Swine Flu
Natural Remedies

H1N1 Flu Treatment

| Modified on Oct 02, 2021
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Robert (Susanville, Ca.) on 10/02/2021

Native Americans in the west used "Lomatium" a natural plant that grows in my area, in 1918 spanish flu was the H1N1, and none of the Indians died in the area where they took the Lomatium plant extract, they called it "Big Medicine". I have used it and it is antiviral and antibacterial and really works. It's my go-to med for natural healing. A site to look it up is www.Lomatium.com.

Olive Leaf and Colloidal Silver
Posted by Maria (Australia) on 08/22/2014

In 2009, age 66 yrs, I contracted a virus on a short plane flight. It was extremely debilitating and kept changing its symptoms. I was too weak and dizzy to leave the house and so it took me a while to go to my doctor. She said that she could see it attached to the roof of my mouth, but that medicine has nothing yet for a virus. After two months it produced the symptoms of Labrynthitis where if I moved -even my eyeballs-the room would spin and I'd vomit.

When I could not keep water down, I called an ambulance in case of dehydration. One medic checked the back of my hand and said no dehydration then they spoke to me from across the room. When my partner told them that he's been nursing me and hadn't caught it, they replied "not yet". Folks I'm convinced that this was Swine Flu. Finally, a friend in another city hearing about my condition rang and said that she had found a cure for virus and to just do exactly as she directed. It worked, so here it is:

1 teaspoon Olive Leaf Extract and 1 teaspoon Colloidal Silver in half cup of water. Drink it straight down. Do Not Repeat! Then make up a full cup of the same and gargle it (don't swallow) over 24 hours.

Guess what? It killed that thing attached to the roof of my mouth-my doctor verified that it was gone- and I soon felt normal. Word spread and I shared this recipe with a lass in her 20s who had the same symptoms and hers was gone in 24 hrs as well!

Articles of Interest
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 04/26/2011

Sorry Ellen but I personally found the article interesting although we have known that for quite awhile here in Europe. Fair enough, it is not about natural healing but it alerts people for what is going on. I suppose some postings will interest some people more than others, that is the way things are!

Articles of Interest
Posted by Ellen (Denton, Tx) on 04/25/2011

I'm sorry, but I don't see why this should matter to us personally using Earth Clinic. One of my friends was killed at a physics conference by the swine flu. Another of my friends at the university was almost killed by the swine flu by a cytokine storm on his lungs. I developed chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia after the swine flu. It is quite clear to me that it is serious and should be taken seriously and dealt with via NATURAL means such as AHCC, vitamin C, etc. as soon as possible to prevent serious complications, and not pay attention to the political aspects which really don't have any implications for our health.

Posted by Bruce (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) on 02/10/2010

Ted, Thanks for the tip on using aspirin to fight H1N1. I have tried it and it works, and I have not used aspirin or any other drug in years.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Azg (Toronto, On) on 01/10/2010

I also read somewhere that dramatically increasing your Vitamin D intake really helps to kill the H1N1 virus as well as fermented foods such as Kimchi. If anyone has had success with this, I'd love to hear the feedback!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marylistens (Chicago, Il) on 01/09/2010

I just am getting over H1N1 and I felt like I tried everything. The doctors had my on antibiotics, steriods, inhaler. What I found worked best was oil pulling with coconut oil 2-3 times per day to really get the mucus out. Then I did 2 ear candles because the doctor said I had a lot of fluid in my ears, then I took tons of vitamin C in the powder form (very little sugar) and echinacea, then I tried a green "breathe deep" and "Flu Season" type tea with natural honey and 1/2 a lemon juiced. I kept our heat at 80 and had a small heater next to me to promote a fever to prevent the virus from duplicating. I also inhaled 2 drops of tea tree oil in a face humidifier. I waited until the last week of this 4 week illness to try natural remedies and they worked.

Posted by Patricia (Sanford, Fl) on 12/11/2009

My H1N1 experience:

Extremely sore throat---Drank cayenne tea (1/4 teaspoon cayenne in 8 oz. cup of hot water), sore throat was gone within the hour, but I had to drink some more cayenne tea at the end of the day and also in the morning of the second day. After that, the sore throat was gone.

Runny nose/Stuffy nose---Nasal/sinus rinse a few times a day (1/4 teaspoon sea salt dissolved in cup of warm water. My ears had started to plug, but I feel the nasal rinse kept me from getting a full-blown ear infection. If you try this nasal rinse, don't do it before going to bed, because sometimes your nose will drain a bit more a short while after doing the rinse. I would also recommend a daily or twice-daily nasal rinse as a matter of routine, just to keep the passages clear and clean.

Fever---I'm not one to get high fevers, so I didn't take anything for the fever. If it had risen above 102F I would have taken aspirin. The fever lasted about 4 days.

Very bad "wet" cough--After a few days, my lungs were congested, so I drank more cayenne tea. This loosened the congestion and I was able to cough it up. I realize that this symptom could have been very severe, but I think the pneumonia vaccine I got last month may have kept that in control.

By the third day, I also started to eat quite a bit of organic soup, to which I added lots of onion and crushed,fresh garlic. And, as always, I drank plenty of filtered water and green tea.

