Effective Natural Remedies for Chalazion

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kimber (Vancouver) on 07/07/2015

Re: Chalzion - Apple Cider Vinegar worked for me too. I had a large chalizon on my lower eyelid. Went to the doctor he said that he did not think it would heal itself and refered me to an opthamologist for the minor surgery to lance it. I decided to try some naturopathic remedies. SO!!! Glad I did. I used the egg compress (see a post later on) for a few days with the castor oil and frankincense. This brought out a bigger white head on the chalizon but nothing else. After a few days of this I decided to try the ACV. I bought some with the mother from a health foods store and took a q-tip and dipped it in the ACV and then carefully wiped the q-tip over the head of the chalizon on the inside of my lower eye lid. I did this in the morning and then again at night. Shazam - the chalizon almost immediately started draining. When you think about it -it makes sense. The ACV is a natural acid - which had the power to break through the blockage. When I woke up this morning the size of the white head in my eyelid was about 1/3 the size of the day before. I did another q-tip swab of the ACV this morning and the egg compress afterward and almost immediately the chalizon continued to drain more (I can tell by the white gunk in my eye - which I wash out with a cotton pad and water). I am gently massaging the outside lump under my eye and as I do I can feel more liquid released in my eye. Don't know whether it is a combination of everything that worked - but I would say that the ACV and the egg compress are the key.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Adaneth (North Cali., US) on 02/02/2015

I've had styes before which responds well to warm compresses, washed with mild soap. However the swollen area on my eyelid didn't respond well this time. My whole lower lid was swollen and itchy and warm as it is when a stye begins. I noticed an oil duct on my lower lid was not expelling oil as all the others were when I was pressing it. Then after a few days the swelling subsided and there was a small- med lump inside my lower eyelid. I could not see where there was any opening, besides the oil duct opening along my eyelid. That lump began to grow slowly. At first warm compresses helped to loosen it up a little. And I began to push on it and tried to squeeze it. I didn't do them religiously and the lump began to harden over time (a few weeks) and left what looked like a permanent stye. I was walking around with this for months.

By this time the warm compresses did not help anymore bc it had hardened. Then I did some research and learned that Epsom salt mixed with water, a ratio of half and half worked well. Tried it, and saw immediate results that same night. I read online that someone's chalazion came to a head and broke open under their eyelid as they applied the epson salt mixture. I kept having discard in that eye during the treatment, so I opened up the lower lid and saw that the chalazion had came to a head and a string of white exudate and oil was coming out of it. The epsom salt was drawing all the oil and fluids out.

Now I realized that this is the process of osmosis I learned in physiology and chemistry. Fluids or molecules from a less concentrated state will always pass through a permeable membrane into a more concentrated one. I was so relieved. I could see instant results as I pushed and same more of it come out, and the gradually decreasing size of the chalazion. But I don't think pushing on it is a good thing, because it can create more inflammation and cause the chalazion opening to swell and close like a zit. I pushed on this same chalazion when it first started months ago while I was doing hot water compresses, and after that it just sealed up. After seeing this, I just applied more compresses of the mixture and it was completely gone in two -three days. There is still a tiny small lump inside my lid, too small to be visible, but I think it's because all the tissues were stretched so much by the chalazion that it left a small space/cavity.

Take half a cup of Epson salt and add half of cup of boiling water. Mix and pour into another cup and sit down on the sofa. Test the water. You want it to be hot enough to place on your face without burning it. Take a face towel and dip it into the cup, wring out a little of the solution, but you want it to be wet and a little dripping so that the solution can actually soak into your eyes. Press this hot towel to your affected eye and let it seep in. Hold for 3-5 minutes. Repeat again and change water when it gets cold. Do this a few times throughout the day. I got lazy so I only did it twice a day or so.

Hopefully this helps.

Hot Compress
Posted by D (California) on 07/23/2016

Editor's Choice FORGET HOT WATER ON A RAG!! It doesn't work! I promised myself that if I was to ever find out how to get rid of chalazions without getting them cut out I would share it with everyone because I know how much it sucks having them especially going and getting them cut out 4 times. For two years I have been looking for answers and it wasn't until I actually met someone who used to get them.

