Effective Natural Remedies for GERD Relief - Holistic Approach

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joe (Oak Forest, IL) on 09/17/2006

I don't know why, but whenever I am (able) to stay on a low carb diet, my GERD goes away, I sleep better, my skin improves, etc. And......this is when I am eating all I want, and even late at night. I'm not sure why this works, but I thought I was the only one. (Nexium works great, but I bloat with water weight gain.)

Dietary Changes
Posted by Gurt (USA)

I did research in medical journals over gerd/acid reflux since it was causing some health problems. What I found was that carbonated drinks build pressure in the stomach pushing the acid back into the throat. I drink one carbonated drink mid-morning then juice, water and decaf-tea during the remaining day. I also found that caffeine relaxes the muscle that becomes weak with gerd. It was a slow process to cut back on the caffeinated drinks and caffeine but now I am feeling so much better.

Cabbage Juice
Posted by Sarah (Brussels, Belgium) on 05/20/2007

A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with GERD and I suffered from acid reflux and heartburn. The medication prescribed by the doctor rather worsened my situation and I suffered a number of side effects from it. I came across a site suggesting that drinking raw cabbage juice cures acid reflux and other problems related to the stomach, such as ulcer.I did further research to confirm this and decided to give it a try.
The general suggested daily dosage is about a quart [800ml] of raw cabbage juice to be taken about 4 times daily. I found that rather too much and I started with 400ml [100ml x 4].I noticed great improvement and after one week I reduced the dosage to 300ml [100ml x 3]. After about 3 weeks of the whole therapy, I decided to take only 200ml a day. Those with stomach ulcers or acute cases of acid reflux might need to take the full dosage.

I have stopped drinking cabbage juice since about 10 months now and I haven't had any serious reflux problems. For those who would like to try it, PLEASE NOTE that it is said to have strong impact on the thyroid glands [the more reason why I never consumed 800ml a day!]. Not to mention the stench - it is better stored in an air-tight water bottle and kept in the fridge. Good luck to all, and thanks for the great site.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Charmaine (Peekskill, NY) on 09/14/2006

No eating or drinking rich beverages after 8pm and always brush and or gargle before going to bed. Also cut down on fatty foods and coffee. I think the prevalence of GERD is related to ubiquitous coffee shops and the resulting increase in consumption of coffee.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Cliff (Dallas, TX) on 09/15/2006

Less food volume intake per meal. More light snacking. Organic foods preferred. Never lay down after eating for 2-3 hours. Has not cured GERD, but has reduced symptoms significantly.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Diane (Long Beach, NY) on 01/04/2007

I used to eat a high fiber,low fat diet (norm robillard's low carb approach). The gas started to build over several months resulting in terrible stomach pains after every evening meal. My cholesterol shot up as well. I decided to get rid of the high fiber breads and cereals. I don't eat dairy. After a few days, my gas decreased and I didn't need my aciphex for gerd anymore. When I cheat, I get gas and reflux. Also, my cholesterol dropped back to normal. My diet is vegetables, some protein, small amounts of fruit, some nuts. I walk almost everyday and use a recumbent bike on rainy days. Sugar in any form is the worst High carbs are sugar. Bread in any form makes my reflux worse. I can cheat but not everyday. I was able to take my bed off its blocks back to ground level and could also lay down after eating.

Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Coye (Newberry, SC) on 09/05/2007

I had moderate asthma and chronic gerd. I started using a natural enzyme that contained PAPAYA!! I take the tablets everyday. I haven't had a problem or symptom since I've taken them.I've read many studies that papaya helps withs gerd!!

Cpap Machine
Posted by Nancy (Newton, NC) on 12/14/2007

After years of severe acid reflux that no medicine helped, including Nexium, my doctor convinced me to have a sleep study. After being diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea I started using a CPAP (continuous positive air pressure). It took about a year for my esophagus to heal, but I never ever have acid reflux anymore. My pulmonologist explained that the struggle for breath was squeezing the contents of my stomach up my esophagus all night. I used to sit up in a recliner all night rarely getting any sleep. I now sleep all night laying down flat. It was an adjustment getting accustomed to the CPAP but it is worth its weight in gold. My GERD had absolutely nothing to do with what I was eating nor with overproduction of gastric acid.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 11/20/2007 495 posts

