Natural Remedies

10 Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Oil Pulling
Posted by Michele (Laytonville, CA) on 01/30/2009

December of 2008 I had gotten a really bad cold, it felt like it was attacking my entire body, I found your site online and was reading about Oil Pulling. It made sense to me so I decided to try it. I immediately felt better, I had more energy, colors seemed brighter, I felt so much better. I kept doing oil pulling faithfully. I then got a really bad cold, I have never had so much mucous. I am wondering if it is because of the oil pulling and if it pulled the virus to come to the surface? I also had read about ACV and I am a true believer. I did not realize how much my digestive system was unbalanced until I started using ACV. I had had a problem with bloating and gas for over 6 years, everyone said it was just old age (I am only 54). So after 1 day of drinking ACV 3 times a day, 2 tsp. with 1 tsp of honey I am cured. Thank you, I have told all my friends and family about your wonderful website. I hope they are as enthusiastic as I am. Thank you Ted and Deirdre and all the wonderful people that have written in their testimonials.

Guaicum, Peppermint, Echinacea
Posted by Rosy (Orlando, Fl) on 01/14/2009

I googled guaicum and couldn't find any other information on it. I was curious, does this have another name? I know some herbs have many names, and I wanted to know more about this one.

EC: Found two other names thus far:
Lignum Vitae:

Google shopping gives you these products under "Guaifenesin":

Guaicum, Peppermint, Echinacea
Posted by Katie (Wrexham, Wrexham) on 01/14/2009

Catarrh, Colds, Coughs, Flu:

I use the following for myself and my son, with reguarly great success-

I make an decocation / infusion of a mixture of
1.guaicum - helps so much with coughs (it the herbal form of guaifeisin often used in cough medicine)
2.peppermint ('menthol'also found in cough medicines)

(about 1 tsp of each)
i also add chamomile often for added pain relief, relaxation. i think it may help with fever too.

Other herbs I may add also for extra support include:
Hawthorn Berries

Salt Water (1/4 tsp per 250ml if i remember correctly), is also excellent for clearing the nose-
it can be bought ready made as saline drops, or made at home.
It can be squirted up in a dropper, used as a nose bath, or in a neti pot(ceraminc perferably).
A neti pot is excellent for cleaning the nose out, you have to get it in the right position though for it to work, and for it to work without hurting!

Putting a few drops of either
olbas oil or similar
a couple of menthol crystals
in hot water, and inhaling this (a towel over the head helps too) helps clear the nose well too.

I also make my own 'vicks vapourub', by diluting eucalyptus oil or olbas oil or similar in some grapeseed oil, and rubbing on the chest, neck etc.

I'm so glad I have these remedies- transforms a persistent repetative cough to an occassional or zero cough, to no cough at all.
Often after drinking the tea, my parents have doubted that my son had been ill at all, even though a hour or so earlier he had been coughing so much!

Without guaicum, the peppermint etc tends to last a few hours, with guaicum, it can last up to a whole night, I find- so we drink it every 6-8 hours until infection is cleared.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Theresa (Auburn, Indiana ) on 01/02/2009

Hydrogen Peroxide kept me from getting the cold/flu I felt coming on. The first time I tried using Hydrogen Peroxide in my both of my ears was when I was visiting my sister in Illinois, about 5 years ago. I had just arrived from the 5 hour drive and could feel that I was getting a cold or flu. My sister suggested placing a few (6 to 7) drops of hydrogen peroxide in my ear, letting it fizz, then let it drain and repeat the process in the other ear. I went to bed that evening after using the hydrogen peroxide and woke up feeling great! I never did get that cold... I've repeated this process each time I felt as though I was coming down with the cold or flu. It has worked 90% of the time. The key is to catch it early! The longer you wait to use the hydrogen peroxide once you have the first symptoms, the less likely it will work. I've shared this with others, but most are hesitant to try it. I haven't had any bad experiences with this method.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Kiti (San Diego, CA) on 12/29/2008

I did that one day and i had a violent dizzy spell it scared me so much but mainly it's the temperature of the peroxide. If you put anything in your ear that is room temperature it is still colder than the temperature in your ear so it causes the dizzy spell you need to warm up the bottle in warm-hot water filled sink before doing that.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Craig (Felton, CA) on 12/18/2008

I have been using oil of oregano for almost a year, after a suggestion by a naturopath. It seems to work to ward off the many tingles in the throat. I would suggest however, that anyone who is thinking of trying this for the 1st time start with one drop in a half glass of water. The aroma is so strong that most people I give the remedy to are turned off by the very pungent odor. I am able to take it without water but do not suggest it. 3 to four drops in a couple ounces of warm water is very tolerable after a few times of the lighter dose. I have acid reflux and taking the remedy too often definately brings it on, so I do it once in the morning and another time at night. Hope this helps.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Jill (Chicago, IL) on 11/19/2008

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears: This method didn't work for me. I tried it last both ears at 15 mins each....and I feel worse today. Not sure if I didn't catch it time or if I just was a dud for me. I am at least drinking the ACV but let me warn you ladies. I started out with 2tsps in 16oz of water 3x/day and I got a yeast infection. I stopped for a few days until the infection went away then started up with 1tsp in 16 oz of water and sipped thru out the day. After a week I upped it to two 2tsps and I think that is my limit. Still got a cold to that.