Very simple. Get a sock and put a handful of rice in it, tie it in a knot at the top and put it in the microwave for 20 seconds, let it cool off and apply if on the chalazion. The heat lasts way longer than hot water on a rag.

I would do this about 4 times a day and between those times, I would massage the chalazion. I had two on my eyelid and one coming on the bottom. Because of the rice in a sock, I no longer have them and life is turning around for the better!

Hope this helps anyone.

Posted by Mary (Tennessee) on 01/15/2021

I used the herb Echinacea for 2 weeks and the a bump on my lower eye lid near my tear duct. It just disappeared.

My pharmacist told me he had the same thing and to take the herb and it was gone.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Bruci (Huntington, Wv) on 12/30/2016

I've had a few chalazion in my right eye for quite some time now, over a year. I've tried everything; apple cider vinegar, epsom salt, hot compresses, steam facials, etc. One day, I found a post (on here, actually) about activated charcoal. I've heard a lot of great things about its benefits, so I decided to try it. I mixed about 3 tablespoons of activated charcoal, 2 tablespoons of flaxseed (ground), and added about a half cup of water. I let the mixture sit for about 15-20 minutes to thicken. It should have the consistency of a paste. I got a paper towel, put a spoonful of the mixture on it, folded it over to enclose the mixture, and placed it over my eye. I also put a sandwich bag over the towel to prevent the mixture from drying, and wrapped gauze around my head to keep it in place. I slept about 7 hours with it on my eye, and when I woke up, I noticed my bottom eyelid got bigger, and when I pulled down my eyelid, I noticed whitehead-like spots. I decided to continue the treatment, and I've been doing it for 2 days now. So far, a few of the chalazion (chalazia?) have popped on their own. I'm going to keep doing this every night before bed & hope they're all gone within the next few days.

By the way, I found all needed items on Amazon. Activated Charcoal powder, ground flaxseed. IMPORTANT: Do not mix activated Charcoal with anything metal. The Charcoal will pull the the impurities from the metal.

Discover Your Food Sensitivities
Posted by Lois (England) on 08/05/2021

This is really interesting because I suffered with styes for about five years (whilst also having tummy issues) getting one probably once a month/ every other month and then I stopped eating gluten for the tummy reasons for two years and I never had one single stye!

I tried gluten again 3 months ago and it seemed fine on my stomach but since I have had 2 styes one being very big maybe I need to annoyingly cut gluten out again then.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandi (California) on 05/01/2014

When my father died, my mother, who had been married to him for 52 years cried non-stop. Eventually, she started getting chalazions in her eye. Little bumps inside her eyelids formed and got bigger and this scared her to death. They would also sometimes move from one eye to another. She went to a medical doctor. He just told her to put warm compresses on it. She went to 2 more doctors and they said the same thing. Two of them said it would be surgically removed in a few months if it didn't go away after using a hot compress. My mother was desperate because she doesn't want anyone messing with her eyes, and as a widow who lives by herself, she's very scared about losing her eyesight or damaging her eyes. I looked on EarthClinic and advised her to both drink ACV and place ACV on a cotton and cleanse her eyes, especially her tear ducts. Within days, it was gone. This was amazing to her because ACV did in just a few days what the medical doctors should have advised but didn't. Fast forward to today, and my mother said she was crying again over the last month, and problems with her eyes came back again. She used the ACV immediately, and the problem went away. (Not completely yet, but she will continue to use it until it completely goes away.)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Arlington, Tx) on 08/17/2012

I went to 3 different doctors or 4 occasions for chalazions. This happened over a 2 month time span. I never had one before. I had the first one lanced, then a week later, I got another one in my other eye. I kept a warm compress on it as I had done before, as well as using an eye wash and eyelid wash pads. The second one went away, then I got another one in the other eye again. I spend hundreds of dollars to see specialist and purchase prescription medication. Nothing worked until I added the apple cider vinegar to my daily regimen. I was disappointed that I spent so much money going to the doctor, when all it took was apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball. I'm just grateful it worked and I haven't had an issue since then.

