a long time, but they were not a cure. They only covered up the real problem which is internal. Then I started taking orthotricyclen, a birth control pill. It completely cleared me up, but then I started to notice that I had no libido whatsoever. So I got off it. My body then stabilized on the hormones but I broke out worse than before.
Then I started trying alternate remedies. Several things helped. Enemas and colonics cleared me up about 50%. Taking fresh yeast mixed with tomato sauce cleared my face up completely but I would still get acne on my back.
Then, I had to take antibiotics and they messed me up again. The acne came back full fledged.
I contacted a psychic who told me that the problem was that I had leaky gut. My gut was toxic. She recommended the hydrogen peroxide ingestion therapy along with a digestive enzyme and probiotics.
Tried the probiotics and several different digestive enzymes but I didn't see results till I started taking hydrogen peroxide.
Regimen: I start off with 3 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide mixed in 6-8 oz distilled water three times a day (so total 9 drops in one day). The next day, I take 4 drops in water three times a day. The day after, 5 drops and so on. I take this about 10 days and then have a few days of rest where I don't take it (like 3-5 days). Then I start up again in a cycle. If I notice any nausea, I take longer to build up the amount of drops. Everyone is different, so some people might not be able to build up to such a high amount of drops. Important! To avoid any reaction with food, take on an empty stomach, aka 3 hours after eating and don't eat for up to an hour after taking it.
Please check out food grade links on Amazon regarding this therapy. Just check people's reviews and see the success rate of this therapy. This is oxygenation therapy which also works for multiple other diseases such as cancer.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Alright guys and gals, I just want to inform you of something, a little "experiment" I did after a bit of research on pricey Acne products ... Proactiv--or the cheaper but same version Acne Free. The main ingredient in these is Peroxide .. oh yes. The product is made up of a 3 stage process. First to cleanse your skin .. for those of you with oily skin, plain ole alcohol will do wonders as it not only cleanses the skin better than anything it also rids of excess oil and tightens the face, but ONLY for oily skinners out there ;) .. Followed by number 2, which is a astringent and toner ... use some witch hazel, cost about 5 bucks ... Finished with the over all killer of acne ... Peroxide .. yep. Peroxide. Thats the secret to those pricey products .. why pay so much when you can pay only 7 bucks for your own put together kit of the same ingredients?? After the Peroxide, get you some baby oil and DAB it onto your face .. rubbing any mosturizer into any part of your skin only aids in the stretching of the skin ... who wants that?? Literally DAB it on your face and neck before bed, acts as a wonderful moisturizer and a protectant of whatever your pillowcase might try to share with your beautiful face. One more thing, get ya some Castor oil, it too is cheap, few bucks a bottle, DAB it around your eyes and get yourself some good 8 hour sleep. Ladies and Gents, don't forget this great free tip, DAB .. never RUB. I am 33, and in all my life have never had a zit/pimple/blemish thingy until just 2 years ago I reached what looked like adult puberty .. in these few years I have tried all. Even the ACV (which Im not knocking as it works too .. just not as well for me as this biz). Give it a shot .. for under ten bucks you too can look like lil miss jessica simpson when she commercialed for proactiv ;) ... good luck to you all. we are all different so find what works for you best.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I am 16 and have had acne problems the majority of my life, I have tried pretty much every home trick and countless acne products. I had a horrible breakout on my cheek and tried hydrogen peroxide. Since a pimple is essentially a wound like a cut or scrape (same face, same germs) I decided to treat it like one. I poured a litttle bit into the bottle cap and dribbled it over my cheek (this works better than a cotton ball for me) and let it work its magic for a mintute. Then I put on a dab of anticeptic cream and a bandage and went to bed. When I woke up the acne was completely gone. Now I do this every night, hope this helps someone!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Peroxide cured the Acne/Folliculitis on my face and scalp. I had these painful, sometimes puss filled, and often crusty red bumps on my scalp and forehead/temples since fall of 2002. It was gross, it was ugly, it was embarrassing, and it was now 2007!
Since 2002 I have been to 3 Dermatologists, each one progressively hitting me with stronger and stronger treatments (I stopped short of Accutane), and have been through countless 'remedies' before attempting peroxide. After about 3 - 4 weeks of applying the peroxide topically 2-3 times a day, the bumps are gone -completely gone. The only downside is that I have brown hair that is now a burnt orange color and blonde in a few spots. But hair grows back.
