Natural Remedies for Gray Hair

Amla Berry
Posted by Saf (Birmingham, UK) on 11/20/2006

Hi I'm writing about the posting pasted above. I've been researching into Amla powder. Amla is also known as the 'Indian Gooseberry' (Emblica offinalis) and has been used in India for hair for hundreds of years. It has a very high content of Vitamin C. I would say that it's more of a preventative measure than a cure for grey and falling hair.

Anjuli suggested Lemon and Coconut oil. If you wish to use these, you could definitely mix the Amla powder (available at Tesco supermarket in the UK as well as many asian/Indian grocery stores), into the oil mixture. Some of it will dissolve and there will be a grainy residue.

A lot of vegetable oils are very good for both the Skin and Hair. They are saturated with vitamins and nutrients. You can mix them together too and also use the purest essential oils. I find the following oils very good for the hair: Olive, Shea Butter, Mustard Seed, Coconut, Jojoba, Sweet Almond Oil and Thistle Oil.

Essential oils that you can mix into the blend of oils include Ginger, Rosemary, Lavender, Cedarwood, Benzoin, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang. Only ever use the most purest essential oils.

If you add 5% Vitamin E Oil to the blend it will help keep it from going rancid for longer. Store the oil away in a cool place away from sunlight.

You can mix amla power into the oil when you dispense a little to use it.

Use the oil as an overnight conditioner by massaging well into the scalp and and hair. Wash it out in the morning. If you can't do this then massage it into the scalp and hair and leave it in for as long as you can even if it's only 15 minutes before a shower.

When it comes to washing out the oil. Massage shampoo into your hair first and add a tiny bit of water. If you wet hair first, it will be difficult to get the oil out.

A recipe for intensive oil treatment: 24.5ml Thistle Oil, 24.5ml Olive Oil, 3ml Vitamin E Oil, 0.5ml Vitamin A Palmitate, 50 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil, 30 Drops of Grapefruit Essential Oil and 20 drops of Ylang Ylang.

Or you can replace the above Essential Oils in the recipe by using the following instead: 15 drops of Ginger Essential Oil, 60 drops of Lavender Essential Oil and 15 drops of Cedarwood Essential Oil. Although the oils will improve the condition of your hair and stimulate the hair follicles and your scalp there is no guarantee that they will make new hair grow or get rid of gray hair. It may however help prevent an early onset of hair loss.

Hope this helps. Good luck and God Bless.

Amla Berry
Posted by Eric (KC)

Just a question about the amla powder. Do you use it after shampoo/cream rinse? And can it be mixed with the coconut/lemon suggestion you have down there also? And will it get rid of the grey you have already as new grows? Thanks and if this doesn't work, what other ones actually work? No one replies with any positive feedback?

Amla Berry
Posted by Anjuli (Boise, Idaho) on 01/19/2006

The Indian gooseberry Amla is ground into a powder, once mixed with water and massaged into the scalp regularly will help keep hair from going grey. Amla powder is available at Indian specialty shops. Also a mix of coconut oil and lemon are beneficial.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Riki (DaLian, China) on 05/13/2007

I have used H2O2 as a mouth wash and cleaning open wounds for nearly 40 years and it always work. I read about all the other remedies on this site! One idea I haven't seen is: I use shampoo out of a bottle until I can pour 100ml H2O2 into it. I have to shake the bottle when I want to use it. I have stayed blond and have no grey hairs and it keeps my scalp healthy.

Vitamin B, Folic Acid
Posted by David (Titusville, FL) on 06/07/2007

I just turned 60 and I still have my brown hair. I attribute this to taking B vitamins in a 50 mg. complex (50 mg. of each B vitamin in one capsule), and two or three 800 mcg. of folic acid tablets. The B vitamins are known to be a stress reliever. Remember the old saying how kids can give you gray hairs? It's true! Stress can make the gray come in! The B vitamins inositol and choline are important for the color of your hair. Did you know that some wool companies deliberately make their sheep deficient in these two B vitamins so that the wool will be much whiter?! Folic Acid also helps with hair growth and had been named after the word Folicule, meaning hair! Looking younger than your age and knowing that you didn't dye your hair to look younger makes people ask if you found the fountain of youth! Try the B vitamins and folic acid for at least 6 months and you make notice a great change!

Human Growth Hormone
Posted by Diana Castillo (Crofton, Maryland) on 06/23/2007

I use a natural human growth hormone stimulator and my hair stopped getting grey and stopped falling out.

Mustard Oil
Posted by Janet (Leicester, UK) on 11/17/2007

I was astonished to find my 16 year old son had not 1 but over 23 grey hairs . On speaking to my Asian neighbour , she advised me to massage him daily before bed generously with mustard oil (available very cheaply from asian shops ).Then wash his hair in he morning . After two weeks not a single grey hair ! I tried the same on my self over 40 and over half of my head is grey .So far in one week there' is a marked decrease in the number of grey hairs.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ann (Brisbane, Australia) on 03/06/2008

Hello, I am interested in the coconut oil treatment for grey hair that Saima recommends. Would you have to apply it every day and wouldn't this be very greasy and inconvenient?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Saima (Edinburgh, uk) on 11/17/2007