Hot Compress
Posted by Evan F. (Milwaukee) on 04/20/2021

I had surgery to remove chalazia in both eyes when I was in college. A few years later, one recurred, and there was no way I was doing that surgery again. While it was still in the tender phase I began using crazy hot compresses and pushing/rubbing qtips rolled in a mix of Dawn dish soap and hot water onto the bottom of the tarsal/lid plate (where the glands express). I did this with great vigor, like a Kennedy who really hates eye problems. After about two 15-minute rounds the chalazion spontaneously began to drain from its pore. It clouded my vision, and I'd never been happier for something to do so. I went to a budget meeting on the editorial board of my college newspaper, pressing on that thing just draining it in front of everyone. Truly a sight to behold.

Key is attacking them promptly. The puss oil will harden eventually, and at that point, surgery is the only real option. I used dish soap because it is the strongest surfactant I knew my eye could tolerate on a temporary basis. I do believe that enough hot soap water finally pushed up the pore into the blockage, which gave way.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joe (Australia) on 03/17/2014

Hi I don't usually take time out to write reviews but I felt I had to in this case.

I have suffered from chalazions in the past and as a teacher, my students are relentless in reminding me of my massive red, wok eye. Last time it occurred it stuck around for a month and a half before I bit the bullet and went to the doctors. He found it quite amusing and prescribed two different types of eye drops. They didn't work. It took almost 3 months for the redness to go away.

A few weeks ago I could feel another one coming on and sure enough within three days my eye was massive and painful. At this point I hit the panic button as My brother is getting married very soon and I am the best man. I found this website and after reading all the comments about apple cider vinegar, I went to war the next day.

As directed each morning I drank two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (organic with the mother) I then used a hot compress with apple cider vinegar on in at least five times a day. I also used a Q tip to dab some vinegar directly on the inner eye lid. Did this sting? yes. Was it necessary? Jury is still out. As well as this I bought a bottle of colloidal silver and sprayed a few drops in to the eye and my mouth each morning.

Well, after three days I could see the difference and within a week the redness was gone. It really worked!

I still have a tiny bump under the eye lid but hopefully that will go away in good time

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rami (Middle East) on 11/24/2014

Gonna offer my 3 ex doctors 3 bottles of ACV when this treatment is done.

- Day 2: 50% less chalazion size.

Warm Compresses, Massaging
Posted by Claudia (Massapequa Park) on 09/29/2015

i wanted to ask how many times you applied the vingear and if you did any warm compresses before? Ive been dealing with this problem for 2 months. It's depressing. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by susan (New York) on 04/18/2022

What worked for me:

Tea Tree oil IN STEAM ONLY:

Heat up water on stove, when it begins to steam put a comfortable amount 5 ish drops of tea tree oil in the water, Put towel over your head, CLOSE YOUR EYES and lean into the steam so fumes permeate around eye. When smell dissipates, add a few more drops and repeat.

Mine was a sty I had for over a month and this cleared it in 2 days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sue (Charlotte, NC) on 05/20/2022

Update to my post from last year. It was the first time in about 8 years that I didn't have to get on an antibiotic for this! I do have the beginning of one now (pollen season again) and am hopeful it will

Subside with heat ;Bruder mask with disposable liner) and the ACV with the mother. The reason I'm posting though is that the propensity to get the chalzion is way down since I started an antihistamine (Claritin or store brand) and Zaditor eye drops! It's amazing as from April

On I used to do heat 4 times a day and was constantly in the verge of a chalzion. Now I do heat occasionally and wear glasses and usually a hat when outside, we'll worth it! . I got the chalzion this year because yesterday I was outside without sunglasses and then didn't do hear in the evening even though my eye felt a little iffy.

Hope this is helpful to someone! The Claritin and zaditir were a game changer for me!

Hot Compress, Castor Oil
Posted by Missm (New York) on 07/23/2020

I had enormous chalazions for the first time this year. They are often caused by demodex mites. Hot compresses do work, but now you must treat for mites.

Demodex mites love oily skin, face oils, face cream, eye makeup. Discard your eye makeup! You must start washing your face with tea tree oil which eliminates the mites. This is a process as it will take a month or more to eradicate them.

