Top Natural Remedies for Fibroids

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Joyce (Edinburgh, Indiana) on 01/27/2008

i just found this site tonight. my dr wants me to have a hysterectomy, but i won't. i know that it is an unecessary surgery. i have like 10 fibroids. i timed my bleeding to the minute. i can soak up a superplus tampon and pad every 30min for 8hrs, day 1. day 2 its every 2hrs then day 3-5 normal. i rarely have cramps. i thought my case was bad until i heard about people being on their periods for 2 plus weeks. i asked my dr to let me try the pill, which he really didn't want me to being that the pill feeds the fibroid and makes it larger. anyway, the pill worked just a little, such as bleeding every hr for 8hrs instead of every 30 min.... i had to switch pills because my insurance accidentally found out that they gave me the wrong type. when i switched, it gave me an allergic reaction; switched again, still a reaction (made me break out in bumps/hives) was taken off until i go to my next drs appointment. i think the pill is still in my system because now i will break out in hives out of the blue, put benadryl on it and it goes away. i just found a site today that said 200mg of ibuprofen every 4-6hr will slow it down by 25-30%. i have been taken it every time i change my tampon which appears as if it works because i change every 1-2 hrs...(hope i don't OD) i am about to get off of work. i hope that ___ sells the molasses. i hope it works. glad i ran into this website. will keep yall posted.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Cynthia (Fort Worth , TX) on 01/14/2008

I am 50 year old female in excellent health I have been taking ACV for a year and half have lost 38 1lbs without having to diet and my skin looks great I sleep well at night and no longer suffer from depression or any digestive problems. I have lots of energy and look 38 instead of 50. My whole entire Family takes Vinegar I take it 3 times a day before 15-30 min before meals.

I have 3 Fibroids tumors the largest one is now giving me problems, prolong bleeding during my cycle which is still regular and comes every 21-28 days I still ovulate too. I saw info on your site about blackstrap molasses. I just started taking a Tablespoon 3 times a day a week ago and have notice some changes. I am not bleeding now and I sleep better at night I am hoping the BMS shrinks the Fibroids ASAP the one is pressing on my bladder is causing me to have incontinence which is very embarrassing if I am out and can not get to a restroom I have had accidents. I have referred my friends and family to your site for help. Thank you for the info on Blackstrap.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses, Natto
Posted by Sharon (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/06/2007

I am a real person and believe me when I say that you can shrink your tumors without any strange and complicated concoctions. I read a lot of posts and even tested on my self in the span of two months: one with said remedies and one without.

This is what worked for me:
* Change of diet
* Exercise
* Apple Cider Vinegar & Blackstrap Molasses
* Natto. Yes. Natto.

I exercised. If you're out of shape, just walk briskly everyday. I walk every morning rain or shine, lift weights sometimes and do yoga. Whatever you like, just move and sweat!

I cut out a lot of fake dairy/ food out of my diet [the cheese on burgers, nacho sauce, powdered cheese] and only ate real food with ingredients I could pronounce without sounding I was some type of scientist.

I juiced whenever I could. Nothing crazy, just carrot and apple for example. Lots of water as well!

I had a mix of 2 TB ACV and 1 TB BSM in a large glass of water once a day.

Now here's the kicker; Natto. Natto is fermented japanese soybeans. If you do a search, you'll find it. It looks gross to the typical American, but Natto is some powerful stuff. It's heavy in vitamin K and a compound that dissolves tumor like material in the body.

Yes. It's no joke. I eat it 3 to 4 times a week with hot rice and BBQ sauce. It makes it taste like baked beans and rice.

If you see any websites that offer Nattokinase, it's powdered Natto in pill form.

I tried everything above a month before since I have long, heavy, and tiring menstrual cycles that last 6 days . My cycle was light and it only lasted for 4 days.

Without it, it typical, painful and heart breaking.

I'm no doctor, but I can tell you from my experience that it worked. I'm not completely cured, but my cycles are no longer heavy, I no longer have mood swings and I've had more energy now then when I was first diagnosed. I've lost weight as well.

