Effective Natural Remedies for Chalazion

Castor Oil
Posted by Claire (Michigan, USA) on 07/08/2023

Castor Oil for Chalazion

+1 on the Castor Oil! I tried it based on the recommendations here. I put one drop directly on the nasty little lump and it loosened and drained that night. (I must say that the draining was a little gross looking)

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Posted by Marc (Pa) on 01/10/2018

40 Yr old male, had styes and chalazion off an on for 11 months. Lower eyelid.

Had chalazion lanced by an eye doc - it was a horrible experience and very painful despite the local anesthesia, plus it came back. Tried antibiotics including doxycycline and tobradex ointment for a month. Visited doctor 4 times, spent around $800 on this annoying condition. It would seemingly go away and keep coming back. I also was not religious about my treatment depending on the size of the lump. It kept getting worse and became huge (size of a gumball) and very red. Had a head like a pimple on inside of eyelid. The lump was very firm and seemed to not want to open up. Considered surgery. I was miserable and didn't want to go out if I didn't have to. The 2nd doc I visited said it was solid like butter and heat would make it liquid to drain out. He steered me away from a lancing and surgery.

Also tried dry warm compresses with a gel mask, hundreds of times. I tried tea bags with parsley, vitamin A, castor oil, colloidal silver, straight ACV, coconut oil, etc. Here's what finally worked for mine:

Was washing eyelids with baby shampoo 2 times a day or before any treatment, using colloidal silver (Sovereign Silver) drops, 2-3 drops directly into eye 2-3x per day for 4 days. Took multi vitamins. Drank ACV everyday (maybe a teaspoon). Used castor oil on lump topically. Was researching and found this site.

Went back to ACV, but this time warmed up some water, mixed in 1/2 ACV. Put a cotton ball into the ACV and soaked eyelid for 5-10 minutes.

Did some get inside eyelid? - Yes. Could feel the ACV working. Boiled water. Dip clean washcloth into the hot water and did a hot compress with this by getting it close to the lump but not touching until it was just hot enough to touch to eyelid. It was HOT. Re-heated the cloth when it cooled. Massaged on eye for 5-10 minutes and it finally opened up the chalazion from the inside of my eyelid. Kept massaging/milking the drainage out until I could not see any more coming out. A lot of yellow-ish oil/discharge came out. Kept using heat to try to keep the contents liquid. Flushed eye with warm water. Put in a few drops of the colloidal silver. Lump is not gone and is still somewhat red but looks way better and reduced the following day.

Mine may have been a combination of remedies, but I think the ACV followed by HOT WET compress did the trick. Will continue the 1/2 ACV with warm water soak, then hot compresses. Using coconut oil to help the skin on eyelid heal. That was a terrific feeling after this many months of enduring this embarrassing lump. So to those of you who are about to give up, use ACV soaks and go hotter with the compress! Moist heat seemed better then dry heat. It should open on its own without help of a doctor (they don't make money by recommending ACV). Thanks to all who posted their remedies on here, you helped me out.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Charcoal Poultice
Posted by Doctor Mom (California) on 01/18/2016

My daughter plays basketball (17 yrs old)... and during a game she got poked in the eye, probably by a nasty sweaty dirty finger. The next day she woke up and her whole upper eyelid was swollen. We immediately put warm compresses all day. Her eye was swollen for about 2 days. Once the swelling went down, it left a huge lump on her eye... I would say almost the size of a dime on her upper eyelid, but the lump was huge. I sent her to the doctor 2 days later just to make sure there was nothing else going on.

Waste of time and money...all doctor said was it was a stye and put warm compress. So we kept with the warm compress for two days..but not only did we NOT see a difference, she has sensitive skin and the skin on her eyelid was so dry and red that if we continued to do warm compresses, the skin on her lid probably would've came off. I tried to set an appt with an optomologist, but the appt was scheduled for a month out... UGH!!!

Remember my daughter is 17. She's a senior in high school... and she has her first school dance in 3 weeks. We couldn't wait for the doctor appt in 4 weeks and I had a feeling the doctor was going to say "Warm Compress".. So I googled home remedies for Stye.. came across some guy that said Salt water flush all day, as salty as you can take it. Okay.. it's worth a shot. And my daughter was willing to do anything at this point. She was so embarrassed having it there. (Estimating it's about Day 6 since the poke in the eye)

Did the salt water flush for a couple days (yes, it stings), but it didn't make enough of a difference for me to feel like this was the right solution... Googled again.. I don't know how I came across Chalazion, but I was convinced that's what she had because the back of her eyelid did not have a 'sore' like a stye (you know how a cold sore has the white sore.. well this did not have it.. you can see where there may have been a sore, but there wasn't one now (kinda looked like a scar under the eyelid).. So I was thinking it was a stye that healed wrong and the skin under he eyelid healed with the lump still there...

