Gallbladder Attack
Natural Remedies

Gallbladder Attack Remedies

Pickle Juice
Posted by Mia0621 (Montgomery, Il) on 07/31/2016

My granddaughter is pregnant, and was having severe gallbladder pain. She was in pain for three hours. I was looking for remedies and came across this site. One of the remedies was pickle juice. Gave her approx. 1/4c pickle juice. Within ten minutes her symptoms subsided. Thank you for the info!

Pickle Juice
Posted by Raven (Ga) on 11/08/2015

I currently struggle with gallstones. I am also on my first pregnancy to make it worse. I wake up usually in the middle of the night cringing from pain and my husband stays up with me to ensure our daughter and I are okay. I didn't think there were natural remedies to help the pain. I was given pain medicine but what good would that be being it makes me vomit anywhere from 1-3 depending on how severe the spasm is. Plus I recently developed upper abdominal cramping and little hands and feet kicking and punching me. You could say they are the least bit pleasant so I read this and I'm about like you, if eating dirt would help I would do it. So I thank you for sharing, this my gallbladder will sometimes feel swollen and sore, which it was a few minutes ago when I was reading this, but it isn't anymore. Bless you for sharing what really worked for you, bc it also helped me and mini me.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Brandon (Texas) on 01/11/2014

Pickle juice is always something that works quickly for me when having gallbladder attacks. I will try ACV and apple juice next time too, or use it in case the pickle juice doesn't work. If the ACV and apple juice doesn't work for you try drinking about 1/2 cup of straight pickle juice. I hope that information gives someone some relief. Thanks for sharing everyone.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Deepa (Usa) on 12/23/2013

This was a great idea. It worked exactly in 15 min. Thank you.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Nikki (Outlandia, Louisiana) on 03/25/2013

I was reading through the ACV and apple juice for quick relief of a gallbladder attack and thought about taking some distilled vinegar when I remembered that I had some pickle juice sitting on my counter. I went with that because I could handle the taste of that better- IMMEDIATE relief. Within 10 minutes capable of laying down to sleep. Going to try the cleanse with Epsom salts here soon. Attacks happen about once or twice a year and always when I have having a crap week or two of eating (fast food breakfast is a weakness). This always reminds me to get back on eating better.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Lucie (Houston, Texas) on 05/01/2012

I had started a juice fast last July and was having great success. Drinking all natural juices does wonders to clean your system. I faltered around day 17 and ate something totally fattening and spent the next 5 hours writhing in pain. I had no idea what was going on. I spent several hours on the internet trying to figure out what was going on. I had never had a gall bladder attack before and so had no idea what it felt like. I just wanted relief! The site I found suggested acv, but I didn't have any, and then I saw a suggestion of drinking a little pickle juice. I had some pickles way in the back of the fridge, long forgotten, would it help? At this point I would have licked the bottom of the refrigerator shelf if someone had told me it would stop the pain! So I drank about half a cup. In less then 5 minutes the pain started to fade. And was nearly gone in 15. I hope this helps someone, I know that when you are in the middle of that pain, any suggestion is a good suggestion. I wouldn't recommend licking the fridge shelf, but hey, only you can judge your desperation!

Pickle Juice
Posted by Lyn (Huntsville, Ohio) on 11/24/2009

Editor's Choice Whenever I felt a gall bladder attack coming on, I would drink about a quarter cup of regular (not kosher) dill pickle juice or eat a lemon and I found that within minutes the pain and nausea were gone.