When I say I've tried everything I mean it, from prescriptions to over the counter to changes in habits. The following is a list of some of the stuff I've tried without success:
Dr. prescribed medication: Monocyclene, Tetricyclene, Evoclin, Retin-A, Ketoconazole 2% shampoo.
Over the Counter stuff: Proactiv, facewash, facewash pads
Shampoo: Every strength and every brand of Medicated shampoo out there, t-sal, coal tar, 2% pyrithione znic, natural shampoos, tea tree oil shampoo, nioxin.
I've shaved my head, changed laundry detergents, I've changed my sheets every other day, I've used triple antibiotic ointment, tea tree oil (not diluted), organic athletes foot oil, hydrocortisone 1%, cranberry pills, showering 2-3 times a day, even diaper rash ointment - yes, that's right, diaper rash ointment.
Most of these attempts yielded mediocre temporary results. After about a week of use, any bumps that disappeared returned with a vengeance.
All along all I needed was a $1 bottle of peroxide. Amazing.
Good Luck!
I tried the hydrogen peroxide remedy on a few pimples last night that had just started to look ugle (white puss at top). I held a cotton ball with the peroxide on each one for about a minutes. Couldn't believe it.. the next morning they had almost disappeared. Amazing! Better than the OTC creams that dry the pimple out, but still takes a few days.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I have an area about the size of a quarter just below the right corner of my mouth that keeps breaking out. I was washing it and putting colloidal silver gel on it a few times a day, but that only made it worse. I read about using hydrogen peroxide for pimples on this site and last night held a cotton ball soaked in peroxide (3%) against the broken out area for about 8 minutes. It was amazing because I saw teeny tiny white postules appear in places where there weren't any visible signs of pimple. It did look very red afterwards, so I don't suggest people do this before going to work in the morning. This morning when I woke up the area was 80% better with no redness. Being Sunday, I did the peroxide treatment again this morning for 4 minutes and fewer tiny white postules appeared this time. More redness, but not as bad as last night. An hour later, my skin looks incredible. About 95% healed. Fantastic remedy!
Hydrogen Peroxide
I have been using hydrogen peroxide for acne after reading about it on this site, and it really works! There's no reason to spend big $$$ on Proactiv...because plain 'ol cheap hydrogen peroxide is a main ingredient in Proactiv. And not only am I really pleased with the results I've gotten with clearing up breakouts, I also have found that it has cleared my skin tone up! Yes, it's bleaching it, but the hyperpigmentation I had from sun damage both looks & feels a lot better. The only suggestion I have is that if you are going to put hydrogen peroxide on your entire face with a cotton ball, please put some Vaseline on your eyebrows first so that your eyebrows don't bleach like mine did! :)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Thanks alot guys for informing us on hp i used it on my acne and it was gone for 2 days and also i used it for my mouth and my bad breath and it was gone in an instant thanks guys am from kenya and i will recommend it to my friends bye mbenya
I'm 15 years old and am tired of always having painful, deep, long-lasting sores on my face. I also don't want this acne condition to continue to my adult life, so i decided to go online today and look for a cure that was low-cost and preferably organic. i JUST read this article and remembered we had some hydrogen peroxide in the cabinet. I ran and soaked a cottonball and held it on one of my pimples for almost 10 minutes (as one of the feedbacks had said) i must say, i was worried that so much exposure to hydrogen peroxide would bleach my skin, and i thought it did lol. but the whiteness went away (as i knew it would... i was just worried.. lol) and i noticed that the pimple was SIGNIFICANTLY smaller and not NEARLY as raised up as it has been before!!!! I look into the mirror and i was SHOCKED!!!!! i could barely tell it's there at all!!!! this was truly amazing, thank you for posting this remedy!!! I have used hydrogen peroxide on pimples before, but i hadn't ever held it on for more than a few seconds. ten minutes is key. it WORKS. I am sure that it will help with the future and present pimples, and i am so happy that i will be zit-free for my picture day at school!!! (i can use makeup to cover up some of the redness and irritation. hope that goes away soon =) ) thank you again!!! i'm going to tell all of my friends who suffer from acne as well!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide and witch hazel cures pimples. Wash your face with a simple cleanser 1-2 times a day, and after you wash your face, use whazel on a cotton ball, then on pimples use a cotton ball with peroxide on it.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I use hydrogen peroxide to get rid of pimples. It really works! Whenever I have a breakout I soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and apply liberally to the pimples and/or acne. I only apply it to the pimples themselves. This truly works! Within 24 hours the pimples are gone. I have a friend that uses it for this purpose as well and also my cousin. Spread the word! I never use anything but hydrogen peroxide for pimples.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I love the hydrogen peroxide for pimples! I've been doing it now for about a month -- since I read about it on your site. I hold a soaked cotton ball to the pimple for about 3 minutes. The next day it has almost disappeared. Oh, one reminder -- don't let the peroxide sit on your eyebrows for very long... in a week or two you will notice them turning orange! Ha ha... Yes, that was me...