I missed a week of work, and after ten days from the onset of the first symptoms, the only thing I'm dealing with is a very slight, occasional cough. I didn't really regain my strength until a day or so ago, but I don't know if that's purely because of the severity of the virus or because I also have Lupus. I'm just thankful that I didn't end up in the hospital, as so many others have.

My usual diet is 80% organic and I don't have meat or chicken more than once or twice a week, and that is in small amounts. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables, as well as whole grains. Filtered water is a must, as is green tea. I've had very few bouts of illness since I changed to a healthier diet.

Posted by Nettiebelle (Detroit, Michigan) on 12/05/2009

Well, I've been sick for about 4 weeks now. 1st, I caught the flu (I think it was H1N1, but they don't test u 4 it in the ER unless u r in one of the critical groups). There is a shot u can get if u catch the flu, it's called lami-flu, but u must get it within 48hrs of getting flu symptoms. Then, because my immune system was weakened, my flu progressed to pneumonia. Dr gave me an antibiotic, that helped some, but now going into my 4th week of illness, I'm getting a sore throat. So I stumbled upon this website looking for sore throat remedies. Today I will B using a combination of several remedies I've seen on ppl using.

I tried adding cayenne pepper to my coffee this morning- INSTANT RELIEF! It was delicious, too. Now I am sipping on noodle soup with lots of cayenne. It's very soothing. Will try other ideas thru out day. Will report again (won't be as long- lol).

Homeopathic Remedy, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Candee (Brownstown, Mi, USA) on 12/03/2009

Daughter over H1N1 in 24 hours

My daughter came down with H1N1 yesterday. I gave her oscillococcinum about 4pm. I also gave her about 20 minutes later apple cider vinegar (1 tsp mixed with apple cider and water). Not much change at this point.

She woke up at 5am and then at 5:30am I gave her another dose of oscillococcinum and by 8am her fever broke. About 6am I gave her apple cider vinegar and then some more about 7am. I have been giving the oscillo first and then apple cider vinegar about 30 minutes later each time. She is 4 btw. Then around noon her fever cam back some 99.9, not early as high as earlier. I did end up making a dr appt since the fever was coming back, but it was mostly a waste since by the time 2:30pm of her appt she was not longer with those blood shot glassy eyes and wanting to sleep all the time. Her fever was still fairly low 99.6. Now at 5:30pm she is running around acting like her old self. I have been telling everyone to use this combo for the flu!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/01/2009 392 posts

Dear Peryn:

My method for preparing a humic acid delivered temporarily to breathe in to kill the Baxter flu (respiratory type, hemorrhagic flu, mutant swine), is as follows: 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of humic acid is dissolved in 500 cc of the container. It is well stirred, and allow it to dissolve completely. Preferably lukewarm water is fine. Decant the soluble portions to a sprayer, and discard the larger debris, which is the precipitate.

Depending on the seriousness of the lung condition, if not serious, indirect spraying is fine. However, once it reaches the respiratory system, then it is sprayed directly. An early signs of the condition before it invades the lungs begins with a severe sore throat. I have tested everything under the sun, and the best one is the humic acid for this particular Baxter pharma flu. Once the sore throat is gone, it can't entire the respiratory system, but may stay as a cough. It is also important to prepare drinking water filled with humic acid.

Personally, I used a 1/4 teaspoon humic acid per 500 cc of water. A wife called me a couple of days ago of a severe sore throat to the point that he couldn't talk. It quickly killed the sore throat, but some minor coughs remain, however, the spread is reduced by the fact that humic acid reduces the viral load, which works more like a birth control so that the system doesn't get overwhelmed.

The drinking water with 1/4 teaspoon of humic acid 500 cc is drunk every 5-10 minutes at least initially and drink a bit less frequently throughout the day should prevent further spread or catching of the flu. Drinking water such as this may be prepared in a thermos bottle to a child, or people going to work so such viruses don't become contagious, or at least it's less possible to catch it.

The humic acid solution in thermos, or drinking water maybe used as a sanitizer, more effectively then an alcohol gel, by traping the viruses. The solution may also be put into a rag to clean tables, desks, kitchen also.

An alcohol gel doesn't kill the viruses, but a humic acid will, and is fairly user-friendly and easier to handle, with exception of carpets, which may stain. It's still a simple solution, but a more elaborate formula is possible by preparing with vodka so the solution will dry quicker when used as handwash, but not as a drinking solution. A drinking solution is only when water and humic acid is used.

As to the BHT, it works within the blood as it is oil-soluble, it won't work on respiratory flu that eats up your lungs, which is the focus of this new strain. A digestive enzyme is also important and rebuilding of lungs (after the damage), is vitamin C, lysine, glycine, and proline. That's the best remedy I can come up with so far.


