Dissolving Cysts Naturally: an Effective and Holistic Guide

| Modified on Jun 21, 2024
Baking Soda
Posted by Jill (England) on 07/29/2015

Editor's Choice Hi, I came on this site when I was told I had a cyst. I had never had one before but I instictively 'knew' how to treat it. I am a healer of sorts if you will. So I thought I would share. It started out as a small dot. I went ot the doctors who told me it was a cyst and nothing to worry about. But week on week it got bigger! I decided to treat it myself with Sodium Bicarbonate. Bicarbonate of soda! It is alkalike and 100% natural and can be used for many things. It is naturally alkaline and isn't patented for that very reason ( not owned by big pharma so they will not shout about all its health benefits as it doesn't make them any money! )

I won't bash on about the other health benefits of bicarb (though there are many) I will let you google that for yourself!

You can get premium grade bi carb from the chemist, but the stuff from the supermarket is the same , just lower grade. And its cheap!! I get mine from Boots, a tub for a quid. As bi carb is alkaline it balances the bodys natural PH, especially with all the acidic products we allow into our bodies, and gives us what we need. (again look into this for yourself).

Basically I mixed a teaspoon of bicarb with a smidge of water and made into a paste. I then used some savlon antiseptic cream (smidge on your finger to pick up/carry the bicarb paste) and pasted it/rubbed into the area.

This I did four times a day.

I also ingested a teaspoon of bi carb ( mixed with warm water) three times a day.

Within 24 hours it had shrunk. Within 72 it had all but gone!

A cyst is acid. Bi carb is alkaline. Dig??

I'm guessing apple cider vinegar works in the same way a lemon does on the body. Its acid but the body turns it to alkaline.

I hope this helps!

DMSO, Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Colleen (Wisconsin) on 12/26/2018

Editor's Choice I had a sebaceous cyst in my groin area for years that was pretty small, not really visible, but if you felt around for it, was always there. I had one bout with a cyst in this spot as a teen; it appeared suddenly, got quite big within a few days, and drained on its own. Painful but over with quickly and no recurrence until I was in my 30s. This time it was a bit bigger but never irritated and sadly never threatening to burst or progress at all. So I finally decided to see if I could make it go.

I started with castor oil, which did seem to shrink it a little, but after several days seemed to stop having any further effect. I next tried ichthammol salve, which smelled god-awful to me, but if it made this thing come to a head and be over with, was worth enduring for a few weeks. After several days of keeping it coated, not much was happening so I started taking warm epsom salt baths while continuing with the ichthammol.This did make it slowly start to grow in size, soften up, get irritated, and kind of come to a head. It was not totally effective though. I think the warm baths may have had as much to do with it progressing as the ichthammol, not sure.

But regardless, although this protocol did bring it to a head (I could see a white dot forming) when I went to express it, maybe only a third of the material (white stuff) came out. Huge disappointment. I considered going back to the ichthammol again, but I was starting to suspect that a true boil might be better treated with that stuff. My cyst was perhaps too old and dry to be coaxed out.

I decided to totally switch to another remedy I'd seen hinted at: Lugol's iodine. I've had really good success with other ailments by increasing iodine in my diet (eating dulse flakes) in the last few years, and I know I've been deficient of this essential element in the past. I'd also read that mixing Lugol's with DMSO (50/50) would do a better job of getting it to absorb at the site. I had both ingredients on hand though I'd never used the DMSO before.

Mixed up a few ounces in a small glass container and applied it twice a day for about a week. (I used Crow's 5% iodine and pharmaceutical grade DMSO--both purchased on Amazon.) Right away I could feel something happening, a tingling. Within a day or two, the cyst, which as I mentioned had become larger and inflamed and only partially drained, was much smaller and starting to dry up. It was probably less than ten days before it was entirely healed over.

What really surprised me was that it was completely flat at that point--no sign of a bump--for the first time in maybe ten years. It's now been about three weeks. I stopped applying the iodine/DMSO once it was healed and flat and it so far has not come back at all. If it does, I won't be going back to the ichthammol again. I'll just try the iodine/DMSO.

