Natural Remedies for Eye Issues

Posted by Brad (Providence, Rhode Island) on 01/13/2012

In response to the post eye color and health, Iridology is the reading of the eye. It has been around since 1861. I had a friend take the picture then we sent it to Dr. Mary Reed out of Pennsylvania and she did the reading. It's mind blowing what the feedback is. There was a group of 30-40 people who had the photos done. The eye tells so much like what your deficient in and what organs are struggling. Anyone interested can go to marys site I have no affiliation with her, I am just an average person trying to get healthy. Good Day all.

Posted by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 01/12/2012

Wow this is extremely fascinating. I would love to see more on this. I know my husband and my two oldest daughters have what I call camo eyes. They are a swirl of green, blue, brown, and yellow in different variances for each. I would have to say my two oldest children are probably my worst eaters as they are teenagers and I can't always control what they eat. My husband thinks I'm a little "whacky" with all of the natural cures and vitamins I use so he refuses to use any of them unless absolutely necessary. He also has kidney disease so I'm sure his toxin levels are pretty high. My eyes are a very solid sagie-green right now but just a few years ago they were much more yellow hued and when I was a youngster they were blue. I will have to look into this book and see if it means anything in my world. Thanks for the post Debbie. All of my kids were born with beautiful bright blue eyes. The two oldest have changed drastically over time. My middle child has the worst health issues and her eyes which used to be bright blue are now a greyish-silver with specks of yellow around the iris. The two little munchkins still have fairly bright blue eyes but they are still young.

P.S. I also have read that the yellow in the eyes is excess copper which could be considered a toxin if it is in excess. Hmmmm.....

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 01/12/2012

Hi Jen, yes I agree it is totally fascinating. I am looking at everyone's eyes now and they are all different. I think the thin blue line around my green eyes is getting a bit thicker than it was but I will keep an eye on it. I am also now taking wheatgrass powder which is a good cleanser for the body. I will report back any changes to my eyes. I am also on iodine which chelates heavy metals from the body.

I will post any other interesting articles I find on the subject. Would love to hear from people who have done body cleanses and what it did to their eyes.

Haven't heard yellow in the eyes meaning copper toxicity but my father has nearly white hair and his eyes have a yellow tinge (the hair alone would indicate he is very copper deficient). I read that Australian soil is very copper deficient.

Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 01/14/2012

Hi Debbie, The main reason I have raised this is that a Dr (now passed away) I knew many years ago who mainly prescribed nutrients used to test his patients for anything that could be tested for and whilst everyone had different deficiencies the thing that stood out was that most patients had excess copper and low zinc. Joel Wallach also says that copper levels are more often too high than too low on his page about his colloidal copper product. (

In your search if you use the words "excess copper autism (and also developmental delay)" there are some interesting results.

At least you will know soon if copper deficiency is causing your gray hair as you will see it in your new hair growth. I have also read that chlorinated water in the shower causes gray hair but there again a few of those I know with gray hair only have tank water. I've also read that mercury can cause gray hair and that the gray hair of women had higer concentrations of mercury found by hair analysis. Have you come across this in your travels? I personally believe that there are several causes of gray hair including copper deficiency.

Interesting about goats as we planned to raise some goats at a place we used to live under the mistaken belief that they clean the weeds up out of pasture. Our goat always ate his copper until we started bringing home and feeding him branches like willow, blackwood and also ivy. From then on he never wanted it and he was in great condition. Copper is also given to stop them ringbarking trees. We came to realise that because they are browsers they need much more than pasture.

Anyway back to your original interesting topic an Herbalist who was also an Iridologist I went to many years ago said green was an eye colour and that some people who had brown eyes actually have green eyes with a toxic layer and that gray eyes were blue with a toxic layer. I don't know about the green but my husband's grey eyes are now blue after a couple of years of herbal treatments.

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Jackie (North Wales, Pa) on 09/23/2011

My eyes used to twitch every so often and then it became a daily occurence. As soon as I gave up dairy completely, my eyes never twitched again. I had also gradually developed puffiness under my eyes which was horrendous in the morning and no amount of cold packs or any other remedy would resolve the problem. When I gave up dairy that went completely away as well. It has been over a year and I have not been bothered by either problem ever since.