I am a 70 year old grand and great grand mother with absolutely not a single grey hair ! My secret... Coconut oil which I had applied daily in my youth on my hair (though I haven't used it for sometime now ). My son's head is almost entirely grey . He doesn't listen... Try it .It's cheap because I never used the expensive organic or extra virgin variety . It beats the expensive supplements! I've recommended to many very happy friends.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Venice (Atlanta, GA) on 11/25/2006

2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses cured gray hair. ENERGY BOOST. It took several months, but my gray hair along my hairline has begun to turn brown! IT WORKS! It's also a great energy boost. I'm a 40 year old female who weighs 120, and I leap out of bed. No aches; no pain. I have no health complaints because I use the following on a daily basis: blackstrap molasses, apple cider vinegar, yerba mate tea, cayenne pepper, cod liver oil, and MUCH PRAYER.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Guilda (New Zealand)

Have just finished reading an old book on molasses and it contains not only most minerals our body needs but also all Vit.B complex properties and it is B2 to stop graying hair. Extremely beneficial for good health.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Patty (Bartow, FL) on 12/29/2005

Using blackstrap molasses, along with brewer's yeast and wheat germ, completely reversed the graying that had took hold of my dark brown hair. You could actually see individual strands that were gray/white turning brown again!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mary (Dayton, OH) on 02/24/2007

After reading here about black strap molasses and gray hair, I have been taking 1-2 tablespoons in my coffee each morning for a little over three months. I tried it in hot water and it was horrible. In coffee, it taste like a latte, and after getting used to it, I look forward to it every day. The first two months I noticed a difference, but wondered if it was my imagination or wishful thinking. Now at three months, I would say the gray is 70% gone, and my stylist is absolutely amazed. The white patch above my forehead is gone completely. I'm 40 yrs old, and was starting to gray rapidly, it was costing a fortune to keep covered. The first 2 months, my hair grew so fast, that the gray was showing quicker, but I'm glad that I stuck with it, the little bit I have left is hardly noticable, and I am hoping that in time, it will all be gone. I am so thankful that I read about this on your site, and will be taking it for the rest of my life. I have also noticed an increase in energy, and believe it to be the molasses also. Thank you!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sharon (Saugerties, New York) on 05/09/2007

Thank you so very much for the terrific site -- awesome information! I have been following the remedy suggested for reversing gray hair for only the last four weeks and cannot believe it, but see dark hair growing in replacing the gray! What I've been doing each day is taking one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses on a spoon, one tablespoon of brewer's yeast mixed with orange juice, and one large tablespoon or wheat germ mixed with a small amount of plain yogurt along with a 1/2 teaspoon of sodium ascorbate mixed in orange juice and one capsule of chelated manganese. I feel extremely strong and healthy also. Will provide further updates!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by rhonda nelson2 (tallahassee, fl, usa) on 07/31/2007

I was just browsing through some of the information posted and wanted to add my "5 cents".

I should mention, if you do use blackstrap molasses to "blacken your hair" be careful that you do not develop a vitamin B3 deficiency, WHICH IS known as pellagra, which apparently is important for the diet for those with Lupus.

For the man who treated Lupus on a gluten free diet...take head, that this goes right back to a probable involvement of strep as this is the main bacteria that feeds on B-vitamins, as it is essential for them to live. This is especially true if you eat corn products because corn alone can induce pellagra if the corn has not been fortified(i.e.canned corn or corn on the cob, corn chips, or unfortunately for all its good corn producers that do not fortify their processed foods. If you have Lupus and you're going luten free and eating unfortified corn, you're inching closer to pellagra.This one instance where eating a wholesome food (corn) will give you disease (pellagra) if eaten in large quantities and it is not fortified.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by rhonda (tallahassee, usa) on 07/30/2007

About the blackstrap molasses and gray works. I tried if before ever knowing it could turn gray hair was just something I noticed it did while taking it for another reason. Since then i have found out that early graying (is this you?) is linked to thyroid disease. just google "one gray hair and thyroid".

Also, one of Ted's posting about the pineal gland is one of the most informative things posted on this site. Calcification of your pineal gland can keep you struggling to recover from many illness. The melatonin from the pineal produced at the RIGHT time (one peak at night) is essential.

Has anyone heard of this cure all remedy...the urine cure. Has anyone tried it? Its tried overseas, one ounce daily i think? It sounds disgusting, but apparently has cured people from many illnesses, including terrible cases of tuberculosis, which of course is caused by a mycobacterium. Just Google mycobacterium, urine, and cure.

Also, for Lupus people, they tend to be sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies. I have personally found that simply not putting a cell phone or a cordless telephone up to my head greatly improved my autoimmune symptoms than just with diet alone. It turns out, electromagnetic frequencies also block melatonin synthesis.

Finally, if you have lupus and Raynaud's and live somewhere where it is cold, the Raynaud's is closely linked to low thyroid function on exposure to cold weather. Raynaud's has been cured by treated the thyroid. City tapwater has caused most of the lupus symptoms for me...its the pipes and the water that flows through them.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Maureen (Portland, ME) on 10/17/2007

I started taking the blackstrap molasses to slow down the white hair growth. I think that has helped to some degree. But, what I have really noticed is my menstrals....much more pleasant. Less painful and not so heavy. What a pleasant surprise. Usually my breasts hurt too...but not this time. I think I will be taking this forever. Now, if my little white hairs go away...well, this would be perfect!!

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