Just want to share my continuing success with using a cotton ball lightly soaked with apple cider vinegar (with “the mother”) to cure my upper eyelid chalazion: held directly onto the closed eyelid for about 10 minutes 2x a day. Nothing else seemed to be working but in only 3 days my chalazion is softening and diminishing with the acv.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thanks for your suggestion, Jay! Could you let me know how many times do you apply TTO ointment? Also, did you apply it directly on the chalazion or on the lashline/eyelid margin?
Treat for Demodex Mites
Would taking ivermectin orally help as well for Chalazions? I've had one under my eye for years now and I've never been able to get rid of it yet. Also the paste where did you buy it from? All I see is ivermectin paste for horses on Amazon. Thanks
Treat for Demodex Mites
Can you reccomend which ivermectin paste you bought? Was it from Amazon? I just have access to oral ivermectin as of now. When you applied the paste did the Chalazions underneath your eye pop and drain?
Castor Oil
I have chalazion in both my eyes. Can you please let me know how did you apply the castor oil.
Thank you.
Castor Oil
Hi Carlita,
Thanks for your reply. I have this Chalazion in both my eyes since 8 months. Will the Similsan Pink Eye help for this kind of Chalazion?
Thanks again.
Castor Oil
Hello! I have a 9 month old with a chalazion.. it's been about 3 months now and it's not going away after antibiotic drops, ointment and then a antibiotic/steriod ointment.
We are waiting to see a specialist but it's going to take 4 months (only 1 in town). I started to try ACV and I'm noticing a lot more white oil stuff coming out.. but his eye is still chronically red/inflamed. So the ACV is an astringent but what can I do for the inflammation? Castor oil?
Hi Jamie,
Thank you for the wonderful post and the information you have provided regarding Chalazion. I developed my Chalazion almost 7 months ago in my left eye. I got another chalazion in my left eye 6 weeks ago.
I purchased silicea 6c Borion & calc fluor 6x Hylands and have been taking religiously since last 5 days. I have noticed some improvement in my chalazion (size getting smaller). I will continue taking it and will report back.
I am wondering should I take Birion calc flour 6c or continue with Hylands calc fluor 6x (i am taking 4 tablets). Please help.
Thanks again.
Hi Jamie,
Thank you for the wonderful post and the information you have provided regarding Chalazion. I developed my Chalazion almost 7 months ago in my left eye. I got another chalazion in my left eye 6 weeks ago.
I purchased silicea 6c Borion & calc fluor 6x Hylands and have been taking religiously since last 5 days. I have noticed some improvement in my chalazion (size getting smaller). I will continue taking it and will report back.
I am wondering should I take Birion calc flour 6c or continue with Hylands calc fluor 6x (i am taking 4 tablets). Please help.
Thanks again.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Have you continued to get styes with the current routine your using? I have had two styes and one Chalazion or stye. It seemed to go down quickly so I'm not sure if it is a Chalazion, I've had it for about 3 weeks but it's not at all the size it started off as. I'm scared I will continue to get them.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Thanks Marc for sharing this.
I have this bad Chalazion since last 4 months on both of my eyes. Lower eyelid Chalazion on right side and upper eyelid Chalazion on right side. It is embarrassing and look like a Zoombie many times.
I will try as you have mentioned with ACV. Do you apply ACV/Hot water combo by rubbing it on the eyelid? How many days it took for the Chalazion to open up and drain? How many times in a day did you try this method.
Really appreciate for sharing your story. I will try it tonight and share my results in couple of days.
Thank you,
Avoid Nickel in Water
My son was told to put warm wash clothes on his eyes to clear up the chalazion. This only made the problem worse because as it turns out he is allergic to nickel that was in the water at our old apartment. So we were making his allergy worse by putting the warm wash clothes on his eyes. By avoiding nickel as much as possible he hasn't had too many more chalazion.
Colloidal Silver
Hi there, Can you tell me if the colloidal silver drops burn? Thinking of trying them on my son's chalazion. Also, what brand did you use? Thanks so much for your help.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi, I have a chalazion inside my left eyelid... I would like to try the apple cider vinegar..is it a must to buy it "with mother"? Because it's hard to find in Toronto.... Thanks
Apple Cider Vinegar
I am in Toronto and I buy apple cider vinegar from the health food stores. Here's a couple of options: Healthy Planet, The Big Carrot.
