Effective Natural Remedies for Toothache Relief

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Keith (Orlando, FL) on 10/05/2006

Editor's Choice Was reading the remedies and just wanted to add the following: I am a medical missionary that uses natural methods of healing. I encounter several different diseases and sickness in my line of work.

One remedy that I have never seen fail for toothache pain, is charcoal. It will stop severe toothache pain in about 20-45 minutes in most cases! I will give you an example with my wife. She begin to have toothache pain last year(2005) around the time of thanksgiving. She begin to call dentists for an appointment; however, the soonest that she could get an appointment was 2 weeks! To make a long story short the pain became unbearable. It radiated all the way to her temple on the side of the bad tooth.

So I took activated charcoal, added a little water, stirred to a paste consistency, placed it on a gauze(a piece of cotton t-shirt could also be used) and placed it directly over the tooth. I had her press down very gently. I then offered a prayer.

In about 12-15 minutes the pain that was radiating up to her temple begin to subside. In about 20-30 minutes my wife, who had been in such great pain, that she was in tears, and was unable to even sleep, dropped off to sleep.

The next day we also started her on a program of drinking 2-3 glasses per day of a table spoon of the charcoal mixed with a glass of water. She did eventually go to the dentist only to find that a small cavity had exposed a nerve, and infection had set in.

The charcoal worked on the infection because it is the inflammation that causes the pain. So by pulling or drawing the poisons from the infection(the underlying cause) the inflammation is addressed.

A friend of mine, who is also a very experienced medical missionary, with more than 30 years of hands on experience, even running a natural clinic in Tennessee for a long time, and having a 45-50% success rate with 4 stage cancer, (conventional success rate with 4th stage cancer is about 5%" gives the following alternative for toothache pain and abscess

These are direct quotes: "Mix 3 tablespoons charcoal,1/2 teaspoon clove oil, 1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper, ½ teaspoon olive oil (enough to make a paste), and 1 teaspoon of golden seal. He states: " This remedy is strictly for pain in the jaw or tooth pain. Pack this around the tooth that is giving you problems. If you can cover the tooth up it will generate heat. That will remove the pain faster than any toothache remedy. Try it. You will feel the heat and you can go wash your mouth out. If you are in a lot of pain the heat is comforting. The pain of the poultice drawing is less than the throbbing of the toothache.[The mixture] should be quite thick, about the consistency of natural peanut butter. You want to be able to mould it around the tooth, so that it will stick."

The next is for an abscess specifically.

His words: "If you have an abscess with a lot of swelling, you cannot get that tooth pulled until you get the abscess under control. This recipe is famous for getting that abscess down 3 parts Slippery Elm, 2 parts baking yeast, 4 drops cloves, 1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Add a little water, enough to make a paste. It will be gummy due to the slippery elm. Then pack this mixture around the gum. The slippery elm, like charcoal, draws the inflammation, the cayenne stimulates the cells around the tooth to release toxins and the cloves are added for the reputation as a pain remedy, especially in toothache.

Vitamin C
Posted by Robert (Orlando, FL) on 12/24/2006

Whenever I get a toothache I think back to see if I took large amounts of vitamins, especially C, and then suddenly stopped. Toothaches can be the result of sudden withdrawal from vitamin C. If so, it's best to return to using it and gradually withdraw from its use rather than do it all at once. Sudden withdrawal from C can cause joint pains as well. Such pains are normally temporary, but they can be quite disconcerting if one doesn't know their source.

Vitamin C
Posted by Lawrence S (North Charleston,SC)

if you have a tooth ache and don't want to go to the dentist, here is a cure: take 1000 mg of vitamin C plus one capsule of Echinacea Root. Make sure it has 450 mg of Echinacea and take it twice a day for about 2 weeks. The pain will go away and then you don't have to take anything. One more thing -- don't take them all at once, take them like 9 am and 9 pm or some like that. if you can't take the pain take some pain pills with it. I have a bad tooth and no pain and i don't take any thing for it.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 06/28/2006

If you have a terrible toothache, put a capful of 3% peroxide in your mouth and hold for ten minutes several times a day. The pain will diminish quickly.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Arazak (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 04/14/2007

H202 for toothache: I was recommended by a friend to gargle for one minute with H2O2 3% solution 2 or 3 times per day and repeat for three or so days to relieve throbbing pain. And IT WORKED.

Posted by Kelly (Miramar, FL) on 11/19/2006

Powdered clove cured my tooth ache. Thank the Divine; this worked IMMEDIATELY!

Posted by Anon (NYC) on 05/04/2006

Tooth Pain: Fill the tooth with clove powder. Works better than anything.

Posted by Donnie (War-Town, GA) on 01/24/2007

Tried the whole cloves, only took a few minutes, and seems to be working great!

Posted by Jennifer (Seattle, WA) on 06/04/2007

WOW! is all I can say. I was in such severe pain from an exposed tooth nerve that I thought I was going to go to the E.R. Then I tried cloves and my goodness the pain was gone in 2 minutes. Thank you for this web site- It is now on my favorites list.!!!!!

Posted by Geena (Christchurch, New Zealand) on 08/24/2007

I was in agony with an infected tooth and even codeine and anti-inflammatories didn't seem to much ease the pain. Then I tried 100% clove oil. WOW is all I can say! The pain went in just seconds. It was truly amazing. Thank you so much and for this great site.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Jake (Chicago, Il) on 10/09/2007

Many thanks to Lucille from Jersey City. I had sensitive gums and nerves for several months after having two dental procedures - removal of an impacted and decayed wisdom tooth -lower left,and placement of a crown on a molar above. I was very sensitive to cold especially but hot as well. Oil pulling with coconut oil just three times cured it 95%. It was hard to believe after it was so sensitive it virtually went away. I rarely feel anything anymore except with extreme temperatures and I see even that declining as the days go by.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Rhonda (Rockwood, USA) on 01/13/2008

I started Oil Pulling with extra virgin coconut oil and saw results the first time. I have had a sensitive tooth for years that has not responded to any other treatment. One OP and it was gone. About an hour after the first pulling my eyeballs started to ache. It got worse until I had to blow my nose and got a lot of egg yolk colored snot. The eye ache went away. My nose stops up every night when I lay down but not after oil pulling. I have also tried cold pressed sunflower and will try cold pressed sesame tomorrow.

Neem Tree Twigs
Posted by Sanjay mehta (Ahmedabad, india) on 01/10/2008 7 posts

last time i had tooth ache, i tried chewing tender twigs & leaves of neem tree & it seemed to help. if one repeats this more than two to three times in a day, each time chewing for about 15-20 minutes, the pain will start subsiding, & provide lot of exercise to the mouth, which otherwise would be unthinkable in such times.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vicky (Victoria, BC, Canada) on 01/18/2008

I had read about all of the ailments that could be treated by Apple Cider Vinegar and decided to try it for a bad case of Athlete's Foot. I used it for about 6 weeks and the problem cleared up completely. A couple of months later, I chipped a piece of a filling from my tooth. Within a couple of days, the tooth started to ache. I remembered how the Apple Cider Vinegar had killed the bacteria from my feet so I decided to start taking it internally to kill bacteria from the inside out. It immediately started to reduce the pain in my tooth. Within 3 weeks, my toothache was completed gone. I still haven't gone to a dentist to get it fixed. I just keep taking my ACV!

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