Natural Remedies for Eye Issues

Flax Seed Oil
Posted by Patti (Muscatine, Iowa) on 11/18/2008

Dry Eye remedy

I have had dry eyes for over 25 years. I suffered with it for a long time while trying different remedies which didn't work. My opthamologist actually told me about this proven remedy. I have been taking 1000mg gelcap of flaxseed oil 2x/day for several years now and it has worked wonders for me. You have to take it for several weeks before you see results.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sophie (Portland, Oregon) on 11/06/2008

My dry burning red eyes cured

This is story is an interesting one I'm a 15 year vegetarian I thought maybe I had a deficiency. I had itching dry burning eyes with a prominent swollen blood vessel in one of my eye this had been going on for six months. I was prescribed Restatis and Genteal lubricants, which aggravated my eyes. The next suggestion from my doctor was to plug my tear ducts which seemed extreme to me. So I began to try oil pulling and black tea bags remedy with a temporary decrease in my burning red dry eyes. Next I began taking 800 IU of both E & A with a slight change. I then added 2000 Mg of each cold pressed Flax Seed Oil and Oil of Evening Primrose plus and I begain taking product called, ( 2 capsules )Super Vision Eye Formula dietary supplement from Trader Joe's and within the first three days I noticed a remarkable shift taking place by the second week my red eyes were now pure white and the swollen blood vessel was no longer visible I was cured no more dry, burning, red itching eyes, I believe it might be the Bilberry in Super Vision is an amazing and awesome product. Anyhow this cured my problem and it might work for you too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Coregon (Medford, Or) on 09/27/2010

To Pookie regarding using cottonballs with ACV on eyes:
I think when Angie said to brush the cottonball over the eye.. She meant to say brush it over the EYELID, (not brush it directly on the eyeball), because she did say that it helps to "lift your eyelids a bit".. I took that to mean that you should open your eyes slightly so a little ACV gets in. Note: It really helps all readers if the suggestions are very specific, so there is no doubt what you meant.

Green Tea
Posted by Thankful (Macon, GA) on 01/29/2007

I tried the green tea bag remedy and it worked great for me. I was diagnosed with graves disease and my eyes stuck out for the longest and now after 8 years of looking like a frog my eyes are finally returning to normal.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Madefree23 (Staten Island, Ny) on 04/06/2012

I have been using coconut oil on my body and ingesting it for about 3 yrs. Like most women I wake up with puffy wrinkly under eyes in the morning. I was using expensive products to combat this. One day I got mascara under me eyes and didnt have makeup remover so I used the coconut oil (cold pressed) and MAN I couldn't believe it! No puffs no wrinkles. In a few minutes. Love it. So Happy!

Green Tea
Posted by Joni (Grafton, OH) on 11/05/2006

A couple of years ago I was having a problem with styes- those annoying, painful lumps on the eyelid, on or near the lash line. My cousin told me to prepare a green tea bag, make yourself a cup of tea and while the bag is still semi-hot, squeeze out excess water (leave some), and apply to the stye for a minute or so. Be careful it's not too hot (altho I like it that way). Usually there's no sign of them the next morning. Maybe a stubborn one will take another treatment, but that's it! Kills it quickly. I don't use same bag on both eyes, in case of cross-contamination. Last night I felt a severe pain in my lower left eye, but it wasn't a sty. I took out my contacts and used a tea bag on it, and irrigated it with the tea and it began watering. Which felt greatbecause it was so dry and painful!! The pain subsided altho it still stung with whatever it was in my eye. It's fine this morning. I also cured my son's red, inflamed, crusty eyes with both green tea bags and honey a couple months ago. I made the tea, added honey to it and dipped the bags back in, didn't squeeze and used them (2 bags) on each eye. Did this about 3 times in 36 hours and they were healed.