Anyway I wasn't going to give up, next home remedy I found and decided to try.. Apple Cider Vinegar. I added a tablespoon of ACV to every 1 cup of warm water. I took a Qtip, dip it in the solution and applied it to the back of her lid where the sore probably was. (Stings more than the salt water flush) We had regular Hines apple cider vinegar.. used that for one day, but the next day I decided to get 'Braggs ACV with the mother'... used that for two days, just in the evening (since she had school). I still was not happy with the results.. the lump was going down a bit but at a snails pace. I was thinking maybe because we were only applying it in the evening.. so for the next two days.. morning and evening.. but still not happy with results...

On to the next remedy.. Activated Charcoal.. I found some pills called Charco Caps at Walgreens (came in bottle $22 for 100 pills) opened the pills up to get the charcoal. I made a poultice out of it.. (1 spoonful of active charcoal, equivalent to about 8-10 capsules, mixed with a spoonful of flaxseed meal (bought at grocery store) and added water.. you can also google how to make charcoal poultice) I put the mixture on a band aid and she left it on overnight.

Next day, I can see a difference, not huge, but more than the other two remedies after the first use... did it again the next day.. slight difference again.. I decided I would apply apple cider vinegar before I put the poultice (this time I did not add water to the ACV).. Next morning... I finally started to become convinced something was working... (I think about 7-8 days had passed since the initial salt water flush). So next morning, we applied ACV in the morning before school and applied ACV in the evening before the charcoal poultice overnight.. At this point.. not only did it go down about half the size, but the white sore in the back appeared.. Ok now, I'm really convinced it was working... since the white sore was there, we decided to add the salt water flush back to the evening routine (it's about a week and a half now since the initial salt water flush).. so we did salt water flush, ACV, poultice for a couple days.. it now looks like a small stye... we're going to keep with the same routine until its gone.. I think after about 1 more week it'll be fully gone!

I hope this helps someone else out there! It didn't work overnight, but it's definitely working. Keep in mind we had to work around our busy schedules (on top of trying each remedy separately). If you start right off the bat with the combo remedy of flush, ACV, and poultice and treat more than once a day... I think it would work even faster!

Good Luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rich (Southern California) on 08/13/2015

Thank you for sharing treatment with ACV! I've been struggling with a huge chalazion in my lower eyelid for over 9 months ~ it was massive about the size of a quarter and hurt 24/7, like a roller-coaster up and down in size, then reduced down to the size of a dime and has stayed that way for the last 2 months ~ still an uncomfortable lump against my eye.

In addition to hot compresses I have made my own eye drops using distilled water diluting a few pinches of Himalyan Salt to create the perfect eye drops atleast 10 x per day. I don't want my left eye to feel neglected so I do it in both eyes to be fair and balanced ... I'm weird that way ... and the past week have also added a few drops of pharmaceutical grade DMSO to the eye drop solution AND a few drops of ACV! WOW! The results have been amazing! It burns a little at first, however, there is no damage whatsoever to the eye. Gunky stuff coming out and when I first wake up even more so. Drops go right in to cleanse that stuff out. I actually look forward to using them now ...yep, weird again ... :) It is something else to see how our bodies can heal. It is down to about the size of a small pea and will soon be down to a piece of rice. I am thinking I will continue to make this a ritual for maintenance and perhaps start drinking some as well. I know ... weird again ... but hey, who knows?

Thx again! I never knew about the many healing aspects of using ACV ~ pure liquid gold baby!

Castor Oil, Tea Tree Oil+
Posted by Taty (Louisiana) on 03/06/2023

My 5 year hard chalazion is completely gone! I put a half and half oil mixture of organic castor oil and organic tea tree oil on my entire eyelid and did a hot compress twice a day over the mixture on my eyelid on the spot of the chalazion. Once in the morning and once at night. Then I would put a mixture of 1 cup water to 1 teaspoon of organic apple cider with mother on my lash line with a qtip. I let that dry then I put some Similasan Stye Eye Relief Drops in my eye (you can buy on amazon or CVS/Walgreens/Walmart). I then let my eye dry from the eye drops and then proceed to put the half and half oil mixture of organic castor oil and organic tea tree oil on my lash line (don't get inside of your eye).

Do everything I mentioned twice a day every day and you will see results it may take a long time but my 5 year hard chalazion is completely gone. It took almost a year for it to go away completely it was hard and had been there for five years.