Please go to your local Japanese food market and pay a pack of natto. It costs under 2 dollars. Try it for a month, 3 times a week...that is all I ask.

EC: We emailed Sharon, asking what kind of tumors she was referring to...

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Trudy (Larchmont, New York) on 08/08/2012

When I read your post it sounds exactly what I am going through right now. I am going to try the molasses and apple cider vinegar starting tomorrow. Thank you and I hope this answers my prayers!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Bonnie (Hamilton, Ontario) on 09/04/2007

In December of 2006, I found out that I have fibroid tumors and that was the cause of my heavy bleeding and low iron level.At the end of January of this year I started taking BSM, hoping for that cure that everyone was talking about in shrinking those fibroids. Well I have been taking it every day ever since the first of Febuary.4 tbs a day. 2 in the morning and 2 at night. And it didn't work for me. I still have heavy periods, and blood clots.I guess it isn't for every one. But the ones that it did help, I'm glad for you, Just wish I was that lucky... :)

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Amrita (Houston, TX) on 01/26/2009

You can buy black strap molasses at whole foods.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tara (saskatoon, saskatchewan) on 08/23/2007

I have not taken anyting yet. I am scheduled for urinary artery embolizatoin next week I have a fibroid on my uterus that is 8" and I just read this website today as a lady I met today told me about apple cider vinegar she took for her fibroids 15 years ago and they are gone! I did not beleive her. I am thinking of reschuling my surgery and giving this a try. Also I do not know where to buy the molasses?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tracy (Los Angeles, USA) on 07/19/2007

This is amazing! I started using black strap molasses two months ago after reading the comments on this site. I have had fibroid tumors for two and a half years. I got a scan a few weeks ago and I found out they have doubled in size since my last scan, they are now 3" in size. The main problem for me has being the long periods and the heavy bleeding. My periods would last up to 2 weeks and I would pretty much go into hibernation since I was so paranoid about bleeding profusely while out in public..

I started taking black strap molasses 1 tbls. per day for a whole month, I did see some slowing down of my period for the first month but it was still quite heavy. I then found out I was anemic, what a surprise that explained the long hours I sleep and the lack of energy, I immediately increased my dosage to 3 tbls. per day and my last period I only had 2 heavy days and 3 really light ones.

Another area that seems to be affected by the tumors is my bladder, the tumors are pressing on my bladder so it seems that I have to run to the bathroom every five minutes to pee..

I will keep you up to speed on the tumors and my progress I am going to get a blood count again next month to see if there is any change there. My Doctor has recommended having the tumors removed and I told her to give me till the end of this year to see if the black strap molasses helps to shrink the tumors.

I am so glad I found this site and all the helpful testimonials..

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Dee (London, Uk) on 08/03/2011

please what kind of baking soda?is it without aluminium and how many weeks should I take it for?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lisa (Durham, NC) on 05/03/2007

Fibroids (Heavy Extended bleeding), Obesity, Crohns, Arthritis, Premature grey hair: As you can see, I have quite a few things going on so I am trying the ACV and the BS Molasses just started both of these. The molasses is alot easier than ACV, I noticed numbing in my tongue after sipping the ACv all day, so I will put less than 1/4 cup in 32quarts and try it again and keep adding every couple of weeks until I get up to the 1/4. I have been bleeding heavily for at least 50 days at a time,with medication or D&C only giving temporary fixs. I am only 38years young and of course the answer the doctors are heading towards is a hysterectomy.And hopefully once this onset of the bleeding is controled the two products will also start helping the other stuff. I will keep earth clinic updated on my progress. I have also been blessed with a premature grey streak since the age of 21.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Agirl (Chicago, Illinois) on 11/01/2011

Has anyone's fibroids decreased in size or diminished from the ACV? PLEASE, any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

It would be nice to hear some success stories from it.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Nunu (Birmingham, Mi) on 09/23/2013

I would, like to know how you took the kelp? What where your recipes and which molasses is the regular molasses?

Alkalizing Cleanse, Dietary Changes
Posted by tony (london) on 05/11/2024

Hi Kris,

Which brands of wheat/barley grass juice powders did you use and how much did you use per dose??

