Mix Lemon Juice, Grape Seed Extract for Gerd/Acid Reflux
I was on the purple pills for years. Had GERD type problems on and off 2004-2012, only got worse as time went on. Tried many of the remedies here, and some did help, some didn't. Learned not to eat Tomatoes.
Long story short, I have no problems anymore, eventually developed a strange combination thus:
I take 1/4 cut lemon juice and mix in two capsules worth of powdered "grape seed extract", after it's mixed I add a packet of the vitamin c powder.
I drink this slowly on empty stomach, at first twice a day, now occasionally. I would like to say why it works, bla bla bla biofilms etc., but I do not really know myself. General theory:
The plenol compounds in the grape seed won't mix with water but will with the lemon juice. Lemon juice by itself did seem to help but also kinda burns!!! But if acidity is tamed with the vit C powder it does not burn.
Hope it helps others as it did for me!!