Effective Natural Remedies for GERD Relief - Holistic Approach

Posted by Art (California) on 12/19/2021 2173 posts

Hi Ellen,

Melatonin is established as an effective treatment for GERD, but is also noted for potentially helping in the repair of gastric ulcers and for its esophageal protective effects against the damage caused by acid entering the esophagus from GERD. Melatonin may also be useful in the prevention of esophageal cancer!

Here are several study links confirming that melatonin is effective for GERD and possibly healing of peptic ulcers and some esophageal issues :







Posted by Ellen (Portland, OR) on 12/19/2021

I was on PPI drugs for over a year for GERD. The GERD gave me syncope, coughing, and dizziness related to low blood pressure. The drug only made things worse by suppressing the acid. I had some improvement from choosing alkaline foods over acid ones, and paying attention to food combining, but I could still get very ill from even alkaline foods, including GERD cures aloe Vera juice and apple cider vinegar.

Nothing worked until I did two things. I took liquid melatonin once every day and I made sure I was drinking at least 3 pints of water a day, shooting for 4 when I could. I put a pinch or two or unrefined salt into each pint. This helps to prevent low blood pressure and helps the body to not just urinate out the water right away.

After a couple of weeks (relief/success was instant! ), I got off of the antacid drug (I chose to taper because it virulently I suppressed acid when you try to kick the drug suddenly), and I have never had a return of the problem that made me a basket case afraid to go out (in case I fainted; the acid was always making me feel hot and very dizzy, with a wildly erratic pulse). I went to a general practitioner and several specialists, but it was only by doing my own Internet research and implementing the EarthCiunic suggestion of melatonin (plus following proper hydration practice for someone of my weight and activity level) that I was helped.

I am completely cured of the issue. I no longer lie awake with GERD/cardiac distress, though I do urinate three times a night because of the water I drink. I am 78 years of age and an athlete. Thank you, EarthClinic, and Art from California who posted about melatonin as a GERD cure!

EC: The URL to Art's article on Melatonin for GERD: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/art-solbrig-protocol-for-gerd.html

Posted by Ron (Port Saint Lucie, Florida ) on 07/24/2016

Gerd: Melatonin seems to be helping protect my esophagus. There is a vitamin, amino acids, hormones, therapy, with Melatonin I found online. 170 people's I believe. Versus PPI's