You will use only aloe gel as moisturizer. To a quarter size blob of aloe gel add one drop lavender essential oil or tea tree. These oils eradicate mites.

Use a sulphur soap, or PetMd Benzoyl shampoo which has sulphur, benzoyl peroxide and salycylic acid as shampoo and face wash.

Your bedding must be washed in hot water and with detergent and borax. Make sure you dry on high heat. Rotate your pillow cases everyday.

Diet! Mites love dairy. Eliminate! Ask me how I know!

if you cannot get mites under control you might try a pinch of borax in 16 ounces of water see if that helps, if not, then ivermectin might be in your future.

Give It Time to Heal Itself
Posted by Vinu (Shakopee) on 12/07/2018

My daughter had Chalazion for the past 2 years. I tried everything from consulting the doctor, putting warm compress, certain vinegar remedies found here. But none of these worked effectively. Now I see that in last week the chalazion shrinked and it is completely gone completely. I think it is some kind of natural process it needs some time.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Ndown (Seattle, Wa) on 06/01/2017

I developed a chalazion on my lower left eyelid. I initially tried using ACV but was really irritating my eye. I decided to give Colloidal Silver drops a try. I put in 2 drops 3-4 times a day and started to see relief and reduced inflammation right away. I'm on day 5 now and it is almost completely gone!! I should be all good within the next couple days.

Castor Oil, Epsom Salts, Chamomile Tea
Posted by Missm (New York ) on 08/17/2020

Often the cause of chalazions are demodex mites.

If this is a constant battle for you, search demodex mites my posts.

Heat and massage will reduce them but you must get rid of the cause!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barbara (Aiken, South Carolina) on 04/27/2017 23 posts

The improvement was gradual and steady, but I was using warm compresses (hot tap water on a washcloth) as well as the ACV described above. My chalazion has been gone for some time now. If I touch the outside area of my eyelid, sometimes I think I can feel a very, very tiny bump, the size of a pinhead perhaps, but it has never swelled again. I would not hesitate to use the ACV full strength and warm compresses again. I would like to add, that it is my chalazion was caused by using old mascara, the kind in a tube with a brush. I knew better than to use old mascara as bacteria will build up in it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barbara (Aiken, South Carolina) on 04/29/2017 23 posts

My chalazion was about a week old when I knew my eye was a problem on November 7,2016. I remember because I visited a friend that day and it was embarrassing. It was under my left top eyelid near the corner like Rebecca's above photo. I had swelling and redness, but never any pain. I came to this site for information and tried castor oil for about a week with no success. It was about another week after trying the ACV that I went full strength ACV, so by early December I saw improvement and then posted my success on December 22 or 23. Don't forget the hot compresses. I believe they were equally important. I did hot tap water on a wash cloth five or six times every morning. My results were not as quick as Rebecca's, but there was gradual improvement. I would give yourself a month of ACV and compresses. If it's not showing improvement, I would increase the number of times you apply the ACV during the day. I have no way of knowing, but I think that the ACV killed the bacteria? (So many people who posted on here about chalazions have had surgery and antibiotics with no results. I'm afraid of doctors anyway.)

Discover Your Food Sensitivities
Posted by Juliemarie (Virginia) on 10/05/2015

It's me again: something I forgot to add in my post above about food sensitivities, is that it often takes several days for a chalazion to emerge after eating a trigger food, so don't just look at what you ate the day before. Once you already have the chalazion, eating the trigger foods will worsen the problem, which is why time of day matters, once you have the problem. But when it first shows up, it might be something you ate in the middle of last week, so look carefully at your overall diet, rather than just the meal from the day before. Some trigger foods go to work faster than others: eggs will cause them for me within about two days. Other foods have a longer lag time. Hope this is helpful!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/10/2016

Dear Nisa,

Apple cider vinegar would be too strong straight into the eye. But very diluted, you can use it topically on your eye.

Use 1 teaspoon of raw and organic apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of pure water. Soak a cotton ball with the solution and wipe across your eye a few times a day. A bit of the apple cider vinegar/water solution will end up in your eye. Even a little bit can heal.