Vitreous Detachment
Posted by Jane (St Andrews, Uk) on 06/11/2011

Kay, in case this is any help to you: three years ago I realised I had suddenly had flashes, like little fireworks going off, in one eye. Knowing this could be a symptom of retinal trouble, I went to an eye hospital where they diagnosed that the vitreous jelly at the back of the eye had detached in all but one place, to the side of the retina, and the flashes were little areas of blood, that would disperse, as would the floaters that appeared at the same time. I had no symptom of retinal detachment, the curtain descending over the vision, and, in time, have simply been left with one permanent floater, unfortunately in the centre of my vision in that eye.

For a long while, it was always at the back of my mind that something further could go wrong. However, I have now been reassured by an eye surgeon that it is a good thing when the vitreous jelly detaches like this (I believe it shrinks with age and if you are lucky you know nothing about this! ) as it means it hasn't caused problems with the retina.

My other eye, separately and later, developed a macular hole when the vitreous jelly there shrank and did pull at the retina. I have recently had an operation to mend that, along with cataract surgery, and, prophylactically, laser repair of the retina, where something called 'lattice' was discovered during the operation. Lattice is where the retina is thin, or has tears, or holes. My surgeon tells me there is now nothing to worry about from that.

I tell you that not to worry you about what can happen, but in case this reassures you about what has happened in your eye, because I now realise how lucky I was that the vitreous jelly in the first eye detached as it did.

Good luck. I hope all is well with you. I know how worrying it can be to have this happen.

I have to say how lucky I am to live in Scotland where I not only get excellent treatment at a teaching hospital but also on the national health. I shudder to think what would happen if I had to pay for every consultation and procedure and, perhaps, every phone call when something happens that I need to ask about. I know some people in the US worry about state control of health, but a national health system is a WONDERFUL thing.

Again, all the best.

Apple Cider Vinegar Formula
Posted by Scott (California) on 09/04/2021

Messed these things up something horrible. Did two parts ACV and one part honey like a dumbass. I maxy cranked this too, as in as much as I could do until I can't take it anymore, including opening up my eyelid when my head is tilted back with a fat amount of juice piled up on there. Stings like CRAZY.

I wake up with goo in my eye. I need to get my bad eye regenerated with quickness. I've been dizzy for over ten years, and I have to get a better job and make more money right now sailor moon.

Castor Oil
Posted by Ja (Philadelphia, Pa) on 05/18/2013

Puffy eyes for castor oil is why I'm here! Put it on last night and looked in the morning to be very alarmed. I have very thin skin under eye, dark circles, and very deep set eyes. To see my eyes puffed out is shocking. My mom started the castor oil for insomnia (loves it btw) but complains of the same after effect. I have read that the fatty acid chain in the castor oil is very unique and acts as a humectant, attracting water when applied on hair or skin. I am going to try the black tea bags on my eyes as this has always wored wonders for immediately ridding sunburn for me.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Patricia (Austin, Texas) on 07/01/2009

4 oz of Aloe Vera juice quickly helped my eye. I recently had a bad looking popped blood vessel in my eye. I read that it generally takes about 2 weeks to go away/heal. I immediately started taking 4 oz a day and it completely cleared up in 3 days. I have continued to take it because it has done wonders for my skin, has given me more energy,I am now back to having regular bowel movements.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 04/18/2011

Hi Lisa, thanks for the suggestion. I tried Chinese medicine a few times for my allergies and it worked very well, the only problem is that the Chinese shops in the UK (we have none that I know of here in France) have been in the news a number of times in a very negative way so I don't dare to go there anymore. They are all over the place but if you try them there is something about them that is not quite right. I went to a few different ones but they always operate in the same way, there is a male "doctor" who never speaks English and who writes down a lot of notes in Chinese, a young lady who translates, then they suggest you buy very expensive supplements, if you say you find them far too expensive they try to sell you something else or give you a discount.... Everything is hidden away somewhere because, I believe they are only allowed to sell herbs.... it is all quite fishy and as people have had their kidneys damaged because of their supplements I won't try anything again although I believe that it is a great way to treat yourself! Too bad.......

