Top Natural Remedies for Fibroids

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Steff (St Thomas, USVI) on 07/28/2009


Hi, I have been diagnose with Fibroids, I had a myectomy before. I was looking forward to having more kids, I have two boys, my husband has none so I wanted at least one with him. Over the last three years my cycle got so bad that I was bleeding for two weeks straight. Then I would go to the Dr. to get pills to stop the bleeding. Then over the last couple years my cycle started becoming irregular, the clots were heavier and more painful. I started really praying that God would shot the mouths of the fibroids so that they would shrink. When my cycle stopped for a month or two I would go back to the Dr. to get pills to make it come again. But recently, I noticed that I have lost some weight, got more energy and the itching stopped, well, I have been drinking ACV every morning to start my day before working out and now I have gone from heavy periods to no bleeding. I'm concern about that and wondering if the ACV could stop one's cycle. I feel great. I don't have pain and large clots, my energy is up, my weight is coming off, the varginal itch has stopped; these are great things but I wanted more kid(s) and I'm in my early 40's and concern. Any ideas or comments or suggestions. I'm curious as to my next sonogram which is scheduled for next month. So will ACV stop or slow down cycle?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ikhlas (Montreal, Quebec) on 08/07/2009

This is my answere to STEFF from ST.THOMAS. I experienced the same problem, what i did, i stopped having the acv one day before my cycle,and also during my cycle.And then i continue using it again and, every thing goes normally. The measurements is 2tbs disolved in 1 cup of water three times a day. GOOD LUCK.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dee (Baton Rouge, La) on 01/27/2014

I tried the ACV for a few days but had no success. After going to the doctor, he revealed that I did indeed have a fibroid, but because I had bled out over 60% of my normal blood supply and I was severely anemic. I had emergency surgery last Wednesday (complete hysterectomy). My prayers and well-wishes go out to the rest of you ladies dealing with this issue...

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Divinity (Philadelphia, PA) on 07/15/2009

Blackstrap Molasses CURED my heavy bleeding from Fibroids......When I tell you this is a MIRACLE, I am not kidding. Although my symptoms were not nearly as severe as other peoples', they were still severe to me. I was diagnosed with fibroids in 2002 but only had occasional heavy bleeding so the Dr. told me to do nothing. I had no cramping or anything but within the last few months, I would get one or two days out of each monthly cycle where the bleeding was UNGODLY.....I read somewhere that it was called "flooding" where the blood would just pour out and the clots were never-ending. I would have to keep changing clothes due to the blood leaking out all over the place for 24 hours straight......I knew about the blackstrap molasses and had taken it previously for anemia but stopped for some reason. Any way, last month in the midst of the flood of blood, I took a tablespoon and I swear, withing 5 or 10 minutes, it stopped......later on that night, it seemed like the flooding was starting again so I took another tablespoon and it stopped it dead in it's tracks AGAIN. So this month I decided to take it right when the period started......this is the 3rd day of the cycle and I have been taking it 2 times a day and yesterday I took it 3x......basically every time I felt like it was starting to get heavy and EVERY time it stopped DEAD! This stuff is an unbelievabele and I want the world to know! Anyone can e-mail me with questions if they like.

Grapes, Cherries
Posted by Bonnie (Hamilton, Ontario) on 07/05/2009

Fibriods: Hey All, I have tried everything, bsm and all. I read on and found that coffee that has caffeine has alot to do with it, I drank coffee every day,when I read that it wasn't good for you making your estrogen go hay wire, I decided to stop! I try something that I have read on here what someone else wrote, and I swear by it!! I had heavy periods and the whole thing. Believe me!! So I decided to try what that person wrote, and I did, It was grapes & bing Cherries!! It's been over a year and my periods are normal, and no more heavy bleeding and no more blood clots. I swear my this thing. My blood count is up & my red blood cells are ok now. So 3 things to remember: No more coffee and eat grapes & cherries!! And you'll be ok, at least I am. My doctor wanted me to go for a hysteromy, but in the mean time I decide to try the grapes & cherries, no more heavy periods & clots, they are normal now. Maybe it's a conscience, not sure but something helped me, and I eat them every day!! And I'm fine now. :) Hope this helps someone, because I know I was desperate!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Melanie (Venice, Florida) on 05/27/2009

I was wondering if i am using ACV correctly and how long it actually takes to see improvements. I started to drink ACV in a 16 ounces bottle everyday since my last menstrual hoping it would help (I was diagnosed with fibroids 4 years agao) but 1 month later i can sadly report that nothing has changed. I still have terrible abdominal pain and heavy bleeding.. :( Please help me i am going crazy!!!! Also, can someone tell me where to find blackstrap molasses??? Thank you in advance.