Ted's Remedies
Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 11/25/2009 179 posts

Dear Ted,

I am so very grateful and touched by your mail in reply to my querry, you in fact have cleared many doubts through this elaborate mail. God bless you.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Peryn (Kennesaw, Ga) on 11/25/2009

Pneumonic (Baxter) flu

Ted, thank you for all the information provided for this flu. Regarding the use of humic acid delivered by an atomizer- you stated "a weak solution to breathe in". Could you specify: 1) how much humic acid to dissolve in water for this method 2) how much to inhale and 3) best method to inhale (directly or spay in air and then inhale). I also noted that you are not mentioning BHT with this Baxter pneumonic flu-is there any benefit of BHT when treating this Baxter flu?

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/24/2009 392 posts

Dear Baldev:

Iodine can be used to raise the body's immune system overall, in particular, is sleeping on time (it's like you hit a wall when the time comes), it has the largest effect on the pineal gland and the thyroid, from my observations. Iodine in itself is antiviral, but it is not dramatic as lysine and aspirin in regards to fever, and it's not as dramatic in regards to its effect in reducing overall mucus as sea salt and digestive enzyme.

What it does is raises the body's metabolism and body heat, which can be noticed during your sleep as the body temperature goes up. The reason why iodine isn't so dramatic has a lot to do with the dose I used, which is often low, between 1-10 drops, of a Lugol's solution, which contains both iodine and iodide. It heats up the thyroid in most women, but not men after taking, an indication of low iodine, as most women are usually iodine deficient, as their breast needs iodine too. The best ways to use iodine as in Lugol's solution, I have found to possible remedies, one is just Lugol's solution, 1/4 glass, to be used as a mouthwash, using between 10-20 drops of lugols, enough to do a couple of swishes, and possibly small amounts to drink to help with a sore throat. If in event of a pneumonic plague (hemorrhagic flu), more iodine drops may be needed.

The second remedy is the iodine Lugol's solution with hydrogen peroxide. The mixture is prepared as follows: a 10-20 drops Lugol's solution, plus 2 caps of 3% H2O2, in 1/4 glass of water, which is a very powerful antiseptic. It's used as mouthwash only, but maybe too strong to take small sips, around 1-5 cc, but can be done if a person is not sensitive to them. I am less sensitive so that can be easily done, then perhaps followed by drinking water in a couple of minutes. However the best sore throat remedy that I have tested on a couple of people here to ward off a possible respiratory pneumonic plague is the broad antiviral Humic acid, not fulvic acid, but fulvic acid works, if you just happened to have coumarin, and ethanol alcohol sitting around your room! LOL. The two both works, the first because of the natural traps humic acid on the virus, which works like a cockroach hotel.

The viruses goes in, it doesn't come out. The labyrinthine molecular structure of the humic acid makes it possible to trap nearly every kind of viruses there is. Hence it makes an ideal component as an atomizer or small 15 minutes sips to wash out the virus by trapping them along the throat, esophagus, possibly in a sinus sprayer for the nasal, and possibly for the lungs, in limited amounts to trapping the H1N1. The humic acid may be prepared and may be synergistic with the iodine solution mentioned.

There are two more remedies that come to mind regarding this formula.

The first one is the pure humic acid, roughly 1/4 teaspoon per 500 cc of water well shaken, in a drinking water drank throughout the day at a maximum of 30 minutes interval to prevent it from spreading, reduce the sore throat. It takes effect in reducing some pain in a matter of minutes.

The second one is the iodine Lugol's solution added, which is a bit stronger.

The remedy for that one is 10 drops of Lugol's plus 1/4 teaspoon of humic acid in 500 ccs of water, well shaken. Iodine is well known to be antiviral.

The mistake in the urban legends that people do not know, but is well known in microbiology is that alcohols don't kill virus well, regardless of whether it is HIV, AIDS, swine flu, cold flu, norovirus, etc. They are more effective against bacteria. Hence, the extensive use of alcohol gels does nothing to prevent their spread.

I have never seen condoms made of alcohol gels to prevent AIDS, so condoms manufacture do have some idea.

The best alcohol gel is to use iodine. Because of the problems of discoloration, the best gel is the iodine gel. Sorry, it's not available commercially and by FDA rules, I can't sell them either. It's amazing how they build mazes to prevent a cure. You can't even carry enough liquids carry on to treat yourself - 100 cc. Hence it has to be prepared on an airplane, if you happened to have humic acid with you or iodine into drinking water - that's to get around the restrictions.

A friend of mine was carrying baking soda to treat sore throat and was stripped naked, cavity search, and flight delayed (not to mention he has to buy another plane ticket! just because it was a baking soda. (Anything white powdered is construed by the authorities here as heroin, cocaine, even if you were carrying talcum powder) Since there's nothing I can do about these increasing controls, the best way to get around the problem (maybe) an unopened labeled clearly baking soda, for the sore throat.

Unless of course, the plane has that handy, also unlikely.

The best way to prepare a hand sanitizer is NOT the alcohol gel. It's the iodine solution. To get AROUND the problem of discoloration is to use hydrogen iodide. The way I prepare is simple, primitive, and imperfect. However, it's a solution that resembles clear water.

All I have is to get a bottle of lugol's solution. If I can't get that, then a betadine is fine.

There are two ways I am aware of to prepare hydrogen iodide.

One is to use sodium borohydride, purchased from your local chemical suppliers.

