Natural Remedies for Eye Issues

Dilated Pupil, Red
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/07/2012

I woke up yesterday with one eye very red (looks like a blood vessel burst). No pain or vision problems. I did try to rinse it will saline water but it didn't help. I also sprayed some colloidal copper on it in case there was an infection (copper naturally anti bacterial/viral). Just before I went to bed last night I realised that the pupil in that eye is larger than the other one. This morning still no pain or vision problems. Does anyone know what happened?

Dilated Pupil, Red
Posted by A (London, Uk) on 01/20/2013

Hi I hope you have seen someone for this but it could be a virus that has led you to have HOLMES AD PUPIL. I have this condition. Just causes some problems reading when I am tired and you rely on the lense to adjust for focus which you notice when looking at something closer then far away as the affected eye is slower to focus.

Eye Pterygium
Posted by Estong (Imus, Cavite, Philippines) on 12/26/2011

I have read a lot of threads but I couldn't find any remedy for the ailment of ptyridium.. I wish somebody has an answer for this kind of illness.. Estong from philippines

EC: Do you mean pterygium?


Posted by Cekms (Adelaide, South Australia) on 12/07/2011

Hi Ted / Earth Clinic followers:

I have inflammatory arthritis (neg Rheum factor & neg B-27) which is in remission since I started embrel 5 weeks ago. Before I went on Embrel I took a course of Prednisalone to calm down a CRP of 49. When I came off Pred, my eyes started to become bloodshot. I then went on Embrel about two weeks later and this has not fixed the scleritis which is so bad in my right eye now, I am off work for two weeks with no signs of improvement. They now want me on MTX also.

What could be setting of this scleritis so bad, considering I have had this inflammatory condition for 2 years and never had any issues with my eyes.

Also what could I be doing to improve or stop doing if there are known causes that make scleritis worse?

Physically I am training and eat healthy, I look forward to your reply TED.



Posted by Rada1980 (Palatine, Il, Usa) on 11/06/2011


My dauther have UVEITIS so please if you have suggestions please advise. Should I put her on gluten free food ? She doesn't have arthritis, doctors couldn't find nothing wrong in her body. Please help!

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 11/06/2011

A good thing to try would be colloidal silver. Here is an article of a vet curing his horse's uveitis using colloidal silver as eye drops. I would think it would work the same in humans.

Posted by Kitbit (Pennsylvania) on 07/24/2022

Hello Rada,

My 12 year old son also has Idiopathic Uveitis (no cause found). I'm currently in search for a natural remedy as he still gets flares even while on medications. He's had cataract surgery in both his eyes, wears bifocals, and has a strong eyeglass prescription. If you find anything that may help please reach out to me.

List of his medications:

Humira injection 40mg biweekly ( he's very tired of being poked)

Methotrexate 10mg weekly

Eye drops: Alphagan 3x daily, Prednisolone 2x daily, Vyzulta 1x, Cosopt 2x daily, and one more I don't remember the name of it right now.

Posted by Dale (US - Contiguous) on 08/01/2023

Could be parasites.. just a suggestion.

Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome
Posted by Msannanola (New Orleans, La) on 10/31/2011

Need remedy for my brother. He is also having headaches associated with the eye that is having pigmentary dispersion syndrome.

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Kay (Jacksonville, Fl/usa) on 09/27/2011

Thank you Bess from Canada and Maria from Frankfurt, Germany about responding to my eyelid dilemma. I tried the Castor oil several months ago, didn't help. It's true like everything all of us are different and what works for one person may not for another.

Thanks for the input... I love this website.

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Kay (Jacksonville, Fl/usa) on 09/25/2011

This is really strange. For about a year now, I have had my eyelid glands get stopped up hence causing infection in one eye. Went to Opthamologist which recommended to wash eyes with water and baby shampoo and stay away from heavy eye make up. All have been done, he prescribed eye drops and a steroid ointment. It would go away and come back. About two months ago the blood vessels in the one eye would break causing my eye to look very bloody almost like someone punched my eye! Doc says it would go away. It did.

