Gallbladder Attacks
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Gallbladder Attacks

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B12 Vitamins
Posted by Janie (Mattoon, Illinois) on 01/05/2009

Editor's Choice

First of all I absolutely love this website! It is so helpful and... eye-openingly refreshing!

I am a vegetarian and know the importance of getting protein especially. Little did I know until later that I wasn't getting enough protein when I thought all along I had! Last year I went through a sleugh of tests to try and figure out why I was having this God-awful stabbing,jabbing pain directly below my right rib cage which to me, felt like a heart attack. It seemed to flair up an hour or two after a meal. I also suffer from Gerd so I would somehow associate it with that. But, I would have this uncomfortable pain consistantly every day -And it was more apparent at night or in the wee hours of the morn. My doc thought it might be gallbladder so I underwent tests for that. They came back Negative. During the many visits and not to mention the dollars spent trying to get to the bottom of what was causing that pain - I decided to get up on the internet to try and find the answer myself. Realizing that I am a vegetarian and have been for many years, I checked out everything food related and that I needed in the way of nutrtion, that was beneficial to my living this vegan lifestyle.

During the research I found that a lack of B12 could be the cause for this sharp, unexplained pain that I was having - and I had been having it for more than a year or so - Anyways. to make this long story short, I went back to the doc. Told her what I found that might be causing this pain - She ordered up a blood test and found out that I was deficient in B12! She didn't want to give me the shots so I was put on B12 supplements that she recommended from the health food store ( Must contain methylcollomin - check my spelling on that word though ok?) - Anyways,after taking the 1,000 mcg's of B12 - 2 a day at first - now down to one,the pain was gone almost immediately (with-in a week I'd say) and remains to be gone to this day!!!! Yeah.... The brand I take is B12 Infusion by Enzymatic, for those of you who might be interested. Thanks for letting me share my story.