Chalazion takes a long time to go away, especially if you've had them for over a year and it's hardened. So be patient and continue.

Treat for Demodex Mites
Posted by Tron (UK) on 07/01/2020

Editor's Choice I had several bouts of chalazions and tried many remedies, tea tree seemed one of the best in soap form, if u are careful not to get it in the eye itself.

After many eyelid bumps and doctors saying it was blepharitis etc, I stumbled on an idea that it might be an over abundance of demodex folliculorum. I recalled then when they first appeared... it was after inspecting my uncle's dog who had mange on his tail.

Mange is caused by the same mite!! So long story a bit shorter.... ivermectin!! Obviously do your own research but I ordered some in a paste took the amount one would take for other diseases it is prescribed for tropical parasites....And Voila!

Gone after 2 plus years of these things....I occasionally dose myself maybe every 6 months but the little critters that apparently live on everyone's skin can proliferate given the right conditions and lead to many things including chalazions.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Asalt (Colorado) on 12/18/2018

All those warm compresses, tea bags and massage did nothing for my chalazion. But Apple Cider vinegar made a HUGE difference in 2 days. It's now day 4 after ACV directly on a qtip about 4 times a day and it's almost gone. Thank goodness for this site - I was considering surgery since this little bugger wouldn't respond to anything else, and hearing people's terrible experiences made me try this as a last resort. TOTALLY WORKS! Use organic acv with the mother, I just put a few drops with an eyedropper and hold/wipe for a minute or two and then done!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Boiled Egg Compress
Posted by Heather (Searcy, Ar) on 03/05/2018

Apple Cider Vinegar and hard boiled egg compress is working! Yay for home remedies and great people like all of you who share information to help others!

This is a before/week later picture of my 4 year old son's eye after he had a sty and then got pink eye on top of it! In 2 days it had swelled up to the big bump “chalazion” on top picture! I found this site and began using the hard boiled egg (wrapped in paper towel) compress for 10 mins. About 2-5 times a day and then carefully rubbing ACV on it with a q-tip and letting it air dry. I'm so amazed and plan to post another picture once it's completely healed!

Thank you everyone who has posted, it truly means so much that we don't have to have it lanced or worse!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Samantha (Santa Cruz, Ca) on 07/13/2016

Editor's Choice My four year old hated warm compresses, so I tried massaging coconut oil into his eyelids (eyelash zone) after wiping with a damp cloth, morning and at night before bed time- just a quick 3-4 second massage to get it into the eyelid and inner eyelid area. Coconut oil does not irritate eyes.

It took some time for the chalazion to eventually burst and go away, but he has not had a recurring one since (it's been 6 months), and he was having them all the time (sometimes one in each eye). I think this is the way to manage someone (especially a child) who has recurring chalazion problems.

Posted by Rob (England) on 04/27/2016

I developed a chalazion back in September 2015. After going to the doctor I then researched remedies on this site, while I awaited an appointment for the surgery... I tried the ACV but managed to burn my eyelid. Probably putting too much on too often in my haste to get rid of it. Anyway, the day of the surgery came round and I stupidly looked at the procedure on the Net... After then cancelling the surgery I kept up with cleaning my eye with just soap and water... I then tried just a dab of chamomile essential oil morning and evening. Within one week it was gone. This could of course be a complete coincidence, as these things do clear up themselves. I thought I would post this here just in case it is of any use to someone. I do understand how annoying they are, and I was becoming quite self conscious... All the best!

Salt Water Rinse
Posted by Sara (London) on 04/09/2016

I had a ugly cyst under my lower eyelid..you bathe eye with salt and very warm water mixture as many times as you can..let swirl in eye about 60 seconds. Do it the next day too. You will see 24 hours your chalazion will virtually disappear. Mine burst and within a day or two has completely gone. It's the only thing that worked for me. Make sure water is not too hot only as warm as your eye can take. Salt and warm water ..a simple, effective, easy home remedy.

Salt Water Rinse
Posted by Reglisse (New Brunswick) on 01/09/2017

I tried this and it worked! I had a chalazion for 2 months on my upper lid it was so big I couldn't open my eye properly and my vision was blurry I tried everything else-castor oil, epson salt, vitamine a, cod oil, flax oil, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar warm water+massage every 2 hours etc,,, . Its really with a strong solution of seasalt water mix (1 teaspoon per cup) that it became all red near the lid (inside) and suddenly decreased in size dramatically.

I already had a chalazion removed on my other eye lid and was so scared!! Not anymore!!! Good luck everyone!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shelby (Indiana, Pa) on 02/14/2016

Editor's Choice This post is long overdue, but I wanted to write it in case someone out there gets into the same situation as I did.

