Natural First Aid for Wounds

Plaintain and Slippery Elm Powders

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Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 10/02/2021

Editor's Choice My family was at a wedding reception last evening at our friend's home. When things were winding down I was helping in the kitchen with some clean up. While putting away a knife on one of those magnetic knife holders, something jerked and my finger grazed another very sharp knife which effectively carved off much of my fingernail, leaving the nailbed open and bleeding.

In spite of ice, elevation and pressure, the wound bled for 2 hours. Bandages were useless. Once I was home my husband mixed up a teaspoon each of plantain leaf powder and slippery elm powder. We sprinkled the dry powder on the still oozing nail bed. I covered that with a bandaid with a salve on it. It did not bleed or leak another drop of blood.

Even with ibuprofen, I had to sleep with the finger iced and elevated.

I am sure my friend had cayenne pepper and I considered trying it for bleeding, but I knew it would initially sting and I was already in a lot of pain. I was afraid I would pass out at my friend's house. I don't usually get faint but was feeling ill over the cut. Fingers are so sensitive.

Today I am keeping a bandage and healing salve (made with plantain, comfrey, mullein, and burdock). I will keep this up for a while. I assume the rest of the nail will fall off. Ick.

Possibly just plantain would have stopped the bleeding. And the powder did honestly hurt quite a bit.

Moral of the story? Keep some plantain powder on hand and don't keep your knives too sharp. :)

~Mama to Many~


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Posted by Mary Lou Rogers (Brighton, Michigan) on 05/09/2009

As a child, I fell riding my bicycle. The handlebar, on which my face hit, did not have a protective grip and the metal sliced my cheek completely. The wound was sutured and subsequently became infected. My mother applied plantain leaves to my swollen, red, painful wound. Within hours, yellow purulent drainage poured out of my cheek wound. The relieve and healing were rapid. It's been a long time, but I think I was better in two days, no antibiotics. My mother calles them pig leaves and learned of them from her Lithuanian mother. As a nurse, I so wish I could use them on the horrific wounds I see.

Potato Poultice

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Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 09/10/2020

Editor's Choice My daughter was running barefoot and cut the bottom of her foot. She didn't clean it and kept doing what she was doing. It didn't really bother her until the next day when she showed it to me. The site around the cut was red and inflamed and she was in pain.

Over the next few days I alternated different types of poultices, Epsom salt soaks and essential oils.

I used poultices overnight - charcoal one night, clay one night. I had her use tea tree essential oil and frankincense essential oil on it during the day. She also took turmeric twice a day.

The inflammation, redness and pain had improved, but when the results aren't coming as fast as I want, I change tactics. I decided to try a potato poultice. I have read about them with fascination but never tried them.

I grated some potato. I mixed in a little raw honey. I placed that on her foot and covered it with some plastic wrap and a bandage. I do think I saw the most improvement in one night with the potato poultice. She continued with the essential oils during the day a couple of more days.

She now has a healthy scab and normal color.

I love having another remedy up my sleeve (or in my pantry! )

You never know where you will be or what you will have on hand. Lots of possible remedies is always a plus.

~Mama to Many~


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Posted by HisJewel (USA) on 10/25/2020

Hello Everyone.

I want to motivate you to pray or at least talk positive. Hope will help you to press on. When you have done all you know to do, and the doctor's office is closed it's time to pray.

We have a powerful privilege through prayer, what you ask believing can happen. In the movie, "Angels on the Outfield" the little boy liked to say, "It can happen." When we desire some good we have to stick to our confession that, it can happen and hold on to faith, hope and love.