Activated Charcoal
Hi there, how was the progress on this? When you say popped on their own, did you see them drain out themselves in the morning?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hey I just wanted to know your progress. I started using ACV on my chalazion for a good week or two and although initially I saw some improvement, I haven't seen much after that and it feels like the swelling in the morning has grown. This makes me not want to continue with it. Did you have a similar experience? I see that you took it for a few weeks, did you see a steady improvement?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thanks for the reply! How long did you have the chalazion before you started this method? I have had for quite some time now, over a year, despite doc visits, antibiotics, etc. I am going to continue with ACV for a couple of more weeks, hopefully I see some results!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Should I rinse the Apple Cider Vinegar or wipe it after some time?
Epsom Salt, Tea, Castor Oil
Have your styes continued to recur using this remedy? My symptoms are almost exactly the same. Two styes, now one stye or Chalazion under the lid.
Apple Cider Vinegar
You put the apple cider vinegar on the inside of the lid, not just on top?
Apple Cider Vinegar
I've had cataract surgery September 2017. Can I use organic apple cider vinegar on a chalazion inside my lower eyelid?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Did u put apple cider vinegar inside the eye? I have a painful chalazion inside the eyelid very close to the nose. I am so terrified. Please help.
Multiple Remedies
SOMEONE PLEASE HELP, I have 2 chalazions and nothing works. I don't know what to do. I have 2 chalazions, one on my upper eye lid and one on my lower eye lid, I have tried everything. I have tried camomile tea, hot compress, face steaming, apple cider vinegar, charcoal poultice, hot warm baths for 10 minutes, acne cream, eye drops, and surgery. nothing seems to be working, I am 15 years old and this really ruins my self confidence I hate going out in public or even talking to some of my best friends. Both are very large, noticeable and red, probably the size of a little chickpea plus swelling and redness which makes it look worse. I will try anything please someone help me.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Just wondering but did you apply the ACV on the outside of the eyelid or the inside? When you apply the ACV, do you wash it off after a certain time? leave it on?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Did the skin where the chalazion was clear up? Did redness fade?
Multiple Remedies
Hi, The Following 7 days Plan Worked out for me and cured my chalazions
-Don't use any Electronic devices like Mobile, TV, pC etc for at least 7 days.
-Have a good sleep at least 9 hours a day for 7 days
- Wash your face frequently with water. Mandatory before You sleep. For some people warm water will not work so try cool water. For me cool water works.
-Don't touch your eyes
-Each Night apply a head ache balm to head for at least 7 days. In My case Axe Oil Worked out for me.
Follow all this for at least 7 days & you will see great results!
Apple Cider Vinegar
How long did you leave the compress on your eye for?? I just did with a cotton pad, without the rag, for 5 min and when I go to look in the mirror the whole area that was touched by the cotton pad is red. It doesn't hurt or anything, but I was wondering if this was normal. Thank you
Salt Water Rinse
What kind of salt did you use? I have some Himalayan Pink Salt. Do you think this will work? I had a large chalazion removed surgically removed about 6 weeks ago and it has grown back quite large again.
Salt Water Rinse
How hard was yours? I've had a second one after I removed first by surgery. And it's hard like a pea. Trying out sea salt water. Since three days. No difference
Castor Oil
Hi there! I was wondering. Is there a specific brand or kind of castor oil you used for your eye?
Castor Oil
Hi! I'm going to try the Castor Oil way with heat. How often should I apply Castor Oil? Thanks
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Hi there,
Thanks for boosting my optimism! I haven't seen an eye doctor yet and have been lackluster with my efforts, hoping it would go away on its own. My lower eyelid has a small chalazion but it makes the length of my eyelid appear swollen. I never experienced any draining that people have described. I remember feeling a hard nodule almost immediately and that has never gone away. I'm assuming it's fibrous tissue that scarred right as the chalazion formed. Do you think castor oil would work to break that hardened tissue down, or just to help drain the contents within a blocked chalazion?