EC: Most grocery stores carry at least one brand of blackstrap molasses. If not, Whole Foods Market has a good number of brands.. Finding it online will be a piece of cake, too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dibenja (New York, New York) on 05/30/2009

You can get Blackstrap Molasses from any healthfood store and many supermarkets.

Are you using baking soda with the ACV? I have large fibroids and have just discovered this site. I tried the BS and ACV and am amazed at the relief I have experienced. I had very very heavy bleeding. I could soak a pad in 15 minutes. Now with this "cure" I have more normal cycles. I have been using this for 3 months and happy with the reduced hemoraging. I'm not exactly sure how it works but I think it has something to do with alkalizing the blood and blood calcium levels.

good luck

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tanya (Tumwater, WA) on 02/10/2009

Fibroids and Anemia GONE!

I have wrote on here a couple times and this is my 1 year update. My anemia is gone, my iron has been normal for voer a year now and my periods are light and normal. I was in really bad a shape over 2 yrs ago and although I was only 40 my Dr. wanted me to get a hysterectomy. I refused and did tons of research about fibroids and anemia. This is what I learned:These are the things I did immedietly: Got off the pill, Fibroids are cause by estrogen so I figured why feed it more? I did the BSM in Cream of Wheat with raisins(cream of wheat, raisins and black strap molasses are very high in Iron and you will be feeling better)every morning, Apple Cider Vinegar with apple cider at night and watched what I ate and drank. Caffeine and alcohol effects fibroids and can make bleeding worse. Don't take your iron with calcium or calcium fortiifed OJ.

My routine for the past year has been:
Glass of green juice every morning ( I drink Odawalla), if I drink coffee I order a single shot only, and have only one a day. My vitamins are Garden of Eatin Perefect Food (more green minerals and vitamins) Women's Living Green Liquid-Gel Multi Vitamin, Irwin Naturals, (lots of minerals and vitamins from plants) DIM(helps regulate estrogen), B-100, Evening Primrose Oil, and occasionaly Iron Picolate during my cycles. I've come to the point that if I don't need the iron it will make me nauseated.

I'm telling you this has worked for me! And I tried all kinds of things! I read tons of books, posts, tried this that! But thak God I did not listen to my Dr. and get a hysterectomy! At one point my cycle was so bad I almost passed out! My iron was 24! So don't think maybe her problems weren't that bad! They were bad and I was really scared!

So, I hope this helps someone out there, our bodies are amazing and when they try and tell us something we just gotta listen and rethink the way we do things. Good luck and feel free to write if you have any questions!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lisa (Bradenton, Florida) on 11/08/2008

I've read a lot of these testimonials and after reading so many women suffered the exact same conditions I have I really want to share something in addition to the molassas that really does make a life changing difference.

I too have had anemia problems all my life and they became severely worse when I developed fibroid cysts(myoma). After an ultra sound indicating some extremely large cysts my Doctor advised a hysterectomy was the only alternative in removing the fibroid cysts. I opted to get back with him about that decision. I researched for an alternative cure and what I found was a product called Fibrovan which not only rid me of my fibroid cysts in less then 60 days, but reversed my anemia within the first week. It saved me from having a hysterectomy and rid me of my chronic anemia.

After I rid my body of the fibroid cysts I then started a regular intake of a TBSP of molasses in my tea each morning as my sweetner and I have not had any anemia problems whatsoever in over a year. Mostly I have to give an enormous amount of praise and gratitude to the supplement but...the molasses too is making a difference in boosting my iron.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lisacstyles (Sunny Isles, Florida) on 09/28/2009

Just taking blackstrap molasses alone will take much longer if you continue to eat foods with added hormones. Fibroids are hormonal imbalances. You must detox your liver and remove all animal from your diet as well as all of the rest.. eating a majority of green leafy foods, remove every hormone and animal product from your diet and remove caffeine as well. then just wait,, it took me a year and my periods are finally at a place that i can actually walk around and work ...what a difference!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Ramona (Hayes, VA) on 10/08/2008

I started using Plantation brand Black Strap molassas, and _____ Apple Cidar Vinegar, a year ago, as I was diagnosed with a 3cm fibroid that sits near my bladder. I had back pain, constant urge to urinate, and periods that were awful, clotty and literally drained me for a day or two. My Doctor of course frowned on the suggestion that I try a "Natural" solution, and thought better to remove this "little egg" as he called it. I did not want surgery, or being forced into early menopause.

So I went to this site, read the testimonials then off to the Health food store and bought the BSM and ACV.