For over a year I had been dealing with a scab on the inner side of lower thigh, wanting it to disappear I would pull the scab off, but it would only come back until it began to grow thicker and longer. It had begun to rub up against the other lower thigh as I walked. I did not want to go to the doctor, but twice it came to my mind to go to the doctor to get it removed. Now it was June 3,2020 and I had a ticket to visit some loved ones out of town. When I returned to New York I heard things we were getting better concerning COVID 19. I tried to make a doctor's appointment at the Clinic that I go to, but they were only taking Virtual, that is video doctor's appointments. I could not see how that was going to help me so I decided that I would call when they reopened. I said Lord I tried to make a clinic appointment but they are not opened. I asked God to please take the sore off my leg and heal the wound. Remember I did try to make a doctor's appointment but they were not yet working properly. There is more than one way to get our healing, only believe. After the prayer, I began to talk to the sore every time it annoyed me. I said, "Scab you will fall off and the skin under will heal properly."

One day in July there came up a sudden big windy pouring rainstorm and my window was opened. I reached over my chair to quickly close the window. The leg with the sore scraped up against the chair and Ooh the pain. Crying I said, "Lord that hurt! " I talk to the Lord a lot. I thought my leg had merely hit the chair and thus the pain. O' to my surprise when I looked and realized the scab was completely gone. To comfort the area I did like someone on EC. I mixed some coconut oil and baking soda and applied it daily for several days. This is October 2020 the area is completely healed there is only a little discoloration as the skin color is returning. No more soreness or pain there, praise God!


Royal Jelly

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Posted by Kareng (Sugarland, Texas, Usa) on 02/13/2012

My daughter had a 2inch wide 1inch deep gash in the bend of her leg; probably from an abcess. I searched EC for help but could find nothing on Open Wounds. I began with GoldenSeal and Honey from my own bees. There was no infection but I wanted to avoid Staph and get the wound closed up asap.

I finally went by my local Vitamin Store and asked for help. They suggested cleaning the wound with Black Soap and then applying Royal Jelly-also from those precious bees. I began applying only the Royal Jelly in the wound and after only 3 days the wound is almost totally closed. I only applied the Royal Jelly twice a day and bathed her once a day with the Black Soap.

Everyone needs to know how AWESOME this stuff is!

Replied by P
(Middle Of, Fl)

Hey! I too had an open wound about same size of your daughters and had put honey with the same success! I suggest you don't stop; keep going until wound is totally healed! I also suggest applying coconut oil & castor oil once its closed to minimize scarring!

FYI; I have read here on EC that cayenne pepper heals open wounds too with no scars! Awsome!


3 User Reviews
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Posted by Juanita (N. O., La. USA) on 11/28/2008

For years I have used sugar (straight out of the sugar bowl) mixed in a bit of antibiotic ointment to make a paste and applied it on a bandage to cure cuts... The sugar will not allow bacteria to grow... and will heal the cut twice as fast! When I was a kid (40 years ago) my grandmother used to make a paste of sugar, shaved pure Octogen soap (do they still sell it?) and a few drops of Mineral Spirits and apply that mix on a bandage to treat deep cuts and it worked like a miracle!

I modified grams recipe using the antibiotic ointment and it seems to work as well...

Sugar can also be used to treat bedsores with amazing results... I used it to cure my sisters bedsore after she suffered a stroke and was bedridden for 4 months... the doctors in the hospital tried to treat it unsuccessfully for 6 weeks! They would not allow me to put the suger mix on it at all in the hospital. When she was released, I used the sugar mix and it was well in a little over a week! Her doctor was very surprised at that result!

Thanks for this lovely site and to all those who contribute to the info! God bless...
Juanita B.

Posted by Sandi (Oroville, CA) on 05/17/2008

Have you ever heard of using "sugar" to heal wounds? When I was young, our dog opened a large area near his scrotum that would not heal..My father suggested we pour sugar on it. The wound healed in less than one week. Has anyone else heard of this?

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn.)
495 posts

Yes, I have heard of this before. It was an old folks remedy and has also been used for healing bedsores (decubiti).

Replied by Lisa
(Lawton, OK)

Yes, I have heard nurses at work talking about using sugar and betadine/iodine to heal wounds.