Red Eye Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 01/21/2014

Shadel from Nebraska -- brew a nice cup of chamomile tea, let it steep and taking a washcloth, soak it and place on your eyes. It is very pleasant and soothing. This is used widely in Europe. After fifteen minutes or so, dab your eye dry and you will feel the benefit of this simple treatment. Om

Watery Eyes Remedies
Posted by Lucinda (Leeds) on 01/20/2014

My eyes water 24/7, I'm not allergic to anything, and I don't wear mascara. This has been going on for just under 2 years and I'm constantly having to dry and touch my eyes. I have been to the doctors and hospital but they can't seem to find a problem. I will try anything!

Posted by Sp (Wb, New Jersey, Usa) on 01/06/2013 32 posts

Hi John, I had fat eyelids for years. Not long after I went gluten-free one of the many wonderful side-effects I experienced was having my eyeslids lose that puffiness. They no longer rest on my eye lashes. I also lost bloating in my face and abdomen. Before I went gluten-free I was eating whole wheat and other good quality foods that had gluten. Look into hidden food allergies and food sensitivities. It might be a possibility. It might also be seasonal allergies. And for me, my seasonal allergies are not nearly as bad as they used to be now that I am gluten-free. So a hidden food allergy/sensitivity can make your reaction to other allergines (pollen, pets, mold, etc. ) worse. Also note that if you are outside during your allergy season or doing gardening or yardwork, pollen amd mold spores can cling to your hair. Be sure to have washed your hair before going to bed and change your pillow case if you didn't. Hope this helps you find the cause.

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/13/2012

Hi Maria, I am not disputing what you say about copper in soil but the CSIRO is not a reliable source of info. They also said it would never rain again because of global warming. Ie they are very political. Many supplements we take deplete the body of copper. Many pesticides also deplete copper from the body. I have read many farmers of goats/horses treating pale/graying hair with copper and getting great results. I will look further into it, thanks. I am determined to get my hair back! A lack of copper in the body also allows yeast/fungus to take over (according to Joel Wallach).

Posted by Billie (Roy, Wa.) on 08/17/2011

For a cold in the eye(s), a sty, pink-eye or minor irratation of the eyes, try using an apple. Simply grate part of an apple (about 1/2), wrap it in a piece of cloth or paper towel. Place it on the eye for approximately 20 minutes. Repeat this process again every 2-4 hrs. Within about 24 hrs. The problem will be gone. We did this for our son when he was about 9 yrs. old and found that having him pretend to be a pirate along with eating part of the apple was the easiest way to get his co-operation. The apple is extremely soothing and works quickly.

Posted by beverly (Texas) on 07/29/2022

Is that where "the apple of my eye" expression came from?

Posted by Ann (Austin, Texas) on 08/23/2024

Actually, “apple of his eye” comes from the Bible. “For thus said the Lord of hosts, after his glory sent me to the nations who plundered you, for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye:” Zechariah‬ ‭2‬:‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

and “keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye;” Proverbs‬ ‭7‬:‭2‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Hope this is helpful…

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Scott (Qld, Australia) on 04/28/2011

I too get red eyes and puffiness from too much sugar. It also makes be feel a little groggy and lethargic for most of the next day. Also to much starchy food seems to have similar but milder effect. Have had blood tests and not diabetes. If I eat lots of vegetables/fruit and everything else in moderation all is well.

Mother's Milk
Posted by Lafe (Douglas, Arizona) on 08/26/2009

eyes: I suffered from welder burn several times before I found the ultimate unbelievable remedy.

I tried everything from aloe vera, potato juice, eyebright, nothing gave instant relief except for one thing, NURSING MOTHERS MILK! I was dying in severe pain one night from welder burn, my eyes felt like they were full of sand and on fire. My wife said that she had used her breast milk in her babies eyes all the time and that I should try it,"What could it hurt?," she said. I put a few drops in my eyes and I was dumbfounded! Instant cure! Within minutes the pain ceased and the swelling and red eye was gone and I was sleeping soundly. I would have never believed it had I not tried it on myself. Since then several family members have tried it and they swear by it! (not my wife's, of course) So if you're dying in pain give it a shot as strange as it sounds and you will be amazed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Zozo9 (Miami Beach, Florida, USA) on 08/15/2009