The second way is to get a bottle of hydrazine. Drops are put into the lugols/betadine mixture. In a 500 cc, it may require well over 50 drops with constant stirring until it slowly turns clear. As to sodium borohydride, a small teaspoon is put into the solution, until it becomes clear. The resulting mix is hydrogen iodide.

Of course, there is a much easier way, just purchased a hydrogen iodide from a local chemical supplier. I wasn't able to get them, hence, I had to prepare them myself. This is used as all around antiseptic specifically against the virus. Iodine is the most effective solution against viruses in most research studies I am aware of.

Other ones are just too toxic for general use, e.g. lithium iodide. Iodine is a halogen, just like chlorine, bromine, fluorine, for example. The only differences between an iodine and the halogens is that iodine is the only element that the body needs, in elemental form. The other ones are too toxic. Here in Bangkok I get into all kinds of endless debates regarding MMS and MMS2 use that it is not a chlorine. So let me settle this issue once and for all. Get a chlorine test paper strips. Yes it's available on the internet.

Here is one link:


When you test the MMS, sodium chlorite, it will detect some chlorine. Yes, it's tested positive. Always. The fun begins however when you add citric acid or vinegar to the sodium chloride solution. Then the paper gets really burning it becomes almost black paper. This means there is the presence of FREE CHLORINE, the same ones we find, but in much lower concentrations found in your drinking shower, we all learn to hate.

As to the MMS2, Jim Humble decides that IS A CHLORINE and it's healthy. The same ones we used in swimming pool, calcium hypochlorite. Therefore it smells like chlorine, looks like chlorine, tested positive for chlorine IT IS A CHLORINE. Chlorine, fluorine drives out iodine, and you get hypothyroidism, but it also drives out iodine from your entire body, but breast, ovaries, adrenal, testicles get affected.

Over the long run, it lowers the metabolism causing obesity.

In any event, the claim that chlorine cures malaria, I don't deny that. But all halogens do that. Including iodine. In fact, one of the people who visited Edgar Cayce got cured of malaria using elemental iodine. The ones we see in betadine iodine, or the nascent iodine invented by Edgar Cayce. The man who was cured of malaria was Dr. Bisey which was used to cure malaria too.

The nascent iodine is prepared using electricity. However, chemically you can do the same which is called hydrogen iodide.

To make it more alkaline I would add elemental iodine to the mix, usually hydrogen iodide plus betadine - Ted's iodine for a lack of a better word, as a substitute for the nascent iodine. It has similar properties as Cayce's iodine, only that it's mixed in grain alcohol -which is ethanol alcohol, or a good substitute is just vodka.

This is just general information regarding iodine use in relation to the flu problems we have right now. I believe our society has just dumbed down, go to any CDC website or authoritative website I won't find much information regarding swine flu remedies, treatment, and specific symptoms. Some people told me I have very general information. I may agree, but if you look at any CDC (centers for disease control) it's not any better. The only thing they have going is much larger hits to their website regarding swine flu information. LOL.

More information on a new Mutated virus form (Swine flu) second wave (Ukraine, pneumonic plague). http://targetfreedom.typepad.com/targetfreedom/2009/11/microbiologist-kidnapped-by-fbi-warning-vaccine-is-bioweapon.html

Correctly called pneumonic plague.

Lysine will slow it down but much larger quantities needed.

I prefer to call it Baxter Pharmaceutical Flu. We give credit where credit is due.

Baxter Pharmaceutical Flu. First noted by Jane Burgermeister regarding her filing for lawsuit when Pharmaceutical shipped out swine flu vaccines that had a mutant form of swine flu that is very contagious primarily affecting the respiratory system and works like the pneumonic plague, and sometimes called hemorrhagic flu, killing the patient by eating up the lungs and drowning in their own fluids and dies of suffocation

. It was first noticed when one of the recipient countries tested on weasels or ferrets by inoculating them about and all of them died quickly. In spite of all that, the Baxter division in Ukraine, I believe, continues to release the virus in that country (through spraying from planes) and currently, there is well over 500,000 some say 1 million who have this problem, but there's a media blackout.

I received reports of spitting out blood, and hence the name hemorrhagic fever. It works similarly to chikungunya, only that this virus digests the lungs very quickly. It's commonly spread in other countries, such as here, mostly through hospital infection, because this is where they do the vaccination. The age groups affected are usually young people, primarily because they are the same group of people most easily vaccinated, as same as the Spanish flu.

A microbiologist Moshe, was recently captured by FBI for exposing the Baxter Pharmaceutical for exposing the bioweapons on August 13, 2009 of this year.

It was done through Ukraine as the center point for the spread. Hence, the media will put it kindly as a typical swine flu. It's a mutant form and affects badly the respiratory system eating up the lungs in a matter of days. I have seen this already in Bangkok.

Once we get much larger numbers where the epidemic cannot be controlled should be out in mainstream media next year. The last time I got reports of this year's swine flu as early as April of 2008, and by having limited facilities for testing, the numbers will always be lower then the real numbers, and if the media reports it too late, the epidemic cannot be controlled early, by avoiding the issue. That's why SARS didn't work, the media reported too quickly. So they are learning that it's best to keep the media tight and once spread, it will be too late. At least that's my understanding of how to spread the epidemic.

