Two days later I feel so much better and I would encourage anyone suffering to give it a try. I have also started taking blackstrap molasses as recomended on another part of this site. I never post on websites but feel it is so important for sufferers to give it a try I had to help spread the word. Best wishes to everyone looking for help.
My search lead me to BLACK STRAP MOLASSES (BSM) and APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (ACV). I immediately tried ACV that evening and noticed that night better rest and less trips to bathroom. I got excited. For the next 3 days I took 2 table spoon BSM in morning and 2 ACV at night. I began to see an immediate change in urination flow and less bathroom trips, but at night I was still getting up every 2 hours to pee. But I immediately saw a difference. I now could see light at the end of the tunnel.
I decided to experiment. I decided to stop taking 2 TBS of ACV AND 1 TBS of BSM at night. I have been taking 2 TBS BSM & 1 TBS ACV in the morning only. This has been nothing short of a miracle. BSM along with small amount of ACV has cured me. I not completely sure what was wrong me, but the symptoms are all but gone. Last night I slept 6 hrs straight for the first time in yrs. I have accomplished all this in less than 2 weeks. OH yea...I left out the most important ingredient, Prayer and Jesus Christ.
Thanks for reading, I will give more information soon on my recovery from prostate problems. Michael
The research I did led me to using Cod Liver Oil that was rich in vitamin A, and my prostrate shrunk. This worked for a year or so and then stopped working. More research finally led me to understand that it was zinc that moved vitamin A around in the body and with out zinc, vitamin A couldn't be moved. I took zinc with the vitamin A and for a while again it worked, but again after a year or so stopped working again. Back to the books and more research and I found out that if you take zinc by itself it will create a deficiency of copper.
I added copper to the regimen and since then there's been no further problem.
So my prescription is two tablespoons of cod liver oil, a 50 mg zinc tablet or capsule and a two mg copper tablet.
I hope this is of help to you.
I am 74 and have an enlarged prostate. Dr has had me on doxazosin to relax prostate and bladder muscle. That works well but made me weary, weak, sleepy and dropped my blood pressure down to 90/60.Then he had me cut dose back to 1/2 pill (2.5 mg) and added finasteride to shrink prostate by stopping production of dihydrotestosterone. But that hormone is what makes a male horny. While on it I had nil libido, which did not bother my wife, but I hated it. Have stopped taking both for a week now.
Apple cider vinegar last 3 mornings, seems to work for me. Only had one pee upon rising and another at 1100 after drinking tea and decaff coffee. And sleeping from 2200 to 0500. Used to wake up at least once, sometimes twice for a pee.Great now.
My partner was suffering from enlarged prostate. He was suffering quite a bit, hard to pee and frequently wanting to pee. He was put on a 3 month waiting list to have an operation. He was not sure he could last that long because of the pain of it.
He started taking 10.000 Hu cayenne tablets. Think he took about 6 a day. Within about two days the pain had eased off and he was able to pee properly again. He was amazed and so was I. He cancelled the appointment to be operated on and is now completely fine.
I had an enlarged prostate to the point I had to sit sideways in my truck to drive. I did not want to go to the doctor and take drugs. I read about turpentine and thought I would give it a shot. I took a dose, three sugar cubes soaked with turpentine every three days. First dose, next day I woke up felt very good and worked thru the day about 2pm I had a diarrhea attack. The diarrhea was very black and very awful smelling. For a period of about 3-4 days I did not have the diarrhea but my waste was still black until it normalized.
I kept taking the turpentine every three days for about three weeks and then I went to the toilet and peed, I started to pee chunks. The chunks were the consistency of snot with a little blood red end. This lasted about three days with the intensity waning as it progressed. Swelling immediately went down.
When I take turpentine now I barely get a reaction. OK there is my story.
For the past three days I am taking a 500 mg Cayenne pepper capsule three times a day. Really, the difference is amazing. I am pissing a beer bottle stream in a relaxing mood.
It seemed to be helping but I wasn't totally satisfied and started looking elsewhere. I found references to cayenne pepper. I read more about supposed "cancer" fighting properties. I'm getting more into "natural" methods and away from pharmaceuticals and thought I would give it a try.