I have trouble with one of my contacts and what happens is it floats around my eye, so at nighttime when I am ready to take it out, I have to find it. Consequently, I have pinched my eyeball several times thinking I had it.. The next morning I woke up with a nasty eye infection and like others here, it felt like I had a piece of sand in my eye. So, I found this website and tried what one of your other patients said to do... I mixed a half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a shot glass and filled the rest up with filtered water. Then I put it up to my eye and did a quick rinse. Yes, it burned a little and my head felt like I had a headache for a couple of hours. I took some aspirin and I laid down for about an hour. My head swell cleared up and by about 4 hours later, I could tell my eye was well on it's way back to being normal. Of course the next day, it was. Thank you so much for this website! It saved me a lot of money for the doctor!

Flax Seeds and Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Howard (Satellite Beach, Florida) on 08/07/2008

Flax Seeds and Aloe Vera Juice Cured My Eye Infection.

This remedy was given to me by the owner of a health food store who learned it from her grandmother: For any type of eye infection (mine was bloodshot and pinchy upon waking in the morning--possibly Pink Eye), she does the following:

Pull out the skin "pocket" below the eye and insert at least two flax seeds or as many as you can get in there. Then put a drop of aloe vera juice on the eye. Leave seeds in overnight or up to 24 hours, then remove them (they will be gummy after drawing the bacteria to them). If eye infection isn't cleared up, repeat for another 24 hours.

Notes: flax seeds can be purchased at a health food store and must be kept refrigerated. Aloe vera juice does not need to be refrigerated. Do not put contact lens in eye while flax seeds are there.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 01/07/2007

dry lines around eyes/wrinkles prevention Coconut oil is the future as I have smoked for 10 years yet skin is smooth & line-free AMAZING

Ocular Melanoma Remedies
Posted by Kayle (Vancouver) on 07/26/2023

I read about a woman who wrote that her husband was cured using castor oil eyedroppers infused with cannabis oil drops in the eyes. In less than 6 months, he was cured of ocular melanoma. I'm not a doctor or giving advice; I just read that and feel they should do a study on it

Nystagmus Remedies
Posted by Lorraine (Sydney, Australia) on 08/19/2023

Dear Kate, So happy to have found your story and so happy Caroline is healed! I am actually writing on my husband's behalf. He is 73 and developed downbeat Nystagmus about 18 months ago. We have just found an Osteopath that does cranial/sacral treatment so your story confirms our prayers were answered in that we found the right treatment and believe he will recover from this issue as quickly as it showed up. He has also had chiropractic treatment but on hold for the moment and over the last 2 months he has also had electronic stimulation treatments as well as EE System scaler wave treatments. So far he has not seen much improvement but we are very hopeful that he will. We are firm believers in the fact our bodies were made to heal themselves and try our best to stay in that groove. We now will look into EFT techniques to strengthen what we already do.

Once again thank you so much for your report on this very debilitating temporary annoyance.

Blessings and Love to you and your family.

Lorraine and Fred

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Daffodil (Seattle) on 09/12/2014

My eyelids had been inflamed for a couple of months-- very puffy, red, itchy, teary. I finally was able to get this under control with apple cider vinegar by applying it to the outside of the lids. I made an ACV solution of 50% apple cider vinegar/50% water, dipped two cotton balls in it so they were drenched, closed my eyes and held the cotton balls there. The first time it stung like %#*@ so it was probably only 10 seconds or so that I applied the ACV mixture. I made sure to wipe the entire eyelid with the ACV mixture. Then rinsed well with cold water and patted dry, then once dry I applied a zinc oxide diaper creme and left it on for a few hours (I like sudocrem. Do this when you have some time to hang out at home- the diaper creme really soothes the sting). Initially it makes the eyelids very red and they appear worse, but the ACV mixture kills the infection and the eyes start to heal.

I did this once a day (after work, or right before bed)-- I think more is too often as the ACV mixture does tend to make the eyes very red initially. I don't recommend doing this in the morning if you have to leave the house. Keep doing this until after the eyes are healed to make sure the infection is completely gone.