The remedy to prevent it from FURTHER eating the lungs, if you think I haven't had the remedy yet, I have. It's the lysine. Taken hourly for 24 hours, during sleep time we might take 4 of them at 1000 mg each all at once, so the sleep cycle won't be disturbed. The poor man who got his lungs eaten away from the hospital in 2-3 days is now ok but he needs to take the lysine everyday. It helps build lungs and prevent them further. The other issue is to reduce the mucus. It's the digestive enzyme, the best brand you can get, taken every 2 hours to 4 hours will stop most of that. If that can't be found, a weaker one is the Ganmaoling tablets. Yes I have the remedies all worked out, just in time for the Baxter pharmaceutical flu. It's not the best but at least I kept him out of the ICU and the poor man is o.k. now. It has already spread sometime ago anyway, but it's under the umbrella of the original swine flu. I called this to Deirdre, the Second Wave flu. There is a third one I believe, but I needed to chase those people to find the remedy. LOL.

In case you like to do research there is ANOTHER amino acid that may stave off the flu, it's the L-Threonine.

Humic acid is a natural all around one. Don't expect MMS to work. It doesn't work over the long run as lysine, aspirin or even the digestive enzyme. Weakens the body's immune system in the long run by kicking out the iodine and chlorine is replaced instead in the thyroid. It's just best overall to take a drop of lugol's solution, with the H2O2 drops.

For some who still denies that MMS is a chlorine, please get the Chlorine paper test. It becomes a FREE chlorine AFTER you have added the citric acid, but there is some available chlorine even before the mixing with citric acid.

Here is the link to the chlorine paper test, for some who denies there is such a test... https://www.indigoinstruments.com/test_strips/disinfectants_sanitizers/chlorine_and_iodine/chlorine-test-papers-200ppm-33815.html


P.S. The most depressing news for me is not the flu itself it's the control of selling of supplements which is supposed to go into effect December 31, 2009, under the Codex Alimentarius. Hopefully it won't stop everything immediately such sales! A cure can be found, but the prevention of sales of supplements is something I have trouble getting around the issue. The one positive side is aspirin is the most difficult ones to control which is useful at least for the Swine flu first wave. The second wave of course is the Baxter Pharmaceutical flu.

I have as yet to prove whether that works for the second wave.

You may get the Baxter pharmaceutical near you. It may be found in most swine vaccines today, please check for Jane Burgermeister's lawsuit for details.

or just general info here http://www.theflucase.com/

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 11/21/2009 179 posts


Of course you are the best judge, I want your opinion on the use of iodine in the circumstances you have explained in this mail. Thanks

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/20/2009 392 posts

Swine flu pneumonic plague.

One of the remedies I have tested in the past against pneumonic plague, which affects more on the respiratory illness, that has the best results overall is the use of a digestive enzyme, capsule form, having bromelain, pancreatic enzyme, papain, papaya extract, for example, works best overall compared to the hydrochloric acid remedy.

However, I have observed when a person has this sort of condition, both the digestive enzyme AND hydrochloric acid is low in the body, as noticed by general weakness of the condition.

When compared side by side, I observed that the digestive enzyme (in capsule form, never in tablet form), works about twice to four times better than the hydrochloric acid. However, hydrochloric acid is valuable against this sort of illness and helps if it is added to the remedy. It is especially important when digestive enzyme is not available if you happened to be living in an isolated village in the rural area, a hydrochloric acid maybe easier to obtain.

However, the digestive enzyme capsules, which is often taken a minimum from 3 to 8 times a day, works much better, if it was possible to obtain them. This results in reduction in mucus of about 80% the first day. The other remedy I have posted was the chinese Ganmaoling tablets. Although I liked the old form, which was uncoated with sugar, the new one works a lot less better. To make it work, the remedy requires that a person has to chew on it, or grind them to a powder and dissolve to work more effective. The Hydrochloric acid remedy against the pneumonic plague (ukraine - although sometimes referred to as hemorrhagic flu) works by increasing the energy level, the dose I have used is between 2 drops to 8 drops, with average dose that I have used is about 3 or 4 drops, of Hydrochloric acid 35% concentrated, any grade are suitable and are often more obtainable, at least in Asia, then the digestive enzymes. The dose, is taken at roughly 50 cc, every 30 minutes, which will raise the body's immune system, and energy level within less then two minutes.

However, as mentioned previously, the best one is a digestive enzyme overall, followed by Ganmaoling tablets, a chinese herbal remedy against teh cold, but works the best in reducing the mucus associated with flooding of the lungs. The remedy for Ganmaoling, is preferably taken at 8 tablets every 2 hours is a dose I am a bit more happier, and taken throughout the entire day of at least 16 hours. The minimum dose, but less effective is 4 tablets taken every 3 hours for four times. A fever is best controlled by lysine, taken hourly for a day or so.