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Grace (Upland, Ca, Usa) on 05/03/2011

I believe Green Tea will also do the trick or Chamomile Tea. This are the only three I have heard works for problems with eyes and skin around eyes. Again, they are Green Tea, Chamomile Tea or Black Tea bags.

Infrared Light Therapy
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 09/30/2020

Hi -

Regarding infrared light therapy on your eyes, I think it depends on the product.

I have a Sota LightWorks paddle - one side is red light, the other side is NIR (near infrared). It works by putting the paddle directly on the skin (not through clothing).

Other companies (Joovv, PlatinumLED, etc.) have panels of red lights and you stand in front of them at a distance for a certain amount of time. I don't know about those.

The red side of the Sota paddle is not to be used on the eyes. However, for the NIR (near infrared) side, they advise you to apply the light to the side of your head with your eyes closed.

If you are in doubt about putting any light device on or near your eyes, I would check with the manufacturer first. Better to be safe, than sorry.

Also, there are cautions for those who are pregnant and anyone with pacemakers, etc.

For the record, I haven't used the Sota LightWorks paddle on my head at all. I'm concentrating on my sore joints (ankles, etc.) and over my liver (no problems there that I know of, just preventative).

Here's the manual:


Strabismus Accomodative Esotropia
Posted by Dampwire (Brooklyn, Ny) on 03/15/2015

Hi, I noticed my son's strabismus at 3 months before that I thought I'd imagined it. Went to specialist who confirmed and recommended surgery to control. I declined and instead used eye muscle training. I held toys he liked close to his face and would slowly move them back away. I did this daily for about a half hour to train the eye muscles. Long story short, you cannot tell he has strabismus and he's 25.

Strabismus Accomodative Esotropia
Posted by Eyedoc (All Over) on 08/26/2015

If the strabismus is fully accommodative then simply wearing a full spectacle prescription will straighten the eyes.

Lattice Degeneration Remedies
Posted by Bev (Durban, South Africa) on 05/01/2014

Hi Ted, I have lattice degeneration of the retina can you please tell me if there is anything I can do to help this. Many thanks.

Glycerin, ALA, Carnosine
Posted by Sozo_me_lord (Fl, Usa) on 01/25/2014

50 year old female, type 1 diabetic for 20 years. Dr. suggested possible laser for some bleeding, swelling, and hard deposits from retinopathy. Also glaucoma. I read about taking glycerin orally, carnosine eye drops, alpha lipoid acid, for some help. Any suggestions as I do not want laser treatment? Thank you

Watery Eyes Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 01/21/2014

Dear Lucinda,

Eyes watering all the time for two years would be very irritating! If I were dealing with this and had no idea the cause, I would try one or more of the following:

Charcoal "tea" - Make an activated charcoal tea. Mix 1 teaspoon activated charcoal powder into 4 ounces of water. Let sit a few minutes. Strain out the charcoal through a coffee filter. The remaining water is your charcoal "tea." Put two drops of this into each eye twice a day. Charcoal has successfully treated many eye problems, even ones that have been told were "incurable." This is very safe and inexpensive. Charcoal water has a shelf life of many months.

The herb "eyebright" was given its name because people in the past knew if was good for eye problems. You can make a "tea" of this and put some drops into your eyes a couple of times a day. This could be done in conjunction with the charcoal tea, but perhaps try one for a week or two and then try the other. Eyebright tea would be good for 2-3 days if kept in the refrigerator. You may be able to find an eye bright tincture at a health food store and could follow directions on the label, instead of the eyebright tea.

Raw Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon in a glass of water twice a day. Work up to 1 tablespoon. Because this helps to balance so many things in the body, I am hopeful that it would balance out the situation with your eyes.

Please keep us posted on your progress!

