Eye Issues
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Eye Issues

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sherry (Covington, Ga) on 06/13/2014

I have used the herb eyebright & bilberry for dry eyes, it has helped , I can tell a difference when I use these herbs.

Lattice Degeneration Remedies
Posted by Bev (Durban, South Africa) on 05/24/2014

Many thanks for your information. This makes sense as I have been told I gave calcification of the aorta as well. Can you please tell me if coconut oil and olive oil is ok, and is supplementing with antaxanthin better than taking other anti oxidants. Thanks again. Bev

Glycerin, ALA, Carnosine
Posted by Faeqa ( Amman, Jordan, Jordan) on 01/27/2014 70 posts

Hi Sozo_me_lord from Fl, Usa: Mumia mentioned in old Arabic medicine to stop retinal bleeding.

Red Eye Remedies
Posted by Shadel (Nebraska) on 01/21/2014

As an aftermath of a cold, I have red eyes. Have used the honey/water drops, also colloidal silver dilution in my eyes. My right eye is redder than the left. On one of Dr. Oz's shows, he mentioned red eyes could be a sign of inflammation. Could anyone advise me what to take to correct this? I took elderberry, colloidal silver and a first responder that has garlic in it for the cold. I'm taking coral calcium and baking soda to build up my ph. Thanks for any suggestions.

Red Eye Remedies
Posted by Hashiaussie (Melbourne Australia) on 01/22/2014

I have been suffering from a nasty flu for the past three weeks and in the last week conjunctivitis moving backwards and forwards between my eyes in two to three day stints. (Read up here on conjunctivitis). I am nebulising colloidal silver which is getting rid of the cough but did not want it in my eyes. I have had success swabbing each eye with separate new cotton balls with boiled up olive leaves from my own tree (let it cool first) and taking commercial olive leaf extract - a teaspoon every few hours. You need to wash everything (sheets and glasses) as well to stop the cross infection. It seems the flu virus has caused the eye inflammation (and possibly the recent heat wave). If you have allergies, which I also get, it is all over within the day. With this it just gets worse with morning glue eye unless you get rid of the virus. I tried all the usual remedies on Earth Clinic but I think it is a matter of getting the right remedy for the right virus so try a few things. Good luck with it.

Watery Eyes Remedies
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 01/21/2014

My eyes tend to get burning and dry. For a long time I thought it was an acidic condition. I have found taking 500 mg of vitamin C normalizes them. Since I take cal-mag, this could set up a too alkaline condition in me. Like heartburn, it was difficult to tell if it has alkaline or acidic origin.

Outside of skin conditions, I don't like solutions which involves outside surface treatment since it is not getting to the root of the problem. There are many possible conditions associated with tearing eyes also.

Watery Eyes Remedies
Posted by Dawn (Hove, Uk) on 11/01/2014

You can try a homeopathic remedy called apis in 6c. Take 6 times per day initially until your eyes stop watering then as needed.

Watery Eyes Remedies
Posted by Kim (Wa) on 08/07/2021

Hi, did your ever figure out your runny eyes? I've been dealing with this for years now.

Posted by Maryruth (Albuquerque,new Mexico) on 01/01/2014

Is there any natural treatments/ cures for coloboma? (different shape of pupil) (in only one eye) Our Baby is not quite five months old. What can you tell me about how to treat this? He is breastfed & no immunizations.

Blocked Tear Duct Remedies
Posted by Ruthie (Minooka, Il) on 12/30/2013

I have had a blocked tear duct for @ 3 years. I have had three surgeons want to do surgery. I am presently on a steroid eye drop for 3 weeks. For three days.....I had no weepy eye, however, it has started again. I do have a constant clearing of my throat and my sinus areas feel swollen. I don't have a sore throat, cold, cough, etc. Just mucus in my throat all the time. I don't know if the blocked tear duct and mucus is related or not. Any suggestions for how I can deal with both issues AND to escape from the eye surgery called DCR.

Blocked Tear Duct Remedies
Posted by Laureen (Toronto) on 07/19/2015

Dear Ruthie,

I am just reading your posting a year and a half since you wrote it and wondering how you have recovered? I appear to have similar symptoms also for several years and wonder is you tried Dave's suggestion of Colloidal Silver or remedied your distressing symptoms in another manner. It would be great if you or any reader sees my reply and has any other experiential solutions. Best of Health to All.

Castor Oil
Posted by Jac (Maryland, U.S.) on 10/07/2013

Can anyone please tell me if it is safe to put "turkey Red" (sulfanated) Castor Oil in the eyes? Thanks so much!

