Dissolving Cysts Naturally: an Effective and Holistic Guide


4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Humberto (USA) on 01/10/2008

I had a cyst behind my ear. I would pop it and white stuff came out that smelled really bad.

1. I cut a clove of garlic and smeared the juice on it.

2. I put a cut clove on it with a band aid and left it on for 15 minutes. 3. I minced the garlic and put some juice on it.

(DANGER) 4. I made garlic paste with extra virgin olive oil. Crushed/minced up garlic, add extra virgin olive oil. Put it in a glass jar. It turns into a paste (like jam or jelly). I left it on for 1 hour. I made a mistake. I should had left it on for only 15 minutes. I burned my skin.

WARNING: Only leave it on for 15 minutes. The cyst is gone. The garlic killed it.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Selvi (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 09/18/2012

Traditional Herbs used to treat cysts include burdock, mullein, yarrow, vitex, dandelion, black cohosh, St. John's wort, red raspberry, nettles and Siberian ginseng. Chinese herbs include astragalus, ginger, dong quai, cinnamon, rehmannia root, and scrophularia root

Hydrogen Peroxide

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Alex (Houston, Texas) on 05/05/2012

I've been using hydrogen peroxide 3% on my sebaceous cyst, which started at an inch diameter for about a month now. It's working very well, and I've been getting pretty much the behavior described where weird white skin is getting slowly removed over time. At some point, my hair follicle got unclogged, and even though I'm not supposed to, I squeezed a whole lot of fibrous white stringy material that looked and smelled like ricotta cheese. It was quite a bit more than I was expecting! It's completely flat now, although I know the sac is just beneath the surface. I'm just continuing to apply the hydrogen peroxide solution daily and letting it continue to work its magic.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jan (Downers Grove, Il) on 03/21/2010

I had a similar experience to Carolyn of Abilene. I suffer from cysts on my scalp, but having the dr. cut them out only causes another to grow, within a couple of days, so I quit going. Finally, it grew very large, and one day I noticed it was draining a tad, so I began squeezing on it, over several days. It would only drain tiny bits, then it became so tender, I knew it was infected, so I started applying regular Hydrogen Peroxide with a cotton ball. It was much better by the next day, and over time, it would drain, eventually I would feel something sticking out and tug on it. This took several days, till finally a white sac would pop out when I pulled. Days later, a smaller sac emerged, then days later, an even tinier one! That was 9 months ago, and it has not grown back, which is amazing to me, but I never realized that it was the hydrogen peroxide that was the key, till I came across Carolyn's post on this site. I am so very grateful, because I know this will be a problem again one day, as my dad and brother suffer from this ailment as well. I cannot wait to share this with them! My dad gets several cut off of his scalp at least once a year! I am so very grateful for this site!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Carolyn (Abilene, Tx) on 08/21/2008

3% Hydrogen Peroxide cured a sebaceous cyst that I usually have to go to a dermatologist to have surgically removed once every 10 years as it reoccurs. I used 3% H202 on a q-tip daily rubbing it for several minutes prior to bedtime. The cyst became sore, then developed a pustule on top of it. Eventually that broke and started oozing. I felt a piece of skin protruding from the edge of the cyst and started pulling at it after I did the treatment each day. Eventually a piece of weird feeling skin came out of the cyst as I was pulling. I continued the treatment and as the cyst shrunk more, another piece of skin stuck out and when I pulled, the remainder of the sac came out, which had been the protruding skin! The cyst is gone with no hair loss or incisions and a cost of less than $1! The hair around the cyst area did turn a lighter shade of color due to the peroxides bleaching properties, but that was no problem. It feels great to be able to comb my hair or go to my hairdresser without this cyst being in the way. I don't know if it will return, it usually takes 6 years to start forming again, but I'll start the treatment as soon as it starts next time.


8 User Reviews
5 star (8) 

Posted by Carolyn (Lexington NC) on 02/13/2024

I had a sebaceous cyst that had never gone away from several years ago. It suddenly got red, painful and the size of a pecan. I put one application of bacitracin ointment til I could search earth clinic for recommendations. I used a heat sauna, then applied tincture of iodine to entire area at bedtime. The next morning, it was 60% smaller, less painful and red. Thank you Earth Clinic. I just knew I was going to be on antibiotics and need to have it lanced. Will see what happens and supplement with oral iodine.