Lattice Degeneration Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 05/25/2014 392 posts

Calcification for home remedy is lemon juice and additional calcification can be accumulative uric acid, which can be prevented by eating cucumbers. The third is vitamin c ascorbic acid. Calcification can be caused by calcium absorption by avoiding calcium and taking lysine. In ability to repair capillary wall you take vitamin k. The matter should be cleared in one month's time on the average. Ted

Parinaud's Oculoglandular Syndrome
Posted by Angel (Norwich, Ny) on 10/12/2012

10/6/12: I was called by the school nurse to pick my 1st grader up, as he'd vomited "all over" the cafeteria. I got him home, gave him soup and ginger, and he seemed fine. No fever, no lethargy.

At around 8:30pm, he came to me and said "I think I broke my jaw. " He's 6, so I'm used to his imagination, and I humored him, moving in to "examine" him in mock earnest. On the back of his left jaw, in front of his ear, I felt a hard lump. I was stunned. Within an hour, it went from almond to golf ball size, but his former doctor - who I texted immediately and sent a picture to - told me to just treat the pain (it hurt when touched), and take him into the office the next morning. I also made a mental note to make sure to check for the puffiness he'd woken up with around his left eye, and see what the doc thought.

10/7/12: The doctor who examined him immediately called another doctor in, and within moments we were sent to radiology for an ultrasound and then for blood work. And she didn't notice anything strange about his puffy eye, especially since my son rewarded her with a tale of a playground battle in which he was victorious against an eye-attacking enemy. The blood was fine, she said when she called later, but there was a gumball-sized tumor in his parotid gland. She told me they'd call back once pediatric surgery could see him. In the interim, give him Motrin for pain or fever. Everything in me died.

For the next few days, the left side of his face grew and his eye glazed red and the lid sagged. I feared the worst as he could stomach nothing, not even water, and grew hotter and hotter. We returned to the doctor, she gave me a script for an eye ointment for his clearly inflamed eye, and something for nausea. My friend picked us up, and after asking my son about his new kittens (2 we adopted in July), and he told her how he loved them, but that they liked to scratch and nibble him. He liked it, though, when they licked him about his face. She asked if maybe they had something to do with it? I told her I didn't know, trying to absorb the fact that even as I begged, the doctor said absolutely nothing to relieve me of the fear that he had cancer.

Somewhere around 2 am, I decided to Google "cat scratch parotid". Whoa. There's a link. Then I Googled "cat scratch disease pink eye". WHOA. Parinaud's Oculoglandular Syndrome? I click the "images" tab, and see several images that look exactly like my son. I called the doctor's office, gave the name of the condition to the receptionist, and the doc called 20 minutes later. She could barely pronounce it, yet told me it wasn't what he had because it only affected armpit glands. Not true of Parinaud's Oculoglandular, but sometimes true of cat scratch disease.

10/12/12: My son gave blood that will be tested for evidence of the Bartonella bacteria of cat scratch disease.

I'm writing in hopes that anyone can guide me in helping him. Today, 10/12/12, I gave him a couple tablespoons of colloidal silver. Previously, I've been putting a few (3 - 4) drops of Lugol's in his water, and even placed some directly on his englarged gland (I saw some things that suggested the Parotid could grow tumors from iodide, so I stopped). I also give him at least 1000mg of Vitamin C daily. Since his face continues to grow and distort, I'd say there's been no success, though I'm hopeful about the colloidal silver, based on testimonials of others who have had to treat various manifestations of Bartonella infection.

I have pictures, if anyone would like to see them. This site has helped me through many scary things, and since this condition isn't listed here yet, I'm hoping to create at least one place that can document the successful natural treatment of this rare but scary condition. Thanks for any advice.

Eye Bath
Posted by Wayout (Mostniceenoughtown, Ca) on 06/02/2013

I love this idea! Distilled water in a.m. and coconut oil on eyelids and undereyes in evening is working on my dry-eye syndrome/ blocked oil glands.

I also use a bit of mid-stream fresh urine from mid-morning as an eyewash, which has improved my vision immensely.

