I'm surprised onions are not higher up the list of remedies for tooth ache. I have inflammed tooth nerves which are causing me considerable pain. I've tried most of the top rated remedies but none seem to help. Last night I tried biting on a small piece of white onion and it seemed to work! I would recommend it. I chewed on small pieces and then spat them out. Definitely worth a try if you like raw onion.
As far as pain goes for a tooth ache, just gargle with a concentrated salt solution ** As Needed .** It will kill the bacteria that is causing the pain.
Add 1-2 Teaspoons or Tablespoons to a cup of water and rinse - gargle as needed 3-4+ times a day. This will kill the bacteria in few days but the pain will go down after the first day or less, just make sure to use enough salt and do it enough and you should be OK in a few days...
Use something other than table salt if possible. It's stronger and non toxic, refined natural white sea salt is best or pink salt, you can get both very easily on ebay or amazon. The Hawaiian sea salt I like best for this. Buy the coarse grain as it`s less expensive and will dissolve anyway.
Hi, just wanted to add this to the mix, I have found that sipping comfrey tea is helpful for toothache. One of it's other names is 'knitbone' which might explain why it seems to me to strengthen teeth :)
Silver Nanoparticles
Ana (Texas),
I make my own, but you can order it on line from some supplement suppliers and Amazon. Places like Whole Foods also stock it on their shelves. You can also use ionic silver for this purpose as it will likely get reduced to colloidal silver in the mouth through interaction with the bacteria in the mouth. Commercial products are expensive, but for this particular application I do not use too much so it can last quite awhile. Here is a typical product from Amazon for a manufacturer who has been around quite awhile.
Silver Nanoparticles
Chamomile Tea Bag
I have a cavity that is very deep. I also have an abscess tooth. I placed a chamomile tea bag on the area and spit out about a quarter of a cup of saliva. I repeated this with another Tea bag. The pain stopped, the swelling was gone and so was the redness. Instead of getting my tooth pulled or getting a root canal, I am continuing home remedies and just getting my teeth cleaned for now.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I had shooting nerve pain on an upper molar all of a sudden, maybe from overdoing a water pik but it seemed like a dental infection. I read on Earth Clinic about tea bags, but sticking a soggy black tea bag in the back of my mouth and trying to hold it there made me gag and throw up! So then I swished with regular hydrogen peroxide. I held it in my mouth for about 30 seconds. It foamed up real fast so I spit it out and did it again but added water. I more minute. I did this morning and evening. The pain was gone by the next day. No problems since then and it's been a week.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Omg this works! I was in excruciating pain and over the counter medication wasn't working, a few mouthfuls of this held in my mouth and then spat out and the pain went away. Thank you
Hydrogen Peroxide
I had a painful toothache from one of my top molars, the tooth had broken in half actually, and I was in a lot of pain. But that was almost 11 months ago :) Hydrogen peroxide works!! I brushed my teeth with baking soda, rinsed. Then swished a little HP for a few minutes (let it foam), then spit it out and rinsed with a little warm water. Again, that was 11 months ago, and I have absolutely no pain in that tooth, it's still there.
I have been doing the OP, Black Walnut extract, rinsing mouth out with half drop of tea tree oil and water, dash of salt-cayenne pepper-baking soda, trying to get gums to grow back, re-mineralize teeth w/homemade toothpaste to up minerals needed {teeth were looking transparent, now don't}. molar on upper left of jaw hurt so bad, could wiggle it.(wiggleing it once was quite enough}
I put a whole clove in pastic sandwich bag and mashed it with a hammer, put clove on tooth, chewed it gingerly. Did not realize tooth was swollen-but swelling and pain is gone now! Will be able to make and wait for dental appt. without being in exceeding pain.
Oil Pulling
I am doing oil pulling with sesame oil at night after dinner since last 4-5 days ... its very beneficial ..i am suffering from pain at right corner 2-3 teeths of bottom....but I have observed that due to oil pulling pain decreased and also teeths becomes more clean...fantastic ...everyone must do this process.....
