Natural Remedies

10 Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Posted by Uvaid (Fort Myers, Florida, Usa) on 09/22/2012

I believe prevention is the best medicine and while I like most of Ted remedies, let me offer a way for you to stay healthy. Your body produces hydrogen peroxide naturally through a process called photo-oxidation. Photo-oxidation occurs when the melanin in your skin is exposed to sunlight. This process is your body's first line of defense against disease all over your body including you ear, nose, and throat. There is a direct correlation between available sunlight hours and the occurrence of colds, flu, and ear infections. During the summer months your body produces enough hydrogen peroxide to keep you free of disease but during the winter months the process of photo-oxidation diminshes. In addition, a study under the direction of Dr. Cindy Dunn has found a significant reduction in bacterial colonies on human skin including the ears and nose after exposed to 365nm light. Exposing yourself to sunlight only for a few seconds everyday has proven health benefits. If you are not able to get out into the sun everyday, I suggest usinig a light supplement.

Hot Water
Posted by Hawaiian_nut (Stenungsund, Hi) on 02/21/2012

Let's just say, I've tried everything for common colds, especially during winter season. When it comes to catching any kind of sinus or chest cold I am like a magnet.

Preventative measures by gargling anti bacterial whether it be mouthwash, peroxide, vinegar, or salt water seem to be an important step, but once youre in the middle of the gritty cold then its really buggin and I would not suggest too frequent ingestion of vinegar or other acids as they can, in fact, have negative affects on the body and internal organs if overused.

ACV works a miracle on my skin problems but when it comes to beating a cold in the middle of its worst, it just didn't do it for me. A friend suggested to me as I was coughing, to drink hot water. Not hot tea, not hot chocolate, not hot anything else, just plain hot water.

Sip hot water throughout the day all day long, from morning to night, no sugars or dry/solid foods, the cold will clear in a very short amount of time.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne
Posted by Julia (Gaithersburg, Maryland) on 11/18/2011

Someone posted on here a wonderful recipe which I tried, with a few modifications, and I just wanted to let you all know what I tried, because it was amazing. I have been fighting off a bug for a couple of weeks now (aches, sore throat, feeling run-down, a little sneezy) but it hadn't quite turned into something full-blown.

I made the following mixture: 1 tsp ACV, 1 tsp honey, 1/2 tsp powdered cayenne, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1/8 tsp ground cloves, 2 tsp water. Then sip it slowly (tiny sips). It is somewhat thick and will coat the back of your throat. It tastes surprisingly good, soothed my sore throat instantly, and started to clear up my sinuses and the "lump" in the back of my throat which was developing. I have taken this mixture a couple times a day for the past two days and I'm feeling much better.

Hydrogen Peroxide in Humidifier
Posted by Sharon (Greenville, S C Usa) on 08/12/2011

You can also use peroxide in your humidifer when suffering from flu, colds, etc. Add 1 cup of peroxide to the tank and fill with water. Set humidifer close to your bedside so you can breathe the mist. Works wonders in stuffy nose and congestion.

Posted by Ladyliza (Los Angeles, Ca) on 06/27/2011 32 posts

For those who tend to get cold and flu, all you need is the correct amount of vitamin D and you won't get sick anymore. I take 5000 iu of vitamin D3, and I haven't had so much as a sniffle since that time, 6 years.

I will never get another flu shot either.

Posted by Trixie (Inverclyde, Uk) on 11/06/2010

When I feel a cold starting I take a whole bulb of garlic. I either put it in soup, omelette or make a liver flush smoothie with orange juice, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, ginger and cayenne pepper(you'll either love it or hate it). Next day my cold has gone.

Posted by Neukoln (Edinburgh, Scotland, Uk) on 10/10/2010

I absolutely swear by taking raw garlic for knocking a cold on the head. Garlic takes 1.5 to 2 hours for its effects to be felt. So, when you first start taking it for your cold you need to take it every 2 hours, for about 4 doses... Then there is enough in your body to have an effect on your cold symptoms.