Back in June I woke up to find a swollen upper eyelid. I've had styes in the past, so I knew immediately to start warm compressing. After a few days though, I noticed it wasn't going down at all and was actually feeling "harder". I went to the doctor as I had to go anyway for work. She told me of course to continue warm compressing and that it was just a sty. However, come the beginning of AUGUST and it was still wasn't gone. I went to my ophthalmologist, and they told me that two months was definitely too long. This wasn't a sty, it was a chalazion.

One way to tell the difference is that chalazion generally aren't sensitive to touch like a sty. Another way is that stys often have what looks like a white head, chalazions are red lumps. Chalazions are clogged glands while stys are infections of the glands. Anyway, I was heading back to college in a few weeks so I wanted this taken care of immediately. My options were to see if it would go away on its own, or surgery as topical ointments do not work for chalazions. I decided to get surgery. The surgery wasn't a big deal. It was very quick. However my eye was swollen and bruised for about a week..... And my chalazion was still there. Yes it was a little smaller, but it was still there and I was not happy. When I got my checkup the doctor told me to give it more time.

I went back to college and did my research and on this site is where I found that apple cider vinegar can help. So naturally, I bought some ACV with the mother (Definitely get with the mother). Twice a day I would apply some on a cotton ball and dab my chalazion. At night I would even hold it against my chalazion for five minutes. It didn't burn too much and by a few days later, I noticed my eyelid would have white and yellow crust when waking up... Which meant it was draining! It was noticeably smaller as well!

Anyway, in September I had to go back to the ophthalmologist for my second check up. At this point, I had a large hard white dot on my chalazion which meant it had formed a head. It was only a few days later when the white head finally fell off! I barely had a lump anymore but I continued with the ACV to make sure it was completely gone. My eyelid finally became flat and it still is! Overall, ACV with the mother was my savior to getting rid of this chalazion.

For anyone who gets chalazions or stys, I suggest purchasing regular old eye drops and using them regularly as a preventative. They will balance your eyes PH and keep glands clean and flowing.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Anon (Malaysia) on 10/15/2014

Hi everyone, I just want to share what really worked for me. I have been suffering from chalazion for about 2 months now, I have tried apple cider vinegar, hot compress, salt solutions, antibiotic eye ointment, but none of them seemed to really help me. I was feeling quite down that it wasn't getting any better, so I started praying, and God answered my prayer when I stumbled upon essential oils. I read online, and saw other had good results with frankincense essential oil. I have only started using fankincense essential oil 2 days ago, and my chazalion is improving and decreasing in size. I use the oil 2-3 times a day on my eye area. but I think the one at native american nutritionals has some good reviews as well. Just want to thank God for answering my prayer and I pray that everyone who suffers from chalazion will have full recovery!

Allergy Drops
Posted by Jennifer (Texas) on 03/10/2014

I had a chalazion a couple years ago. I never had one before and I went to my doctor 2 times and 2 different specialist. The first time I went to the doctor, I was told that I had a stye. The doctor told me that it would go away on its own, but prescribed some antibiotics and told me to take it until the bottle was empty. Of course any doctor will say to keep a warm compress on the eye. I put a warm compress on the eye constantly during this time frame and my eye would look like it was going down, but the next morning it looked swollen again and my eyelashes would be sealed shut. I went back to the doctor and we decided to lance the chalazion. The doctor flipped my eyelid and gave me a shot to numb the eyelid, but it didn't work. I felt the entire procedure. I had to wear an eye patch for a day. When I took the patch off, my eye was still swolen. It eventually went down and then I got a chalazion in my other eye.

I decided to go to my optometrist next. The doctor told me that the stye would go away on its own with warm compresses. I told him that I had been using the compresses and it didn't seem like it was working, not to mention that I hated getting up every few minutes to warm the compress so that I could keep holding it on my eye. The doctor prescribed me some eye drops. I used the drops, but this did not work.

I went to a specialist and he reiterated what the other doctors said, but he gave some good information. He told me that I didn't have a stye, but a chalazion. He told me that we could remove my glands, but my chalazion wasn't big and this was the first time I had it so he said that would be extreme. This doctor gave me a prescription for a different antibiotic. I took those pills until I came across a post about apple cider vinegar. I didn't dilute mine. I used a little ACV on a cotton ball and just swiped my eyelid a couple times a day. This burns a little bit, but it's not bad. Within a few days, the chalazion was gone. I haven't had any more problems and I wish I would have tried this to begin with. Although I have insurance, I still paid nearly $300 for 4 doctor visits and 4 prescriptions, not to mention going through a painful procedure where I felt everything. The ACV works!