Hydrogen Peroxide
Using goldenseal liquid is also excellent in healing oral issues. Put 2-5 drops in 4oz water and swish until gone. It works great. You may use it 2-6 times daily, but not over 10 days. We have healed abcessed tooth infections with this. The tooth still needs dental assistance from a dentist, but it does end the infection.
Hydrogen Peroxide
3% hydrogen peroxide for tooth pain relief.
It works better than the maximum strength tooth pain gel. And, it's one hell of a lot cheaper as well.
Apple cider vingar and a teaspoon salt and hot water works good.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This was the best remedy, it works like a charm and works fast, I had tried all kinds of over the counter meds, orajel but nothing else worked like this natural remedy, it soothed the pain until I was able to get to the dentist, I put warm water, 2 teaspoons acv(with the mother) and added salt to mine and gargled with it and it worked immediately
I have a tooth that need to be pulled on my upper left in the back. It started bothering me and I was taking ibuprofen and using Orajel, which worked well at first. Over the weekend, the pain was increasing and ibuprofen was not cutting it. I tried alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen and the pain was unbearable. I tried tea tree oil and vanilla extract which numbed for only a few brief moments. My husband thought of ACV, I said, I don't want to just try anything, and he found your website. I am so thankful for these reviews and testimonies to ACV. I mixed 2 TBSP ACV and 2 TBSP warm water, drank the majority of it down and swished the last swallow for 1 min. It is not easy to drink if you're not used to it, but the benefits out weigh the sour taste. It took a little longer than 15 minutes for me, but I do weigh over 200 lbs, so that probably has a factor. I was able to sleep, I was able to go to work, I have the slightest ache now, but I can live with this until I can get my tooth out. Thank God for my husband, ACV, and your site!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV stopped my severe tooth pain.
After 7 days of agony and mental anxiety this is what I just did. 2 tablespoons of organic ACV with the mother. Put in one glass of warm spring water. Drank it down and then swished throbbing tooth with last mouthfull and spit out. OMG I trully feel alive again. YES THAT FAST. I have no dental insurance and hence no dentist to run to. I will repeat once more before bed for good measure. Thank you all who who reminded me with your posts that ACV works wonders. Bless your hearts!!!
I practice alternative medicine whenever I can. Ironically, the more you see a dentist, the more pain you have. Despite a high pain tolerance, I had excruciating radiating pain (to ear, jaw, neck) from an old partially restored crown that needs revision. Hot foods and liquids particularly irritating. Q-tip dipped in clove oil, -- rinse this out after letting it sit a minute -- don't swallow clove oil, --then a swab of baking soda gave me temporary relief.
How much alum is needed? Does alum need to be mixed with water?
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have a broken tooth on the top in the back of my mouth. I haven't been able to go to the dentist and the pain has been keeping me awake. The most painful thing I have ever felt in my life!! So I looked up home remedies and came across apple cider vinegar. I used 2 tsp apv and 2 tsp warm water rinsed my mouth for about a min. And the pain is was gone right away!! I think I might finally get some sleep!!
MMS or Bentonite Clay
MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) gets a bad rap but it really is a miracle. Activate about 6-to 10 drops of MMS with an equal number of Citric Acid drops. Wait 30 seconds and then add an equal number of drops of DMSO. Add about 1/2 tsp of distilled water. Apply the entire solution on painful tooth. Then swish it around in your mouth for 8 to 10 minutes. The DMSO penetrates to wherever the bacterial infection is. Usually works after just one application, but you can do it a second or third time if needed.
I love Bentonite Clay. Instead of penetrating to the source like MMS/DMSO, it does the opposite--it draws out all the bad stuff. I load up a toothbrush a few times and pack it on the tooth and gums. You can do this directly on a painful cavity. You may need to do this more than once as your saliva will dissolve the clay.