Great Home Remedy for Chest Congestion
A sure cure is 1.5 cups of milk, 1 tspn or 1/2 tspn of organic turmeric powder, 1/4 tspn black pepper powder. 5 peeled cloves of garlic.Boiled until milk is 1 cup or so. Drink as hot as you can(honey is optional).
Once just before bedtime or if possible twice (once morn n once evening) if your tummy can tolerate it. this helps to remove phelgm in the body through the stools.
Have this for 5 days only or more if your body can handle the turmeric. 5 days should be more than enough.
- 3 -4 cups of water.
- 1 tbspn whole flax seeds
- 4 pepper corns or more
- 1 large onion sliced
- 2" pc of fresh ginger smashed
- 2" cinnamon stick
Boil it all until the mix is thick and slightly slimy (with cinnamon). Drink this twice a day. It helps loosen up phelgm in the chest.
I am a true believer that every illness has a cure in nature without being tampered with, but I have never heard of turmeric to cure coughs and sinuses.Since I found your website by sheer coincidence, while searching for a natural remedy for my wheezing cough and river-running nose, I thought I'd give turmeric a try( 1 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp honey with 1 cup of warm milk) VOILA! I could breathe again. Thank You So Much EC, you're a life saver.
I started taking turmeric, 1/4 teaspoon once a day in about 1/4 cup of water after my mother told me it quited her cough. I have a cronic cougn especially when my body temperature changes. It is amazing my cough has stopped. However, I have terrible knee pain and sciatic pain but am not sure if I am feeling much relief. I will continue and see what happens.
1 tsp of turmeric cured my cough. 1 tsp of turmeric, 1 tbsp of honey mixed into a glass of warm milk. drink warm or hot. I am reliving all that I learnt as a child in India after reading material on your site .Thanks!