Hydrogen Peroxide
I just want to give a big, two thumbs up for the Hydrogen Peroxide skin remedy. My skin is generally clear save the occasional breakout, but I experienced bad skin breakouts for a few months due to stress. It was probably the worst ever, and none of my usual practices were working. I gave Hydrogen Peroxide a try and immediately (within a few days) saw dramatic results. Now the breakouts were pretty bad so it did take me some time to truly clear my skin.
I just want to say to anyone with skin problems, have faith and go the distance, as we all know it often takes time and patience. I also want to second the person who said not to pick at or exfoliate or anything like that because if I hadn't tried to 'help things along' by exfoliating the dry skin, it would have been clear much quicker. I know that this is a general guideline with clearing the skin, but with the HP it seems to be very much required because of the way it works.
Once my skin got to a clearer stage, I decided to only use the HP once a day in the evening, because it was drying things out too much and I didn't need this so much when my skin was almost clear. It looked smoother underneath makeup by doing this. I hope this makes sense! In other words, the breakouts had dried out or subsided to a point where I could decrease the HP, and instead focus on more moisturizing methods. It took me awhile to realize that I was overdoing it, and needed to move into something different, so I hope this helps someone if they experience this as well. I also took zinc as someone else suggested and I can't say for certain but I believe this helped. Thanks again!
Hi Makeup, The first thing you should know is that with all the medications you have taken for your acne throughout your life, you have definitely messed up your internal ecosystem. All that medication destroys the good flora in your body and leads to havoc. That would be something you should seriously consider, re-establishing the good bacterias in your system. That can be done through diet. The drs. aren't going to tell you that because they're schooled in prescription drugs NOT in true healing!
You can go through all the recent posts in regard to candida issues because they would apply. Specifically, read the thread of Gwendolyn's on the latest post page as you will get information to help you. The acne is a by-product of the state your body is in. Personally, I would do the apple cider vinegar before the HP as it will help alkalinize you. Just going at your face from the surface is never really going to "cut the root out" so if you are serious about getting them "completely off your face", you are going to need to do internal cleanup.
I wish you the best and hope you get started so you can begin to see Real results. Peace, Lisa
Hydrogen Peroxide
When I came accross this site about 5 weeks ago and read all the feed back about Apple Cider Vineigar, I rushed to the store and bought a huge bottle of organic unrefined ACV and statrted taking 1oz 3x a day with 8oz of water. I really had alot of hope for this but unfortunately after almost five weeks I'm in the same place I was when I started. I'm 31 and in my early teens I had moderate acne that was easily controlled by your standard face washes and creams. For some reason within the last few months acne has retuned like never before. I first went back to all the stuff I've used before like noxzema,clearasil,acilic acid face wash, clearasil toner and it only seemed to get worse. After patiently useing each for about a week at a time (never combine 2 of these or your skin will become red irratated and scaley)still nothing, just more embarrassing frustration. Also tried cutting out all dairy and meat, and the raw foods diet. I also exercise regularly (3x week). ACV and organic unrefined cocnut oil (as a light moisturizer) seemed like it was stating to work in the first week so I keeped at it, but acne kept comming back with no relief in site. So I stopped ACV after over 4 frustrating weeks and turned to Hydrogen Peroxide and UREKA!! At last somethig that works after the first time I used it!! I just washed my face noxzema, used a cotton ball to apply the peroxide all over my face and that was it. I held the cotton ball over the bigger zits for about 3-4 mins (stings a little) then whent to bed. The next morning my entire face had cleared up by 50%. I'm useing it in the morn and before i go to bed(after showering).This is day 2 and getting even better. Face is a little dry but not ahole lot. This stuff is amazing!! Thanks to everyone who has posted on this site with different remidies. Hope this post helps somebody. Good luck!!