Thanks for the distilled water suggestion, because it has "pull-power" to clear the clog! (There is always a Way-Out).

Clogged Eyelid Glands
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 09/25/2011

Hi Kay - This is advice from Robert Latkany's book about dry eye remedies, but it might help you. He recommends 4 steps to open plugged meibomian glands:

1. Use heat (wring out a facecloth that was soaked in hot water) to loosen the clogged glands. Hold the cloth (make sure it isn't too hot for the delicate eye area) against your closed eyes for about three minutes.

2. Now, gently pull your eyelid slightly to the side and take a Q-Tip dipped in hot water. Starting at the nose-end of the eye, GENTLY push at the lower eyelid margin (just below the lashline). This serves to push the contents of the glands up and out of the ducts. Once you have done the bottom lashes, do the same for the top lashes EXCEPT you are pressing right above the lashline to express the contents of the clogged glands. This should take about a minute to do both eyes. Remember - gently does it!

3. Now it's time to clean the eyelid by taking another Q-Tip and wipe above the lashline on the lower lid and below the lashline on the upper lid. That should remove any stuff expressed from the glands.

4. As his last step, he recommends preservative-free eye drops (keep them in the fridge for extra relief) and apply about five drops in each eye. That should rinse out any last bit of gunk that came out.

Do that on a daily basis and, once it's under control, you can limit it to three times a week but you must continue to do it.

While some people have immediate relief, most have to keep doing it for awhile before it's noticable. But - like brushing your teeth or washing your face - it's a good habit to get into if you suffer from clogged glands.

Good luck - I hope you can avoid surgery. Cheers, Bess

Eye Makeup Allergy
Posted by Patty (California ) on 12/05/2023

Regarding eye mascara recommendation, I have returned to contacts after yrs of successful lasik. Love makeup. Dr said no eye pencil on waterline & use hot packs to keep oil glands lubricating to avoid dry eye. Also mascara must be water based. Hope this helps.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Nico (Ny, Ny) on 12/11/2010

In my case, I will get puffy eyes from too much sugar or too close to bedtime. Sugar inflames the skin and the eyes and causes puffiness. When I reduce my sugar intake, I get smoother looking eyes.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Davy (Seattle, Washington) on 04/17/2011

I've seen so many doctors and after four years of suffering from severe scratchy, red bloodshot dry eyes, dry mouth, and intense itchy skin I was at my wits end. My dry eye problem was worse at night, my skin always felt a creepy crawly feeling, if I ate any processed sugar at all it only made the symptoms unbearable.

The symptoms were alleviated by taking 5000 mg vitamin C three times a day and 1 tsp Olive Leaf Extract twice daily. This very first dose of vitamin C I took was 6000mg it literally stopped the itching in its tracks, within the hour! I continued taking the Vitamin C and Olive Leaf Extract and in a few days my dry eyes were getting better and finally my dry eye problem was cured no more dry eyes! There is a couple of other things I did when my dry eyes was on the way to healing. I began to take a shower with laundry Borax detergent soap. I used organic virgin coconut oil in my mouth and around and in my eyes which helped . I also began the alkalizing three times a day. I believe my dry eyes, dry mouth and itchy skin problems is directly related to living in house that had mold/mildew problem quite a few year back. The individuals that resided there at that time were now also suffering from auto-immune types of symptoms, migraines, tiredness, and hair loss. Now they are going to try my method to get well.

I believe I had mycoplasma (fungus) the doctors rarely if ever test you for this. I suffered from this for about a long time! I think this fungus was overtaking my system and my body was losing the battle which increased my symptoms until I finally figured out what was going on. I think to put the pieces of the puzzle together finally find a cure has given me huge sense of relief and peace. My only concern is what are the long term effects of having something like this for a few years or if there any long terms effects? I hope this information will help other people who are suffering from the same symptoms that I was.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angie (American Fork, UT) on 10/03/2008