Chalazion Disappeared On Its Own
This also happened to me. I had a chalazion for a few months and then it disappeared. Now I have another one that's been here for a few months also so I'm hoping it'll do the same.
Chalazion Disappeared On Its Own
I just got it for the first time. Going to try hot compress but it's been here for about a month now so don't know how effective heat will be. Wish me luck.
Castor Oil
I have the same bump in my upper eye lid for last 2 weeks.I had 2 operations as well but don't want to go for another surgery. I've read that castor oil really works I have never tried but want to try now.But confuse do I need to apply it out side the eye or directly inside the eye on the bump?
Castor Oil
Hi Sabah,
Can you elaborate on the connection between your diet and the chalazion? Also, do you use the warm compresses before or after applying castor oil or at the same time (i.e. you dip the compresses in a mixture of castor oil and warm water)?
Castor Oil
Was there a specific brand of castor oil that you used? Do I get it at the regular drugstore?
Castor Oil
I just found this site today. Dealing with a chalazion under my upper eyelid and six weeks ago the doctor gave me a steroid shot. It hurt and just made a big white dot on my eyelid next to the lump. The white spot is still there and so is the lump! When I returned to the doctor she clearly wanted me to get the surgery, but after reading others' experiences, I don't want to do it. I just bought castor oil and ACV. I am going to start with castor oil tonight first and try it for a few days. If that doesn't work, I'll try the ACV. Does Castor Oil need to be diluted at all or just use it straight?
Castor Oil
Please be very careful with applying castor oil on the eyeball directly, I've read of corneal abrasion due to castor oil.
Castor Oil
Do we need to apply castor oil on the inner side of the eyelid?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi Jessica! I just purchased some ACV with mother. How many minutes did you hold the pad against it? Only to the outside or did you allow some ACV to go into the eye?
It took 3 weeks for you to start seeing it was working?
How many weeks for it to disappear completely? Have any returned and if do, did you repeat this and what were the results?
Thank you for your help.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Anything coming out of the area? I'm doing exactly what you're doing and I don't notice anything coming out but I do notice I getting flatter people say that they notice it draining on the outside but I'm not seeing that and I'm kind of concerned that maybe what I'm doing isn't working???
Apple Cider Vinegar
Be very careful with compresses of ACV. It could burn. Which is why you should add a tiny bit of water and alternate ACV and water compresses. Especially on thin skin, like the eye.
Coconut Oil
I suffer from recurring chalazion's as well. I will try this & hope this works. I've already had one surgically removed on my lower eyelid & had another one on my upper eyelid where the Dr injected with steroids NEVER AGAIN!! The chalazion has come back. 😲😲
Salt Water Rinse
Does it work with iodized salt or only sea salt?
Salt Water Rinse
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thanks for this valuable info...I'm a big believer in natural remedies but I was at a loss with this one as this is my first....chazie thing. I thought it was a stye at first, but soon realized it wasn't. I've only had it for 3 days but am travelling home to Canada for three weeks in a weeks time and don't want to see friends and family that I haven't seen in so long with my 'Quasimodo' eye. Will try ACV first thing. Thanks for sharing.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Der Doug,
Brilliant info and very funny too. Thank you, I am another fool who tried to pop one last year- surgery ensued, scary, but I was very impressed with the surgeon. Over very fast and healed swiftly although it has taken over a year for the lump on my outer eye to go down. I see another one forming, I'm gunna try ACV>
Apple Cider Vinegar
Is it safe to put Apple Cider Vinegar inside the eyelid? The white head is inside my eyelid, instead of outside. So I'm wondering if it's safe?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Multiple Remedies
Hi Timh and earth clinic,
I have all of the autoimmune disorders, sjogrens, lymes, etc... so I don't heal fast, but, I now have a giant pea size chalazion on my right, upper eyelid, for 2 weeks, and growing. 4 doctors later, and opthamalic antibiotics, and Tobradex, it is worse every day. They are doing the surgery on it tomorrow. I don't feel that I heal well enough to have surgery. I am desperate to find a natural remedy. If the chalazion shows improvement by tomorrow morning then I can cancel the surgery. I have tried natural stye drops by simil _ _ _ _, hot wet washcloths, ACV externally, I do take a tbsp internally 4 days/wk, tea bags, internal turmeric capsules 1daily, I dont have any jewelry so I can't rub gold on it, I have washed the lid with baby shampoo, massaged it, I tried ice, I have tried a warm hard boiled egg wrapped in a warm wet washcloth, I have put aloe on the lid, I am taking 500mg lysine, 2x/day. What can I do? it's so large that it even covers part of my eye and impairs my vision, plus the lump is so big that my eyelid skin is stretched out and sensitive and purplish. Please advise. Thank you soooooo much. Steph
Apple Cider Vinegar
So how exactly to I apply the apple cider vinegar.....on the outside lid of the chalazion or inside lid with the q-tip?