Thank you

Blackstrap Molasses, Turmeric, Castor Oil
Posted by Sunny (Wi) on 11/08/2023

Maybe go easy on the green tea, the fluoride in it might give you more problems. You can buy theanine supplements if that's what you're after. Someone on here mentioned dairy cows are given zinc for ovarian cysts. Consider using cilantro and garlic to detox heavy metals. Look it up. No chocolate. Maybe try sage, cardamom, or rosemary tea if you need a pick-me-up. Look up Ted's Borax remedy on EarthClinic, the fluoride detox to help balance hormones. Some medications and foods contain fluoride. Valerian, American skullcap, and melatonin can improve your sleep and detox so you feel refreshed and better able to navigate your day. Best wishes

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Rose (Singapore ) on 11/10/2018

Hi.. I need more information.. maybe you can help.. I have 2 fibroids with 7 and 2 cm.. if I take blackstrap molasses how many spoon should I take in 1 day?
During Mensis period can I drink blackstrap molasses? Can please advise me?

Thank you,

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Nikki D (Florida) on 02/06/2021

Hi, thank you for your testimony did your Fibroids shrink? Just seeking proof. I have a fibroid that is 11.5cm. I am looking for alternatives instead of surgery. Please let me know. Thank you

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Loveth (San Bernardino. CA) on 12/02/2021

Thank you!!! Just bought one and hoping for my uterus to cry, sing, and smile 😃!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Pinky (Philadelphia ) on 07/28/2022

Does it have to be blackstrap?? I was able to find Grandma's molasses unsulphured original! I dont know if you familiar to that one but I was wondering if its ok to use that kind instead?! Since I could not find the brand u posted. 😞

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dene (Houston Tx) on 09/27/2022

Is it a TABLESPOON or. TEASPOON full of BSM in warm water?

Put in how much warm water? a CUP?

Do you take the BSM on empty stomach or does it matter if before or after eating?

Thanks for sharing your info!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Kerline (ON) on 01/19/2023

I've read the testimony of blackstrap molasses and that give me hope. How long does it take for the fibroids to completely go away?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sasha Jacob (Australia ) on 08/02/2023

Hi Payal, It's been 5 yrs since Ur post! Did Ur fibroids shrink? Please do tell. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kyra (HI) on 03/15/2024

Never heard of that but that would be great, to feel it working quickly.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Blossom (Lagos, Nigeria) on 02/01/2017

Thanks for sharing. I will try out some of what you listed.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Thompson (Calabar) on 01/27/2017 1 posts

Please kindly let me know how you obtained your ACV here in Nigeria. I have checked all the major places here in Calabar and has not been able to find ORGANIC ACV. I have a relative who has just been diagnosed of an 11cm intramural fibroid. And as we've all seen, there's no drug for it.

I really know that she's going to be healed but please kindly reply to my email. If there's any member or reader of this forum that knows where I can get an organic ACV in Nigeria, kindly let me know.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Blossom (Lagos, Nigeria) on 02/01/2017

You can get it from health plus. Google the name and place your order but ensure that it is Braggs apple cider vinegar you request for.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sandra (Valparaiso ) on 11/05/2016

My periods started to become irregular 3 years ago they got longer and heavier and passed several clots too. Now, remind you I don't like going to doctors they put you through test after test and find out nothing and you have bills to pay so I have gone out on my own and experimented on my own and this what I'm doing now and it seems it's working----I take daily 3 Vitex, 1-B-12,1-B-6, 2 vitamin E, 2-green tea vitamins, 1-Zinc and a iron pull as needed for energy no bleeding or spotting and period ALOT better no clots no heavy bleeding and cramps are less and I have more energy I can do a lot more now more a normal life then worry about going out somewhere and have a gusher and have a embarrass moment when leaked through your clothing. I also changed my diet no red meat, diary products, alcohol, no pop when I do it's just NO caffeine like orange, sprite and root beer, no sweets (sugars) pasta and breads (just wheat), no saturated fats, I eat mostly chicken, turkey, fresh fruits and vegetables and toss salads and I drink a lot of water. I have never had no surgeries of any kind so I am scared if I ever went to a doctor that helped me that they would tell me I need a hysterectomy, that word terrorizes me. They say when Menopause comes Fibroids stop growing and they die off, I'm turning 50 next March so I'm hoping Premenopause or Menopause is around the corner for me and my fibroid problem will be gone.

Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Dietary Changes
Posted by Michaela (Bucharest) on 10/05/2016


I discovered fibroid couple years was only 2 cm and didn't cause much issues...but after 2 or 3 years, at my last check up, it was about 5.5 cm ...not to mention the discomfort and pain I had lately...during my period or intercourse. So after doing some internet research, I found the apple cider vinegar I'm currently taking this from 3 months now...pain is almost gone. I also take primrose oil pills and slices of cucumber in my water because its a good anti-inflammatory cure. I also cut meat consumption...try to eat only twice per week lean chicken...bc I also noticed that whenever I try to consume more meat, the pain starts to bug me even if I still take my ACV. Now, I'm living in a country where organic meat is very rare to find or very question is, am I really punished not to eat meat all my life now because of this stupid fibroid?? Can someone advise in this matter??

Apple Cider Vinegar, Dietary Changes
Posted by Michaela (Bucharest) on 10/08/2016


Thanks for your answer. Yes, I'm 38 years old but very active, doing my workout 5 times per week as I like to stay fit ...the pain I have is a numb one, in the left ovary area, I checked the doctor opinion, he said no cysts but could be this fibroid that gives me confusing signals... My periods used to be painful but no issues with the bleeding. Also the painful sexual acts. So I hope its not paranoia and when I'm eating chicken meat, the pain is back. As long as I eat more veggies and fruits, I'm ok.

Will try different things for the fibroid, along with the ACV.

Have a nice day!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Scopa (Brooklyn, New York) on 09/09/2016

I have been using the Apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons and black strap molasses 2 tablespoons twice per day for more than six months for my fibroids. I have several. People say that you should go and get it check to see if it has shrunk. I have not because I know it has not. I feel it every day and it is still the same size. As a matter of fact, I think it has gotten bigger. It rest on my bladder, making having access to a restroom a must always!

Does anyone have suggestions for me? I can't take this any more. I really do not want to have surgery.

Vitamin D
Posted by Joy (Illinois) on 06/27/2016


It sounds like in your case the vit D made them worse...? Is that correct? In my case it actually seems to have healed them.

Vitamin D
Posted by Marilu (Milan) on 06/29/2016

It was also my case. Vitamin D is a hormone vitamin. It is very popular nowdays but very dangerous because of the dosage.

Vitamin D
Posted by Rima (Dubai) on 07/03/2016

I have one big fibroid 11 cm and one other small. I miscarried at week 6th last month although miscarriage not directly related to fibroids. what I noticed that my fibroid got bigger during pregnancy (11cm) and had red regeneration. I am not considering surgery although some doctors push for it, first as I don't have symptoms or bleedings but also for the high risk associated with big fibroid surgery as I am newly married and dont want to lose my uterus or my fertility since it is not harming.

I have been reading about vitamine D and although I have been Vitamine D deficent, those OB doctors never mention that it has effect on fibroid until I did research myself. I even become more deficent after my miscarriage. I am now having the Vitamine D 3 50,000 UI once a week till my level is up. and will see the effect, whether it can be helping to shrink fibroid or not, I will also start the herbal therapy but first I want to see the effect of Vitamin D. thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Ozy (Toronto, Canada) on 12/08/2015

Hi, I suffer from fibroids and since I discovered this site about two months ago, I started religiously taking a tsp of Acv twice a day to help shrink the fibroid, and reduce the bleeding. Prior to starting, period will last for about two weeks with on an off clotting after the first week, when you think it's almost over.

The first month after the ACV regime, periods lasted about 10 days and the cloting/gushing was reduced. So I continued to taking every day.

The second month, period was more painful that I ever experienced on the second day, I though I had appendicitis. First round lasted for 7 days and I thought this thing is working but then, just when I thought bleeding was coming to an end, I will go to the washroom to pee and gess what? A flood. I thank God I was at home those days. For the next week, I will still be clotting so that at some point I thought periods was staring all over again...