In the past two months my blood vessels in the same eye have bursted probably 3 or more times. The doctors have ruled out high blood pressure. Apparently I still have the eyelid glands stopping up. I read somewhere that apply a steroid ointment to the eyelids can cause the blood in the eye. Don't know how true this is. Now the doc wants to do surgery on my eyelids to clear up the access fat which is clogging my eye lids. He won't do this surgery until the eyes looks good.

I am wondering if there is something internal going on within my body causing the eye to react. I also had the Vitreious detachment in the same eye. It's all so strange. Otherwise, I feel very good.

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 09/26/2011

Maria, were the bumps on the rim of your eye? Or on the eyelids?

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Maria (Frankfurt, Germany) on 09/26/2011

Hi Francisca, The bumps were on my eyelids. In the beginning they were very hard but when I applied castor oil generously and regularly on my eyelids and eyelashes but on scalp too mixed with olive oil left it whole night the bumps became soft gradually and the pus came out itself through the ducts on rim. When I pressed these bumps more stuff came out and my eyelids became flat again. It is very slow process but castor oil definitely worked for me.

Castor oil is also helpful for growing thick and long eyelashes. I still use castor oil because it is a very good eye cleanser. Apply it on the roots of eyelashes whole night and see what stuff and dirt come out next morning. Give it a try. Good luck.


Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 09/27/2011

Hi Maria, As I said the little bumps I have are only on the eye rim but the oftalmologist told me that they are clogged. I don't always have them.... If they touch the eye they are quite annoying. During the day now my eyes are ok but they get very dry during the night. Still I haven't given up looking for a solution. I have no idea whether I sleep with the eyes slightly open. My mouth and throat are dry as well! I have heard about castor oil and tried it a few times, two different brands, both bought in a good health food shop but my eye lids get swollen.

Everybody else seems to sleep better with castor oil on the eye lids, your eyes get clean, mine only seem to get swollen. I have no idea whether I should keep on trying or give it up..... I so wish my eyes would go back to normal.... It is so annoying to wake up with very gritty eyes.... It is as if I wake up tired but it is only due to that sensation in my eyes!

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Kay (Jacksonville, Fl/usa) on 09/27/2011

Interesting about the teabags... I think I will try this.

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 09/28/2011

Thanks Eva but for the time being my eyes are ok during the day so the specialist thinks that there is no reason not to wear lenses. I don't wear them if I am at home, only when I go out and being a housewife I am at home a lot!

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 09/28/2011

Francisca, I would think that the contact lenses have everything to do with your dry eyes - even if the specialist says otherwise. Why not try leaving them out for a month and see if that improves the situation.

Can't you just wear glasses if you must during the day?

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 09/29/2011

Hi Debbie, the contact lenses specialist didn't say that the contact lenses have nothing to do with my dry eyes but rather that they are not so bad that I couldn't wear them. To me wearing glasses is a terrible thing. Difficult to explain even to people who have glasses with normal gradation. If you are as myopic as I am no glasses look good even with the modern technologies. And even if they hardly seem to have any weight on the side of my right eye, the worse one, I still get this big indentation on my nose, not nice at all. I just feel like I am not myself.

Ok, you will say that it is worth it not to wear lenses so that my eyes get better but somehow I think that the problems lies elsewhere. Last night, instead of drinking water all night I took a little bit of Celtic salt and that worked to keep me from drinking all night. I have the idea that when I started drinking more, even with a bit of salt my body reacted bad and the more I drank the more I had to drink. There is a book about salt, I am going to read it because I hope that there is something there that will help me! I am sure contact lenses, even the latest are not the best things for your eyes but still I think that my problem lies elswhere. I hope so...

Eye Pterygium
Posted by Ingramzoo (Deltona, Fl) on 06/27/2011

My husband has been suffering from pterygiums in both eyes (benign wing like growths). We have been advised to have them removed since one of them is beginning to cross the pupil area. Does anyone have experience in treating these without surgery?