However, for a severe condition where the person already had damaged lungs, from this second strain. Even though the reported pneumonic plague is in Ukraine, a similar kind has already happened in Bangkok, about 1-2 months ago, and doctors will identify (or may) as the H1N1 swine also. However, there IS a difference, even though standard tests denies that, the symptoms are noticeably very different from the usual swine flu, it may have been the synergism with another bacteria/virus found in hospital that quickly eats up the lungs within a few days after the infection. A typical home swine flu won't eat the lungs within few days as the ones I have found via hospital infections that eats up about 1/2 of the lungs in a few days, since i have seen x rays of that. When this happens, to restore this severe damage, a lysine supplements is taken for almost 24 hours (possibly skipped during sleep hours, and taking larger dose instead), and taken for at least two weeks to reverse this peculiar conditon. It should be noted that the full name of a typical lysine, is lysine hydrochloride, which has the hydrochloric, as the Korean research has found, also works even if a hydrochloric acid were not obtainable, a lysine hydrochloride would do. As to betaine, which is another from of hydrochloride, can be used too, so we really don't need to get hydrochloric acid and it works too, but not as good a the lysine one.

The lysine is effective in reducing fever, but in severe pneumonic flu, it takes about hourly doses, 1000 mg for about 6 hours to kick in, while the Tamiflu simply doesn't work at all, and the price is too expensive, and is as useless.

The initial dose for a severe from of pneumonic flu is that the initial dose is taken at 4000 mg, of lysine followed by an hourly dose of 1000 mg.

The dose is calculated on a typical male, 150 pound.

So people, with different weights is calculated on that basis.

As for me, the newer strain affects the respiratory system very fast, and if there is excessive mucus, which leads to the flooding of the lungs (i prefer this doesn't happen) then IT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO GET THE DIGESTIVE ENZYME!

Lysine is important against fever, so the flu or bacteria DOES NOT ENTER THE BLOOD. When they do enter it attacks the immune system, and the high fever may cook the brain as in temperatures of 104 degree Fahrenheit. I prefer to deal with 103 rather than 104 before they go up.

As to other things mentioned about ozone water, acidic ozone water, they are too weak in practice. A typical one capful of 3% H2O2, or preferably two capful of 3% H2O2 in one liter of drinking water taken at 1/4 to 1/2 glass every 30 minutes for a total of 5-6 hours, may likely work a lot better, and may have a much higher kill rate. Whenever a hydrogen peroxide is used it works best whenever vitamin C is taken.

If the pneumonic flu isn't of hemorrhagic variety and all the other things were not obtainable, then a vitamin C and aspirin remedy is used for only one day and used hourly between 4 to 6 hours, but preferably at 50 minutes interval. I know there is a lot of nuances in the pneumonia cure, and flus in general. One of the atomizers I used to dry the lungs when a person does have pneumonia is the use of a 5% ammonium chloride solution in 5% potassium carbonate solution.

It kills the bacterium form and dries up the lungs. The method of use for me is not really to spray directly, but just spray in the room a couple of times and breathe in the mist. The lungs will clear up after a few minutes, so it works ok. The sea salt will also dry up flooding of the lungs, along with other remedies, the dose is 1/2 teaspoon for a typical 150 pound man, with normal blood pressure. If blood pressure is high, it's 1/4 teaspoon usually dissolved in a glass of water, and drank slowly. If a person who took the 1/4 teaspoon he takes in twice, but a 1/2 teaspoon is a glass of water is taken once, slowly of course, drinking them within 10 minutes if fine or even 20 minutes, if he believe there's too much water. The sea salt remedy to dry up the lungs is a one dose remedy but if it works and a person has no problem with blood pressure it maybe continued, but only once a day. In a severe lung damage pneumonic flu the lysine maintenance dose is continued, typically 1000-1200 mg three times a day for at least a month. One of the benefits of the lysine is it's ability to repair the lung tissue. Potassium is a common atomizer, along with ammonium chloride I used it as a contact spray when the mist is applied to kill remaining pneumonia in the lungs and is used whenever breathing is not too clear, but this remedy I used maybe three or four times a day.

Swine Flu Pneumonic Plague
Posted by Avignon (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 11/19/2009

Ionized Water Hydrochloric Acid for Swine Flu?

I came across this on a "Ukraine plague" (mutated H1N1 swine flu with receptor binding domain change, D225G -- see info pasted at bottom of this post) related website (ukraineplague.blogspot.com), and I'm wondering if Ted (or any others) can offer their opinions/speculations on the safety, potential effectiveness, and ease of home creation of this remedy:

In South Korea found a new way to fight the epidemic "new" influenza H1N1.

Scientists from Korean universities Ajou (Ajou University) and Yonsei University (Yonsei University) came to the conclusion that one of the most effective in combating the H1N1 virus tool is ozonized water with the addition of small amounts of hydrochloric acid. These outcomes of their research state that ions of chlorine will deactivate the virus, and the water washes away completely from his body. In the course of several experiments was taken 430 thousand virus H1N1, and they all died within five minutes after contact with acid ozonized water (acidic ozone water).

According to researchers, one ton of water to only 22 grams of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and this amount is sufficient to ensure that in the resulting liquid formed a sufficient number of charged chloride ions, which rapidly destroy the virus. In addition, received the acid environment perfect for disinfection of the organism.