~Mama to Many~

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Teresa (Singapore) on 03/24/2015

My daughter has been having chronic chalazion since she was 5. She has had 2 surgeries under GA. 3 years on she started having another just 2 weeks ago. It grew so large that we could see the pus from the surface of her upper eye lid. But we were not keen to go down the surgical route. A church friend strongly recommended frankincense oil and a night after applying it on her head n neat on the chalazion, it popped and pus oozed out. We kept up w the frankincense application and it's reduced to less than half of it's original size! We are amazed by the healing properties of frankincense!

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Pam (Tega cay, sc) on 06/05/2023

Just wanted to thank you for your post. I'm new to all of this Chalazion stuff and have been struggling for 5 weeks with 3 of them. My eye swelled completely shut with the onset of two of them in my right eye. I've been feeling down as well and like a freak, and sad to not look pretty with eye makeup. I read your post and the prayers to God about your eye. I felt it was a Godwink reading your post. As I wasn't sure which way to go. Im a Doterra essential oil rep and I have a bottle or two of frankincense. I used it right away and feel hope which was lost before I read your post.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anna (USA) on 12/10/2021

You're supposed to dilute the apple cider vinegar with water. 1 cup water to 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Peggy (Oregon) on 04/18/2022

It's not exactly the same, but when I had a sty, I used coconut oil and colloidal silver. Twice a day, morning and night before bed I washed my face, and got a clean cloth really hot under the water and used it as a compress, three times for about a minute or until it's cooled down a lot. Then I got a pea sized dab of coconut oil and rubbed it over my eye and let it penetrate inside too (makes your eye blurry for a minute or so, no worries), then I put a drop of silver inside my eye. It cleared up the sty and I now do that every few months to keep my eyes healthier and unplugged.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Jina (Portland ) on 10/30/2018

Colloidal Silver for stubborn styes/chalazion

My naturopath told us to do colloidal silver sprayed directly on to the eye 5 times a day for months. We also avoided eggs. And it treated the most gross looking stubborn stye I have ever seen. It did take a while, but this was a stye we had been battling for almost a year. Silver worked when nothing else did (so many different remedies mentioned tried). Now if we see one cropping up, we just do the silver sprays and it is gone by the next day or even as early as 1/2 day later. The most important part of it is that it really has to be 4-5 sprays/day. And the avoidance of eggs may be a crucial element as well.

Warm Compresses, Massaging
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/16/2018 233 posts

Dear Christa, my son used to get these chalazions one after another, initially what I researched said to give him raisins and apply colloidal silver. So nutritionally something is lacking causing a deficiency and to apply assistance topically. He gets them less frequently now but says the silver stings. Last chazalion I used baking soda paste, mixed with water, it was soothing so he was able to leave it on half hour, and it acted as a poultice drawing the pus out. I only did this twice, morning and night, and there was significant improvement. For you, since you are having good results from castor oil, I would apply a thick layer to the eyelid when I went to bed, so that as you sleep you have constant action of the castor oil, as it is a very slow absorption. I have done this myself, as it helps me go to sleep, if you are using organic cold pressed hexane free it is not an issue if it goes in the eyes. Best to you

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Posted by Marc (Pa) on 02/01/2018

Yes, I continue to get styes, but have been able to knock them out quickly with this treatment. One doc told me styes are always at the base of eyelashes. A chalazion will start as a stye-looking lump on the edges of eyelids (the parts that touch when you blink) then eventually move to inside the eyelid. Causes for getting them are thought to be hygiene, dandruff, dusty environments, stress, and heredity.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Posted by Marc (Pa) on 02/06/2018

Tom - Yes, I mix warm water and organic ACV, about 1 to 1 ratio. You can use a cotton ball to apply it, just leave the cotton ball on eyelid for about a 5 minutes, 2-3 times a day followed by boiling water on washcloth hot compresses. It's tough to say how long it will take to open, mine was large and seemed ready to open up and did after several treatments. Good luck.