~Mama to Many~

Watery Eyes Remedies
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 08/07/2021

Hi Kim,

My mother's eyes rained like she was crying especially when she was outdoors. One would think it was an allergy. When my mother complained of her watering eyes to her doctor, he said her eyes watered because she had dry eyes.

Castor Oil
Posted by Debbie (Australia ) on 10/08/2013

What does "sulfinanted" mean? Try looking for pure non pressed organic caster oil (which contains nothing but caster oil.

Inorganic sulphur in the eyes would not be healthy.

Swollen Eyeball Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 08/24/2013

Hi! Charcoal would be an inexpensive thing to try for this. I do not know the cause but could guess it is a side effect of medication or reaction to something. Whatever it is, it is inflammation of some sort and charcoal is very helpful for that. He should get some activated charcoal powder at the health food store and some ground flax seed. Mix equal parts of both in a cup. (Careful as it is poofy and can be messy. ) Then add water and stir until you get a thin jelly like consistency. Spread this onto a paper towel (You can make several at once. ) Fold towel over. Cover the closed eye with the poultice. Cover with plastic wrap to keep charcoal moist. Cover with a bandana to hold it on. This could be done for an hour twice a day, or overnight. (The plastic wrap won't be needed for the one hour poultice.) I would give this treatment at least 2 weeks before deciding it doesn't work.

Since Apple Cider Vinegar is inexpensive and helps many things, it would be worth it for him to try it. 1 t. Raw apple cider vinegar in 8 oz. of water twice a day, increasing over a couple of weeks to 1 T. In 8 oz. Twice a day. This ought to be done for at least a month to see what it does.

Improving nutrition helps with most health issues. Less sugar, processed food, fast food, no artificial sweeteners or MSG. More fruits and veggies. Less caffeine.

Let us know how your friend is doing.

~Mama to Many~

Adult Strabismus Remedies
Posted by Sataybean (Boston, Ma) on 03/13/2013

Hello Earth Clinic, I have had debilitating adult strabismus for over two years caused by Myasthenia Gravis. Everything is under control except for my eyes. One eye goes up the other turns inward and I can only see straight if wearing a patch. I have tried homeopathy, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, vision therapy, have a pretty good diet whereby I try not to eat healthy foods in moderation. Has anyone ever encountered any cures?

Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil
Posted by Louis (Nashville, Tn) on 02/20/2013

Well, this is wonderful. OP. In the summer of 2012 my eye was tearing constantly. Doctor had prescribed different drops WHIch did not help. I discovered op when looking for coconut oil benefits. I started this procedure, my nose ran a lot for three days then my eye stopped tearing up. My eyes are not red I can wear makeup. Teeth and gums are feeling healthier. This is a blessing for me.

Parinaud's Oculoglandular Syndrome
Posted by Bernadette (Namibia) on 03/11/2023

Angel, I am reading this ten years later and find myself wondering how your son is who should be a teenager now. I see that the disease has a good prognosis so I trust he has fully healed. Blessings

Macular Edema
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 10/14/2012 2048 posts

Pat: sorry, haven't heard of serraflazyme but it seems worth a try as it could only be beneficial overall. Other natural anti-inflammatory substances/products are the herb Turmeric (Curcumin), Vit-C, Quercetin, Fish or Flax Oil. I have got major good results w/ a special trademark or patented formula called CeladrinTM. Magnet Therapy is also very good for inflammatory issues. I use Magnets once daily for a few minutes over each eye for maintenance & prevention.

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 01/10/2012

I have been reading a bit on this in the past few days and wanted people's opinions. According to Iridology apparently there are only two colors of eyes blue and brown and anything else is simply a colored film over the iris which happens when the body is in a toxic state. It did pique my interest as my eyes were blue until I was about 2 years old and changed to green (around the same time I had a bad reaction to the smallpox injection). My son's eyes also seem to be a hazel color but with a yellow color as well. I don't remember people having a yellow tinge to their eye color when I was young but these days it is common.

I was wondering if anyone else noticed their eyes changing color if their health deteriorated? Some people say their eyes turned blue/brown after a liver/gallbladder cleanse.