Black Elderberry Syrup
Posted by Maxine (Havana, Arkansas, USA) on 11/13/2008

Flu and Colds: Black Elderberry syrup, this stuff was discovered by a doctor in isreal , it had clinical trials cuts cold and flu in half. I used this with great success. It also helped fibromyalgia pain, unusual side effect. It works for anything viral, and I read somewhere it would work for bird flu.

Vitamin C
Posted by Russell (Lawton, Oklahoma) on 10/23/2008

I have twin boys with allergies and they both can't stand to take pills, so I use pharmacuetical grade SODIUM ASCORBATE powder I bought over the internet, and mix 1/3 of a tsp (that's about 1200 mg) in just a small amount of juice or other drink. The sodium ascorbate works faster and your body absorbs it better. If they are coughing and getting congestion I give them 1/3 tsp every 30 minutes for 2-3 hours in the evening time. I also learned this from Linus Paulings writings!

I've been able to deal with congestion and allergies myself over the last 3 years by this same Vitamin C regimen. I just call it Vitamin C "Megadosing". It works great and my blood pressure is perfect!

Vitamin C
Posted by Lisa (Liverpool, New York USA) on 10/21/2008

Colds and Allergies: My children usually get sick at the beginning of the spring and the beginning of fall... most likely allergies. They also usually get whatever sickness is going around school. For the last year, I've been successfully giving my 6 and 8 year olds 500 mgs of vitamin c under the recommendation from the Linus Pauling Foundation. They love the chewables (ascorbic acid). They havent gotten sick AT ALL in that time. Meanwhile, my 13 year old has gotten broncitis and pneumonia who refuses to take the vitamin c. I've been trying to get her to take the vitamin c but she is not big into the taste of the chewables and doesn't like taking pills. Everytime she gets sick, I try to reason with her that the other two are not getting sick anymore, and in fact, NONE of us are, so why is she the only one in our house getting sick?? It used to go from one of us to the next and the next like a domino effect. Now, it's just her.( My husband and I take 2000 mg of Vitamin C per day, also recommeded by the Linus Pauling Institute)

Dr. Parson's Tonic
Posted by Dr Jack Parsons, MD (Santa Barbara, Calif) on 09/24/2008

Best tonic for colds and flu's, given to me by the wife of a colleague, years ago. Given the formula to my patients, and those who have been religously participating in the ingestion of the formula have rid themselves of the worst maladies in record time.

All you need to take is 2 tablespoons twice a day, to afford the rapid results.

Here is the formula:

1 white onion, cut into quarters
1 entire head of garlic peeled
4 habaneros destemmed, but with seeds and veins intact
4" horseradish root, peeled and chopped
4" ginger root, peeled and chopped
1 quart of [organic apple cider] vinegar.

Place all ingredients and puree, then bottle into a quart jar, cap and store at room temp. Shake the bottle, and take 2 tablespoons when symptoms manifest. Or.. take 1 tablespoon every day, to prevent the flu and colds from ever taking hold. My patients who have done this, haven't contracted a flu or cold in years.

Organic White Tea
Posted by Vicstor (Scranton, USA) on 09/17/2008

Organic White Tea with Raw Honey and 1 Slice of Organic Lemon (eat the lemon, peel skin), preferrably with 16 oz. of Hot Distilled Water, cures and prevents colds. Have it for breakfast, it will prevent you from having a cold, if already have a cold, drink at least 3-4x a day. I used to get the worst colds ever during the fall and winter months, but I don't anymore.

Potassium Iodide
Posted by Glenn (Rohnert Park, CA) on 09/08/2008

I've used potassium iodide for some time for sinus infections, colds and for my girlfriend's bladder infections.

KI [potassium] works so well against bladder infections that Kaiser refused to treat my girlfriend with antibiotics on the day of a severe attack because she showed no signs of the usual bacterial infection since, apparently, the KI had destroyed the bacteria by the time she arrived at the doctor's office. She was also asymptomatic by that time.

If taken at the first sign of a cold or flu, it appears to prevent infection or reduce the symptoms. For those who have sinus infections, I add KI or I [iodide] to a saline rinse and that seems to help keep the sinuses clear.