Replied by judith

Sebaceous cyst - my Tibetan Terrier has many of these - 2 in particular are size of pea and small grape. The pea-sized one periodically comes to a head and with minimal pressure will squirt out lots of thick white stuff until it seems to be gone and then a bit of blood. Most recently when this happened, I read on EC to give turmeric twice a day (he's 25 pounds so I did 1/4 tsp 2xd) and many were seeing very good results. Well, I gave it for 10 days and though the area did seem flatter overall and it wasn't infected at all, now it is beginning to fill again. This has been going on for 7-10 years. Both of these are in areas on his back and back of neck that he cannot get to. Thank God. One on his outer thigh that he messed around with required emergency surgery last summer. I'm wondering if it would be ok to put lugol's 5% on topically? Any thoughts here? Art? Thank you and God bless you all!

2226 posts

Hi Judith,

You may find the following video useful :



Replied by Carolyn
(Lexington, NC)

Update on progress of treating sebaceous cyst with tincture of iodine. This is the quickest turn around time for the cyst to shrink, open, drain and the skin to return to normal color and texture. I added bacitracin ointment once a day covered with dressing. Used hot soaks 2-3 times per day. I added Mary Ruth's iodine drops 2 drops by mouth per day and 3 drops of chlorine dioxide in one liter of water daily for 3 days. This worked for me.

Posted by Betty (CA) on 01/06/2022

I take kelp every day in supplement form.

Recently did a detox per Dr. Hulda Clark protocol and developed a cyst on my back. I was surprised. Never had a cyst in my life until the detox. I used 10% Iodine solution 5-6 times per day on it. The cyst is now flat after 2 1/2 weeks and not inflamed with infection/bacteria/whatever was in it. I am still using the iodine on it. It takes a bit to get rid of it.

Posted by Nothy (Hamilton, On) on 09/16/2021

I applied iodine tincture to my 8 mm complicated sebaceous cyst daily and that, with a kelp tablet every three days, shrunk it considerably. It is now barely there, and I will continue to put iodine on it nightly for two weeks after it is all gone. I used a q-tip and painted the bump with iodine. I found after about two weeks, part of it popped and I cleaned and applied iodine then. It has been about a month now and it seems to have shrunk more than anything, to a flattened barely there cyst. I will keep applying the iodine and taking the kelp tablets for a few more weeks.

Replied by Nothy
(Hamilton, Ontario)

All of my sebaceous cysts (diagnosed via ultrasound as 8 mm in size) seems to be completely gone. I am cautiously optimistic that it is gone for good, but I will keep an eye on it for a few weeks. I am not doing the iodine on it since it is no longer there. It has taken about 6 weeks of nearly daily application to the cyst. At times, the cyst would burst but generally, it seemed to shrink.

I would clean it with antiseptic and cover it when it burst. I also found that the skin on the cyst seemed to be rougher at times, and then would peel off with time. The iodine would irritate my skin, mostly making it red and when it got to be too much I would stop for a day or two. Also applying the iodine would at times make it itchy or cause it to sting and then at other times, would have no effect at all. I am going to keep taking the Kelp tablets for another two weeks (one tablet every three days). I used Nature's Way 600 mg of Kelp for this.


Thank you so much for keeping us posted with the updates, so happy to know that you healed yourself!

Replied by Nothy

update - January 2022

The cyst is really all but completely gone. I forgot all about it and then noticed a small bump a week ago. I squeezed and have been taking kelp again almost daily. I am also putting iodine on it. Hopefully this is the last of it.

Replied by Nothy
(Hamilton, Ontario)

Another update: It has been a year and there is no visible sign of the 8mm sebaceous cyst on my neck. I do from time to time feel a small bump and I squeeze it and the white fluid sometimes comes out. It is largely gone but I get the feeling it is something I will have to deal with two or three times a year. And I will do it with kelp supplements for a week and some iodine put on the spot. All-in-all, I am very happy with this remedy as I avoided surgery and saved myself $500.

Posted by Carolanne (Maryland) on 09/22/2016

Editor's Choice I am so surprised that the section on CYSTS did not list Iodine as a remedy! Iodine tincture (commonly a 2% liquid in an alcohol/water solution, found at smaller pharmacies) has a emulsifying effect on the waxy, oily substance inside common dermal cysts. Much like a warm compress would, iodine emulsifies the substance inside the cyst, making it thinner and less viscous so that it can be reabsorbed by the body.