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Hi, I am going through my first and hopefully last chalazion. It all started about 5 weeks ago when my left eyelid started to swell up. I didn't know what was causing it at first and because it wasn't painful I just ignored it thinking it was just an infection and that it would resolve by itself. About a week later though a small bump started to develop in the middle of my eyelid right on the lash line, which scared me at first as I had never seen something like it before and seeing a small lump on my eyelid made me think the worst to begin with. I then researched my symptoms online and what came back was a chalazion. What I had seemed to fit what I had read and seen on the web. I went to see my doctor and he thought it was a stye and prescribed me flucloxacillin for a week. It wasn't long after starting the antibiotics that I woke up one morning and had yellow crustiness on my upper and lower lashes along with white gunk in my eyes and lashes, not nice!
I started early on with just using hot compresses and massaging. After reading up on home remedies I then began using ACV as well as washing my eye out with saltwater. The pea sized lump I had on my lash line two weeks ago has now almost gone but my eyelid is still badly swollen and puffy looking. I have also damaged the top of my eyelid as I overdone it with the massaging and some skin has come off. Is it best for me to stop because of this? It's just I'm worried that the lump will get bigger again if I don't continue with the warm compresses.
Also, do you wash ACV off your eye immediately after applying it or do you just leave it on? No one's explained that yet.
hi I need some suggestion for using pulsatilla 200. how should I use it I want to know the dosage how many times per day and for how long. I am asking for eye problems like styes and chalazions.
If you are using Pulsatilla 200 and have never used it before you can take 3 doses 1/2 hour or one hour between each. 1 dose can be one pill if they are large or 2 if they are small. The quantity of pills is not the issue so much as the frequency of taking the pills. Why? because homeopathic remedies don't have any amount of the original substance, it is the energy of the substance that is curative.
It may be that the right remedy for you could be another one like staphisagria. I took pulsatilla about a week ago and no change. Went to see my homeopathic dr yesterday and he suggested staphisagria 200 and it has started to seep since last night.
Frankincense Oil
Just out of curiosity, what brand of frankincense did you use?
Frankincense Oil
Dear Dee,
When we are treating something serious or of a delicate nature and want to use a high quality essential oil, we use Mountain Rose Herbs or Heritage Essential Oils. Both companies use high quality oils and we have found them very effective. For "everyday" type use, though there are a number of oils that we have found to work just fine. We have been using Now oils for many years. I avoid oils sold through Multi-level Marketing companies though. Their oils end up being so expensive. I am not saying they aren't high quality or effective, but I don't think think it is necessary to buy super expensive oils.
I would get a high quality oil for use near the eye and be careful not to get it into the eye. (And if you do get it into the eye, flush with whole milk or olive or coconut oil.) Also, test an area of skin (perhaps the abdomen?) before using a new oil on a delicate area like near the eye to make sure there is no adverse reaction.
While the original poster used the oil straight on the chalazion, I would probably dilute it a bit with a carrier oil and see if that would be just as effective, and if not, then consider using it straight.
~Mama to Many~
Frankincense Oil
I've been using frankincense for the past week but nothing has changed. I found this site two weeks ago when a chalazion arrived on my eyelid. I've tried the hot compress with hot eggs and frankincense but it hasn't gone away. Anyone else has anymore suggestions??
Egg Compress
Egg Compress
Thanks so much for advice, egg compress and ACV worked wonders and my cyst has gone, so thrilled
Activated Charcoal
Hi, thanks for the site, I have a chalazion for 4 months now, it started small but steadly growing. eye drop given by doctor is milflox PLUS(0.4) How much time will take to cure?