Eye Pterygium
Posted by Rebecca (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 07/29/2011

Just read about someone who used Castor oil to cure this without surgery. Look under Castor Oil Cures.

Eye Pterygium
Posted by Patti (Moorestown, Nj) on 08/22/2011

I had a pterygium removed and it grew right back! I have them on all four sides, they say it's genetic but no one in my family had ever heard of them. I was told that if it grew over my pupil, I wouldn't be able to see, so I had the surgery and it was awful! I have been watching it since and it grew back but not any further than it was, so I'm leaving it alone. I don't know what to do other than continual use of Refresh Tears or something like that to keep the eye moist; dry eye is part of it. My vision has changed b/c of it, but I still don't need glasses. My advice is to have your husband look into anything that could keep him from having surgery. Good luck!

Eye Pterygium
Posted by Dale (woodstock) on 08/01/2023

Could be parasitic.

Vitreous Detachment
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 06/10/2011

Hi google bill sardi and if you can afford it down load his e book how to live to be a hundred with out growing old, hyaluronic acid and the human body. Chapter 7, hyaluronic acid and the eyes. Or look under ailments, type d on the on screen key board look up degenerative disc disease, click on it, to the right of the screen up will come hyaluronic acid. Or being as its such a short thread scroll down till you come to ted's mixture for hyaluronic acid. In it he says to add sea salt but it needs to be celtic sea salt or get himalyan pink salt which is even better in my veiw. You can get either 1 from a health shop or on line. The disc protacol is the same as you need to fix your eye.

Be patient it won't happen over night, but some people with your problem have had good results in 2 to 3 weeks, some a bit longer. Don't use super market sea salt it been bleached white and no minerals in it. Also you must use distilled water. If you read the whole thread other posts will tell you what to do and look for when mixing it and where to buy it. Hope this helps. Love andrea c x x x

Vitreous Detachment
Posted by Kay (Jax, Fl/usa) on 06/13/2011

Thank you Jane and Andrea for your comments! Here's what I have found to be very interesting;

Andrea you mentioned Bill Sardi well I haven't had a chance to look him up, but I did see where you mentioned to look up Degenerative Disk Disease for the eye fix. I also found out I have DDD!

Jane from St. Andrews, thank you for your comments. Yes, my Retina Specialist told me it was good news about the Vitreous Detachment! But ofcourse gave me the warning about the Veil, etc. I did want to mention that the technician asked me alot about Lipitor which I just started taking again in January after not taking it for a couple of years. I googled retina problems with Lipitor and apparently this is common. Now, weighing this out, I started thinking, it could just be a coincidence. Now here's is something else, my sister is diabetic. She was extremely overweight and had the eye problems which come with being diabetic, took lipitor, etc. She had the gastric bypass surgery and lost a tremendous amount of weight. Although still diabetic but taking as much if any drugs as her sugar level dropped with the weight. No more Lipitor. Well her eyes have cleared up. Now ofcourse this could have been related to the diabetes, but now I wonder if the eye's clearing up had to do with her stopping the Lipitor.

I wonder in the medical field if any surveys have been done for patients who are NOT DIABETIC but are on Lipitor and have retina problems. This would be interesting to know.

Does anyone know?

Posted by Willie (Orlando, Florida) on 06/06/2011

Hello, hoping someone can offer a remedy. I have been diagnosed with recurring scleritis. (inflamation in the white part of the eye) I am a 41 yr old male. I have had this all my life. It has progressively gotten more frequent in past years. I have been taking 2 200mg of celebrex for two years. The celebrex works and I have no eye problem as long as I take the celebrex. Any suggestions on a natural approach. Celebrex will eventually ruin my liver and kidneys.

Apple Cider Vinegar Formula
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 06/05/2011

Hi, maybe you would like to tell us a bit more about that book in the book review section? I might be interested in reading it if I know a bit more about it. Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar Formula
Posted by Janice (Toronto, On) on 11/30/2013

I just made this but got the Manuka Honey it has a tonne of sugar, so with someone sensitive to lots of sugar I need to get some other honey tomorrow, but what particular type of honey did you use?