Pin Prick, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jojo23 (Norcal) on 03/06/2017

I had to deal with a massive chalazion on my left eye through most of my high school years. I got surgery and it went away and although I thought it was cured and by washing my eyelids daily it would never come back as the doctor said boy was I wrong, it came back a week later, bigger and stronger. So what I did was pop it with a safety pin and put some hydrogen peroxide on it shortly after its been years now and its never came back since.

Give it Time to Heal Itself
Posted by Porpoisepal (Columbus, Oh) on 06/25/2016

Finally My Chalazion Cured Itself!!

Another very important cure to mention is time, about 9 months to 12 months. I felt hopeless for so long, I visited this site multiple times and tried all the remedies with minimal results, sometimes making the problem worse.

After months of self-treatment, friends and family were pressuring me to see a doctor. I wanted several opinions so I saw multiple doctors, and every one of them told me hot compress, antibiotics and surgery. Hot compress made it swell up and turn very red. Antibiotics just made me sick with no effect. Oral Amoxicillin, then Doxycycline, creams with Erythromycin and several eye drops including Azasite, some $300 eye drops they really try to sell you on. It got so red and inflamed I agreed to have it drained. Again my eye turned purple and swelled for a few days only to return to the red and puffy chalazion from before.

Then these doctors told me I absolutely needed surgery again and that going away on it's own would be a 1 in a million chance! BS! They were just salesmen in white coats, I can't trust em!

I believe our bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves if we provide it the right food and exercise.

I can't say how much it sped up recovery time but I've also been vegan for the last 7 months and feel incredible! It's pretty cool stuff I highly recommend looking into it!

Age 22
6'3” 175lbs

Cure: Time, 9 months not visible, 12 months completely gone

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Posted by Cynthia G. (Michigan) on 08/09/2015

Editor's Choice I was treated for Graves Eye Disease from 2006-2011 and had 21 eye surgeries through this ordeal.

I had 7 decompressions, muscle surgeries, eyelid stuff, retinal procedures and was warned that there was a good chance someday that the sebacious glands would plug up and I would have chalazians. I was treated throughout my eye disease at the VERY BEST EYE HOSPITAL, KELLOGG EYE CENTER, on Planet Earth. 4 years later I got my first chalazian and local doctors thought it was due mostly to all the build-up from scar tissue. So I tried heat compresses for months and one surgeon removed it by cutting through top of eye lid because my lids have been through too much and are brittle and cannot be flipped.

Then 4 stitches and cauterization later, I think all is well. Within 3 weeks I have 4-5 new bumps forming. So I go back and see another doctor and he suggests 4 shots to the eye that will infiltrate the bumps and tells me they will be forever banished in 30 days and NONE will return. I won't even BEGIN to try and explain how crazy painful this procedure was and now I know why FEW attempt this one but I was truly desperate. And I made a SERIOUS LAPSE IN JUDGMENT by not returning to the Kellogg Eye Center and Dr. Victor Elner.

Needless to say, 3 weeks after this last procedure, 3 more cysts appeared and rapidly enlarged. The doxycycline I had been on was doing nothing for me but giving me a constant and consistent yeast infection. I couldn't win. In fact, I felt like I was totally losing ground. So I got on the net and found Earth Clinic and in 12 hours my eye life began to change.

I read about the white tea bag compresses and the ACV applications to the affected eyelid and whammo....when I woke up in the morning my bumps were reduced in size noticeably and apoeared to be coming to a head. Now within 2 days we were able to express the bumps and I have not stopped with the vinegar as I believe it will keep the sebacious glands from hooefully clogging.

I also took someone's advice on Earth Clinic to use baby tearless shampoo to wash eyes. Great idea and I use nothing else.

And I top my regimen off with frankincense or purified castor oil to keep my lids smooth and soft. It has been only 2 full weeks and my affected eye looks so normal it is unreal. Everyday it looks healthier.

The last procedure, the one with the 4 shots to the lid, was traumatizing, and the combination I guess is what has caused me to lose roughly 25 or so eyelashes from the outside upper lid corner. Ugh! I am now hoping time and essential oils will encourage new growth. It has been approximately 3 months.

And I also drink 2-3 ounces of ACV a day and have done this for years. But it was the q-tip and ACV applied directly to the lid that started my turn-a-round. I must comment on how EASY hot compresses are with tea bags. They hold the heat better than anything plus to warm up you just drop back into your hot cup of tea. Chamomile tea works well, too. Have to wonder if the properties of tea are also miracle workers :-) I did both initially.

Any tips on lash growth? One thing at a time.......thank you! Cynthia

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