Activated Charcoal
You can get the charcoal pills from any drug store like walmart, walgreens, riteaid or cvs. Ask for some help finding them.
Activated Charcoal
How many times a day do you apply the charcoal/ water mix onto your chalazion?
Activated Charcoal
Hot Compress
Eye chalazions: I been having this problem for a couple of years but there not inside my eye I have them outside of my eye. I have tried hot compresses and no results I've even popped them and they come right back..
I know you will think I'm totally nuts, but this thing drove me nuts. A few weeks ago my adult daughter said she saw "this white thing" on my upper left eyelash line. I must admit when there is something to pick, that's what I do, I'm sorry, but it's the truth. I used a times 10 magnifying mirror and sure enough it looked like a hard white pimple. I did scratch it out. No problems until the next day, there were several tinier ones nearby and I just went for them. 2 days later the right eye. As of today, none are seen, yes the eyelid is red and a bit tender but no more white hard bumps. When I got to them though they weren't easy to get out. They sort of had a bit of whitish "line" coming out. OK so I'm crazy, but I did get them all out, no surgeries. I did try the warm compresses though, didn't do a thing.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This is the same way that the chalazion started with me. There was a year that I was crying al the time. If I did not wash my face and do a couple warm compresses after crying then it would develop. I have been to several doctors and one was really good and used a tiny needle to unplug the pore/gland thing. Never take antiobotics. I have done this and it is a waste. It is most important to use a good eyelid wash, do compresses, do eye drops and see a doctor before it swells up too bad for them to remove it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
When I placed the apple cider vinegar over my eyelid which was closed, for 5 minutes it did darken my eyelid. The coloration went away after several days. I've never put the apple cider vinegar directly on my chalazion. My eyelid was always closed and it was on a cotton ball over the eyelid for up to five minutes.
Warm Compresses, Massaging
Hi Steve, thanks for your message. How do you put the castor oil and how much do you use? many thanks
Does anyone have experience in using milk compresses for a chalazion?
Boiled Egg
I had chalazion on my upper and lower lid of my eye. After the surgery has done 1 month later I can feel the bump on both the places. Can I follow this boiled egg treatment. If so how long and how many times a day. Thanks in advance.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi, my daughter currently has a chalazion, she is four years old. I'm aware of the healing benefits of ACV, I have some here at home, but I'm weary of using it on her eyes. She wouldn't stand a HOT cotton ball on her eye. Does it need to be hot, or is warm alright? Also, how long is the cotton ball/ACV left on the chalazion and should the ACV be rinsed off the eye afterwards?
I should probably do it while she is sleeping, but I'm wondering if just the once per night is enough to get rid of the chalazion.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Personally I would not put ACV into her eye. Hot or warm compressors of water will help to hasten healing. It will heal itself if left alone. You could apply a warm compress while she is asleep.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi, can you pls elaborate in detail about how to apply ACV, like whether it should be applied on the outer side of eyelid or on the inner side, which will sting guessing from experience of the people here. Should it be mixed with hot water and then be used with cotton ball or it should be added to hot water soaked cotton ball?
Apple Cider Vinegar
i'm from london and this is the fourth chalazion I have had. First, I was supposed to have it operated but it just came back on the other eye, I tryed gold and compresses, it worked, but now it doesnt work. How long does it take to go away with the apple cider vinegar?
Do I also need to do warm compresses? Plsz share ur experience.
Breast Milk/ Milk
Hi. I have had a chalazion for more than 3 weeks and I went to the walking center and they didn't give me anything. I am trying the heat compresser but nothing; what am I supposed to do?
Breast Milk/ Milk
i had an chalazion on my upper eyelid almost 10 yrs ...i had gone for 8x surgery and biopsy but till now it uncured.....
Warm Compresses, Massaging
I have been struggling with allergic reactions to something - with what I suspect is a food allergy - the past several weeks and have been dealing with constant eye infections/irritation, and almost daily eczema flare-ups. Just a few weeks ago, when I arrived in France, I developed a chalazion over my left eye, something I've never had before. I tried applying some tea tree oil over it to no avail. Some days it would go away, some days it would come back with a vengeance. It seemed to worsen when my general allergies worsened. Like another reviewer commented below, there seems to be a connection between the two.