"The costs required for manufacturing the funds are negligible compared with the creation of a vaccine - have told the authors of the study, Kwong Lee (Kwang Lee) and Khan Um (Han Uhm) in the pages of authoritative scientific publications Applied Physics Letters. - Moreover, ozonized acidic water can be produced on an industrial scale, fundamentally changing the situation with the spread of the H1N1 virus around the world. "

[additional info from http://www.recombinomics.com/News/11180904/Ukraine_344.html, suggesting that the H1N1 virus has mutated in the Ukraine, leading to a much higher incidence of the cytokine storm which rapidly destroys the lungs and kills: "Included in the sequences from 10 isolates were four HA sequences with the receptor binding domain change, D225G, which was found in the one throat and three lung samples. The change was not found in isolates from nasopharyngeal washes, suggesting D225G may lead to high concentrations of H1N1 in patient's lungs. The high concentration of virus leads to a cytokine storm that destroys the lungs in a few days."]

Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 11/20/2009

i think aspirin is somewhat of a miracle cure for a lot of things! i remember when i would young and was starting to come down with something - she would give me aspirin at bedtime and the next day i would be fine.

aspirin is (or at least used to me) made from white willow bark and maybe this is why it helps???

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/20/2009 392 posts

Many people here were cured of pneumonia using aspirin when other supplements and medicines are not available. Lysine works, but is not available. I don't use niacin, it causes liver damage especially from time release niacin. The facts you mentioned are contradictory.

The B3 I used here is niacinamide.

My sister is alive today because of aspirin. She had a severe pneumonia and the doctors already given up on her and was ready to call the morgue. My father slipped in aspirin. It saved her life. She was only 2 or 3 years old at the time. I was cured of measles and it was a one day cure with that aspirin. Imagine small pox!

Yes some people are allergic to aspirin, but not everyone. When a person is dying of fever at 104, they may die, just from the fever itself, when no other medications were working at all. And I have tried tamiflu, it simply doesn't work in advanced swine flu cases.

Perhaps you have better cures, I would be happy to hear, especially when a person is living in an isolated rural area with a temperature of 103-104 F.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/20/2009 392 posts

By Yulia Makoveeva, MIGnews.com.ua

Some Info on Pneumonic plague (hemmorhagic flu) closed meeting has been held in Ivano-Frankivsk, at which participants agreed that epidemic of the so-called "pneumonic plague" is being spread throughout Ukraine. But the problem is its form is unknown, it is ATYPICAL nobody knows how to treat it.

PNEUMONIC PLAGUE has an acute course than other forms, over and is accompanied by a very high mortality rate. The incubation period of primary pneumonic plague rarely exceeds more than 1-4 days. It begins, as a rule, suddenly - with shivering, fever, headache, myalgia, weakness, nausea. The symptoms of pneumonia - cough with phlegm, chest pain, shortness of breath - usually appear on the second day of the disease. Blood spitting, growing respiratory disorders, heart failure, respiratory failure, shock are being observed. In primary pneumonic plague phlegm usually is watery or mucinous, foamy, with blood or visibly bloody.

A secondary pneumonic plague occurs as interstitial pneumonia. Phlegm is scanty and more dense and viscous than in primary pulmonary plague. It is believed that in this regard, patients are less contagious.

As a reminder, yesterday, on October 28 flu epidemic in the Ternopil Region, which had appeared a week ago, mowed down nearly 10,000 of residents. Moreover - unknown virus has already killed seven people. Ministry of Health has confirmed 20 deaths from pneumonia in Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions.

Posted by Steve (London, Uk) on 11/19/2009

I am concerned that people would resort to aspirin as a cure. Aspirin is an anti-febrile agent and reduces temperature. The human body elevates temperature to prevent virus material from replicating then the immune system identifies and clears the virus.

Higher temperature inhibits the virus rna from combining during the reproductive cycle which is why we get a fever.

Aspirin is responsible for more cases of pneumonia than doctors care to admit.

Why would anyone in their right mind fight our own body's mechanism for preventing disease - something that has evolved over many thousands of years to a state of perfection.

Most people are mineral & vitamin deficient, couple this with a serious lack of good gut bacteria and a westernised sugar diet and you have total immune disfunction.

If aspirin is required for other ailments such as angina, poor circulation etc - then cayenne pepper is more effective and is also a pain killer.

B3 or niacin is also effective, improves blood flow, dilates arteries, regulates cholesterol, helps clear arterial congestion, but does produce what is known as the niacin flush which is harmless flushing but has none of the liver damaging effects of statins.

L-Lysine, Vitamin C
Posted by Jessica S. (Milwaukie, Oregon) on 11/18/2009

Lysine 500mg and vitamin c 100mg lozenges once an hour successfully treated my whole family of swine flu. All four of us came down with every symptom, I had the worst case. I started giving everyone 500mg's of lysine and 100mg's of vitamin C each hour unitl they felt better then one extra dose to kill it off. Husband only needed 2 doses, daughter and son needed 4, I needed 5. we are also on a daily magnesium/calcium/zinc with vitamin d3. I believe we would have been in serious trouble without Ted's helpful hints.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/18/2009 392 posts

It's likely to be an hourly Lysine dose and humic acid as an aerosol to breathe in. The humic acid is prepared as an aerosol, a weak solution to breathe in. It kills all kinds of viruses by trapping them. Use just enough as humic acid may accumulate if used excessively if there is long term use exceeding months of use. Still, it's a lifesaver.