Ok, after a year of faithfully taking 1 tablespoon of each BSM and ACV with a chaser glass of warm water each morn after breakfast (stomach will be upset if you take on empty) Then another dose before bedtime, I have noticed great improvement in the size of my stomach ( was bloated before due to tumor pushing on organs) and the frequent need to urinate went away after a month of using, my periods not as painful, or long, and less clots! You must try this as it does work, only if you use it accordingly, not more than twice a day.

I also switched my diet to Tofu, Kale, fresh veg, and fruit. Processed, fried and sugar filled foods are bad, and help grow that Fibroid! Reading this site got me to a safe waiting period, I will bet I am perimenopausal, and in a couple years this "tumor" will be gone or shrunk when I no longer have a period, as I have read I choose now to keep it in check till then. All I can advise is try the BSM & ACV, these brands Plantation BSM and _____ ACV are THE BEST! and any health food store Can order for you, Good luck in the fight against Fibroids.


Water and Air
Posted by Carmen (New York, NY) on 10/03/2008

I am finding that Water and Air are dissolving my fibroids. Yes, it sounds absolutely ridiculous, but it's true. Twice a day for the last two weeks, I've been standing up against the wall of my studio apartment breathing deeply, doing an exercise from the Book of Internal Exercises by Stephen T. Chang. (I inhale sharply and exhale while maintaining a stiff abdomen.) After the first day of doing this, I noticed my fibroid protrusion was lessened. Also, I've been drinking 5 glasses of lukewarm water a day, sprinkled with a bit of tumeric. The water seems to be literally washing the fibroids away as I notice what looks like to be be pieces of the dissolving fibroid membrane in my stool.

Could it be that water and air naturally contain the enzymes needed to dissolve fibroid membranes if concentrated? I'm becoming a believer.

Water and Air
Posted by Mn (Alexandria, Va) on 06/20/2018

I used Depends all the time :( I was scheduled for a surgery in August and since nothing seems to work I changed my diet to a Whole Foods Plant Based diet in May. The size of the fibroid went from 5cm to 2.9cm. YES to Flaxseeds meal, Rasberry, Yarrow, & Fenugreek tea, fruits, vegetables, grains, oatmeal, apple cider, monk fruit sweetener ... better if all is organic. NO to pesticides, sugar, dairy products, meat, coffee, process foods, alcohol, oils. In my case, Estrogen made them grow & Progesterone as well. This is a good source - Also, Netflix: ‘Food Choices'. Changing my diet and adding a relaxation activity (yoga or knitting) It changed my life for better!

Grapeseed Extract
Posted by Karling (Los Angeles, CA) on 06/08/2008

Well, Let me first say, I've had fibroids and ovarian cysts for over 7 years. They have progressively gotten worse and worse as far as heavy clotting periods, PMS, and weight gain. Basically my life revolves around my periods. I don't "do" western medicine so I only go to the doctor to find out what's going on. I'm also a vegetarian. My job is that of performer, so I've had to be meticulous about scheduling shows around my cycle. I'm so excited right now I had to share this immediately. It's early days, I'm only into day 4 of my period, but the change has been incredible. For a whole week before my period I did castor oil packs over where I consider the fibroids are. I rented movies, and spent every evening for about an hour and a half with the pack on my belly, and a heating pad over the area. Also, from the first day of my period I've been taking 2 (100mg) grapeseed extract tablets 3 times a day. They give me a bit of lose stool, but that's the least of my problems after all the bleeding I've endured over the years. Ok the report is: So far my bleeding has been cut in half, if not even more. A few very small clots, as apposed to huge clots. I feel different. I don't feel exhausted, and I'm thinking a miracle has happened to me. I don't know if it's the grape seed or the packs, but I am going to continue this procedure. I'm not sure how often I should do the packs, but I read in this forum that the grapeseed should be done only during your period to keep it's potency on your system. Oh, also something else. I had been taking BSM for over a year, (no decrease in bleeding, but other very good effects) and I read on this forum that House of Herbs had the most iron, so I orderd a whole case of it.. but the label is very sparse, and I think it might be sulfured, and that is not good because it thins the blood, so the only other thing I've changed is that I've cut OUT the sulfured BSM. I will update as I find out more, but right now I'm extremely happy. Day 4 and it's been a walk in the park!!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Cintra (Port of Spain, Trinidad) on 03/01/2008

I sincerely believe that a vegan diet works combat fibroids. I have just started the vitex or chasteberry but have been using normal molasses for quite some time. I had no idea it was useful for shrinking fibroids because I use it to detoxify. A level tbsp. in a glass of hot water first thing every morning. I just have one or two heavy days and I feel more energetic since using the molasses because of the iron content. Also, my breakfast consists of oats, almonds, grounded flaxseeds,raisins etc.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gina (New York, NY) on 12/08/2007