I looked for some remedies on Earth Clinic and the internet and saw that a lot of people recommend warm compresses and massage. I am in France at the moment and some people told me that in France, the cure is to rub the chalazion with a gold ring or gold cross. Strangely enough, the folk remedy is similar in the U. S. , to rub it with a gold wedding ring. It seemed like a strange remedy, but I decided to give it a try. Every day I would rub the area with the back of my gold ring gently. I'm not sure if it's just the massage or if it really matters if the ring is gold or not, but it works. I also applied warm tea bags over the eye several times a day.
Today, the chalazion came to a head, and I sterilized a needle and drained the chalazion myself. It relieved a lot of the pressure and now my eye looks so much better. (However, due to the obvious danger of putting a needle that close to your eye, I seriously warn against it unless you have a steady hand and - like me - you are a contact lens wearer who doesn't flinch when you touch your eye. If you have any doubts, please go to a doctor to drain it professionally. ) I've also been taking coconut oil every day which has stopped a lot of my allergic reactions.
I hope this helps someone else - best of luck, Jennifer
My daughter had an allergic reaction to makeup remover cloths the other day and had a lump under each eye suddenly appear. After washing her eyes with water, one completely dissapeared, and the other is now quite large and red. I agree that it is an allergic reaction, so she won't be using the cloths any more. Thank you for your imput on this site, we are trying the rubbing and warm tea bags you recommended.
Allergy Drops
My 5yr old has had it for almost 1yr doing compresses and johnsons baby shampoo and flax oil but no difference yet. What drops did you use exactly?
Allergy Drops
Hi, thanks for the site, I have a chalazion for 3 months now, it started small but steadly growing and am afraid it could grow bigger, my request is a specific name of drops that can help in case we don't have it in Zambia, I can try elsewhere. Thank you.
Allergy Drops
I am from Pakistan. My daughter is having chalazion in both eyes, and in spite of doing all measures and antibiotics no change is found, please, Julie can you tell me more about the allergy drops specially the generic name of the medicine. I will be thankful to you......Jaweria
Allergy Drops
Dear Jaweria,
I am not Julie and she has not seemed to be back to Earth Clinic for some time. I do not know the name of the drops.
I do know a couple of things that you could try. Activated charcoal has been used before to help this condition.
Here is how to make a charcoal poultice, about half way down the page:
You can also try chamomile tea bags. Pour hot water over tea bags to moisten. When cooled to a comfortable temperature, apply to each eye for 5-10 minutes 2-4 times a day.
Let us know how it goes!
~Mama to Many~
Allergy Drops
My eyedoctor told me to wash my eyelids with baby shampoo every so often--I haven't had a stye or chalazion since.
Allergy Drops
Warm Compresses, Massaging
I have had multiple problems with chalazions forming on my eyelids, on and off, for almost 20 yrs. There was a period of about 10 yrs, where I wasn't affected at all, but now, at 41, they have made quite a comeback. There seems to be no warning, and I've had many surgeries to remove them, from the same doctor I went to 20 yrs ago, and one thing I'd like to warn any of you about is.. Scar Tissue. Please note that, over time, and after many removal surgeries, Scar Tissue begins to form, unknowingly, on the inside of the eyelid, and, as in my case, causes problems for the surgeon to remove further chalazions! As I write this, I have another, formed about a wk ago, and from what I now realize, after yrs of warm compresses, and surgeries, and recurrences, I may not be able to have the surgery again! The ever-recurring advice of the "warm compress" and massaging, seems now to be the overall best remedy for chalazions. Even if it doesn't seem to reduce the chalazion at first, I highly recommend several attempts at this, BEFORE resorting to the surgery. Also, if anyone has any other revelations on prevention, or treatment, I am all ears for any further help in this recurring problem. Thank you,
Ryan. (rypuppy1(at)gmail.com)
If any of you are in, or anywhere near new england, I happen to know the BEST doctor in this field, at least locally, and his name is Peter Diblasio, North Providence, RI.