Hot Compress, Essential Oils
Posted by Telle (Chicago) on 03/31/2017

Hot Compresses for Chalazions

This works. I poured rice into a clean sock and microwaved it for 2 minutes. I wet a was rag and wrapped it around the sock and held it directly on my eye where the chalazion is for 10 minutes, twice a day. I coupled that with a tea tree oil, garlic oil, coconut oil and frankincense oil mixture, all combined on a clean q-tip. I applied that mixture directly to the chalazion and it has been reducing in size ever since I started the applications. I plan to continue this until the chalazion has completely disappeared. I will update my progress in a few weeks, hopefully shorter depending on healing time. Good luck everyone! Try something until it works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 02/18/2017

To Jasmine,

Now might be a good time to do a follow-up with a heated (but cooled down of course) good quality, Chamomile Tea bag on the affected eye. This nifty trick has given good results to eye problem sufferers in the past. Read more about assistance under the "Eyes" section on this Site.

Good luck with your progress. Eyes are precious!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Missm (New York) on 09/01/2020

ACV will stop the itch a bit. Chalazions often come with a demodex mite problem.

Look for posts under demodex eye mites.

Use a heat pack, it will break up the hardened area. Use this multiple times a day. It does work, ask me how I know :)

To treat the mites which cause the inflammation, you will need to use diluted tea tree oil and lavender at eyelash base for about 6 weeks.

You need to change your bed linens, especially your pillow, several times a week. Wash in borax and dry high heat to kill mites.

You do not want to use any oils for dilution of teatree oil and lavender except for MCT or fracionated coconut oil. Eye mites feast on face oils and applied oils! You must keep your face very clean - use only aloe as moisturizer!

Misdiagnosis of Chalazion
Posted by Liza (Largo, Fl) on 06/28/2016

I just wanted to caution everyone here to please get your eye examined by an ophthalmologist. I have what I thought was a chalazion as it had been previously diagnosed. After trying all the home remedies I could find I went to see a specialist. I just found out that I very likely have a malignant tumor. I am having it biopsied on Thursday. The sad thing is that this type of tumor mimics a chalazion and is often misdiagnosed. Please don't take chances with your eyes.

Give it Time to Heal Itself
Posted by Porpoisepal (Columbus, Oh) on 06/25/2016

Hello, this is an update to my post from earlier today, I thought it to be more helpful if I include the time frames.

Another very important cure to mention is time, about 9 months to 12 months. I felt hopeless for so long, I visited this site multiple times and tried all the remedies with minimal results, sometimes making the problem worse.

After months of self-treatment, friends and family were pressuring me to see a doctor. I wanted several opinions so I saw multiple doctors, and every one of them told me hot compress, antibiotics and surgery. Hot compress made it swell up and turn very red. Antibiotics just made me sick with no effect. Oral Amoxicillin, then Doxycycline, creams with Erythromycin and several eye drops including Azasite, some $300 eye drops they really try to sell you on. It got so red and inflamed I agreed to have it drained. Again my eye turned purple and swelled for a few days only to return to the red and puffy chalazion from before.

Finally I decided to try the last thing I hadn't, which was nothing. All I did was clean the outside when I took a shower but other than that I didn't touch it. And, wallah! About 3 months of letting it be it went away on its own.

My doctors told me I absolutely needed surgery again and that going away on it's own would be a 1 in a million chance! Apparently they haven't learned about the power of self healing, or they just really wanted my money.

I believe our bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves if we provide it the right food and exercise.

I can't say how much it sped up recovery time but I've also been vegan for the last 7 months and feel incredible! It's pretty cool stuff I highly recommend looking into it!

Chalazion Disappeared On Its Own
Posted by MissM (New York ) on 11/15/2020

Apply heat as often as you can and massage area. It will go down. Additionally buy unscented baby wipes and wipe eyes clean multiple times a day. Chalazions caused by demodex mites who thrive on oils. Keep eyes clean dry and apply no oils. Demodex are killed by tea tree oil.

Wash your hair and face with Desert Essence tea tree shampoo for a month.

You must wash your bedding as often as possible with detergent borax powder and hot dry heat.