I take it this way: get a large clove of raw garlic or two small ones, chop it up very fine, put it on a spoon and swill it down with a cup of water. When my symptoms are really bad (i.e. At the start) I sometimes take two large cloves at a time. Once your symptoms dip down you'll get a feel for how often to take it thereafter. They'll come back if you haven't taken enough, for long enough. I promise you that it works. I thought I was dying last night cos I felt so bad, but I got up every two hours (I couldn't sleep anyway) and had a finely chopped clove of raw garlic with a cup of water. By the morning my symptoms were OK, not gone but a lot better. I took another clove 4 times through the day, and I feel well enough to go to work tomorrow. Amazing stuff!

Vitamin C
Posted by Corinna (London, Kent, England) on 02/05/2010

When I feel a cold coming on I immediately take 1000mg of Vitamin C and continue to do so every 2 or 3 hours until symptoms subside. I did not get a 'proper' cold in decades. I may have some symptoms for a day or two and then it is over. It also works for my 10 year old son.

Hydrogen Peroxide in Humidifier
Posted by Alexandra (Toronto, On) on 11/11/2009

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to all of the wisdom on this site. I have been using all of the information for a couple of years but haven't written in till now. Two of my kids (14 and 18) came down with colds this week and then started running fevers. My daughter has also been vomitting so has not been able to do the lysine/Vit C remedy for flu. She also threw up the capful of HP in 1 litre of water remedy so I tried the HP in a cool mist humidifier... I added 2 capfuls to the resevoir of water and after 12 hours of sleep she woke up - no fever, no sore throat!

L-Lysine, Aspirin
Posted by Merryanne (Orange City, Florida, USA) on 09/30/2009 115 posts

L-Lysine and aspirin for fighting colds

I am a home health nurse taking car of special needs children for 13 years,,so I know from my health history when they come down with a bad cold with coughing and blowing and sling yellow secretions in my face,,I all ways get sick also,,SO three week ago the little girle I care for (40 hours at night each week for 3 year) came down with a bad cold, temp of 100.2, coughing and put on oxygen 0.5 Liters,,So when I got home I took 1000mg of Lysine and 1000mg aspirin 4 times a day,,and she was sick for 10 days. Now I could feel my sinuses trying to get congested and I felt my throat trying to get sore,,I took this remedy until my patient was over her cold,,And I did not get sick. This was the first time I never got sick caring for some one with fever and congestion with yellow secretions. I am very thank full for Teds information about Lysine and aspirin stopping the replicating of viruses.

EC: Merryanne is referring to Ted from Bangkok's posts on the Swine Flu page:

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Ki (Australia) on 11/23/2015

Of course , misuse of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide can be dangerous. Use 1 drop Hp and 11 drops Distilled water to make 3% . Then it safe to use.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Tammy (Spartanburg, Sc) on 09/24/2020

You should not have added water to your hydrogen peroxide. I am quite sure that is why you didn't get good results. Best of health to you.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Brad (Ontario) on 09/17/2022

She used 35% H2O2, which can burn you at full strength. She didn't dilute it properly. I often find people misunderstanding the difference between 3% and 35% H2O2.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Nanci (Berwick, PA. USA) on 03/08/2009

I have been using oil of oregano for over a year. I put a drop on my finger and apply it to a tooth that was starting to abcess. I had to put it on about five times a day but in two days the pain was gone and never got as bad as the one that had to be pulled. I would get it in a healthfood store to make sure it is safe for digesting. I'm not sure if essential oils for inhaling are the same. *oreganol* is the brand I have

I start to put a drop on my finger and apply it to the glands under your ear by your neck. One or two drops per side. Then I put a drop on my finger and put it under my arm pit because there are glands there also. I do this about five or more times a day. I have been able to ward off a cold completely when everyone else has it. I didn't have any because I lent it to someone and I went a few days with out using this. I got very sick and was in bed for five days. when I got it back I used it and two days later was up. I think I should have used it longer and I didn't. Now I got it back. I guess because the cold got a start here, now it is going to be hard to get rid of it. Now I made a cup of hot water, 1/2 a large garlic diced, 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of ACV and the juice of a Lime. I am loosening up already. Oh and the acv cured the hot flashes I had.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Kari (Phoenix, Az) on 08/30/2009

Hydrogen Peroxide did not work for me at all! In fact, I went on to have the worst cold ever. I then tried the 3x a day raw garlic and that works like a charm.