Apple Cider Vinegar Formula
Posted by Hal (Ngn) on 05/30/2023

Hi, I would like to know if this remedy will help with red eyes and what a sterling is on the list of items you stated? Thank you

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Plexguard (Brooklyn, Ny) on 12/27/2010

My father 74 years old has clogged eye ducts. The doctor says he need surgery. Is there anything he can do?

Castor Oil
Posted by Mary (Mukilteo, Wa) on 05/21/2010

Under eye bags - putting castor oil on the eye bags was suggested. Almost immediately they raised up and look like 2 bananas. No pain. What does this indicate? Any ideas what this tells me what is needed to do? Thank you.

Castor Oil
Posted by Deb (Mass) on 01/18/2022

Castor oil for insomnia? id like to hear about that.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Amy (Charlottesville, Virginia) on 01/28/2012

Not sure what part of plan the juice used was from. After consulting a local health food store I purchased a more all-purpose aloe vera juice in an attempt to clear up a Subconjunctival Hemorrhage in my eye. By day 3 the entire white of that eyeball was completely red vs just half it. I understand that this can be a normal. Just wanted to say that I have had no change or improvement so far taking the aloe vera juice.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 04/17/2011

I have the same symptoms, dry eyes and very dry skin. My eyes feel drier during the night and then I also have a dry mouth (inside, not around). Did you take 5000mg of Vit. C divided by three or 15000mg in total a day? I was taking 4000mg, now tried 5000mg but it is not the first time that I start to have problems with my gums and my lips start feeling sore and dry. I don't really have any mold in my house.

The type of soap you talk about doesn't exist here but did you put the olive oil inside your eyes? I tried castor oil as someone advised here but my eyes got very swollen and looking funny. When they got better I tried again with another type of cold pressed Castor oil and the same thing happened. Some people advised here the use of Manuka Honey but I have to confess that I don't really have the courage to try anything in the eyes anymore.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 04/17/2011

Hi Francisca, Have you ever considered Traditional Chinese Medicine? Unlike western medicine which isolates body parts and treats them, there is an underlying cause that TCM identifies and then treats. Most likely, all your seemingly separate symptoms are related through your organ function. Hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Davy (Seattle, Usa) on 04/29/2011

Hi Franciso,

I also tried MD, ND chinese doctors, acupuncuture, energy work, the rife machine, etc.. I spent a quick twelve thousand dollars, even with medical insurance, but no resolve. Until recently finally. To clarify the amount of vitamin C. I'm small I weight about 105 so my dose is low. I began with 15000 mg, divided up throughout the day. I took 5000 mg in the morning 5000 mg at 1:00pm and then another 5000 mg at bedtime. Then I tapered these amount down to where is more comfortable. I also start taking a teaspoon of Olive Leaf Extract three times a day. And eventually tapered down to two teaspoons a day. The only thing I put in my eyes is ORGANIC castor oil (no pesticides cold pressed)so in the evening when eyes would become dry I would used one drop of organic castor oil in each eye. Keep it by your bedside.

I found relief when I first had the onset of these symptoms a few years ago by using the popular Healing Ointment advanced therapy for dry skin. It comes in a white jar with a dark blue navy lid It is called A----r. I used this while my research continued, because I wanted to go to the source of the problem, so it doesn't go deeper into the body and manifest in another way. Couple more things to consider: Eliminate sugar because it causes more dryness and itching, revaluate how you feel in two week of being sugar free. Go with organic and all natural with everything you use. Detergents( I use borax) shampoos, conditioners soaps, even makeup. Have your blood checked for mycoplasma, anemia and hormones. Request a food allergy test.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 04/30/2011

Hi Davy, thanks for all the advice! The Castor Oil I used is cold pressed, bought in a health food shop so I expect it won't have any pesticides. Actually I used two types, same problem. I eat very little sugar, have done that all my life because I don't like sweet stuff. Never tried the Olive Leaf Extract but I have heard about it. Maybe I try to find some the next time I am in the UK or will try in Switzerland. I can't compare my weight with yours as I don't think that you are talking about Kg. I am small as well.

