The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Dietary Changes
Posted by Sue (Ohio) on 11/16/2018
I agree that fats are needed. My mother ate moderately after her emergency gallbladder surgery and never had any more trouble.
You could try a lecithin supplement with meals with more than a touch of fat in them. Lecithin helps to break down fat.
Dietary Changes
Posted by Erika (Atlanta, Ga) on 03/20/2014
I came across this site when looking for feedback on something I discovered by accident. I too have to watch fats in my diet because of gallbladder pain.
Recently I began having plain yogurt in the mornings mixed with a little honey (for flavor). I have been amazed at the positive impact it has had on my digestion and my gallbladder. Hope this helps.
Dietary Changes
Posted by Sarah (Miami Beach, Florida) on 01/20/2013
I suffer from gall bladder pain (I guess they are called gall bladder attacks) and have tied the pain to oily food and also nuts. I take the apple cider vinegar in apple juice as prescribed on Earth Clinic whenever I get an attack, but it still takes a few days for the pain to go away. Eliminating fatty and oily foods during this period is essential to healing.
Dietary Changes
Posted by Geralyn_d (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/11/2012
Dieting is a real problem for the gall bladder and juicing veggies is just the low fat type of diet to cause cycling of your OWN body fat into a real bad attack. I used the cabbage soup diet to lose 60 pounds a few years back and I recall a few friends losing their gall bladders to that diet. I knew how to do the gall bladder cleanse and every second week I did the diet(1 week a month) I would do a GB cleanse. I still have my gall bladder and only when I veggie feast do I have attacks now.