I will update the hemorrhagic virus, but there isn't that sort of case in Thailand.

However, there are certain ones that did resemble bleeding which humic acid, lysine and magnesium chloride, 500 mg empty stomach did effectively stopped that. Perhaps it was or was not, but it had the symptoms but was not officially confirmed.

It should be noted that large doses of magnesium are antiviral. Vitamin C also.

If they are taken hourly, this should effectively stop them after 6 doses, but has to be given every 50 minutes not exceeding one hour for each dose, otherwise you just have to start counting again from 1.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Lizzy (Niskayuna, Ny) on 11/17/2009

What does Ted from Bangkok think about this "Swine Flu Pneumonic Plague" going on in the Ukraine now. They say this version affects the lung filling it with blood.

Do you think will also help Lysine, Vitamine C, Vitamine D (possibly BHT) (and adding Ganmaouling Chinese herbal preperation and Methylene blue if there is mucous/breathing problems)?

Swine flu outbreak in Ukraine as virus said to kill dozens

Swine Flu Deaths Hit Ukraine

Please post in "Real-Time Posts" and/or "Swine Flu" so I can find, thanks (:

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mandi (Keswick, Ontario, Canada) on 11/16/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar definately cut the symptoms of H1N1 virus for me. I took 2 cap fulls of ACV with 1-2 Tblsp of Natural Honey...let the kettle boil and cool down to just hot. Poured in the hot water and stired! I drank this every 3 hours the whole first day.The flu came in wave's, but because I took the ACV at the onset of the symptoms... I'm definatley sure I nipped it in the bud because the symptoms are gone and its been 2 days! SO TAKE IT AS SOON AS YOU FEEL IL.

I'm still taking it but only a couple of times a day just to keep virus standing down and make sure it doesn't come back.

Keswick Ontario Canada

Posted by Garion (Forest Hills, Ny) on 11/04/2009

Aspirin: Swine Flu/Flu

I'd give Aspirin a yea for Swine Flu/Flu. Altho, I never got tested, so it could've been a really bad cold, flu or swine flu.

40 yr old dude here. I started feeling bad on Thursday. The next day I was extremely tired, congested head, sore throat. I could barely get out of bed. Not much of an appetite. I tried D3, Zinc Lozenges, Jean's Tomato Tea, Gargled with Cayenne water, Hydrogen in ears... nothing seemed to work. (I didn't overdo these solutions, I did them once or twice a day depending on the remedy).

By Day 3, Saturday I was still out of it. I had muscle aches (and a congested ear) but honestly I've had worse body aches from previous flus so I still wasn't certain what I had. It was Day 4, when I got a fever of 100.2 that I suspected I had the flu vs. a cold. (I also read that nowadays all flus are pretty much the swine flu. I think it's really spreading fast.) That's when I tried the Aspirin cure. I did it again the next day because the fever came back in 24 hrs time. By Day 6 I felt better. No fever. But still congested head. More energy tho. And Day 7, I definitely feel stronger. Still a little congested but stronger. Able to get things done, concentrate.

Now I didn't start to take Aspirin until Day 4/5, so one could say my flu/cold ran its course and of course by Day 7 I would feel better. But that Fever was making me feel miserable so I said what do I have to lose. Plus I read that one doesn't usually have fevers during colds and I found it weird I got a fever AFTER having symptoms for 3 days. I would try the Aspirin cure again.

here's what I took:
Day 4: I took 1 325mg Aspirin, crushed in half cup of water, every hour... for 3 hrs.

Day 5: I took 1 325mg Aspirin, crushed in half cup of water, every hour... for 4 hrs.

I love this site by the way.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Janis (Sacramento, Ca) on 11/03/2009

I had been dealing with sinus issues for years and regularly used a neti pot with salt water to manage it. One of my yoga students is a master herbalist and I asked her for recommendations for building up the immune system of my asthmatic daughter. I had been concerned about her catching the swine flu as it was going through the school. She told me about Wild Oregano Oil being anti-viral,bacterial and anti-fungal. I also did some research online and found a ton of information on the benefits. Make sure it's wild and the high potency.

Not only do I believe it kept my daughter from getting full blown swine flu (she started to come down with the symptoms) but she no longer needs her inhaler. So we all started taking it and normally we all get sick by this time of year but we have managed to keep the funkies at bay with this amazing stuff.

I decided to try one drop in my neti pot against many posts that warned not to because of the heat of the oil. However, I came accross one that said they tried it and it burned no worse than getting a little chlorine in the nose. I decided to try it too and instantly felt relief after the initial slight burning ceased. I have not had an issue with my sinuses since.

FREEDOM for the first time in years! Which is a huge relief as a yoga instructor. It is liquid gold in our house! I truely can't say enough about it.We take one drop under the tounge in the the morning and at night. My kids and I just chase it with water but my husband has to mix it with juice even though he's the only one who can eat wasabi and hot peppers!

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