Thanks for the advice re Vinegar. This is my first Chalazion and I was getting worried from internet info that it would last weeks. Tea bag compresses didn't help.
After reading your posts, I went to the larder but could only find some Japanese Rice Vinegar. So I figured, maybe .... and dabbed it on the bump, rubbing it lightly with a cotton bud. Almost instantly it opened and the yellow gunk started flowing out. After that, a little blood smear and now it's just an empty swelling. Hope it will be gone by morning.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have a large chalazion under my lower eyelid. People are suggesting putting apple cider vinegar. Do I put it directly on the Chalazion or just on my under my eye? Please respond I do not know what to do.
Apple Cider Vinegar
My chalazion is 5 days old now. I had a stye for a week before it developed into a chalazion. I started using ACV, it's day 2 for me. My chalazion is on my upper eyelid, but below the lid. I can see it forming a head when I lift my lid to check. I am currently applying the ACV compress over my closed eye, but since the chalazion is on the inner lid, will it work? How long will it take to open up? what should I expect?? Please help!
Apple Cider Vinegar
This is true for me currently! Could you please provide me with an update of your situation? I'm hesitant to use more ACV because it's definitely working but it also looks like my eyelid may be burned.
Triphala, Turmeric
Hi! This sounds amazing. I had a chalazion for two weeks and used hot compress and it went away. Unfotunately there is still an ugly scar tissue (pink bump) where the chalazion used to be. No pus though. Do you know of any remedies to get rid of the scar tissue?
Triphala, Turmeric
I have had a chalazion on my upper lid for 4 weeks. Over the last 10 days I have been diligent with hot compresses with the water mixed with Epsom salts ( 50/50) and this seemed to help bring it down a tiny bit. Yesterday I couldn't keep up with my 4-6 times per day of compresses as I had a full day back to work after the holidays. Has anyone dealing with chalazions noticed that they can look more inflamed/larger somedays and smaller, as if going away, on others? I'm really trying to avoid surgery like the plague, so any additional tips or advice to get rid of this little bugger will help tremendously! Peace and love
Triphala, Turmeric
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful knowledge. I hope to apply it for my husband. I love Ayurveda!
Multiple Remedies
Unfortunately, I cannot say which of the remedies I have been using (for other conditions) did the trick to heal my chalazion. The chalazion appeared on my lower left eyelid a little over 5 months ago. In those 5 months I used warm compresses, tea bags, colloidal silver drops, rue fennel wash, etc. It would decrease in size on occasion after one of the above treatments, but stayed noticeable. My PCP recommended an opthalmologist, but I didn't want to see more doctors for something that wasn't an emergency so I searched Earthclinic.
In early April 2011, I started using the Castor Oil for the chalazion, and had started ACV as a tonic for my overall health.
I believe my consumption of diluted ACV (2 teaspoons in 10 ozs, once sometimes twice a day) did the most good, but I was also taking very low doses of Potassium Iodide (300 mcg a day), and I had also started using Castor Oil in/on my eyes (at bedtime, one drop swiped on each eyelid, or one drop in the chalazion eye.
Cautionary note: The ACV I consumed also triggered or boosted my immune system, and possibly raised my body's histamine levels. I've been recovering from a bout of Contact Dermatitis (Dx as per an MD), or a bout of Urticaria/Angioedema (self-Dx'ed).
One last thing to note, my chalazion is hardly discernible; no bump, but a tiny shadow on the eyelid margin, and the tissue on the interior of the lower lid is soft again with only some discoloring at a darker pink/reddish. I'm pretty pleased with my results... and no prescribed meds! Now I'm just waiting for a lash or two to grow back out at the spot.
Multiple Remedies
My chalazion is gone.
There is a tiny bit of a 'scar' or discoloration on my eye margin, but my eyelashes have grown back in that spot, and there is no longer a bump. There is also no longer 'structural damage' as my PCP called it on the inside of my lower lid.
To the other things I was using, I added Vit A (25000 IU) per day to my supplement regimen, and as an added boost, I used one drop of colloidal silver on the inner lining for two days before bedtime to kill off any infection. I had used colloidal silver before, for pink eye.
