Gray Hair
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies to Reverse Gray Hair | Home Treatments

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Patty (Covina, California) on 01/18/2008

When I heard about molasses taking white hair off I could't believe it. But I though it was worth to try. every morning in a 8 glass of water I mix' two table spoons of the blackstrap molasses, two table spoon of raw honey, and two table spoon of apple cider and drink it. I have to be honest the taste I don't like very much, but the energy i get from that is tremendous, and not only that but because of the apple cider keeps me away from any type of viruses including flu. This is a great thing I am so glad I learn about it because it been already 5 months since I started taking it and almost all my white hair is gone!!! I will take it for the rest of my life, thanks to my Health book I purchase!!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by S (Boston, MA)

Hi. Not sure if I the odd ball on the planet, but, the molasses concoction to reverse grey hair DOES NOT WORK. I have faithfully been taking 2 TBS spoons daily since july 4th.....still have gray hair at the roots

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dan (KC, MO) on 08/31/2007

Molasses: How long does this stuff take to work?? I've been doing 2 Tablespoons a day in the coffee for 4 months now and nothing. That one lady said she saw results in 3 months. I am also taking GNC B150, B12 1000mcg, and Apple cider complete vitamins for the last month. And nothing seems to be working. Im in my early 30s and have been struggling for years with this grey hair. Is it genetic?? I see old people who drink and smoke like trailor trash and they have no grey! Doesn't seem right. I eat right and exercise and Im the suffering from this problem. And whats that about HGH?? Thats like a illegal drug that bodybuilders take. And Peroxide? Thats just basiclly bleaching your hair!?! Im just growing tired of covering something so early in life. There has to be something that works!?!?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lisa (Dallas, Tx) on 11/20/2007

I have to agree with Dan and S. about the Black Strap remedy for gray hair. I tried one tablespoon daily, then two tablespoons for 6 months now and I do not see any change! For those of you who have had success, did it work soon, or did you have to stick with it for a long time to see results? I am becoming frustrated with the process and I'm considering abandoning it, but I would love some feedback from those of you who have found success with it.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Roger (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 12/03/2007

I am a man in my twenties suffering from premature graying hair. Ninety percent of my scalp hair are gray hairs. I have been taking Blackstrap Molasses for the last two months and don't see any results for the gray hair. Maybe it's due to the brand of the Blackstrap Molasses which I have took. Could anybody out there who have taken Blackstrap Molasses and their hair color has reversed back to their original/previous hair color could be kind and considerate and do write or tell me what type of Blackstrap Molasses brand which has reversed back your hair color. I would be really happy and glad to know the brand. Thank You & May God Bless You

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Anonymous (Cambridge, Boston) on 01/11/2008

I have been using Blackstrap molases more than a year taking 2-3' spoonful everyday and not working for my gray hair at all. I'm 31 years old and my whole hair going gray. I'm scared and worried about it all the time.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rosemary (Toledo Ohio, USA) on 01/18/2008

In my opinion the best remedy for Grey Hair, and this will restore it to its younger time in some people.

Plenty of whole grain Breads and Cereals which contain lots of wheat germ and bran for Brown Haired people, and some blondes who decend from Brown Haired Parents.

Some Blondes decend from Black Haired and Red Haired Parents and they need plenty of Thiamine and Folic acid in their foods.

People who have brown hair and decend from parents who have brown hair need lots of Niacin one of the B-Complex Vitamins.

I also make sure I'take a good multiple vitamin every day plus I get enough Vitamin C and Calcium and I also make sure I take a good B-Complex and at an advanced age I have found I can turn my hair back to Gray or color it naturally simply through diet, more rest and less stress.

Molasses, Wheat Germ, Vitamin C
Posted by IQ (Worchester, MA) on 02/12/2008

Yes for Blackstrap Molasses/Brewer's Yeast/Wheat Germ.

REMEDY: Tried the blackstrap molasses plus Wheat Germ, Brewer's Yeast and Vitamin C multi-vitamin Ailment: Grey Hair 2 Tablespoons Blackstrap Molasses plus 2 Tablespoons Brewer's Yeast, plus 2 Table Spoons Wheat Germ, about 1000% of drv of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid Powder) plus a multi-vitamin.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Lynne (Anchorage, Alaska)

I came upon my grey hair remedy purely by accident! Am 49 and have been gray since 17. For the past 30 years have dyed my hair but finally got tired of it. Let it go. Was shocked at how gray I had become!

About 2 months ago, my husband was told his red blood cells were of low count, so I went to _____and bought him some ______B Complex. We both started taking it.

A few weeks later, he said the sides of my hair were turning brown. I hadn't noticed, as I only look in the mirror to comb my hair really quick. Sure enough, I saw brown hair at the roots!

So, I'm wondering if some people like myself have been living with a Vitamin B deficiency our whole lives. I remember being a kid and having to go to the doctor for B complex shots because I was so tired all the time (at the age of about 11).

Maybe this will help someone. In another couple of weeks, I'm going to have a haircut and will report back what appears after that!

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