I have been taking BSM for about two weeks now--and am keeping my fingers crossed that something wonderful is going to happen. The possibility of surgery to remove my fibroids totally scared me. I was scared not bec. I didn't want to remove the fibroids, but bec. I knew that there was a better way to handle the problem. Additionally, my doctor kept telling me that he was 90% certain that he would be able to remove the entire fibroid throught surgery; however, not once did he mention that the surgery indeed guaranteed that the fibroid would not grow back once removed. Luckily I discovered the BSM through this site and have been taking it since. The everyday bleeding has ceased, and I can finally say that I had an almost normal five day menstral flow. After all of the intense bleeding--when the initial bleeding began on day one--I was so scared that I was going to bleed so heavily. Now, I am confident that next month, I will have a normal flow. My rec. to anyone is---schedule regular/routine sonagrams. Don't let anyone talk you into surgery until you are completely certain that the fibroids are indeed in your way or are not shrinking. Last but not least, I just would like to greet everyone and highlight the fact that being able to share our thoughts/feelings/experiences on line like this is simply priceless. We are able to communicate and we are able to enlighten--what a powerful TOOL!!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Leah (Emeryville, CA) on 12/05/2007

This stuff works! I have suffered badly from fibroids for about 3 years now. I have tried alot of remedies to no avail. I was scheduled to have a myomectomy. Then I came across this site and started taking the blackstrap molasses in September 2007. Three tablespoons a day every single day. It has a horrible taste, but it is SO worth it. Immediately, I noticed a tremendous change in my bleeding. I would almost hemorrorhage, but now it is almost a normal flow. I was absoutely amazed! I had been praying for a a natural remedy and I think I have found it. It has also helped tremendously with my anemia. Previously, I had been to the hospital 3 times because of fainting spells. I have also totally changed my diet and only eat natural foods now and I get foot reflexology treatments done once a month. Also, saying the Lord's Prayer 15 times daily is good too.(If you're religious or spiritual). I have made alot of progress, but I still get hard cramps, but my periods are about 70% better than before. Ladies, just try it and give it chance, because it truly works!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by tara (saskatoon, saskatchewan) on 08/23/2007

I have not taken anyting yet. I am scheduled for urinary artery embolizatoin next week I have a fibroid on my uterus that is 8" and I just read this website today as a lady I met today told me about apple cider vinegar she took for her fibroids 15 years ago and they are gone! I did not beleive her. I am thinking of reschuling my surgery and giving this a try. Also I do not know where to buy the molasses?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lyn (Saint Clair, Missouri) on 07/17/2007

Just an update for all. I started the Black Strap Molasses for my Fibroids on 6/25/07 today alittle less than 1 month later....I can tell for sure it is working ladies. Don't delay anymore, this really works. Praise GOD all the way!!!! I'm also taking Organic Apple Cider vinegar and can tell a huge difference in my joint stiffiness. Good Luck!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tiffany (Los Angeles, California) on 07/13/2007

I've experienced all the symptoms of Fibroids. I did BSM and it did significantly help; enough that my partner noticed the reduction in blood. I became a Vegetarian also to cut back on eating animals and consuming their toxins and fatty materials.

I'm using terramin clay (eat plenty of apples for fiber) now to stop the fibroids. What I have noticed coming out of my body now is astonishing. It's really de-toxing. I stopped using BSM and not solely use the clay, although I may return to the BSM for a little while longer. Both the clay and BSM are rich in iron, so my hair and nails are growing like mad and are extremely thick and strong. I'm now begriming to naturally lose the weight I gained from the fibroids. I deduced that the product will speak for itself and I'm not going to kill myself in the gym trying to lose weight. My appetite has diminished so that I eat one complete meal a day and one small one in the evening, if at all. My cravings for sweets is gone; however, I do chew ice - now I think it more to do with work stress than anemia as my eyes are white with no discoloration and the other signs of a healthy body are reappearing. I will say that I need to get into shape. Although, fatigued doesn't last long, walking up stairs just about kills me. I ordered the clay through cal earth minerals when I saw the discovery channel piece on its calcium ab/adsorption benefits too.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Renee (El Dorado, Kansas) on 07/02/2007

Just finished my second "normal" period thanks to BSM. Fairly certain that any fibroids are reducing in size as the pressure I've been feeling in a couple of places is now much less... but still there somewhat. Plus, 99% reduction in heart palpatations - and they were bad ones, very scarey.