Surgical Wound Remedies

Posted by R. (Orange, CA) on 04/09/2019

I had minor surgery on my chest almost a year ago. The area is about an inch and a half long and it always so close to healing, but it keeps reopening. I've been putting bacitracin on it per my doctor's suggestion. I've upped my protein intake and have been drinking plenty of water along with making sure not to put stress on the area. I'm not sure what else I can do. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Replied by Teena
(Melbourne, Australia)
233 posts

I have had great success using raw honey on open wound, I would also suggest you look at the amazing wound healing benefits of the comfrey plant. Best to you

Tea Tree and Lavender Oils

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Posted by Regulator555 (Grand Rapids, Mi, Usa) on 06/02/2010

In my house, essential oils are a must for their medicinal uses. The staple two are tea tree and lavender. Best healing tale: My husband caught his finger in the band saw at his work. As you can imagine, his finger was a mangled mass of meat. There was nothing to stitch together. Gross. Anyway, he applied a drop of tea tree and a drop of lavender, neat, to the wound twice daily and kept it clean, dry, and bandaged. He would air it out a bit once a day for a few minutes. It never became infected - never. It healed well with virtually no scarring.


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Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/17/2012

A tomato remedy that I learned at one of my old jobs - This is apparently an every day "cure" in traditional Mexican areas. I cut my finger on a broken coffee pot and one of my Mexican coworkers threw a tomato slice at me and told me to put it on there. It stopped the bleeding right away... I have no idea how but it did and it worked. She said leave it on for 5 minutes. Even the manager was amused.


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Posted by Steph Williams (Danville, VA) on 11/08/2007

I've had great success with turmeric to stop wounds from bleeding. If you catch a slice by the kitchen knife quick enough, the blood will coagulate behind a layer of turmeric. I also add turmeric to a warm water soak with sea salt or epsom salt to draw out infection/inflammation from wounds for my family. I treated our dog's copper head bite with a turmeric poultice. Her leg was swollen and the skin around the 2 puncture wounds was necrotic and oozing and after many soaks and poultices, it healed leaving no scar.

Posted by Marty (Phoenix, AZ) on 02/07/2007

From what I heard staphylococcus, which causes boils, is hard to get rid of as these organisms naturally live on skin surface and in nostrils. Why it infects some people is a medical mystery, especially people who are healthy. For people with weakened immune system it sounds natural that they get this infection. But I'm a healthy person and i never seem to get rid of it. So far I've tried: dicoloxacillin, erythomycin, doxycycline and lots of topicals. They don't give lasting effect. Looks like I get reinfected. I regularly wash all the clothes in dial antibacterial. But never got rid of it completely though its much better now. Now me being of indian origin I know how much turmeric is valued as a medicine in india. My mom used to put it on me for every kind of infection including cuts ,injuries etc and i never thought it is a wonderful stuff unless I saw it on internet. We used to in childhood days apply oil boiled with turmeric powder all over body once a week while we were kids and then wash it off during bath. I have come to realize that ethnic and home remedies should be stuck on to without a question. but I realize that only lately. Anyway, I'm gonna try the turmeric treatment today for next 3 weeks. I will keep posting under name "marty".

Vitamin E

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Posted by Mary (Newport, Ri) on 05/14/2018

When my son was a teen, he cut the tip of his finger whilst out in the garage. A stubborn mule, he refused to get stitches. We put vitamin e on it every day and it healed perfectly without a scar. This was in the 1970s.

Witch Hazel

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Posted by Tanya (Hailey, ID) on 05/15/2009

Witch Hazel is in my "first-line-of-defense" first aid kit. ESPECIALLY for small cuts, bruises and scrapes.

Zinc Wrap

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Posted by Barbara B. (Denver, CO USA) on 08/03/2021

I had something similar that wouldn't heal. After a few months of visits to dermatologists to find an answer, I finally went to a sports doctor. She applied a zinc wrap around the affected area, and it healed it quickly and easily. Within two weeks it finally started to make new tissue. And it was painless and not expensive. I think they can be purchased online through amazon, and possibly other sites. The bandage comes with the sink ointment already in it. Hope this helps! Good luck

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