Grover's Disease: Natural Remedies for Relief

Vitamin D3
Posted by Doug (Nevada) on 07/25/2020

I've had grover's for several years. Compared to the cases described here, mine was milder than most. My lesions were mostly on the front of my torso, and though they would itch sometimes, not to the point of keeping me awake, and never all at one time. Hydrocortisone cream subdued them for a few days, but never eliminated them.

I have been taking 2000 IUs of Vitamin D3 for over a month now, and the lesions are 99% gone. I am continuing to take D3, but now I am focused on fading the little scars left behind from the lesions. For this I am using Jason's vitamin E 25000 IUs once or twice daily. I'll report back if see any definitive improvement.

Thanks again to Timothy from London (2014), for posting his success with vitamin D3!

Vitamin D3
Posted by Jack (Nebr) on 12/16/2017

Liquid vitamin D-3 400 IU, RUB on skin for relief! I do this twice daily, it really keeps the itching and the red bumps down. Best thing I have found to date. I use a lot more than the 4 drop dosage topically.

Vitamin D3
Posted by Donald (Usa) on 05/22/2016

Have experienced a continual outbreaks of this disease for three years. Doctors first treated the condition with hydrocortisone cream 2.5% it cleared in some areas but not for long. Extreme itch and out break developed and I began using betamethasone dipropionate cream 0.05% (augmented). I began using vit.D3 one pill @ 2000 IUs daily and have cleared completely, cheers too Timothy from across the pond. Eternally grateful Don.

Vitamin D3
Posted by Jerry (Dania Beach, Fl) on 04/09/2016

I have been to several doctors with my Grover's disease which is itching me to death. I read one book and tried vitamin D3. I've been taken for a week 4000 milligrams per day which is only for tablets already. I can't believe it, no itching and the lesions are getting smaller!

I am so happy and relieved, it's unbelievable. It makes sense because I don't go out in the sun that much and that D3 is what it's for. It works, it really works and is very inexpensive.

Vitamin D3
Posted by Timothy (London) on 12/18/2014

Editor's Choice Grover's Disease

Some exciting news for anyone unfortunate enough to be suffering from Grover's Disease.

I first noticed evidence of Grover's disease in 2011 with spreading lesions on my torso both back and front. Visits to dermatologists in London and New York including biopsies confirmed that the lesions were caused by Grover's Disease which I was told was incurable. However, I noticed that the symptoms were far less noticeable in the summer months and guessed that lack of Vitamin D may be part of the issue.

In 2012, I started to take 4 x Vitamin D3 (Potency 10ug = 10 micrograms equivalent to 400 IU = 400 International Units) per day. I immediately noticed an improvement to such an extent that after some months the symptoms and the scars had completely healed. I then experimented by coming off Vitamin D3 in the summer of 2012 but after some weeks the symptoms returned, so I took Vitamin D3 for six or seven months over the winter of 2012/2013 and once again the symptoms disappeared following which I stopped taking Vitamin D3 regularly.

As I write this in December 2014 the symptoms are completely under control and whenever the signs reoccur, a short spell on Vitamin D3 supresses them completely. So, my experience suggests that if not a cure, Vitamin D3 in the doses I use is a highly effective way of treating this unpleasant and irritating disease.

I hope it works for you.