One tip: I used a Q-tip to apply the solution directly on the cyst and would "paint" it thoroughly for about a minute to get as much of the stuff to absorb as possible. Because of where this thing was, I didn't bother to try to get a band-aid to stay in place and just used panty liners to keep my underwear clean. Once absorbed it didn't seem to be very wet or getting all over the place, so this was more of a precaution than a necessity, but keep in mind iodine does stain clothing. Also, iodine will spread all the way up the Q-tip, which seems to waste it. I wanted to saturate just the end, so I eventually figured out that dropping oil (I used castor oil) onto the part of the cotton about halfway down from the very tip would block the iodine solution from "running, " if that makes sense.

Definitely try this if you have a stubborn old sebaceous cyst. Hopefully you can avoid the attempts to poke at it and get it to come to a head--it really is possible to get even an old cyst to absorb and clear out with your body's help if you use iodine. Good luck!

Posted by Nicole (Montreal) on 09/09/2016

Editor's Choice Hi,

I had a cyst on my forehead, for the last 4 years, the size of a green pea.

Last night (2016/09/09) at 2:30AM, I crushed a clove of garlic and applied it on my cyst and around it. I held the crushed garlic in place with scotch tape. It burned quite a bit for half an hour. I went to bed with the garlic and scotch tape in place.

7 hours later, I woke up and looked at my forehead. Under the scotch tape, the crushed garlic had turned green overnight.

I removed the scotch tape and garlic.

To my great surprise, the cyst had COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED. A small puncture mark was left, probably due to where the liquid was drawn out by the garlic.

Also redness of the skin; better than that cyst that reminds you of witches.

I am on a waiting list to get a family doctor. I should be waiting another 4 years to get one.

That is the reason I tried the garlic treatment and it WORKS.


Posted by Carolanne (Maryland) on 09/22/2016

Editor's Choice I am so surprised that the section on CYSTS did not list Iodine as a remedy! Iodine tincture (commonly a 2% liquid in an alcohol/water solution, found at smaller pharmacies) has a emulsifying effect on the waxy, oily substance inside common dermal cysts. Much like a warm compress would, iodine emulsifies the substance inside the cyst, making it thinner and less viscous so that it can be reabsorbed by the body.

I've had several sebaceous cysts on my scalp and, although dousing them with rubbing alcohol helps a bit, I found that iodine painted on with a Q-Tip works very quickly to shrink the cyst without having to squeeze it and break the skin (which opens you up to infection).

Iodine tincture comes in a tiny dark-colored bottle ad it found at smaller pharmacies; the big box stores are more likely to have a larger bottle (3-4 oz) of povidone iodine solution, which is more dilute but should be effective as well. The added bonus is, these solutions are powerful antibacterials (even against the dreaded MRSA) and are used in hospitals.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gennie (NL, Canada) on 02/27/2021

Editor's Choice My husband had a cyst on his back. It was red, painful, and hadn't erupted yet. Saw family doctor who referred us to a specialist. With COVID and Surgery pending, I was concerned. ( He has COPD).

I soaked some sterile cotton pads in ACV with the Mother. Placed it on his back and covered it with Plastic Wrap. Taped it in place. I did this twice a day until the cyst began oozing. Then it required more changes. A week plus later all evidence of cyst had disappeared. He was healed without surgery or scarring. I canceled his day surgery. I was asked and the appointment clerk was amazed.

Cysts and MRSA
Posted by Clare (USA) on 08/06/2021

I can't help but wonder if the MRSA had nothing to do with the cyst, but everything to do with the ER itself. I have been in many doctors' offices, ERs, hospitals, that are not all that clean, and staph is very prevalent. That's probably how you got MRSA..... Just saying.

Posted by BlindedbyScience (Candler, NC) on 07/21/2021

I had a full 1cm fatty cyst on my knee. One day I just noticed it so I was pretty surprised. I've had it for about 3 mos. After reading a review for garlic on here, I wanted to try it. I smashed a garlic in a press. I took a piece that was still left in the press, the smashed part and taped it to my cyst with a bandaid. I did not cover the whole cyst but close.