Swollen Eyeball Remedies
Posted by Kandj (Maryland) on 08/24/2013

A friend in his early 40's has been having problems with swollen eyeballs. He says it's not a thyroid issue. First, only one eyeball was bothering him. The eyeball isn't protruding, but you could tell that one eyeball was slightly larger than the other. He says it feels tender, sore, and could feel pressure in the eye. It's been that way approximately 2 years that I know of. Now, he's starting to experience similar symptoms in the other eye. Both eyes water/tear occassionally (one at a time, but not both at the same time) for apparently no reason. He doesn't have money for doctor's visits, prescriptions, testing, etc. So he seems to just suffer through. I know he has diabetes, high BP, and cholesterol issues he takes meds for. I'm not sure exactly what he takes, and I also know he has year-long allergies (clearing throat, runny/stuffy nose, etc. ) Any ideas what could be causing the swollen eyeballs or what he can do for relief?

Swollen Eyeball Remedies
Posted by Toourlady89 (Ca, Usa) on 08/24/2013

According to Google, swollen eyeballs could be one other symptom of pollen allergies, or his own type of allergies that has progressed to his eye/ eyes. Ice compress over the eye x 15 minutes at a time so many times during the day could help and also taking his anti allergy meds regularly. In addition, try to rest up the eyes whenever he could and try not to strain it.

Swollen Eyeball Remedies
Posted by Cat (Tauranga, New Zealand, New Zealand) on 08/24/2013

It was only the other day that I posted a comment about how I had been suffering the allergies of sneezing/watery and itchy eyes and so much that the eyes (mainly one) became swollen and very red. After taking MSM for another reason, by the next day, all those symptoms had disappeared! I firmly believe the MSM was responsible for clearing this up. I could almost handle the sneezing but the itchy watery eyes was another story. Still, if your friend is diabetic and on all types of medication, then chances are, he's having side effects from those so it could be a difficult one to fix. But worth a try if you can get hold of some. Good luck.

Swollen Eyeball Remedies
Posted by Kandj (Maryland) on 08/28/2013

Many thanks to all. I've passed along your suggestions and hope something will help.

Eyelid Cyst Remedies
Posted by Salsera185 (New York) on 07/29/2013

What is the safest remedy to get rid of an eyelid cyst? :-(

Horner's Syndrome Remedies
Posted by Cindy (Toledo, Ohio) on 07/28/2013

Does anyone know of treatments for Horner's syndrome? I have a ptosis and swelling of my right eye. Thank you.

Old Maid Flowers
Posted by Daniel (Miami, Fl) on 06/19/2013

Old maid white flowers for eye - they are used for dry eyes, red and irritated eyes, conjuntivitis.

EC: Hi Daniel, we take it you are referring to Madagascar Periwinkle? Zinnias are also called Old Maid Flowers.

..."Despite serious safety concerns, Madagascar periwinkle is used for diabetes, cancer, and sore throat. It is also used as a cough remedy, for easing lung congestion, and to reduce fluid retention by increasing urine production (as a diuretic). Some people apply Madagascar periwinkle directly to the skin to stop bleeding; relieve insect bites, wasp stings, and eye irritation; and treat infections and swelling (inflammation).

Source: WebMd

Festoon Remedies
Posted by Addy (Flowery Branch, Ga) on 04/15/2013

Festoons/Puffy Eyes. Does anyone have experience with these without surgery? I've had puffy eyes for a while now and this year it's become a bit more. I now have what looks like fatty pads below my puffiness and it looks horrible. I'm tired of looking so tired all the time. Using moisture makes them swell up prettybad. I have also been using witch hazel for toner a couple times per week, and really try to watch my sodium intake. What should I look at on the inside. Some sites reveal sun damage, edema and other things will induce them. Anybody's thoughts are appreciated.

Festoon Remedies
Posted by Sp (Wb, New Jersey, Usa) on 04/16/2013 30 posts

Hi Addy, for what it's worth, going gluten free really helped me with my puffy eyes. The top part of my eyelid was big & puffy & all the way down to my eyelashes. Now it's a much more regular size and the part of my eyelid that covers the eyeball is visible again. I was so happy to see that part of my eyelid again. I bought eye shadow again. :)

Adult Strabismus Remedies
Posted by Christine (Australia) on 02/16/2015

What may help is keeping your head still but moving your eyes in different directions - up, side, down, side. Diagonally - left to right and right to left. Do this especially when watching TV, reading, computer etc. Should be done regularly.

Posted by John (Trang, Thailand) on 01/06/2013

Fat upper eyelid may be the result of an allergy brought on by cold east wind. I dont know. Fat lids came with runny nose & cough. The fat lids rest on my eyelashes making me feel tired, when I am not. I dont eat nonsense food. Cold symptoms have gone but fat lids remain. Any clues anyone? John.

Macular Edema
Posted by Pat (Seattle, Wa) on 10/12/2012

I cannot find anything on macular edema on Earthclinic. My husband has diabetic retinopathy and cataracts. So far, they have injected his eyes with Avastin and it did not work.

Now they want to give him steroids... Injected again into his eyes. However, the Avastin has already increased his ocular pressure from 17 to 21, making him a borderline glocoma case. If they inject steroids, there will be increased ocular pressure, worsening of his cataracts (which will eventually be removed), and increase in vitreal floaters.