I was so scared I stopped the ACV and the BSM and called my Gyn. She gave me something (tranexamic acid) to stop the bleeding and I will be going for U/S with next period. She is also suggesting Fibristal, but I am not very exited about it. Has anyone experienced it? Is it effective? Surgery is not an option.

I really don't know what do to shrink the fibroid anymore...I hope there was a natural solution for me, but my experience with ACV is that since it's a blood thinner, it's probably the reason I experienced prolonged bleeding. I would like to know if it is something to be taken everyday or only during the period? I am OK with the taste of BSM ut it is making me feel bloated, but I taking in on an off, just because I am iron deficient.

Thank you for reading my post.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Ozy (Toronto, Canada) on 12/11/2015

Thank you, I will try the turmeric and see how it goes.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Ozy (Toronto, Canada) on 12/11/2015

Thanks Mama, I will look for the chickweed tea and try it too.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/13/2016

Dear Tina,

I take Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap Molasses when I am pregnant and find them very helpful.

I would try castor oil packs over the abdomen area. 4 nights in a row, take three nights off. Do not use during your period. You could do that for a month or longer. It helps the liver to detox. It can help with fibroids too, I believe.

You should also take a folic acid supplement when you are trying to conceive and while pregnant.

I hope these things will be helpful to you and that you will be able to conceive soon!

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tina (Usa) on 04/08/2016

Thank you Mama. Thats motivating for me.

I am drinking Organic ACV and unsulphered organic BSM twice a day in warm water. Hopefully it should help me shrink my fibroid and looking to conceive as soon.

Thank you everyone for posting your experience.

Posted by Julie (Ottawa) on 09/12/2016

Hello Anne,

Do you have any updates? Just bought Medorrhinum waiting for it to arrive. Thanks.

Posted by Lynn (Uk) on 03/26/2017

Hi Julie, can you give an update on how you got on? Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Michelle (Trinidad And Tobago) on 02/02/2016

Hi, I am Michelle. Last year I lost a baby at one day and three months. It tore me up when I found out I have fibroid. If you find the molasses and vinigar to harsh with weight loss, try grapefruit and virgin olive oil, its helping me right now and stay away from ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, and egg and cheese soy products and anything that would increase your estrogen levels. Take care love

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Erika (Nc) on 11/15/2017

How much do you take of the Apple Cider Vinegar and molasses?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 05/07/2015

Dear Marcin,

I wonder if it could be the beet juice? A friend, with the counsel of a natural doctor, was juicing for her daughter's health issue every day. But she was juicing several things. And she was only supposed to use a small amount of beet each day (Maybe 1/4 of a beet?) in the juicing because of its strong action.

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 05/19/2015

Thank you, we stopped the beet juice and it worked. She has been now taking only the Blackstrap Molasses and Apple Cider Vinegar for two weeks and she does not experience heartburn anymore.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Karen (Uk) on 05/18/2016

Yes, I can't drink much beet juice either - I used to drink 1 liter packs because I thought I was doing myself a favour and being "healthy" o:O

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Cc (Dallas, Tx) on 12/20/2016

Vinegar is acidic and it will give you some. So you need to take it with water. Baking soda easily remedies heartburn and I take it to get rid of heartburn.

Wheat Bran
Posted by Anonymous (Dallas, Tx) on 05/02/2015

Regarding Fibroids, Wheat Bran is CLINICALLY PROVEN to reduce the estrogen in your body. When my menses begin at the very first sighting I ingest about 2 Tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar wait about 1 hr then mix about 1/4 cup of Wheat Bran in a cup of water and drink. I do this in the morn and night and almost NO bleeding. If any it's very little. Trust me it works.

I also read above or below a lady testified to PRAYING, losing weight, eliminating sugar, eating lots of veggies and only lean chicken and fish, exercising and drinking lots of water. Her 6 fibroids were effectively eliminated.