I've had several sebaceous cysts on my scalp and, although dousing them with rubbing alcohol helps a bit, I found that iodine painted on with a Q-Tip works very quickly to shrink the cyst without having to squeeze it and break the skin (which opens you up to infection).

Iodine tincture comes in a tiny dark-colored bottle ad it found at smaller pharmacies; the big box stores are more likely to have a larger bottle (3-4 oz) of povidone iodine solution, which is more dilute but should be effective as well. The added bonus is, these solutions are powerful antibacterials (even against the dreaded MRSA) and are used in hospitals.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Charles D. (Burlington) on 11/20/2020

Norwegian Kelp will make almost all cysts disappear in a short period of time. I first heard it from a woman that had breast cysts being drained often. A nurse told her her mother cured them taking kelp. I had a cyst on my shoulder 5x7 cm. I had tried edible clay and then castor oil but it continued to grow. I started taking Now Brand Kelp and by the time I was finished the second bottle it was completely gone.

Take 2 caplets twice a day.

Posted by Charles (Burlington, Ontario, Canada) on 10/10/2016

I had a large cyst come up on my shoulder in a year it had grown to 5 by 7 centimeters. I tried the Red Desert Clay and later the Castor Oil treatments with no success. Then a friend told me that his wife had a problem with breast cysts that the doctor kept draining. When she was in for a mammogram she discussed it with the nurse. The nurse said my mother used to drain them by taking Kelp. She now takes Norweign Kelp and has not had a cyst since. My friend had one on his leg and kelp took it away. I took it and my cyst is now gone completely in about 3 months.

Replied by Judy
(Atlanta, Ga)

Approximately how much kelp did you take?

Replied by Carmen K

Kelp supplies iodine which someone above mentioned, could be caused by iodine deficiencies

Replied by Nothy
(Hamilton, Ontario)

I used Kelp tablets a few times a week and had my 8mm sebaceous cyst go away in about two months. It was ultrasounded and measured and I was scheduled to have it removed. I am very happy with this treatment.


Dr David Brownstein said that ALL cysts are caused by iodine deficiency! That is why the kelp worked. All glands need iodine, including the prostate!

Keratosis Cyst

Posted by Rezaul (Bangladesh) on 03/26/2015

In June 2012, a local Maxillofacial Surgeon discovered that (based on Biopsy report) my right Mandible is affected with Keratosis Cyst and at least 1 and half inch area of the mandible is almost damaged. One of the senior Surgeon of Bangladesh wanted to remove the entire mandible and replace the last bone of Thoracic cage over there. But my general physician asked me to avoid this type of surgery in Bangladesh. He said, our doctors are not fully capable to do this. And, since it was not cancerous, he opined that no need to remove the entire mandible.

However, another Surgeon (he is also Professor and Brigadier General) removed the affected part of the mandible following scraping method. Surgery procedure was done twice with 6 months interval to remove the affected part of the mandible. First time, duration of the surgery was 3 and half hours. Second time (newly grown bone with light cyst) was scrapped again and period of the surgery was 1 and half hour. After the second surgery I met with a very senior surgeon in Bangkok General Hospital, a renowned hospital in South and Southeast Asia. He said surgery was done well, but new Cyst may grow again in same area.

Recent CT scan revealed a black spot (shade is very light with small area) inside the newly grown bone. Doctor suggested me to wait more 2 months. After 2 months again I have to do CT scan. If the said black spot is increased and deeper, it would have been treated new cyst in same area.

In this context, is it possible to remove that black spot (soft tissue with or without CYST) from mandible following any natural way?

Replied by Reba

I have been battling old root canal sockets that have infected my jaws [and made me systemically ill] for three years now...

Ideas to try:

1. Diatomaceous earth, food grade only. This stuff is great for bones because its high in silica. Start slow, like a half tsp a day as it's a strong detoxifier. Work up to at least a tablespoon a day. This is also a new remedy for cancer and arthritis, among other things.

2. L-lysine and vitamin C. Make buffered vit. C by adding 1 tsp powdered C to water then add 1/2 tsp. Baking soda. Let fizz. This equals 5,000 mgs. of C.