Right now I am taking about 7g of Vit. C (it is impossible to find a scale which accurately measures 1g here, I have one for the kitchen which is not accurate at all although it is from Tefal). My hormones were checked as I am approching the menopause, they were high, no idea what that means. I don't know what the Mycoplasma is and I would have to see in my papers if anemia was checked. There used to be a naturopath here in the region but he has moved out, now it is more difficult to get things checked through a normal doctor therefore I don't have a GP anymore, although it is covered by our (very expensive) health insurance (here everybody has to have an insurance, it is not like in the USA).

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 02/29/2012

Francisca, I diluted manuka honey in water and it helped a lot. I was accidentally sprayed with pepper spray.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 02/05/2013

I've been noticing more pain in my temples after eating sweets. I've also been getting ear pain. I am gluten intolerant, but in denial. I've tried warm green tea bags (which bring relief) and I've even applied straight manuka honey to my eyelids. I did castor oil one night but was in pain the next day. I think cutting out the sweets is part of the secret. I'm going to try to go on Olive Leaf Extract capsules again. Can't hurt. I think I need to do Ted's alkalyzing remedy again, but I'm afraid it will interfere with my morning and nighttime Armour Thyroid pill. I may try the flax seed and aloe vera cure too. I also made a cilantro pesto to remove mercury. I'll try anything! One thing I did try that was on here was the caramel truffle tea recipe. I felt great after drinking it. Someone else posted it, but here it is again:

ONE TBSP EVCO [Extra Virgin Coconut Oil]


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 02/06/2013

Hi Lou, Anybody with digestive problems should do a liver flush & take betaine hcl & in your case where you get pain @ the temples it is a sign of gallstones so do the liver flush & a lot of health issues will be solved.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 01/15/2010

Hi, I also suffer from floaters, how much water and how much vinegar did you use? I can hardly believe this helps but I am willing to try!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pookie (Berwyn, Il) on 05/14/2010

I too get floaters, but the thought of putting a cotton ball in my eye sounds dreadful! Won't pieces of the cotton ball get in the eyes? I might try an eye cup instead.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dorris Peters (Caribbean) on 03/20/2017

I have serious itchy eyes, can apple cider vinegar help? can I use it as eyes drops?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 11/11/2021

Perhaps the reason that vinegar didn't help with dry eyes is because it's astringent -- it makes your mouth pucker when you taste it -- so it would likely do the same thing if you put it anywhere. That's why it's good for diarrhea -- because it puckers up the gut.

Posted by Jay (Spfg, Il) on 05/14/2012

Do you put the paper tower in a closed eye or open eye? How about droping a potato juice directly in the affected eye? thanks.

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Marcia (Norfolk, VA) on 04/14/2009

Does it have to be a black tea bag. Will any tea bag, like Green Tea?

Baking Soda for Contact Lense Cleaning
Posted by Gabe (San Pedro, California) on 05/19/2008

Rubbing a little baking-soda on each lens cleans heavy deposits. After rinsing the contact lenses can be applied immediately to the eyes. Another remedy I tried using is rubbing toothpaste on each contact lens. But after rinsing you need to store them in Saline Solution over night. If you try to put them in your eyes after cleaning with toothpaste, your eyes will get irritated from the peppermint. Learned from experience.

Posted by Kedest (Washington, DC) on 05/23/2009

how often do i have to add the honey to my eye before the redness gone...thanks

Green Tea
Posted by Peggy (Porter, Texas) on 06/29/2012

Hi... Could you tell me how long it took to get the puffiness to go away? recently diagnosed with Graves.. Thanks..

Coconut Oil
Posted by Frances (Edinburgh, Scotland) on 01/19/2011

Did you have lines/wrinkles under your eyes before you started using the Coconut oil? May I ask what age you are?

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