Wheat Bran
Posted by Kh (Indy) on 11/03/2017

Did the wheat bran shrunk your fibroid?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jovy (Nigeria) on 03/19/2015

When is the appropriate time to take apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses, before or after eating in treating fibroid?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 03/19/2015

Dear Joyva,

I would take them before or between meals, not with or after.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Ann (Calgary, Alberta) on 02/16/2015

Hello, I have had excellent success treating fibroids which I I suffered with for 20 Years.

I took homeopathic Medorrhinum 1M strength. Simply take 3 pellets dry to dissolve in mouth. Two weeks later take another 3 pellets. That's it. I did not take any of the other remedies listed on the page. I did try the thuja but did not like how it made me feel so I stopped there. I have stopped taking iron pills and do not suffer from anemia anymore. I have excellent mental and physical energy now as I did when I was 20.

Medorrhinum 1M is strong. Remember when you take homeopathic medicine you may feel worse initially before you feel better. The aggravations are fine that will occur. Do not take any medicine to counteract any strong symptoms that arise and do not go to the doctor. They are temporary for a few days then go away permanently. You may feel odd for about 3 weeks as your body heals. For example after taking the first dose I was very sleepy for about 4 or 5 days. this is my body beginning to heal. All anger or sadness left my mind. In the subsequent weeks I became extremely clear headed, like a normal person is and energized. The whole process took a month.

When taking homeopathy presently and in future months, it is important not to take ANY mint/menthol products nor use or inhale camphor or eucalyptus products. No coffee and avoid herbal teas. All these products can antidote the remedy. You can order this remedy from a health food store that sells homeopathic remedies or online from a supplier.

Posted by Memyselfandi (Usa ) on 05/08/2015

Hi. I've never heard if this Medorrhinum that you speak of that helped you dissolve your fibroids. I'm concerned about side effects. Can you tell me how you knew they had dissolved? Did you go back for a follow-up ultra sound to have proof? Thanks.

Posted by Barbara Lowry, Dsh, Cch (British Virgin Islands) on 05/18/2015

Homeopathy is individualized medicine. You should always consult with a trained homepathic practitioner for chronic health issues because the most appropriate remedy is not based on the diagnosis; it's matched to the person -- mental, emotional and physical levels. Medorrhinum worked well in this case because it happened to match the state of that individual. Another person suffering from the same "diagnosis" would require a different remedy. Remedies, especially in high potencies (200c, 1M and higher) should only be repeated when indicated and not before. More is definitely not better.

Posted by Ann (Calgary) on 05/19/2015

I did state at the beginning of my post that women can go to the website if they want more information. This is is where I got the information for this treatment. There is even a practitioner there that one can email for more information. I was not personally evaluated by the practitioner. If women go to the website they will better understand. This is a different form of prescribing utilizing homeopathy. A different science is employed. It's called astrological homeopathy. Hundreds of women are suffering terribly from the adverse affects of fibroids, with no hope. I know that this WORKS. Go to the website, email the practitioner if you want. Then you will better understand. Don't be dissuaded. After living with the condition so long I feel it's my duty to tell others of this help available to them.

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 05/19/2015

Hello Barbara Lowry --- good to read your post.

However as much as I am in favour of homeopathy, for the average person in need of it it is unaffordable. I have good books on it and have even success with abscesses with my pets and some other situations. It is a dream so far.

I hear it is even more expensive for cancer issues. Sad.

Namaste, Om

Posted by Ann (Calgary) on 05/19/2015

The total cost for this treatment is $10. That is the cost of the remedy. I paid nothing else. I don't have a big budget for these things either.

Posted by Ellsworth (Toronto) on 06/13/2015

Hi there,

I am very interested in this approach. I have several fibroids, one of which is very large. About 8 inches. I checked out the site and I wouldn't mind contacting the practioner, but I cannot find a way to contact anyone anywhere one the site. Do you know how I could contact someone?

Posted by Ann (Calgary) on 06/14/2015

Yes, the contact info is a little hard to find on the site. I emailed him and he replied quite soon. It's [email protected]. Wishing you well.