Here is a link to a discussion where people are finding similar results

Posted by P (Middle Of, Fl) on 01/11/2012

Hi! I went to the site you posted; very interesting, 2-3yrs ago I swore my eyes were orange, I would check all mirrors to make sure it wasn't my room reflecting in them and did notice orange hues in them, I thought that was weird, but now makes sense because I had a poor diet at the time, now they're light brown with a dark rim in the outer layer, my mom has yellow eyes and that's been forever!

Your eyes tell a lot about you! And now you have me wondering!

I hope others have more input about the eyes!

Thanks for the FYI

Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 01/13/2012

Hi Debbie, It's the sandy soils that can be deficient in copper here in Oz but copper is now considered one of the main contaminates to some of our soils due to the use of biosolids and the years of fungicide use. Vineyards, orchards and vegetables now are grown in copper toxic soils. The CSIRO has found this in their studies. There has even been some difficulty in growing sweet potatoes in Qld due to copper toxicity. Diagnotes/Media/Html/TheProblems/MineralToxicities/CopperToxicity/Copper toxicity.htm

Also lots of farmers are now spreading chicken manure from the broiler farms on their pastures and it can contain excess copper as some chickens are fed it to promote quicker growth with a lower cholesterol rate in their meat.

Whilst copper deficiency is one cause of gray hair I have known a few people with excess copper who have gray hair. B-12 is another another cause.

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 01/14/2012

Marie, thanks for the links I will read them.

I also came across this interesting article the other day on copper and zinc in hair. Testing was done on two subjects hair before and after washing with water and before and after using shampoo and also before and after colouring hair.

The findings found that shampoo and even hair colour, added copper and zinc, and it could not be washed out of the hair... But from what I am reading it also gives a false reading as to your copper and zinc levels in the body as it is not "available" zinc. It seems you may be showing high copper levels (in a hair sample) but actually be copper deficient.

I would be interested in your understanding of the article. I colour my hair as well so if I were to have a hair and mineral analysis done I may well show to be toxic because I have coloured it for over 20 years even though I am deficient. They say that it shows that hair and mineral analysis is not worth having done (and I was about to have this).

Posted by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 01/14/2012

There is a disease called Wilson's disease that is caused by to much copper. One of the symptoms are as taken from the website below:

Signs and tests A slit-lamp eye examination may show:

  • Limited eye movement

  • Rusty or brown-colored ring around the iris (Kayser-Fleischer rings)

If you google Kayser-Fleischer rings you will see some of the rings and how interesting they are. The copper accumultes in the liver from birth and symptoms show later on. One of the symptoms is the yellowish ring around the iris. It sounds like it could be found to be amongst the diseases found with Iridology.

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Maria (Frankfurt, Germany) on 09/25/2011

Hi Kay, I dont know what is the exact cause of blood in your eye but years ago I had fat in the form of bumps on my eyelids. I had dandruff in my hair that was the main cause of these bumps. The doctors prescribed me many types of eye drops and dandruff shampoos. One doctor advised me to wash my eye with baby shampoo. I followed all these advices but all in vain.

At last I was advised to get them removed with surgery but my mother said that there would be natural treatment for this problem so she searched and found Castor oil is good for dandruff so I applied Castor oil on my scalp and eyelids every night continuously for about two months. The hard bumps turned very soft and filled with pus and eventually burst out. My eyelids had become smooth and even. So I got rid of nasty bumps without surgery just with simple home remedy. I hope this will help you.


Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 09/26/2011

Great book indeed! I will try to find the time soon to review it here! The cleaning of the eye rim didn't do much for me, I have to say..... In the Eye Hospital in Basel, Switzerland, they advised me to use warm black tea bags. When the doctor did it he seemed to see a lot of stuff coming out and even showed it to my husband in the microscope. I never see or feel anything come out even if I press hard. Sometimes I have little raised bumps but even those ones don't burst or anything. It is difficult to stay motivated.... I have now bought plastic pads you can cool down or warm up to unclogg the ducts when they are warm and to cool them down in order to get rid of the bags under the eyes which, he says, are caused by the dry eyes. No success with any of the procedures so far....

