I had recurring back pain and shingles on my back and traced it to herpatic neuralgia from the herpes plus the occasional wart on my hands or legs. I was on acyclovir and various vitamins and DMSO lotion for years which worked to a point. Three years ago I switched to BHT staring with 250mgs morning and evening. I am completely in remission from everything and now only take 250mgs. in the morning plus a multivitamin.
How many of you has BHT cured you of your warts?. I posted here a year or two ago about the Hep-C and Venereal warts both of which are gone. I have not used anything else except BHT 2 180 mg caps twice a day then I cut to once a day. I see so many posts saying they are trying it but not as many as I would of thought say the warts are gone. Do not worry about the time for some it may take longer.. I can not empathize enough.. it works.
I have recently crushed BHT up and added it to virgin olive oil and applied it to my elbows and knee for plaque psoriasis and that seems to help plus I use a lamp from the 40s-50- but don't know which is doing what, but whatever it works.
BHT in my opinion is not a hit or miss, it works but I say that with the caveat peoples metabolism are different perhaps they use other things which deter from the BHT. But the reason I decided to add my post here I was sick and tired of people saying, take this with two of those then drink some of that and a hour later stand on your head for fifteen minuets then drink a glass of water upside down and eat three apples. This is it take it the way Oscar says and that's it , If your viral levels go undetectable please let others know and that will help others that were once as desperate as you were. On the other hand if for some reason it doesn't work for you cone post that.
As I promised here my result about the use of BHT to treat genital warts. I started more then one month ago and to my surprise the doctor when he checked my rectum said I only have a small wart!!! I'm sure it was huge before that and also some outside of my rectum. So the doctor take out the wart and I believe now I'm ok. I'm still taking the BHT, I don't have any kind of side effect so far. I will check again with the doctor, in a year to see if everything is still "clean".