Potassium Iodide
Posted by Glenn (Rohnert Park, CA) on 09/08/2008

I've used potassium iodide for some time for sinus infections, colds and for my girlfriend's bladder infections.

KI [potassium] works so well against bladder infections that Kaiser refused to treat my girlfriend with antibiotics on the day of a severe attack because she showed no signs of the usual bacterial infection since, apparently, the KI had destroyed the bacteria by the time she arrived at the doctor's office. She was also asymptomatic by that time.

If taken at the first sign of a cold or flu, it appears to prevent infection or reduce the symptoms. For those who have sinus infections, I add KI or I [iodide] to a saline rinse and that seems to help keep the sinuses clear.

I read that PI [potassium iodide] was used by ophthalmologists, along with niacin, to clear arteries of plaque back in the 60's since it, apparently, dissolves fat. Older doctors said that once upon a time their instructors would mention this fat dissolving ability of iodine.

Research hydrogen peroxide, it's deadly against certain types of cancer. Most organisms that harm the body like low oxygen environments. Hydrogen peroxide is thus toxic to cancer and the bad bacteria found in the body, but not the "good" bacteria.

I've removed basal cell carcinoma an inch in diameter and about 1/8 inch this with 35% hydrogen peroxide in less than a week. I'm not recommending it. At this strength it is quite dangerous unless you know what your doing. I used a Q-tip to administer it and the opposite end to dab off the excess.

3% hydrogen peroxide works quite well for infections. You can find instructions for its use on the internet.

EC: Potassium Iodide is also referred to by its latin initials, "SSKI".

Read more about potassium iodide here:
or here:

Posted by Susan (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) on 08/04/2008

This is going to sound hideous... and it is, but it does the trick.

When ever I have a cold I have a number of remedies I use.

In Scotland we have a thing called a hot toddy which is basically whiskey, cloves, honey and lemon made into a tea.

However, my other remedy (and this is the disgusting one) I have used and it works... is blend some garlic cloves and water into a blender. Then gulp down some of the brew at night. I normally just try to drink the whole thing. I don't really bother with measurements, Just play about till you find something that works for you. It's the garlic your eating, the water just helps it go own. Plus it's broken up and therefore absorbed into the body quicker and easier.

I also do the same as a mosquito repellent. Blend the garlic and water together and pour through a siv. The pulp I place in plant pots on my pation and the water garlic solution I place in a squeezy bottle and go around spraying my windows and door frames. All blood eating creatures hate garlic.

You can also use Listerine which surprisingly mosqutios hate for some reason. I use a combination of the two.

Hydrogen Peroxide Sniffing Method!
Posted by Kym (Niagara, Ontario) on 05/26/2008

I woke up with a horrible head cold this morning and was desperate for relief. I tried the ACV remedy and putting peroxide in my ears and it helped a little bit but then I tried the peroxide sniffing method! WOW it is AMAZING! It burned a bit when it hit the irritated areas and my eyes watered like crazy but I had INSTANT relief! My stuffed up nose was immediately gone and I could breath normally again and the awful itchyness in my nose and ear passageways was almost gone! I will definitely recommend this to anyone being tortured by cold symptoms!!

Posted by Mary (Sydney, Australia) on 02/21/2008

Thank you for this fantastic website. I have had the 'common cold' now for over two weeks and taking everything that the Dr ordered, I still couldn't get better. After taking 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder, 1/2 lemon and 1 tablespoon maple syrup, I'm well on my way to recovery. Slept all night for the first time last night and feel great today. Thank you once again for giving us the information on this wonderful herb.