After 15 mins I noticed it was burning so I left it on for about 1 hr and a half. It was reddened when I took it off. The next day I had a burn mark where the garlic was and the cyst was flattened where the mark was. So awesome. I taped a tiny piece of garlic with scotch tape for a couple hrs to a part that was still left but I didn't feel it burning.

Anyway I went to work. This morning it is almost completely flat. I will probably let it go a couple of days before I decide if I need another treatment. I am completely thrilled! That didn't cost a thing. My initial treatment was 4 days ago so I still have the burn mark and expect that to take a while to go away (like any burn mark) but totally worth it!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Terry (Madison, Wi) on 02/03/2015

Editor's Choice I had a myxiod cyst for 7-8 years on my toe. Had the doctor remove it twice - kept coming back. I saw an article on drinking 1 oz. (2 Tablespoons) of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water every day for the cyst, so I did. After three weeks it was gone and never returned. Totally gone!! I don't have a clue why, but it works.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Katherine (California) on 10/11/2021

Editor's Choice Dr. David Brownstein of Bloomfield Michigan said that ALL CYSTS are caused by low iodine. I had a ganglion cyst on my finger for several years that would get very sore and large. I had three on my knee cap and had breast cysts. Surgery was the only option I covered each cyst area with the iodine tincture from the drug store and in about three days they were gone! I then started supplementing with Lugols 5% iodine at 2 drops a day. No more cysts. Dr. Brownstein gives the iodine loading test to check iodine levels. He says 90% of patients are deficient! Dr. Brownstein says the prostate, being a gland, is affected by iodine too!

Clay Tablets
Posted by Philippa (Surrey, BC, Canada) on 03/17/2009

I have problems with cysts/ganglia developing on my wrists and finger joints. I usually have to have them removed surgically. This was a real problem as I had to limit activity and keep the surgery site dry for several weeks after each surgery - not to mention the pain.

I had started developing another cyst on my left wrist that was becoming big enough to be considered my parasitic twin. I was putting off having it looked at due to the pain, the surgery, the inconvenience, etc.

I had previously been taking Terramin Clay tablets (1 tablet per 50 lb. of weight) to help cleanse my system; but, had stopped for some unknown reason. I started taking the clay tablets again without realizing that they could help my cyst.

Over a period of several days, my cyst shrank and disappeared. I had no idea how it happened; but, was delighted nonetheless. Two days later I happened to stumble upon the Terramin site at a place that was explaining how the clay in the tablets was small enough to break through the blood/tissue barrier. These particles were so small they had the ability to enter the cyst, start cleansing it and eventually remove it.

I'm back on my clay and loving it!

Posted by Shawnamc (Canada) on 05/08/2016

Editor's Choice Hi my name is Shawna I was diagnosed finally with Tarlov Cysts, I have over 20+ cysts, I was in excruciating pain most of the time ... I took Gabapentin and Tramodol for pain ...I ended up with edema in my neck and needed to take anti inflammatories, but I can't take them.... I looked up some natural ways and stumbled across "Serrapeptase". I have been taking it now for three weeks and within the first 3 days I felt no pain ... And I still continue to feel better everyday ... I actually feel good from the inside out!! I hope this can help you too!!


Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Carolyn (Abilene, Tx) on 08/21/2008

3% Hydrogen Peroxide cured a sebaceous cyst that I usually have to go to a dermatologist to have surgically removed once every 10 years as it reoccurs. I used 3% H202 on a q-tip daily rubbing it for several minutes prior to bedtime. The cyst became sore, then developed a pustule on top of it. Eventually that broke and started oozing. I felt a piece of skin protruding from the edge of the cyst and started pulling at it after I did the treatment each day. Eventually a piece of weird feeling skin came out of the cyst as I was pulling. I continued the treatment and as the cyst shrunk more, another piece of skin stuck out and when I pulled, the remainder of the sac came out, which had been the protruding skin! The cyst is gone with no hair loss or incisions and a cost of less than $1! The hair around the cyst area did turn a lighter shade of color due to the peroxides bleaching properties, but that was no problem. It feels great to be able to comb my hair or go to my hairdresser without this cyst being in the way. I don't know if it will return, it usually takes 6 years to start forming again, but I'll start the treatment as soon as it starts next time.