Multiple Remedies
Multiple Remedies
What type of Castor oil did you buy? Was it an eye drop? How long did it take the chalazion to disappear? I have one for 6 months and I want to clear it. I don't want any surgery. Thanks so much.
Multiple Remedies
I've had this chalazion on my upper left eyelid for a little more than a month. After reading your comments, I've decided to try all of these multiple remedies (castor oil, applying the ACV and drinking the teaspoons of ACV daily, washing my eye with baby shampoo and added Vitamin A to my diet). I've been doing this for about 2 days as well as continuing wih the warm compresses. I'll let you all know if my chalazion shows any improvement in about a month.
Multiple Remedies
Nina! DO you see any improvements on your chalazion? Has it gotten any better for you? I have been suffering from chalazion for the last 2 years. I have gotten several surgeries. I will try the ACV and the castor oil and let you all know if I see any improvements also.
Multiple Remedies
To all suffering from the Chalazion or sty on the eye. My younger brother got these frequently and my Mother would grate the skin of a green apple into a white 100% cotton kerchief or cut T-Shirt. She would put the cotton sack of green apple skin and juice on his eye. And it only took days to heal without leaving a scar. I think he sat for at least an hour with it on his eye.
Fish Liver Oil, Vitamins
Fish Liver Oil or Cod Oil with Vitamin A and D
Been suffering from recurring and embarrassing Chalazions for many years, having useless surgery where they completely missed the Chalazion altogether or it came back in the same spot weeks later... Surgery doesn't unclog the problem, which is a blocked meibomian gland. You can even see them if you look closely on your eyelid, separate from the eyelashes on the moist edge of your eyelids, you see many tiny hole openings. Some will be filled with fatty white blockage.
Within 60 days my Chalazions were gone for good after researching Vitamin A and D from Fish Liver oil. Being deficient in both, I took two softgels per day for sixty days and by the sixtieth day, the Chalazions were gone completely, though it is a gradual process that requires patience for those who want instant results from the awkward eye bumps. Warm compresses never helped me unfortunately, as the doctor suggested. Hope this helps. If you try it, be consistent and don't overtake vitamins per day.
This is available at most stores that have vitamins. Now I take one per day and it's been over two years and no Chalazions have recurred since. It really worked.
Keep in mind, there is no instant solution other than surgery, which leaves a big black and blue mark, swollen eyelid for a week, and the glands are still blocked, so it came back in the same spot weeks later... The doctor didn't even mention that vitamin A or fish oil could solve it. I think he either didn't know, or rather have more business when there's more problems.
Hi Tony, how is your chalazion using Oil fish? is it gone? I got chalazion for less than a year and tried almost most of the remedies here, as well Omega 3 (oilfish), chalazion got smaller, but still exists. How is your result?
Thank you, Maria
Fish Liver Oil, Vitamins
Took your recommendation. Taking these vitamins now along with Epsom salt compress.. need this gone, so frustrating.
Fish Liver Oil, Vitamins
Hi Maria,
Thank you for your message. Was your Chalazion large? Mine is a size of a lentil. How long did it take to go? How much Vit A did you take?
Iodine, Neem Extract
I've had a chalazion for the past year or so in both of my eyes. One stayed very small, only noticing it by the feel of the bump when I rubbed my eye. The other got very large and swollen, affecting my ability to open my eye. This only happened because it got infected, and I needed a steroid shot in the chalazion to reduce the swelling. It stayed away for a half a year, and now it's returning. I'm wetting a washcloth and placing in the microwave on one of those beanbag/rice heating pads and laying down with them over my eyes. Also, I'm going to start washing my eyes with baby shampoo mixed with water because that reduces the oil blockage without pain. My chalazions do not hurt as well.
Pressure Plasters
Suggestion about lid cysts: I lived in Pakistan for a year when I was a child. I would often get cysts, particularly in the eye area. They were quickly cured by some type of pressure plasters. These were sticky plasters and would come in a large size with many small holes pierced inside. We were given a piece cut to size, peel off the back and place on the problem area. A couple of hours later, from the painfree pressure of the plasters, the cysts would burst and that was that. I live in England now and have had a lid cyst for over two years at least and have not come across an effective cure.