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Eva (A'dam, Netherlands) on 09/27/2011

Castor oil did not work for me either, the infection of my eyelids became worse, my eyes became red and the eyelids became more sore/itchy after a night (I tried it out for two nights 5 dayspart). I also used an antibiotica cream, and it was also irritating my eye (somehow a fatty substance was irriating it more). What helped at the end is keeping it clean, green tea and walnut leaf tea bags and putting neosporin powder on my eyelid(outside). From reading many posts on other subjects as well, I get the impression that what helps some people might be not good for others.

A message for Francesca, contacts are not really recommended for dry eye sufferers... you also have to get into your eyes by putting the contact in, and even if you try to keep your hands clean, there is a chance to bring dirt into your eyes.

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 09/28/2011

One of the best remedies for clogged eyelid glands is breast milk. Do you know anyone who is breastfeeding!

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Maria (Franfurt, Germany) on 09/28/2011

Hi Francisca, My eyelids also get swollen and eyes become red with castor oil when I wake up but these are temporary side effects. As soon as I take shower or wash my face with cold water the redness of the eyes and swelling of eyelids vanish at once. After washing my eyes I feel quite comfortable again. Anyhow, everyone is different. Best wishes for you.


Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 09/29/2011

Hi Francisca, have you tried coconut oil around and in your eyes before you go to bed at night. They completly cloud up for a while but by morning are completly clean and refreshed. I've been trying it along with the juice, the juice is 3/4 carrots 200gms of blueberries and four oranges, skins and all, through the juicer. The blueberries are mashed in the food processor and then poured in. Then a glass taken morning and evening before bed. It's the third day on this, but early results are interesting.. Last night when I went to the loo about 3am, for a few minutes I could see without glasses really well.. The research on blueberries is that they prevent macular degeneration, incidentaly the Red Indians used them for curing sight issues.. Bearing in mind that they were probably eating a better diet as well.. salmon etc.

Eye Makeup Allergy
Posted by Kay (Jacksonville, Fl/usa) on 08/29/2011

I have been fighting infections in one of my eyes for a year now. Eye Doc gave me drops and ointment which I now found out (a year later) are steroids. I kept breaking blood vessels in the eye and the pressure of the eye was not normal. Went to new eye doc who said stop taking the meds, wash my eye lids with baby shampoo and water or get those Opti washes from the drug store. In 3 days what an improvement! However, our eyelids have small glands and when I use eye make up(eyeliner or mascara) my eyes would itch more. Doc said I was stopping up the glands and to be sure to wash the eyelids every day if not more. Does anyone know of eye make up which is good for not clogging up your eyelids? I have tried hypo-allergenic brands which do not work. I just purchased an herbal eye liner called Palladio from the local beauty supply store. Hope it works. Any suggestions regarding eye make up.

Eye Makeup Allergy
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 08/30/2011

Hi Kay, how do you apply the eye make up? I used to apply powder charcoal on the rim of the eye and that not only looked nice but also calmed the itching in my eyes. Asian women do it to prevent eye illnesses but once I went to the eye doctor and he found out that the reason my eyes were so dry and the reason for the itching was not an allergy but clogged ducts so I stopped doing it altogether! If you only apply the make up on the outside you shouldn't have any problems with redness in the eyes, only of the skin if you are allergic to the chemicals in the make up which a lot of women seem to be, luckily I am not as I don't like to go out without make up!

Parasite Cleanse
Posted by Rita (UK) on 02/15/2022 2 posts

Thank you so much for posting this information. I came here to find the answer to help my eyes and having used Hulda Clark's methods many years ago I am reminded how effective they are, I'm excited to start the parasite detox, thank you.