Posted by Julie (Ottawa) on 11/11/2015

Hi Anne,

How long did you use meddorhinum? May be you indicated but I missed it. Battling fibroids for 7 years now at the end of patience. Did you get a scan? Thanks for reply.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Caroline (Victoria ) on 06/11/2018

Hi, please can you tell me the measurements of what you took? Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 04/04/2015

Both are mixed with water. I would recommend mixing apple cider vinegar with water as it is very acidic. You could try taking blackstrap molasses on its own but the taste is very strong and it is very sugary so it might be bad for your teeth.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 04/04/2015

ACV and blackstrap molasses are very safe if had by straw. BSM must be dissolved in very warm water, not much, and is invaluable because of the minerals it contains. Paul Bragg has always recommended some pure honey with ACV for the valuable minerals. Both Acv and BSM are cancer curing and do much for general health.

Namaste, Om

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Fizjanjua (Sydney) on 05/30/2015

Hii I just want to know that I am on birthcontroll pills, can I still use apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses treatment for fIbroids thanks I am realy worried..

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Cc (Dallas Tx) on 12/20/2016

Hi, can you tell me how much and when you are taking? Are you taking two teaspoons of each in the morning and at night only one teaspoon of each? Please give me the specifics so I'll know what to try. Desperate.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sonia (India) on 01/31/2015

Please see a user comments about ACV and how her fibroids got cured. Read experience of sarica at the below link. It is very encouraging.

General Feedback
Posted by Tessie (Canada) on 03/28/2015

I just had my cervical fibroid removed a week ago, and I felt so much better after my procedure. I am very active woman and eat healthy everyday, my question to my Doctor is how did I get it, and she told me mostly women who only have one child is very common, it's a tissue that is growing. So please fellow women if you feel anything do not hesitate to visit your Doctor.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Anj Sans (Philippines) on 09/04/2016

Hi, can I take the acv+bsm+baking soda while still in oral contraceptive (this pill is to control my heavy and prolonged bleeding)? Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Scopa (Brooklyn, New York) on 10/03/2014

Hi, I was diagnosed with fibroids almost a year ago. Since then I believe it has gotten worse. I have been running to the rest room like every five minutes. That is strange for me because I hardly drink anything any more. I do not want to be embarrassed from having a accident.

I stumbled on your site three weeks ago and started using Plantation Blackstrap Molasses. I have been using three tablespoons in the morning straight. Is this the correct blackstrap to use?

I also just saw on your site this week that apple cider vinegar should also be used. I bought the Braggs brand of apple cider vinegar and started that this week Sunday. I have been using six tablespoons in half a glass of water in the morning.

I take all these in the morning because I do not have time to take them throughout the day. Is this method ok? I am desperate for these fibroids to go. Thank you for your help.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mmsg (Europe) on 10/03/2014

Scopa, sounds like you are taking too much.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 10/03/2014

Dear Scopa,

I agree with Mmsg that it sounds like you are taking too much Blackstrap and Vinegar.

I would cut back to 1 Tablespoon of each daily and see how that does.

For acute bleeding, try Shepherd's Purse tincture, or 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in 6 ounces of grape juice.

I would also try charcoal poultices for the fibroids. You could use one over the abdomen 3 nights a week for a month or two and see if you notice any improvement. More often would be fine, too, just not convenient.

I am a little confused, are you running to the bathroom to empty your bladder or because of the bleeding?

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Scopa (Brooklyn, New York) on 10/03/2014

I actually read on this site that people were taking two tablespoons of the blackstrap two to three times a day. Since I did not have time to do it that way I decided to take it all in the morning.

I am running to the bathroom because the fibroid is pressing on my bladder. It is embarrassing that I have to literally run to the restroom to prevent an accident. From what I have read on this site people said thy used the blackstrap along with apple cider vinegar. I am using the organic apple cider vinegar and the Plantation Black strap unsulphered molasses. Not the organic. Whole foods did not have the organic version.

I am very confused now by the recipe. Can you please clarify how I can do it once a day? Is it really going to be gone or decreased in size by six months as everyone says? What is the poultice that you are referring to with charcoal?

Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Scopa (Brooklyn, New York) on 10/09/2014

Dear Mama,

Thank you again for responding. I have been doing the one tablespoon a day of both the blackstrap and the apple cider vinegar. I was wondering do I have to take the vinegar in water or can I use it straight like I do the blackstrap? I am afraid because of my urgency that drinking so much before I go to work will be a disaster for me. Am I to do this in the morning and evening?