I read that PI [potassium iodide] was used by ophthalmologists, along with niacin, to clear arteries of plaque back in the 60's since it, apparently, dissolves fat. Older doctors said that once upon a time their instructors would mention this fat dissolving ability of iodine.

Research hydrogen peroxide, it's deadly against certain types of cancer. Most organisms that harm the body like low oxygen environments. Hydrogen peroxide is thus toxic to cancer and the bad bacteria found in the body, but not the "good" bacteria.

I've removed basal cell carcinoma an inch in diameter and about 1/8 inch this with 35% hydrogen peroxide in less than a week. I'm not recommending it. At this strength it is quite dangerous unless you know what your doing. I used a Q-tip to administer it and the opposite end to dab off the excess.

3% hydrogen peroxide works quite well for infections. You can find instructions for its use on the internet.

EC: Potassium Iodide is also referred to by its latin initials, "SSKI".

Read more about potassium iodide here:
or here:

Posted by Sonja (Swanley, England) on 09/08/2008

I have used garlic for years. Every time I get a cold I eat one clove of garlic 3x a day. I enjoy the taste, so have it on bread with pate, or meat always raw. It is not very social... but within 3 days feel great. It is very effective. I also love horseradish for congested sinuses/ blocked nose. just a bit of it with some meat and you can breath freely..
it is easy, cheap and works without fail.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Norm (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/23/2008

I'm inclined to think it's more likely the symptoms of the cold or possibly even an inner ear infection as well. I've had H2O2 put into my ears since being a small child, although generally for wax build-up, and never experienced dizziness or biliousness. I've also suffered vertigo from a middle ear infection and your symptoms mirror that problem.

Posted by Susan (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) on 08/04/2008

This is going to sound hideous... and it is, but it does the trick.

When ever I have a cold I have a number of remedies I use.

In Scotland we have a thing called a hot toddy which is basically whiskey, cloves, honey and lemon made into a tea.

However, my other remedy (and this is the disgusting one) I have used and it works... is blend some garlic cloves and water into a blender. Then gulp down some of the brew at night. I normally just try to drink the whole thing. I don't really bother with measurements, Just play about till you find something that works for you. It's the garlic your eating, the water just helps it go own. Plus it's broken up and therefore absorbed into the body quicker and easier.

I also do the same as a mosquito repellent. Blend the garlic and water together and pour through a siv. The pulp I place in plant pots on my pation and the water garlic solution I place in a squeezy bottle and go around spraying my windows and door frames. All blood eating creatures hate garlic.

You can also use Listerine which surprisingly mosqutios hate for some reason. I use a combination of the two.

Vitamin C
Posted by Bryce (Vancouver, Canada) on 06/17/2008

At the first signs of a cold, I dose myself with 1000's of milligrams of Vitamin C. I will take 2000-3000 milligrams at a time, throughout the day. Perhaps the most I've taken in a day is 6000-7000 mgs. This is the first thing that I have found that actually stops a cold in it's tracks. It's great, give it a try.

Hydrogen Peroxide Sniffing Method!
Posted by Kym (Niagara, Ontario) on 05/26/2008

I woke up with a horrible head cold this morning and was desperate for relief. I tried the ACV remedy and putting peroxide in my ears and it helped a little bit but then I tried the peroxide sniffing method! WOW it is AMAZING! It burned a bit when it hit the irritated areas and my eyes watered like crazy but I had INSTANT relief! My stuffed up nose was immediately gone and I could breath normally again and the awful itchyness in my nose and ear passageways was almost gone! I will definitely recommend this to anyone being tortured by cold symptoms!!

Mountain Tea
Posted by Drew (Toronto, Canada) on 05/12/2008

Funny, we have been drinking the tea for years but its only now getting popular - I was just in Germany where its pretty popular now. Our Mom make the tea for us everytime we had a cold or allergies. Though we are a Greek family, I know the tea is also popular in Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Turkey. Though we get ours from back home as well, I have actually seen it in Toronto at the Big Carrot (, sold in the tea aisle by a company called teas by voudou or something. Good luck.

Mountain Tea
Posted by Mary (Toronto, Canada) on 05/07/2008

[Yea] First, let me say that this is a great website! Thank you so much to everyone for sharing. I was surprised to see someone write about Mountain Tea! This tea is very popular in Greece, but I have never seen it for sale in Canada. This tea is supposedly very good at killing cold germs (at least that is what my mother says). I rarely get the opportunity to drink it, but as a tea lover, I must say that Mountain tea tastes amazing, and does seem help you get over a cold. Usually, my relatives bring it back with them when they come home from holidays in Greece. Does anyone know where to get it in Toronto?