Hydrogen Peroxide has worked great for my acne and periodic cold sores. Once or twice a day I swab my face with it after washing. I also rinse with it after brushing. I have not had a blemish or cold sore since!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Thank God for hydrogen peroxide. I have had a lot of trouble lately with acne, worse than usual. Like a lot of the rest, I thought hey why wouldn't it work. My skin looks better!! It was overnight I noticed a difference. I have been using witch hazel and didn't understand why it wouldn't changing anything. I'll keep my witch hazel, but peroxide is definitely at the top of the list!! Hang in there everybody!!
Hydrogen Peroxide
I am 43 years old women and have been on Acne medication (antibacterial) for 8 plus years and tried just about everything topically. It had been very embarrassing having constant breakouts and so frequent last cyst/breakouts had not healed before next round started. I had some surgery last July and my face was so clear from the antibiotics it made me start to think what I can use topically on my face. I started using store grade Hydrogen Peroxide on a cotton ball twice a day, just wipe over my face morning, night and if I exercise. I have not had a breakout for 3 months. My face is clear and healed up nicely. After suffering so long and spending a lot of money on different products I am thrilled. I just wish I would have tried this sooner. Side benefits it has lightened age spots on my face. One negative is not to get on your eyebrows because after daily use it will lighten them.
Can't wait till my dermatologist sees me! They will be shocked at the dramatic difference!
Hydrogen Peroxide
I decided to try hydrogen peroxide on my face to rid it of acne. Yes. It works my husband and a I could not believe it. My skin is very smooth. I thank God for this website. I apply hydrogen peroxide to my skin in the morning and at night. I actually saw these results in two days. Angela
Hydrogen Peroxide
IT WORKS FOR ACNE!!! I've used every harsh antibotic and prescriptive topical for acne there is, and pretty much exhausted my options. So dermatologists would just put me back on things I've already tried to see if it will "work this time" or work after the Accutane!A friend told me her boyfriend suffered from acne and his derma was sensitive to bacterial growth. I don't know why the light bulb never went off in my head before. But I thought, "hymmm, maybe I should just try disinfecting my skin..." And what's the first thing a person typically uses to disinfect a small wound - HYDROGEN PEROXIDE! I litterally tried it for one week and it significantly cleared my skin. I stopped taking new set of antibiotics the last dermatologist prescribed because, of course, it didn't work. Accutane worked for 3 yrs, then acne came right back. I do, however, take Yaz birth control that helps with the monthly hormonal breakouts. BUT!!! and that's a major but - my skin would not be as clear as it is now without some cheap $1 hydrogen peroxide. I just get so mad thinking about all the money I spent seeing dermatologist and getting prescriptions the insurance wouldn't cover because it was considered "cosmetic" to try and clear acne.
Hydrogen Peroxide
To Julie:
09/16/2008: Julie from Boston, MA writes: "Adult Puberty Acne?
I am 32, never a zit or blemish to speak of until four months ago. I now have these horrible cyst like pimples around my mouth constantly. I have tried ACV, aspirin masks, coconut oil, and even tumeric, but nothing is helping. I am going to try the peroxide tonight as soon as get a chance to run to the store. I will let you all know how it works."
I feel your pain! I swear - within a week after my 40th b'day, I developed an acne cyst. Never had acne as a teen. You want to talk about being depressed! I've struggled over the years as it comes and goes but recently - I'm 50 this year - had the worst outbreak EVER and didn't want to leave the house. After much surfing of the 'net and MORE surfing of EarthClinic.com, I tried taking Vitamin C and after about a week of 2,000 mg daily have started to see a huge improvement. (I was determined to NOT take antibiotics.) I also tried dabbing peroxide which helped dry the blemishes that were threatening to ooze. Honestly, since taking the C I feel better overall and find that my pores are reduced a bit - my skin looks smoother. The acne, or rosacea, or whatever the heck this mess is was in a line, almost, from a spot in the center of my forehead...down my nose (big bump there!)...flared out under my eyes, on my cheeks...and was all around my mouth with a huge cyst in the center of my chine. Horrid! My eyes were terribly bothered - very bloodshot and a bit swollen - for about a week and I've read that rosacea can get into your eyes. When that happened, I mixed a drop or two of Colloidal Silver in about 1/8 cup of water and dropped it into my eyes. After a few days, I used the Silver straight and within a couple of days my eyes were 100% better - feeling and looking.
This site is amazing! I sometimes just peruse the testimonials for hours, one search leading to another - learning and enjoying what everyone has to say. Ted is a genius; Deirdre, the site looks terrific! Thanks to you and all who contribute and maintain this great resource. I am convinced that none of us need to surrender to synthetic "medications", that all we need to heal ourselves is at our fingertips.