Vitreous Detachment
Posted by Kay (Jax, Fl/usa) on 06/09/2011

About 8 years ago, I developed floaters in one of my eyes. When these floaters caused me to see light streaks in a dark room, I knew I had to go to a retina specialist. I had a tear in my retina which was fixed by laser surgery. Never had a problem since in that eye even the small floaters(blood) disappeared after a while.

recently, in my other eye, I got floaters and the flashes of light I a dark room. Went to another eye doc who said I had Vitreous Detachment which is when the gel which is attached to the retina detaches leaving a small hole in the retina which causes the flashes of light. Doc says no cure come back in 6 weeks. If it get worse which means the retina could tear or become detached, call for emergency. The symptoms would be a "veil" or dark shade falls over my eye which bottom line means I am going blind. Has anyone had the Vtreous detachment or have found something which cures or prevents this from happening? Just curious. They all say these things come with age, probably true as I am in my 60's.

Vitreous Detachment
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 07/04/2011

hi x glad 2 have been a bit in the right direction! Keep your self hydrated. If u drink tap water, boil firs let it cool down. Vit c is also good in mega doses. Look under supllements, vit c and read the whole thread and click on the links so u no exactally what to do and how 2 do it properly. But look up hayluronic acid to but take anything your body's not used too in small doses as not 2 shock it work up slowly! Love andrea x x x

Vitreous Detachment
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 07/04/2011

Kay, I had a similar problem in my left eye last summer. I am 53 years old. All of a sudden I started to see a lot more floaters than normal and light flashes. I went to a very good eye hospital in Switzerland and they said that it was healing itself so there was nothing they could do. If it got worse and a courtain came over my vision I was supposed to go there right away. It is not nice to live waiting for it to happen and sometimes I do see flashes in the dark but well, I don't think they can do much more than wait and see..... I know of someone here in France who has had laser treatment but you never know whether it was the exact same problem. I wish I knew what I could do to prevent it from getting worse. I am very myopic and that doesn't help! I always knew that this could come but I didn't expect it so early in life! All the best...

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cate (Melbourne, Australia) on 09/22/2012

Hi everyone. I'm not here to suggest not using any of these remedies, but to suggest you might want to try to cut back on or eliminate grains, wheat in particular. Terrible inflammation happens with every mouthful. Just a suggestion.

Grated Potato and Milk
Posted by Ann (Morristown, TN) on 01/13/2007

Grated potato patted around your eyes will reduce puffiness caused from lack of sleep or sinus cavity swelling. Also milk on a cotton ball applied to the eye will work. When the cotton ball gets warm, apply more milk. After 5-10 min. of this the puffiness is reduced.

Infrared Light Therapy
Posted by Baboo (India ) on 09/21/2020

Infrared Light for eye treatment. It is easy to find documentation.

Aging retinal function is improved by near infrared light (670 nm) that is associated with corrected mitochondrial decline.

EC: We are very curious to learn if anyone has used infrared light therapy on their eyes and what effect it had. Please post if you have!

Eyelid Cyst Remedies
Posted by Anita (Corpus Christi, Tx) on 05/23/2016 3 posts

I got rid of several cysts on my eyelids very easily, by putting apple cider vinegar on the cyst with a cotton swab 3 times a day for a week. They just shrink and fall off!

Strabismus Accomodative Esotropia
Posted by Kat (Kingwood, Tx) on 10/25/2014

Does anyone have any info or remedies to combat Strabismus (accomodative esotropia) in babies? Any input is greatly appreciated.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sherry (Covington, Ga) on 06/13/2014

I have used the herb eyebright & bilberry for dry eyes, it has helped , I can tell a difference when I use these herbs.

Lattice Degeneration Remedies
Posted by Bev (Durban, South Africa) on 05/24/2014

Many thanks for your information. This makes sense as I have been told I gave calcification of the aorta as well. Can you please tell me if coconut oil and olive oil is ok, and is supplementing with antaxanthin better than taking other anti oxidants. Thanks again. Bev

Glycerin, ALA, Carnosine
Posted by Faeqa ( Amman, Jordan, Jordan) on 01/27/2014 66 posts

Hi Sozo_me_lord from Fl, Usa: Mumia mentioned in old Arabic medicine to stop retinal bleeding.

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