The best remedy I have found for indigestion, acid regurge, GERD, flatulence is elimination of all bleached flour products in the foods you eat - I find I can eat l00% whole grain bread without problems (usually cures most people's constipation problems also). I don't know what chemicals? are used in the bleaching process, but apparently that is where the problem comes from. However, you must really work at getting bleached flour out of your diet, as many pastas are made with bleached flour, many breads say whole wheat but read the ingredients and you'll find that most start off with bleached flour unless the label reads l00% whole grain. Most gravies, dips, sauces, etc. use the cheapest source of thickening agent - bleached flour. So try it and see if it works for you. It's nice having a "cast iron stomach" which has no problems with cayenne pepper, jalapeno peppers, and all that spicy stuff I used to blame my stomach problems on before I lucked up and stumbled upon the real cause of them.

Posted by Carlos (Baltimore) on 04/23/2006

I am so glad I found your website. Last year I started developing some strange food sensitivities and terrible dizziness and fatigue. After numerous doctor visits and many many tests I was diagnosed with acid reflux! I was taking aleve for joint pain and levaquin for an infection and my health started going downhill fast. I started taking Prilosec & Zantac and noticed remarkable improvement for a few weeks, but then my heartburn and problems swallowing got worse than ever! One day I noticed that a nice crunchy green apple helped my GERD considerably, and now I can't live without 2-3 green apples a day. I'm going to try that apple cider vinegar too - antacids are just like painkillers, they don't attack the real problem they just try to minimize complications without addressing the source. Thanks for the info!

Posted by Lura (CA) on 05/06/2006

I ate a mini red small apple from Trader Joe's that actually seemed to make my GERD worse. But on days I ate other kinds of apples I don't recall having too many problems. I just ate some red delicious apples and didn't have any problems.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Stacy (Royal Oak, IL) on 04/12/2006

Unbelievable!! I am 2 days away from an endoscopy which is the first step in surgical correction for GERD. I have suffered from GERD for over 12 years and in preparation for my next pregnancy, have decided to have the issue corrected. Mine became so bad after my first pregnancy that for the last 5 years, I have been taking double dose OTC Prilosec with only partial relief. To prepare for the procedure, I have to be off of Prilosec for 5 days prior and 2 days post. This scared the tar out of me since I am usually in burning pain if I am even 2 hours late with my pills. I am now 3 days off of the pills and have been, so far successfully, fighting the urge to call and cancel the whole thing just so I can get back on some Prilosec ASAP. With my doctors ok, I have been taking above the max dose of Tums but when I hit about 30 for today, I figured that couldn't be too good. Looking for alternatives, I found this website and read about the pickles. Ironically, I had a pickle from lunch that I had not eaten for fear that it would make me worse. I went and got it and decided, at this point, nothing could be worse. Right after eating it, I noticed a difference. More than I had gotten with all the Tums all day long. Unfortunately, I only had one spear and will have to stop and get more on my way home but this really was amazing. Absolutely worth a try.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Chris (Jacksonville, Florida) on 04/07/2007

No Way!!!! This was unbelievable!! It's 11:00 at night and my girlfriend was in tears from her GERD pain. I read the pickle juice comments and as a last resort prior to the ER had her try the pick juice remedy. IT WORKED IMMEDIATLY!!!!! totally recommend this to everyone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Andrew (St. Louis, MO) on 05/30/2006

I've been on Prevacid for 6 years, wanting to get off of them. After reading the cases, I got some ACV and tried it. It felt like a blowtorch in my esophagus. I get heartburn from anything I eat or drink, especially water, which I love to drink but it is the worst for my GERD. For now I'm back on the Prevacid, I'm open for other suggestions.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amber (Milwaukee, WI) on 01/10/2006

The Vinegar helped me so much, I have suffered from AR for at least 6 years & now my stomach feels so good. I can eat my favorite things again like my moms home made Fudge & I love cashews too. I heard some guy in an infomercial talking about his book on natural cures & he mentioned it. I asked my aunt if she knew anything about it so we went to the store to buy some at first it burned so bad, probably because of the burns from my acid in my esophagus. Within a few minutes I felt so much better & now my stomach feels good all the time & I've only taken it for about 2 weeks. The GERD was keeping me up at nights, I lost my voice several times & of course theres the awful Vurps that if someone notices you have to pretend you didn't do. Because no one wants to hear that your foods coming back up on you. It's simply amazing how well it works. Although I don't know if I'll ever be used to the taste. I am once again getting used to eating food I actually enjoy.