Posted by Humberto (USA) on 01/10/2008

I had a cyst behind my ear. I would pop it and white stuff came out that smelled really bad.

1. I cut a clove of garlic and smeared the juice on it.

2. I put a cut clove on it with a band aid and left it on for 15 minutes. 3. I minced the garlic and put some juice on it.

(DANGER) 4. I made garlic paste with extra virgin olive oil. Crushed/minced up garlic, add extra virgin olive oil. Put it in a glass jar. It turns into a paste (like jam or jelly). I left it on for 1 hour. I made a mistake. I should had left it on for only 15 minutes. I burned my skin.

WARNING: Only leave it on for 15 minutes. The cyst is gone. The garlic killed it.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Alex (Houston, Texas) on 05/05/2012

I've been using hydrogen peroxide 3% on my sebaceous cyst, which started at an inch diameter for about a month now. It's working very well, and I've been getting pretty much the behavior described where weird white skin is getting slowly removed over time. At some point, my hair follicle got unclogged, and even though I'm not supposed to, I squeezed a whole lot of fibrous white stringy material that looked and smelled like ricotta cheese. It was quite a bit more than I was expecting! It's completely flat now, although I know the sac is just beneath the surface. I'm just continuing to apply the hydrogen peroxide solution daily and letting it continue to work its magic.

Posted by Lynn (Canada) on 02/17/2014

I applied bloodroot paste to my cysts and it slowly works to create an eschar around the entire cyst, including the sac and then it falls off. I apply it directly to the cyst and put a bandage over it. I leave it on for a day and check on it, then reapply and bandage again. I keep reapplying for at least 4 days or so, or until I feel a lot of swelling. At that point there may be a bit of oozing from the cyst liquifying and pushing its way out from all the pressure of the swelling. It's optional to continue applying the salve depending on your comfort level and whether it stings too much. Eventually by about day 6 or 7 the cyst will fall out on its own, or with a little pulling with sterilized tweezers. It leaves a large crater at the site, but eventually this fills in completely and with almost no scarring. I am finding discolouration from the site, like any other scar, but the area is now flat and there is no indication of any part of the cyst left.

I did find one cyst on my neck wasn't completely removed, so I did a second treatment with the bloodroot salve after it healed completely. Sure enough, it found the area with any cyst material and surrounded it. That too fell out and I'm hoping I got all of it this time around.

Not only does this work great for deeply embedded cysts, my sister found it worked great for removing a mole on her arm. The exact same application was followed, although she may have had to leave it on a bit longer than I did for my cysts. By about a week and a half the mole just came off on its own with a little help with tweezers.

During the healing process I felt what was probably scar tissue, so I did try reapplying on my elbow but found no reaction. It left a bit of a chemical burn, but nothing major, just uncomfortable itching. I've also tried on other miscellaneous scar tissue/bumps and it didn't do anything but leave a slight stinging sensation and discolouration (that eventually disappeared.)

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Gorettia (Lena, Louisiana) on 02/27/2012

Just want to help anyone suffering from chronic painful cysts... Gluten intolerance may be your problem. It was mine. After YEARS of fighting a loosing battle, my bloodwork came back positive for celiac (over the limit anitbodies showed up). I had to give up soy, dairy, sugar, gluten, wheat, yeast, and most starchy foods like white potatoes, corn and beans... But I thoroughly enjoy healthy eating... Broccoli, cabbage, carrots, sweet potatoes, lean ground beef, salmon, turkey and a few other foods. For years dermatologist told me diet had nothing to do with it... But I am now convinced diet has everything to do with it ... Plus getting your stomach in good working order. Pantothenic acid (b5) in 500 mg per day and acidipholus and digestive enzymes are a must in my daily regimin.

Just hope I can help someone else with this advice... Give up the junk food and gluten and see if it helps. God revealed to me what I needed to do... So I give him all the praise and glory for my progress. Believe it or not, I now actually like the taste of FOOD without all the sauces, toppings and added "stuff" we destroy it with. Blessings!!!

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