We want to see about a natural way to decrease the inflammation in the macular area of the retina. We have heard of an anti-inflammatory nutrient called serraflazyme. Have you heard of this? Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.

Macular Edema
Posted by Kitkat (Costa Mesa, Ca) on 04/08/2013

Cannabis is helpful for glaucoma and it's now legal in WA.

Macular Edema
Posted by Kathy (Florida) on 12/01/2016

I know it has been 4 yrs. since your post. I would like to know how your husband's eyes are doing? My husband was told he has macular edema and is also diabetic. He keeps himself in shape and is a carpenter by trade. Thinking of trying colloidal silver.

Color Blindness
Posted by Georgia Mommy (Smyrna, Ga USA) on 09/16/2012

Could we start a topic asking if anyone knows of remedies for color blindness? I have read of instances where children could see colors normally while young, only to lose the ability and develop color blindness later in their young life. To me, this indicates it may not necessarily be a genetic condition, and hoping that means there may be remedies somewhere out there. Many thanks, Traci

Color Blindness
Posted by Eyedoc (All Over) on 08/26/2015

Colour deficiencies are caused by a lack of, or poor-performance of, one or more of the light receptive cells in the eye. This is caused by a faulty gene and therefore cannot be reversed.

Some people can develop colour deficiencies in later life, caused by neurological conditions such as optic neuritis or issues with the patient's lens (such as a cataract)

Castor Oil
Posted by Alicia (Syracuse, Utah) on 09/04/2012

Este mensaje es para Wdickson from Washimgton, donde compra el Castor Oil para usarlo en los ojos, es el co regular o tiene que ser un especifico, por favor darme la informacion lo antes posible, lo necesito para mis ojos. gracias mil.

This message is for Wdickson Washimgton from where buy Castor Oil for use in the eye, is the co regular or have to be a specific, please give me the information as soon as possible, I need it for my eyes. Thanks a thousand.

Eye Bath
Posted by Joy (Pittsburgh ) on 08/02/2021

Thank you so much!

Posted by Marie (Menlo Park, California) on 04/13/2012

Hi there, I wasn't trying to find out if there is any cure or help for Pinguecula. Surgery seems to be the only thing for it but I wanted to check here since this a wonderful site for natural remedies. Please help! Thank you, so grateful I found this site.

Posted by Gg (Us) on 09/19/2015


Reading this forum. Can I ask how long did It take to get rid of pinguecula? Did it actually go away?


Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 01/13/2012

Interesting, my father has very unusual light brown and yellow eyes. His hair is grey (he is 84) but still very strong. I always thought that he just happened to have an unusual eye color.... I am still not sure this isn't the case! My youngest daughter has beautiful big grey eyes but when she was a child she had a dark halo around them which has faded with the age. She is now 23. I imagine this is just part of growing up.... I don't know!

By the way, I always thought that it might be a great idea for people who so wish to post a little profile on this site, maybe with a photo? It is done on other sites.... At least then people know who they are talking to! There are a few people I have been interacting over the years whom I feel like I have got to know but I have no idea what they look like, neither have they of how I look like! I know a lot of people prefer anonimity.... I am never afraid to show my face! Just an idea......

Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 01/18/2012

Hi Debbie, I think that some of their methodology is flawed eg: we don't know the hair length they took; they used the IAEA procedure which is not recommended by a leading expert in the field Paul Eck and I believe Dr Mercola has written about it also (the washing can give to much variance in the results); also you would be recommended to NOT use shampoos that contain either selenium, zinc or harsh chemicals because they may cause a slightly wrong result.

Having said that I think that dyed hair can alter the results, although whilst some labs test it they need to know the dye used. There have been a couple of other studies that have tried to prove that the results are not credible and I think they were written up in JAMA but Dr Mercola and others went through their result and showed the several flaws in them. Sorry I have lost the references, have had two goes already at this post but as I had not saved them lost them due to computer problems. Thus the lateness I'm sorry.

You need about 3-4cm of preferably non dyed hair. Some will take hair from other areas of the body say the underarms but they need to know where the hair was taken from due to the different growth rates. If you swim daily in chloriated water they need to know that also as it can alter it sightly. So providing the testing lab is one that does not pre wash the sample and they have all the information about the products you use and also if you swim in chlorinated water you should still get good results.

Have you and your son had a blood test to see what your copper levels are? This would be a good starting point.

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 01/18/2012

Hi Marie I am still undecided not to get the hair testing done now. I am still not convinced it will be accurate. I have been taking Molasses regularly and also been giving it to my son. Molasses contains a lot of iron. Iron, (according to the mineral interaction wheel I put on the site) is an anatagonist of copper. If iron is higher than copper, copper will be depleted. He was also given a lot of iron when he was born (prem) and we eat a fair amount of meat. I can't see how either of us would be toxic in copper at all. Also if the mother is copper deficient it is passed on to the baby (and that would definitely fit).

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