I had my first taste this morning after breakfast: I used 1/2 tsp in half cup of warm water. Chugged it and oooh boy, it was hot. Not burningly so but enough. Without word of a lie, when I peed about 1. 30pm, flow was twice what it usually is. Four hours? Sounds dubious but it's true. All I know is I'm a believer (at this point) and am going to continue this level of cayenne (1/2 tsp in half cup of warm water 3x/day (after each meal).
Take this for what it's worth. Good luck to you :)
The problem was beginning to impair my life. I couldn't sleep very long and long drives required frequent stops.
I take roughly 2 oz. of fresh lemon juice with a little olive oil twice a day. The formula has definitely changed my life!
Had been having slow urination on and off for a few years...nothing I thought serious... and not a fan of Doctors or drugs. When things got a little more crazy...as in...slower and slower pee stream and having to get up multiple times each night...I then decided to find something natural. First eliminated Coffee and Alcohol (two cups a day and maybe a beer or two a week).
Found this awesome site and tried ACV when I felt bloated in lower abdomen. Took 2 Tbsps of ACV and within the hour noticed all the bloating was gone. I was thinking I may have had a bladder infection. Felt so much better though. So continued ACV 2 TBsp in the morning, then one after/before lunch, then one after dinner. Almost to the one month mark and things have continually improved. Only up maybe twice at night, pee stream is much stronger. Don't have the urge to pee all the time. I also gave up the little bit of sweets I was eating. I eat pretty healthy as it is...but this was an opportunity to go the distance. Also did a 3 day water fast which as seemed to increase my progress (only drank ACV or water...make sure you get some salt too.)
Bottom line....ACV seems to have been the catalyst for cleaning out...possibly bad bacteria/fungi/candida...but cleaning up my diet, especially sugars, is key in my view. Experiment always.
Things got so bad in the last year I had to have a catheter and learn how to do it myself. Miserable. My prostate was getting bigger and bigger and PSA had climbed to over 30. But my other prostate markers were very normal.....a 'soft' prostate, low PCA-3 scores, negative biopsies, etc. It was a real puzzle.
I have read the experiences of others here with interest. I tried most of them. I did get a little bit of mileage out of apple cider vinegar (ACV).
Here is what ultimately helped me BIG TIME:
The Budwig anti-cancer meal. It is essentially a lot of organic flaxseed oil with organic cottage cheese. Here is the link: https://www.cancertutor.com/budwig/. I use Barlean's organic flaxseed oil with the cottage cheese. Not only will it help your prostate but will cut your risk of cancer to almost nothing IMHO.
This has really helped. Because of these dietary changes I no longer need to use a catheter. My suspicion is that all of us have to deal with inflammation in our bodies. Try this Budwig anti-cancer concoction; it is easy to make. The oil will cool off the inflammation that is probably driving BPH. Incidentally, I had an MRI and there was NO cancer; just a prostate about the size of Mount Rushmore.
Also, I take a TBS of cod liver oil every day, or every other day. That is good for inflammation also.
Lastly, STAY AWAY from commercial pastries and foods with MSG. The sugar and MSG and salt will cause tissue to swell. Do NOT eat the peanuts on Southwest Airlines; they have heavily salted with MSG (read the package). Eat food that is NOT processed; you will be better for it. Make a green 'smoothie' in your blender and drink a half glass every day. Make it out of kale and frozen fruit. You can get it at Costco for not much money. Greens are so very good for all of us.
Green drinks, lots of omega 3's in the Budwig diet, and staying away from heavily salted, commercial foods and pastries will help you big time. I found that I didn't need the drugs or surgery if I was willing to change my diet in key areas.
That is what has helped me. And good luck!
A friend of mine even had PAIN in the prostate and refused what the doctor wanted to do and give. I told him how this worked for me and encouraged him to try it. With in four 4 days, he had relief from some pain and within 2 weeks, the pain was gone and shrinking had happened.
Blackstrap molasses is a must have for me! I use BSM once to twice a week to help myself. My Flow is 80 to 90 percent back!!
Please take it from me --- Mohel Castorena. IT WORKS!!
P.S. I found this out just on a craving. As a child I remember my mother, of blessed memory, would let me try a teaspoon every now and then. Other than that, when my wife got some to make cookies it sat in the refrigerator.
Well, one day I took a teaspoon. That turned into several teaspoons and I found out to my surprise and delight my flow had improved! I tried many over the counter items - All failed!
EC: Read more about Molasses here.