I am still working on getting the charcoal. By the way, what does the charcoal poultice do?


Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 10/09/2014

Dear Scopa,

I think you could take the Apple Cider Vinegar straight like the Blackstrap. My daughter does that to get it over with. :) You may want to rinse out your mouth after using it straight as there is sometimes a concern about straight vinegar having a bad effect on the enamel of the teeth. At the same time, Undiluted vinegar in the stomach may cause some digestive distress. You can try and see what works for you.

I would probably try a month of mornings only and see how that does and then consider if you want to do second doses at night.

Are you able to get plenty of water when you are home? Chronic dehydration can have some pretty serious effects on the health, even though for you, keeping well hydrated causes a different challenge....

Charcoal draws out toxins, poisons, viruses, bacteria, etc. It has helped reduce tumors. I have read of it use in restoring fertility to a woman who was infertile due to fibroids. We have had wonderful results for taking charcoal internally and using externally as a poultice for many different things.

Let us know how it goes...

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sam (Mansfield, Texas) on 10/09/2014

Hello Scopa,

I have taken apple cider vinegar straight because I wanted to get it done fast, but I wouldn't recommend it. It is hard on the teeth, throat & stomach & I regret doing it. Then, I read on this site that if you mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda it counteracts the acidity & makes it easy to take straight. Baking soda also has health benefits and is very alkalizing. I have gotten much more healing from ACV & BS mixed together, than anything else I have tried so far. However, not drinking enough clean water will cause serious health problems. If you are worried about accidents, then wear a pad or something absorbent, but don't avoid drinking fluids because it will only make things worse.

I hope you find healing,


Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mj (Atlanta, Georgia) on 10/13/2014

Hi Scopa,

Try MACA for the heavy bleeding. I went from 3 days heavy, changing my pad every 20-30 min.. to 1 semi heavy day, and 3 light days. I think it took 3 months to get to that point. I would mix the MACA in with my morning smoothies. There are capsules that you can take if you can't do smoothies. I've also learned... through error, that my fibroid doesn't like cheese products. When I eat them it causes cramping. I decided to go vegan... mostly raw.

Also, may I suggest researching Iodine supplements for the Thyroid issue. I don't know if there is a page on this site, but curezone is very helpful on that topic. Take care!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 10/13/2014

Dear Scopa,

I usually buy my charcoal powder online. But I have also found it in some health food stores. Specifically, ones run by Seventh Day Adventists because they use it a lot in healing.

Here is a link to where I get my powder when ordering online.

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by KT (Australia) on 09/12/2016

Hello Mama of many

Thanks for your help and information which is so informative.

1. Can I use a charcoal poultice to extract toxins from the fibroid to help shrink it?

2. How many days/ weeks/or months can I effectively use a poultice?

3. Can I use pure certified organic clay (used also for the purpose of face masks ) as part of the poultice mix combined woth the flax?

4. When you say flax, do you mean flax seeds that have been ground to a flour type substance?

I aim to shrink and eliminate the fibroid via a vegetarian diet and this charcoal poultice.

5. If I also eat some charcoal will this also assist in the detoxification of the toxins from my fibroid? If so should I do this at the same time, before or after using a seroes of poultice treatments for maximum benefit?

Hoping you will reply shortly so I can start my own natural treatment versus surgical removal of a 10 x 8.5cm fibroid (4 x 3 inch approx). Size of an orange to a grapefruit size.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Remmy (Lagos, Nigeria) on 12/10/2014

Pls mma where can I get aloe vera gel and burnt castor bean in Lagos and how are you doing this together, do you chew alligator pepper alone or mix with ginger?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Aanu (Lagos) on 12/24/2014

@mma, I am in lagos Nigeria too, where can I get aloe vera gel drink and burnt castor seed. Pls what quantity of all these do you take daily? Looking forward for your response

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tally (Nigeria) on 12/28/2014

I just read that castor beans can kill within 3-5days, pls do your research before taking anything, I may be wrong.