Castor Oil
Posted by Reglisse (New Brunswick) on 01/05/2017

I also find the same thing! ( it gets bigger with the warm compresses). I have it since almost 2 months, it was large as a pea and my vision was blurry. It has decreased significantly in size when I did a full week of the following treatments: 3 eyewash/day with sea salt water mix, warm compresses every 2 hours for at least 10-15 min and massages, castor oil poutice once a day and applied apple cider vinegar 3 times a day . Then the holidays kicked in and I stopped the salted water wash. It hasnt decreased since then, not sure if this isvrelated but I am starting again today.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/10/2015

Cynthia, I can attest to the fact that castor oil does grow lashes, even in "empty spaces", not only lengthening existing lashes.

Egg Compress
Posted by Sean (Wa., US) on 01/07/2015

My chalazion began when I returned from a camping trip and realized my upper eyelid was red and swollen. I had some antibiotic eyedrops left over from a bout with pink eye that I used a couple times daily. The swelling and redness went away after a few days and I thought all was well... but noticed I could now feel a tiny bump on my upper eyelid if I touched it with my finger. It wasn't visible and it didn't hurt, so I just ignored it.

Two months went by and the tiny bump that seemed dormant the whole time suddenly started growing, and my eyelid again became red and a bit swollen. I found earth clinic and decided to try applying apple cider vinegar (which I heated up in the microwave, soaked up with a cotton ball and pressed to my eyelid for 5 minutes a few times a day). I didnt have "with the mother" ACV so I used some western family 5% acidity ACV. After day 3 of this, MY EYELID BECAME EVEN MORE RED, SWOLLEN, AND IRRITATED. And the bump seemed bigger than ever.

I immediately stopped using it and went to the doctor. The doc said I had a chalazion and I would have to see a specialist to get it lanced (they turn your eyelid inside out and cut open the chalazion to let it drain. heal time supposedly = 2 days). I decided to try some other natural cures before resorting to this, so I went out and bought the works... "with the mother" ACV, silver hydrosol (colloidal silver to drop in my eye), Activated charcoal capsules, and fankincense essential oil. I began with only using silver hydrosol drops five times daily. This seemed to take down the swelling and redness of the eyelid, but didnt do much for the bump. I proceeded to try all other above treatments, as well as FINALLY trying a warm moist compress 3 times daily. THE WARM MOIST COMPRESS REALLY SHOWED RESULTS!!!

Heres what I did that really seemed to work...

BOIL AN EGG- this acts to retain the heat for the warm (more like hot) compress

WRAP IN A COTTON SHIRT- you may want to fold over a couple layers of material, then take away layers as the egg cools off so the contact is always nice and hot (don't burn yourself, but you want it to be as hot as seems reasonable)

DIP THE SHIRT COVERED EGG IN THE HOT WATER- to get it moist, the steamy warmth feels great on your eye and I'm convinced helps.

APPLY TO YOUR EYELID- I would kinda push the bump around with the egg while I did this, to kinda massage it and stimulate it.


I did this 3 times daily and immediately after would rub some frankincense oil on the eyelid. On the third day I could really feel the bump on the inside of my eyelid, like the skin was hardening and becoming slightly more abrasive on my eyeball. It literally felt like it was about to pop from the inside! The next time I applied the egg compress, I swear I felt the blocked oil duct in my eyelid open up, and the chalazion felt like it had popped. I looked in the mirror and the bump (that was about the size of a small pea) was considerably smaller, and there was gunk in the corner of my eye that easily wiped away. Over the next 2 days my eyelid felt much better, and I continued applying the egg compress, each time getting more gunk out of my eye and the bump becoming smaller and smaller until it was gone!

I really encourage anyone suffering from a chalazion to be persistent with the egg compress, I think off all the treatments out there this is the one that really produces some real results!!!

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Terri (Georgia) on 01/23/2015

Do you dilute the essential oil will a carrier oil, or did you apply it full strength?

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 01/24/2015

Dear Terri,

Frankincense essential oil is pretty gentle and I use it straight at times, but not near the eye area. Using near the eye I would dilute with a carrier oil. Maybe 1:5? Maybe less. Even diluted, I would try a small amount and make sure it isn't irritating the eye, and then dilute more if needed.

~Mama to Many~

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