If you have the little black floaties in your eyes, get ACV, mix with water and dip a cotton ball in it and wash your eyes out with it. Just brush it over your eyes in a few days they will be gone. As you brush your eyes lift your eye lids a little bit. It will sting a little but it works. Every morning and night or as often as you feel is right for you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Iowama (Iowa, Usa) on 03/21/2017

Dear Dorris,

I am sorry to hear about your itchy eyes, but I want to warn you about using ACV as an eye drop. Always the experimenter, I tried a weak solution of apple cider vinegar mixed with filtered water in my eyes because I had read it might help with dry eye. I am sure it would have hurt less if I had figured out how to adjust the pH, but I want to warm you that it really stung! I stubbornly kept it up for at least 2 weeks and it never helped, although no damage came of it. I don't know if your itch comes from dry eye, but if it does, we have gotten a good bit of relief from sleeping with a crockpot of fresh water set on low power and placed on the floor near our bed. (Plus I use eye drops occasionally). As a wonderful bonus, we discovered that the crock pot keeps my husband from snoring. Best wishes in finding a discovery that works for you.

Nystagmus Remedies
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 06/17/2018

Gary Craig was the creator of EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques and many of his EFT manuals are free online.

Nystagmus Remedies
Posted by Mandy (Texas) on 06/19/2018

A wonderful alternative for Nystagmus! Thank you Kate for sharing!

Posted by Coodlepoodle (Pilottown La) on 05/24/2018

I have had the same results with Vit. B1. Had eye floaters for about 2 year. This is the only thing that works for me. Helps my digestion and energy too.

Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 11/11/2021

Interesting. A possible explanation for why the thiamine helped with floaters: Thiamine (B-1) helps reduced glycation. Glycation damages proteins, nerves and blood vessels among other things. The incidence of macular degeneration and vitreous detachment (which can cause floaters) is HIGHER in people with high blood sugar (like diabetics and pre-diabetics) -- SO, it's possible that taking thiamine or benfotiamine may have helped repair the damage from elevated blood sugar.

Lattice Degeneration Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 05/10/2014 392 posts

Actually there is a way to possibly stop the progression or reverse them without the use of invasive laser surgery. The ishemia or vascular insufficiency is the cause. It caused by your diets that blocks the circulation such as cheese, chocolates, fats, fried foods. If you avoid those it will at least stop some of progression and possibly reduce it. The other is lack of blood flow due to stickiness of blood. The common cause is acidic blood which constrict blood flow and fructose found in fruits where the body metabolizes into triglycerides, liver fats, and uric acid which restrict blood flow. Most carregeenan is added to ice cream and many consumer food and that cause kidney problems as well as steroid use which raises blood sugar that messes up natural healing. So avoid that. I am trying to be as simple as possible for you to be able to do it yourself. And the obvious antioxidants, such as vitamin e, vitamin c, vitamin A, are at least required also.


Blocked Tear Duct Remedies
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 12/31/2013

Dear Ruthie,

You relate blocked tear ducts, swollen sinus and mucus in throat and ask if possibly related.

A Big Fat YES. If this were me...

I'd try colloidal silver ... gargle with the CS, sinus irrigation with the CS...into both sinuses and I'd be aggressive; I'd really try to get the silver way back into the sinus cavity; part of irrigation is shooting CS into ear canal and finally, I'd drip CS into eyes, two drops into both eyes, twice in one day and repeat the next day. I've done the CS as eye drops many times. I don't apply in eyes more than two days (twice in two days) as the CS will take away the surface of eyeball if overused.

I'd keep up the sinus irrigation for two weeks. I'd also assume an infection as you describe might be system wide and so would begin drinking a tablespoon daily (oral) for three months.

Likely the virus has blocked the tear ducts. Same virus has caused all the other symptoms also.

Festoon Remedies
Posted by Wanda (Spring, Texas) on 10/04/2021 33 posts

You might have your kidneys tested but I would go to a holistic or naturopath and not a conventional doctor if you can.

Adult Strabismus Remedies
Posted by Americantwin (Indy) on 11/07/2015

Manganese is supposed to help Myasthenia gravis (according to Adelle Davis).

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