3. The antibiotic Keflex. It's been a real chore for me trying to get this because my infection doesn't show up on xrays. All I ask for is low dose 500 mgs. a day...

4. Lugol's Iodine. Work up to the tablet dose using drops of the liquid then take tablets.[Iodoral tablets] Iodine also detoxes, so go slow.

5. You can also try Lugol's mixed with DMSO and apply topically. This can permanently stain so be careful around important objects... use an old towel to catch drips...

6. Food grade hydrogen peroxide drops. (3%) WORK YOUR WAY UP TO 25 DROPS THREE TIMES A DAY. 2 HRS AFTER YOU EAT OR ONE HOUR BEFORE YOU EAT. [Sorry about the caps] ...OR... 1/4 to 1/2 cup 35% hydrogen peroxide [Please be careful with this stuff, use gloves] in your bath. Or a couple bottles of 3% if that is all you've got...

7. Brush your teeth with a water solution of sea salt, baking soda, msm, diatomaceous earth or any combination you've got. Let sit and absorb into the mucosa of your mouth... This will help kill germs...

8. Vit D and CoQ10. COQ10 is great for gums so include this too. I use the type that ends in "one".

Hopes this helps someone...

(Treasure Island, Florida)

I wonder about the lysine because that fights viruses and arginine fights infections. I am not an expert but just a thought.

Replied by Steven

Success with a jaw infection from a root canal that led to a broken tooth, using infrared heat lamp. It was mentioned somewhere, maybe here, how it breaks through a surface membrane the infection hides behind. I used this one with timer for 15 min session, much improved overnight, gone after the next day. About $60 from Walmart online, worth it considering the alternatives.

Beurer Infrared Light Therapy, IL50 | Heating Lamp, Red Light Heat Device (Portable), Near IR Cold Laser

Low Oxalate Diet

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sheila (Rockford, Illinois) on 04/24/2012

For anyone suffering with cysts, especially near the vagina or anus: I went to doctors for a thick mass halfway between my rectum and vagina. They told me I may have to have it surgically removed. I didn't want that so I searched the net for anything. What I found was quite surprising. OXALATES! Because I had exposure to mold and swallowed fiberglass in the air, my stomach and intestines were damaged. I developed celiacs, terrible sores on my legs, arms buttocks, sores in my mouth. Fevers, swollen lymph nodes. If I had continued to follow DRs non-advice, I KNOW I would be dead now. I was sinking fast. I stopped the gluten but still had terrible muscle aches and the cyst was getting larger and more painful. I found out about the oxalates by reading online for hours. It is in the foods that are most healthy. Spinach, nuts, green foods, sweet potatoes. I went on the low oxalate diet, took calcium citrate and magnesium citrate with my meals and b-6 200 mg a day. Low and behold the cyst began to shrink and the muscle pains started to go away. It HAS to be only the citrate of calcium and magnesium.

Now I wonder if I had this, how many other people have the same thing and don't know it. It causes eye problems, brain fog and lots of pain all over. If this is you try it, it may help you. Or you can go to a doctor and have him take years to diagnose you. I'm a nurse and it is so disappointing to see how long it takes them to figure out what is wrong with you after you spend all of the money. Good luck all! Bless you all and keep trying to find your answers!

Lugol's Iodine

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Lynn (Maryland) on 11/10/2022

I have had thyroid cysts for years. One had grown bigger and bigger. I did Lugol's one drop in cup of water once a week. Believe it or not it has shrunk half the size my endocrinologist says.

Replied by Colin

I have been reading with interest about Lugols Iodine 7.5mg iodine +11.25mg potassium for Cysts.

My question is can I use White iodine 17.85mg iodine per drop with the same results?

Both are 15% max strength?

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Katherine (California) on 10/11/2021

Editor's Choice Dr. David Brownstein of Bloomfield Michigan said that ALL CYSTS are caused by low iodine. I had a ganglion cyst on my finger for several years that would get very sore and large. I had three on my knee cap and had breast cysts. Surgery was the only option I covered each cyst area with the iodine tincture from the drug store and in about three days they were gone! I then started supplementing with Lugols 5% iodine at 2 drops a day. No more cysts. Dr. Brownstein gives the iodine loading test to check iodine levels. He says 90% of patients are deficient! Dr. Brownstein says the prostate, being a gland, is affected by iodine too!

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